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Everything posted by AnbuKira13
[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obbWgfSeja0[/url] I had to put this in here... *runs away*:animesmil
[quote name='Mr. Maul'][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]That's disgusting.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/quote] lol! I didn't mean it that way but yes yes it is disgusting... xD
Hmmm I'm still pondering on if were going to be able to see our families for Christmas. Stuck out in Georgia, gonna be moving to Texas soon, and by the time we manage all of that we might not have the money to go back to Colorado to see anyone. Kinda depressing the husband a bit since he hasn't had a holiday home since he joined the army. So I'm thinking regardless of the situation I'll probably set something up to make it less depressing for him. Like I said we may not be able to see our parents or family but at the same time we are own family too so it's gonna be ok. As far as decorations go well were not big on the red and green stuff. That with the kittens running around like psychos it might just lead to them finding more things to knock over or tear up. We do have a tree... that's well not exactly normal Christmas like decor. :P It's black with orange lights built in and has skulls with green eyes as the base... *coughs* But it's amusing to us so it works. :)
That might work out quite well actually, giving the moderators the ability to do it vs just anyone. Suppose if anyone spots something they think is worth the mods dealing out rep for they could pm them and point it out? So long as your not pointing out your own I suppose lol!
As far as comfort Anime for when I'm a bit annoyed or down I personally go with something cute... Suppose for me that would be Fruits Basket. Makes me laugh. :p
[quote name='chibi-master']Why is it anyone's business what was going on in his personal life? Why does anyone care? What is the point of airing out his dirty laundry in front of anyone with a television set?![/quote] Because this is America and the only thing worthy of news apparently is that garbage, oh yeah and anytime Britney Spears goes shopping... It sadly keeps the public entertained and constantly hypnotized. Rather pathetic... >.< I personally hate hearing all of it too. Magazines, news, tv in general... Really getting sick of hearing about Twilight and the cast of it blah blah blah... Only amusing thing bout that is made of felt and had me laughing for about an hour. Hmm regardless I do agree with the statement of the saddest part being Tigers wife having to deal with all of this out in the open. Course no one reporting on it really cares. Invasion of such personal matters is the key to ratings and getting that story.
Men do have their time of the month, their just fortunate enough to not have the same issues us women get stuck with. Only thing they get is a tad testy here and there over things. Pay enough attention and you'll notice it. Luckily I'm not currently being visited by it at the moment though knowing my luck once we start packing for our upcoming move to Texas it's probably going to hit. Always does when something major's happening. Best examples being everytime my husband came out on leave from Iraq before we got married... The week of our wedding... Our anniversary... :animeangr
Hmmm for me I'd say the husband... and previously, before he got his orders and left out for Germany, our roommate. Biggest complaint I have is the leaving of clothes in random places all over the apartment. I keep reminding my husband we have two male cats who still need to be snipped as it were, eventually if we can't get it done soon, their gonna zero in on his clothes and his uniforms are gonna have that scent of cat pee that doesn't go away. Before he left our roommate was doing that as well as leaving dishes in every random place possible in our livingroom. Or when he chose to use a jug of tea as an ash tray and left it without the lid on sitting on my floor filled with cig butts and tea... Came downstairs after I woke up and found it, was half tempted to pour it out on him upstairs in his room to get my point accross. After he woke up he complained that I got rid of his "ashtray." I told him to shove it. ^_^ I can say though the hubby does help out here and there... just kinda annoying when he can't seem to grasp picking up after himself right away vs waiting for me to ask. Yeah I clean up around here everyday because of that.
Exactly. I mean if you think about it certain things you did that got you smacked... after that how often did you do it again to test to see if it would happen again? Probably not many. Hmmm... I should also say it's not meant, in my opinion, to be a method of teaching your child to fear you, but more as a method of getting them to understand what is not ok and wont be allowed. Rather a touchy subject I suppose but then again what isn't when it comes to raising kids?
I've heard some pretty interesting things myself, believe it or not, working at a daycare with 4 year olds. Who swear more than I ever could. Obviously I didn't do it at work in front of them, but apparently all of those words they already knew well. Personally I find the lack of actual parenting to be the biggest issue. I mean most of the time parents simply plop their brats in front of the tv or whatever else to keep them entertained and thusly out of their hair. Not to say tv or videogames or movies or whatever is the devil... But my point is they don't make any attempt to care about what their kids are interacting with. Or for the msot part don't bother to pay attention until randomly stumbling into a situation where their five year old tells them to f@#k off... Take for instance soccer mom's who complain about the content their kid see's when they play GTA, few times I think some have attempted lame lawsuits... Who bought the kid the game without bothering to check the ratings? Oh yeah you did. Who ignored their child up until like a week ago when you finally walked in on the game? You did. So how exactly is it the store's fault or the game designers fault? Oh yeah its not. Point is they ignore everything blindly and just allow whatever to be put in front of their kids simply because they don't want their kids in front of them. A lot of it too can be general example they set for their children. I mean if mom is spoiled brat herself who does nothing and generally just use's dad's credit card because she has to have those heels how you think the daughter is gonna be? She's not going to grow up seeing that she has to work for anything in life. She's going to grow up assuming the world will give her what she wants for nothing. Sometimes the kids flat out reflect the parents, and sometimes they don't. To me it just all depends on how their raised and that basically sums up to a lack of caring how your kid grows up. Dicipline is also a big thing. Can't smack em cuz its "child abuse." Frankly I find that term to be overused on situations like spanking without intent to harm but instead intent to punish for bad behavior. To me theres a big difference between a child going home to an angry parent who violently beats them for no reason, and a mom in store who smacks her kid on the butt once to get them to behave. Course other forms don't really work either, grounding the kid to its room, etc. I mean really when everything your kid plays with is in there and you don't bother removing it so it's actually punishment... How is that doing anything? Kid may as well stay in their room all the time anyway. Kids acting up and so forth is nothing new but yeah its getting worse as the years go by. Kinda sad when I'm only 24 and can't walk through a mall without noticing some random kid who is probably around like 12 dressed like a hooker and think to myself "Why in God's name would their mom allow that? My mom woulda slapped the ever lovin hell outta me if I tried wearing that at her age..." Also makes me feel old. I demand it stops. :animedepr It's also sad when while working at the daycare and I had to put one of em in time out for belting out a stream of swears, that he didn't understand what he had done wrong. His mom's reaction at the end of the day to his behavior? She may as well have just shrugged and said "So what?" I dunno my opinion on it is general lack of parenting all around. Can't blame the media in any sort when its the parents who allow said media into their homes and as such into their kids heads. Raising children takes work and most now days don't wanna put in the work they signed up for by ignoring the condom in their nightstand.
Well nevermind waiting for orders. Were stuck here. So the hubby and I are just gonna make the best of it and cook some food. Got some other soldiers from the base coming over to eat with us too, since they can't get time off to see family we figured it would be nice to let em come over and have dinner with us. :animesmil
Still wont share... :( Hmmm.. Though our roommate got a copy for his computer. I guess the only thing bad he's gotta say about it is you can't host and make servers. I dunno I guess he figured you could since it's pc. *shrug* I'm just happy to not be hearing him on either Aion or FF Online yelling every thrity seconds... ^_^
Hmmm... Guess with me I picked it up from my mom, though as far as what we do art wise were complete opposites. She's better at realism n' such. As for me I've always loved cartoons so that's basically the route I go. Anytime she's seen anything I've drawn she always says "See I can't do that..." Earliest thing I remember as far as trying to draw stuff or learn at least was just looking at random stuff out of coloring books and tryin to draw it on my own. Though some of the stuff I've drawn over the years apparently my friends wont get rid of. In middleschool I drew a picture of all the Ghost Pokemon basically beatin the tar out of other various Pokemon. My friend Kat has it in her livingroom. Drew Wobbly Headed Bob (JtHM related nonsense anyone?) for my hubby back in highschool and he still has that one too. Only thing with me is I always nit pick everything to death when it comes to my own work, hence why my DA account is pretty barren. I had one of my old comic book idea's up there a long while back but I took it down just because while I loved it I couldn't figure out what to do with it. So frustration put an end to that. I dunno... I've been more artistic lately though than I have been in a while and now I don't have anyway to really get it all online even if I decided to share it. Haha half the time I don't even show the hubby what I've been drawing. Personally though regardless of if I share it with anyone or not I think drawing is just simply relaxing, up until I critique myself anyway. :P Good way to vent frustration for me too. So I rather enjoy just grabbin a pencil and drawing whatever comes to mind first.
[quote name='Rachmaninoff'][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Go back and read a certain member's custom title. Now, whether you did that or not remember, eggnog is nasty stuff. :p [/FONT][/quote] O.o? I am the egg man? @_@ Googoo-kachu!! Lol! Nah I did buy some. It wasn't expired... and it did pretty much have the texture described. I just told our roommate to drink it since apparently he loves the stuff. I on the other hand have changed my mind after that.
I dunno I used to like it when I was little. Had it recently just because, felt like I was swallowing a glass of egg whites it was almost a squishy chunky jello sorta texture... I changed my mind on that one real quick and made the roommate drink the rest.
[quote name='Kikyouchanx']No, rep systems are useless and people use them as popularity contests.[/quote] Very true. Seen it happen already on a different forum. Either people use it as "LOL MY FRIEND IS AWESOME!!" over every stupid post imaginable... or eventually people just start ignoring it cuz it gets a bit annoying or they just get bored with it. Then again I suppose on there it was mostly the n00b's doing the spamming of the system. They kinda littered the forum with random posts that had nothing to do with anything giving eachother rep points for no reason... yeah we got rid of that quick. I dunno though it kinda depends on the site's traffic. Like what kind of users you generally get or currently have. So far I haven't seen anything near the above mentioned around here so it could work out.
Well considering back when I did this I was still running around the Res Evil forums, thusly this sort of thing didn't really get much comment. Most of em didn't care much for anime on the one I went to, and it died off shortly after anyway, so here is probably best. [URL]http://thehomicidalone.deviantart.com/art/Akatsuki-Trio-144073192[/URL] I did that about a year and a half ago maybe two.. probably two actually. Got really annoyed with someone and for me annoyance leads to art. So I basically picked out three images I'd seen for promo's for the Shippuden game that was released, grabbed a sharpie and free handed it onto my wall in my room. Grabbed some paints we had lying around the house, had moved into a place that needed some re-modeling, and got to work. Paints I used apart from regular house paint being the peach for Dei and Itachi, and the blue for Kisame's skin, was also acrylic and a bit of oil for certain spots here and there. Mostly though it was acrylic so I had to kinda belt it out quick cuz you dont get too much of a second chance with that stuff. Two and a half days worth of painting non stop gave me the above results. I've had the images on my myspace for ages and have been ignoring my DA account for god only knows how long so I figured I'd put finished product pics on DA and see what I get responce wise. There's also close up's on all three seperately if you wanna look. I'd say I'd get better pics, Deidara has the bright flash on his face, but I can't we ended up losing the place and moving out shortly after I finished it. Had also started on another one with Naruto and Kakashi and had planned on adding other characters to it just because I could. And well honestly who doesnt wanna just draw on their walls and paint whatever they want?? God knows I loved doing it. Anyway Kakashi and Naruto I did finish just haven't put em on DA yet. But I got basically the whole process of painting the trio on myspace in celly pics since I had to hunt down a digital camera just to get the good pictures I have. My mom, yeah I still lived with her back then, thinks I should do this kinda thing more often. Kinda hope to get a house once the hubby and I move to Texas so I can basically paint the tar out of every wall in it. But for now I can't.
Anime Most twisted, disturbing character/event/whatever
AnbuKira13 replied to goldenboy's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='pax et agape']I think you made me never want to watch that show.[/quote] I was about to say the same thing lol! Hmmm... Disturbing? Kinda trying to think on that one myself its rather difficult for much of anything to shock or disturb me at this point. Could always point out an obvious sick and twisted one, Orochimaru telling a 13 year old Sasuke he wants his body... Yeah... Regardless of actual meaning behind it... Just blarg. The snake thing doesn't help that none either. -
[B]Vicious[/B] from Cowboy Bebop... I realize he wasn't always around on every episode or whatever but he still fit for the psychotic. [B]Light Yagami[/B] from Death Note. Why? Mainly because of how smart he is. Also you get to watch him basically slowly decend into complete madness, a point more made with his final speech and crazy laugh. (Somewhat of a love hate with this guy.) [B]Zabuza Momochi[/B] from Naruto. He gets a lot of flack now days for not being as "cool" as the Akatsuki or whatever but when you think about it a guy with two broken arms close to death himself slaughtering a group of men and their leader with nothing but a kunai in his mouth... Nothing to scoff at. [B]Vegeta[/B], mainly because even after he joined the good side of things he was still an ***. ^_^ [B]Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez[/B], he's like the Arrancar version of Kenpachi. As far as humorous baddies go... I can agree with [B]Team Rocket[/B] and [B]Majin Buu[/B].
[quote name='Ace'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Men are hopeless. Being one myself, I have an extremely loose grasp of how laundry works.[/FONT][/quote] LOL! Yeah well the sad part is it was one of the plastic container ones where you don't have to add sugar or anything. Just dump in two lids worth add water and HOORAY drink! :P Alcoholic egg nogg..? Anyone ever seen Martha Stewarts version of it? May as well just leave out the nogg and take a swig of Jack D... And everyone wonders why she's so cheerful... ;)
Since nobody else opted to suggest it but managed to suggest anything else I would have, I'd say Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, if your big on comic books and the like its one I'd suggest giving a shot. A lot better than the first one both in story and graphics. Team choices give you a lot of different attacks to use and there's two different sides to the story.
Good review! I'd basically say the same on it all you did. Only problem is I still haven't gotten a crack at this game yet, the husband refuses to hand it over so I can play lol! Seen him go through the game a good 6 or 7 times, I rather love the storyline too. And the Airport thing was pretty interesting indeed. Didn't really disturb me or freak me out none, kinda creepy thought but thats bout it for me. For me it's just more interesting to see the perspective of it you know? More from the "bad guy" point of view in a terrorist situation, vs the general point of view you get where your rushing them in an attempt to stop it from happening. Kinda creepy to watch or even think about doing but that's what makes it so interesting I suppose. Graphics are indeed amazingly well done! Though I do gotta wonder if something glitch wise is known about a certain map in multiplayer where its raining, I don't know what one it is specifically. The screen went fuzzy for a few minutes for no reason then went right back to being clear again. Kinda wondering if you've seen that yourself or heard about it? Husband had it happen to him earlier when he was playin. First time we've seen it though so eh nothing major or re-occuring. Personally though once he finally 100% everything on it and is willing to let go of the PS3 I'm gonna give it a go. I loved the last one myself and I've never been big on military related first person shooters, apart from I suppose the Halo series though that sorta doesnt fall under that I suppose. Last one changed my mind though, so I wanna run through this one too.
I thought they already did have a bit of a mini filler with that other kid? Or was that in the manga?(Forgot how to use the spoiler thing so yeah... wont mention it but if you've seen it you know anyway.) Anyway I probably love this show more than most 24 year old's should. *coughs* Tattoos... (Then again the husband has Bleach tats so eh) Kinda fallen behind with where the episodes have gone up to though, I caught up with it up till a little after the Hidan and Kakuzu fight and then started catching up again with Bleach. So I'm again behind... Manga wise I have read a lot of it, not all of it, but mostly I'll check in on it so I know whats coming and basically wait for it to be animated. Some fights I really wanna see but at the same time really don't. It's always gotta be my faves who bite the dust. Course most of my faves are the baddies so that's kinda to be expected. I dunno there isn't a character on there that I really hate or dislike. Kinda glad they had Sakura grow up more after the fillers were over. She was heading into that beyond annoying part for me. It's more amusing to see her hit people than it is to see her act like a cry baby, boy chasing, moron. Though I suppose they replaced the old her with Karin, behavior wise anyway.
[quote name='Ace'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I should really just put this in the preface: I'm sorry if I came off as a jerk with that last post of mine. This is kind of a topic I've already worn to the ground and honestly I'm a bit tired of it myself, so I probably sounded a lot more abrasive than I meant to. I hope you don't hold it against me and for the record, I'm totally cool with your decision. I just disagreed with your reasoning a bit.[/FONT][/quote] Don't worry about that, I didn't take it as an attack or anything of that nature. Same thing goes though for me, considering over the webbernets I useually get taken the wrong way too. And abrasive? Nah, try being a vet on a Res Evil forum... you'll see far more abrasive things there then all that. :P Believe me... True I suppose it wasn't utter garbage, Simba's Pride, but it wasn't exactly spectacular either seemed forced I remember thinking that when I watched it back when my friends mom got it for her. To me it kinda made my love for the first one fade a tad. Like they sucked the life outta something I had loved since I was like, 9 or 10... I forgot how old I was lol... But then again I'm one of those people who when I like something Im not fond of someone messing with it. Makes me think of that Family Guy joke... "Aladdin 6 Jaffar Needs Glasses..." Its sad... and yet true. They kinda suck the life out of their own stuff. With the Bambi thing its more to re-introduce the character to the current rugrat generation. Though if you think about it if the original one was released today, same scene and all it wouldn't be as shocking as it was back then. Kids are so desensitised to everything for the most part thanks to the media in general and such the editing thing that they do is basically only to keep soccer mom's with nothing better to do from protesting or whatever. The swearing being kept out, there's some in Naruto not as much as in like Bleach I think or some others but still, that doesn't bother me much. I swear enough on my own so its not like I'm gonna miss it. And its probably better seeing as how some of the things I've heard while working in a daycare for instance coming from a 4 year old was actually worse then some of what I have said just sitting at a Dennys in highschool bs'in till 3am. So I get the removal of that from alot of stuff more targeted at kids. Advertising wise I will say I find it funny how sometimes they'll pronounce the name right and others for some reason they wont. Its like they can't make up their mind how to say it... Also, it's not like I don't like everything Disney touches, Kingdom Hearts I adore for instance, just certain things they do or start adding to their lineup its like "Why?" And yes it is rather annoying to see Hannah Montana and Naruto anywhere near the eachother... But oh well. I suppose the only good thing that might come from that is the husbands little sister getting into Anime instead of nonsense like Hannah Montana. Anyway Im kinda droning on so I'll stop before it gets worse, and any further from the main point of the topic. XP
I just had to teach a 26 year old man how to make Koolaid... "How much should I put in there?" "... Your joking right?" "No..."