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About Tenx

  • Birthday 09/25/1988

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  • Occupation
    I'm the Bassest for Blind Ambitions

Tenx's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. Name: Ralph Odolph Codename: Animal Power: Change into one animal at a time. Looks: Blonde hair, hazel eyes, 5 foot 10 Background: lives with distant cousin Gage Macalevy after running away from home when Mom & Dad found out about powers. In school, he has his conections, but is never in school because he thinks it's a waste of time to sit around and learn things he will never need in the future. Picks fights when ever he can to show off, he is kinda rebelious.
  2. Name: Slinx animal:echidna good position: warrior Description: A green echindna with spiked golves, gives off a evil lookin vibe bio: lives alone about a mile from a town. Does not have many friends and dosent care, care free echindna, has a chao named turbo and takes turbo every where he goes specialities: can glide in the sky, has own made up fighting style
  3. [i]Zan pulled Geotenx to the ground and jumped to his feet and took out his sword and got in a fighting stance[/i] "Your not geting a thing. Not from me or anybody else! Woah the ground is shaking, but how this is an island? Whatever I'll figure it out later."' [i]Zan runs at the brute and they start to engage in battle. The quake was a disadvantage to both fighters. The tall man kicked Zan forcing him to sprawl and fall unconscience.[/i]
  4. As Zan ran toward the town he spotted a starnge light. he ran to see what it was when a tall man about 6'9" jumped out from behind a rock and hit Zan in the gut to knock the wind out of him.Quickly jumping back. Zan tryed to recover from the suprising hit. "Your in trouble Zan, You owe me and I want what is mine."
  5. post your stats and stuff based on how I do. Name:Tenx Age:18 Hometown:Don't have one Looks:Short spiky hair, Green eyes, 6' Bio:Uncle of Geotenx, As a child I was takin away from my family and takin to a forest and was left to die, but trained myself to survive, a few months ago i meet up with my nephew while defending a home from utter disaster.
  6. [I]Zan slashes twice with his sword and looks up in the sky.[/I] "What is that weard feeling, I think great evil is coming. I got to go to Ashvalle and some equipment just in case." [I]Zan starts walking east to the town of Ashvalle.[/I] "Come on."
  7. Tenx

    Fav music band

    my fav band is Eve 6. The stuff i hate most is rap, hip-hop, and pop all that stuff is evil and stupid!
  8. opps. :D :whoops: i look at the post most of the time but i think i shood now ^_^
  9. when will DBZ come out ive seen some pics and read something about around 2003
  10. Thats a good team, but you might want to trade that jumpluff for something elce. (I'm not a big fan of them)
  11. the order is from the left to the right
  12. Tenx


    well I have good weapons and materia and im around 55, but i think ill go for him at 65-70
  13. Tenx


    I just wanted to know what lvl is best to be at the end of the game?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by chris00k [/i] [B]Quatre is now a Gym Laeder water & scycic gym of corse my fave types [/B][/QUOTE] water and what? (scycic????)
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