Tidus looks nothing like Squall and he is no goth ill tell you that. Tidus looks noting like a girl, his hair may be a bit longer then what we do with our hair, but japan made this game mabey 1 or 2 years ago
Majora, people are all ways calling me a poser (i just have a come back like not as mush as you or somthing like that) and they say that by just looking at my shirts, but I have my own stile and im going to stick to it as long as i like:naughty:
FF7 was my frist FF game and i thought it was the best game ever, I think FF8 has a better battle system, but FF7 has the best char, story, and ... its just still a very kool game :D :D :D
substitute is not a tm, butthe only way to get it is to trade a pokemon from red, blue, or yellow. (It will most likly be Chansey will be the only one with the attack from my memery):ball: :ball: :ball: :ball: :ball: :ball:
Frist pokemon:Pichu
Bio:Yong quiet boy who loves electric Pokemon and his favrite pokemon is Raichu
Looks: short spiked brown hair, Hazel eyes, Blue sagy pants with a shatebord
how do u get on the ship i know they need a guy to help and all the people need to be there, so when will the guys talk to me and the people get there??????:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
it makes no sence at all though, becuse goku kill frieza and after that he could control his S.S. powers, but he cant in the movie:flaming: :devil: :demon: :blackeye: