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Everything posted by Tenx

  1. Tidus looks nothing like Squall and he is no goth ill tell you that. Tidus looks noting like a girl, his hair may be a bit longer then what we do with our hair, but japan made this game mabey 1 or 2 years ago
  2. i need some DBZ pics for a fun website and i need more of Gotenx any know whare to get some??
  3. Majora, people are all ways calling me a poser (i just have a come back like not as mush as you or somthing like that) and they say that by just looking at my shirts, but I have my own stile and im going to stick to it as long as i like:naughty:
  4. Ill travel with you ...if you dont mind
  5. Tenx: hay everyone look foot prints!:smirk:
  6. Tenx: Hay I dont sleep much [I]Tenx rubs his eyes[/I] :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
  7. FF7 was my frist FF game and i thought it was the best game ever, I think FF8 has a better battle system, but FF7 has the best char, story, and ... its just still a very kool game :D :D :D
  8. substitute is not a tm, butthe only way to get it is to trade a pokemon from red, blue, or yellow. (It will most likly be Chansey will be the only one with the attack from my memery):ball: :ball: :ball: :ball: :ball: :ball:
  9. Name:Tenx Frist pokemon:Pichu Bio:Yong quiet boy who loves electric Pokemon and his favrite pokemon is Raichu Looks: short spiked brown hair, Hazel eyes, Blue sagy pants with a shatebord
  10. can i join? Name: Tenxamus Nick Name:Tenx Age:21 Hight:6 ft Weight:271 lb
  11. Tenx

    Golden Sun

    how do u get on the ship i know they need a guy to help and all the people need to be there, so when will the guys talk to me and the people get there??????:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  12. I think trunks is the best char. in Dragon ball Z/GT:flaming: :naughty:
  13. who is tapion? I know he gave a sword to trunks, the best fighter, but what major things duse tapion do?
  14. it makes no sence at all though, becuse goku kill frieza and after that he could control his S.S. powers, but he cant in the movie:flaming: :devil: :demon: :blackeye:
  15. thanx for the info:twitch: :blah: :flasher: :alcohol: :naughty: :drunk:
  16. who knows a lot on the new Dragon Ball Z game for GBA?:therock: :huh:
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