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Everything posted by dark_zero

  1. Name:kira(dark-zero) Age: 15 Race: half-human,half-reploid Side: Resistance faction Bios a 15 year old student from the year 2009, and was kidnapped by varun's scientists and was brought to the future, converted to a half-reploid, he was made to be zero's copy but went berserk and destroyed the whole varun's laboratory. went missing, yet, found by ceil and he ran away... he seemed no complete memories of the past. He became a resistance soldier after running away. A deadly warrior. Weapons: dark-arm:He transform his right arm into a melee weapon and crushes any enemy in sight. dark-buster: A special custom of the original buster used by x. Fires a rapid barrage of max charged buster shots. dark-saber: A copy version of zero's z-saber made by ciel but customized by him. turned into a black colored beam that slices even energy shots and even energy sabers. b-limiter: a special feature found from omega, it was installed to kira that causes him to berserk and turned into a black colored zero. replenish:kira turns into a maverick eating machine(available only on berserk mode), eating any kind of mavericks or reploids into energy to replenish into life that could heal any kind of wounds.
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