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About yulie-chan

  • Birthday 02/06/1988

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  1. the best ones would probably be princess mononoke, nausicca the valley of the wind, castle in the sky, kiki's delivery service and my neighbor totoro, all undubbed in japanese.
  2. i personally think kudo shinnichi is the cutest from the show "conan" but no one else put him down so i just must be odd......
  3. i guess i'll just keep postin up poems. here goes another one.... I'm lost in this world of darkness. I see no light to lead me, not even the stars to show me the way. I want to give up and not live the life i have now. Sometimes, i just dont want to go on. but whenever i think that, a little moment comes up. The little moment that make ur life worthwhile, the little moment that make u think everything will be alright, the little moment that warms you up when you are cold, the little moment that make you feel special. Those little moments...
  4. just tellin ya that ur poems are great once again. and that i have no ****in clue bout wut a iambic pentameter is. maybe it means to rhyme or somethin. who would really kno 'cept for the person who typed it?!?!?! i'm not big on vocab. sorry i couldnt help, but hey, ur poems are THE best & U GO GIRL! heh, *remembers play practice with the ...odd makeup....* lets not go there....
  5. i've never posted anything on this site before, so i thought i'd give it a shot with my sucky poems. just wanna kno wut u all think of it. but dont tell me i spelled somethin wrong, cuz i dont care bout it. just to warn u, the poems arent that great, actually they suck, but hey, i tried. ok, so here i go.... sitting in my little corner alone in the dark, desperate for someone to see me, yet afraid to come out. people pass me by, one by one, not even trying to glance to see who i really am, not even once. i reach out my hand, grasping for something, anything. i end up empty handed. i try to call out, yet the air is filled with no sound. i am helpless. i try again and again, crying for someone to hear me, grasping for someone to reach me. but i get nothing... finally when i am almost done with, i felt one glance. i look up to see him reaching his hands out for mine. i dont know what to do at first, so i take his hands. the warmth of his on mine overwhelmes me, so sudden, so unexpected. he holds me in his arms as i cry, for i have not felt anything like this. so much power of the warmth and the love, the many years of hate just wash out from inside of me. they melt away like wax. not i feel safe in his arms, safe once again...
  6. ur poems r great. u should kno that and i've told ya plenty of times. they just get better and better. remember, dont forget bout the happy one. i'll be expecting it....
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