[SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Name: Sillitsu Kulhoni[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Century Gothic]Age: 17
Appearance: Male, 6' 1" Wears navy blue shirt (Sleeved, but not a hoodie or thick sweater) , black belt with black pants, black shoes, dark red gloves (that are open at the fingertips and palms) and dark red, thick shades. Muscular build, not shown through his clothing however. Black hair, ear length, straight. Wears his Headband firmly around his neck.
Personality: Quiet, alert, but prefers solitude. Often meditating or practicing his training in an open area.
Rank: Chuunin
Village: Leaf
Style: Byakugan and Bio-electrical sight
Jutsu/Technique: Sillitsu has Byakugan, and while only being average in Tai Jutsu, he makes it up for his bio-electrical sight. Sillitsu cannot only see Chakra coursing through people and objects that they have concentrated it into, but he can see electrical signals racing throughout the entire human body - from brain, to muscle. This allows him to predict attacks almost as good as the legendary Sharingan Eye (Sorry if I spelt that wrong). Sillitsu also possesses the ability to shut-down limbs by channeling Chakra into his opponent's limb's main nerves. Thus, while not severing the nerves, interrupts the flow of electricity - temporarily paralyzing the limb.
Weaponry: Chakra powers aside, Sillitsu is still blind, so he has weaponry to compliment and surprise his enemies. To impress his enemies and audience, he uses Kunai, better than any other blind person he has fought. He has a lot in case his enemies continue stubbornly to keep their distance. He also has a blind-man's stick he uses in combat, mostly swinging it around in the air, making sure hes not about to run into (or off of) any hard obstacles. His constant need to tap objects around him makes his battle tactics less subtle and stealthy. The stick has a dagger that can pop out at the push of a button, adding a more lethal edge to his jabs.
Bio: Being born blind all of his life, Sillitsu has had trouble fitting in with others. He's always had trouble getting around the village, this, coupled with the other ninjas mocking that he wasn't as good as they were at Tai Jutsu caused stress on Sillitsu. With this stress, has ran into some anger problems in his past. Sillitsu has put that behind him now, proud in his talents and hard work. Confident that even if he doesn't overcome hard obstacles in future; that he did his best and will train harder to become a better ninja.
Law to Make: All fighting competitions are to be non-lethal. They will be to the point where the opponent looses consciousness, surrenders, or is unable to perform any action.