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Fou lu

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  1. kiyone is intrested in tenchi, as she drops a couple of "suttle" hints in "Tenchi in Tokyo".
  2. id hav 2 say that child could hav problems. if he had a child with sasami (when she's old enough that is), it wud hav pretty much no imperfections.
  3. Ghost in the shell is a very good movie,but Queen Asuka, i wud save more than Vampire Hunter D 4 a rainy day, the first 1 isnt all that great. try the sequel, ive been told its good
  4. nah.....it is 7777. ive used it be4, and believe me, it take a ruddy long time!!!
  5. ive know of a cheat about 7777 hp. this has nothin to do with this..... but if u get 1 persons health to exactly 7777 hp, they get 7777 fever, and damn its good! they do multiple attacks that all take of7777 hp to the opponent. i used this to defeat emerald, since i couldnt be bothered to breed a gold chocobo........too much hassle:sleep:
  6. the animated street fighter movie is when ryus l'il bro (i think, i havnt watched it in a while.....) comes to visit, and they go to this tournament, and this little boy starts using the dark "hado", or something. its really good, try to watch it. as for my fav movies.......akira, ghost in the shell or some of those gorgeous yet short DBZ movies.
  7. dont forget the enhanced graphics. cloud and sepiroth appear in MUCH more detail. lol but sum of those rumours make me laugh. cheese!!!:laugh:
  8. i have to saythat i hate the x box. the graphic capability is amazing....but it stops there. wat do you all think?
  9. i reckon its 1 of the many loopholes that plague db and dbz, like i was told that when goku died after cell, time passed quiker on earth than the afterlife, yet the east kaiosama refers to the competition as "years" ago.its so annoying [color=indigo][b]Please do NOT bring back old topics. It is not neccessary. Thank you.[/b][/color]
  10. i wud say it wud hav 2 be ryoko. mihoshi is dumber than a plank o' wood........kyone is too bossy, as with ayeka. sasami maybe, but has no 1 considered washu? of course not, no one likes her.
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