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Everything posted by Darkmoon
[u]Unending Fantasy [/u] [size=1]I didn?t put up a sign up thread for this because it doesn?t really matter who participates. We all continue from the last post, everybody plays the same character. What?s important is that we all work hard to keep things flowing; otherwise the story will fall apart. example: post 1 : The dragon roared in anger as it charged towards you. All thought of escape leaves you as you stare at the beast crashing towards you? reply1: ? suddenly you pull a dagger from your sleeve and manage to throw it with perfect aim at the dragons eye. It hits the ground screaming in agony, you manage to get around it and run to the castle?. reply2: blah blah blah ect. I?m sure you now get how this is going to work. Of course our posts will (hopefully) be more elaborate and manage to make more sense. A last notice (or two) before I begin: the characters gender will remain a mystery so that we can get rid of any awkward situations (since I'm thinking both guys and girls will participate). New characters may be introduced, but you always play from the same person?s point of view.[/size] [center]~*~[/center] [I]Up the stairs and down the corridor, to the right. Your heart beats loudly in your chest from the long climb. You take a deep breath and continue your progression to the masters chamber.[/I] ?What have I done this time??[i], you breathe the question out under your breath. Despite the volume of your whisper, the words ring loudly in your ears. Thoughts swim in and out of your head, trying to think of anything that might?ve disturbed the peace. For as long as your memory serves you, you have been living in this old castle, apprenticed to the old wizard, lord of this domain? But of course, ever since the ?incident? you haven?t been able to remember much beyond a year and a day ago. You push the bang from your eyes and stop in front of an old oak door. Your hand reaches out and, very lightly, knocks on the door.[/i] ?Come in?,[i] a voice booms from the other side. The door is pushed open and you slip inside, a little nervous.[/i] ?I have come as you requested, Master Chlaf? [i]you bow your respects and straighten up.[/i] ?may I enquire your reasons for this summons?? [i]The old wizard turned his face to yours. You notice that he looks older than before? far older. As if he might?ve aged another 10 years since yesterday.[/i] ?I am afraid that we can no longer continue your training, young mage. This has to come to an end.?[i]You look at the old man and worry for his health and for his words.[/i] ?Sir, are you alright? You don?t look so well?? [i] You decide to ignore what he had said for now.[/i] ?no child, I am not alright...? [i]The look in his eyes troubles you.[/i] ?You have to be put away before any harm comes to us? the people of this world? [i]You stare at him, at a loss for words. What does he mean by ?put away?? Master Chlaf stood and moved to stand right in front of you. The air in the room suddenly held a dangerous feel to it.[/i] ?I hope you forgive me for this? There is no other way? [i]A warm glow surrounds his figure. Slowly his intentions dawn on you. With a surprised yelp of fear you jump back, crashing through the door as a lightning bolt wiziz? past your ear. You land on your back side and stare at your Master in shock. He ignores you, a look of determination was painted on his face.[/i] ?Why are you-? [i]you abandoned your sentence as another charge came, you roll over, get up and sprint down the corridor, only the thought of survival and abandon filling your mind?[/i] [center]~*~[/center] someone pick up where I left off.
lol, that's why I'm making round banners now... Their different from the rectangular ones everyone has now ^^; 'n here's ur avatar:
k, I'll post ur avatar after this. Hope u like ^_^
[quote]I love Demon Diary! Its not a really popular manga, but everyone who reads it give it a five out of five. It has a really funny plot, and great art! I can't wait to read the second and third of it![/quote] w00t!! Demon Diary RAWKS!! Rhys let me barrow her first volume and I was hooked. It's so funny ^-^ I've recently placed an order for the first three books... can't wait till they arrive :D
lol, yeah, I realised that. I liked the picture (which is why I used it), but I couldn't fix it in any way cause that's just the way I got it. I didn't resize it at all so it's not my fault it was blurry. Thanks for the comment, btw. Glad'ju think it's nice ^_^
Wow, I haven't posted for a while, have I? Ah well I've got a life else where as well ya know... This is just a simple little banner I made. Was getting bored of my old one and I didn't have any great ideas for some fancy and amazing banner so I settled with this. I'll prolly change my avvy soon, too. This is ta dedicate my new found obsession with the anime, Inuyasha =P
... Lol, this is a funny little disscution we got going here... Why're u all argueing over something as silly as that moon thing on the dudes forehead? For one thing I don't think it really matters what direction it's faceing, it's a fanart and fanarts don't have to look exsactally like the original thing. Another thing, maybe Rhys was useing a different picture as a ref for the dudes little features. They switched sides for the scar on Harry's head in the movie a million times, the same mistake could have happened in this anime, it's not impossible you know. Anyways, I rate the picture [b]9.5/10[/b] ^^ One of the best Sessy fanarts I've seen out there =D Only problem I find on this is that, like a few others mentioned, the eye looks a tad to small XP I dunno, it looks a little odd, lol... But I don't think I could do any better (I don't think I coulda even tried to draw his picture near so good as this) so I'll stop complaining ^^;;
There's really no point in complaining about the voices and bad editing n' such. If u live in Canada or the state's, that's all u get (unless ur ordering the tapes and/or manga). Don't get urself down over something u can do nothing about. I'm just happy that I even get to see [i]this[/i] version. It's better than nothing after all. I personally thought it was interesting. The dude with the weird hair do (forget his name. Tis' the guy that broke the grave stone) was.... odd o_O But even so I'm lookin' forward to seeing more of it in the futur ^^
[quote]... all you awesome, way more talented than me artists....[/quote] I dunno if that would apply to me, but anyways... I started drawin' since... I can't really rembmer when really. But they were never really scerious or anything. I sceriously started to draw about a year or two ago... After I met Saaleha (none o' u know her 'cept those that went to junior high with me). After that I met Shilin .
pfft, I was caught in the middle of the Black out. I live in Toronto. Worst possible time for meh too... I had just gotten 5 pages typed up when the computer shut down on me and none of it was saved! Bah, really felt like hurting something -.-;; But besides that it was kinda interesting
[i]Roya tensed up and hissed loudly, accedentally digging her claws into Moriko's shoulder as the water splashed onto them.[/i] Morkio- OUCH!! [i]She knocked Roya off her perch. Roya shook herself and licked her paws. Roya ~Who's bright Idea was that?! They can use fire, lightening, even poisoned arrow's, but noooooo, they just HAD to use water!~[/i] Moriko- Well... There might've been a good reason for that... [i]Moriko exsamined her sliced up shoulder and winced. Roya looked up a little more concerned. Roya ~I'm sorry, I didn't hurt you, did I? I dunno, getting splashed like that just get's me hyped up I guess...~[/i] Moriko- It's ok. C'mon, I think there's something happening over there! [i]Morkio dashed down the alley dismissing the pain in her shoulder. Roya's ears flattened. Roya- Why do we have to go there?? That's where it came from!~[/i] Moriko- I know, and that's why we're going there! I don't want to be left out of anything important [i]Roya held her head low, a sort of growling started softly in her thoat as she followed Moriko out of the alley. Looking all around them she saw people soaked to their skin in every kind of drink available in this town. Roya recognised one of the men that was currently down. He was one of the people that they met on the road! A had wiped out of nowere and grabbed Roya's tail. With a yelp she was dragged into the shadows of another opening. She wrapped her paws around her attacker and bit down. To her satisfaction she heard a muffled crie of surprise. Then she saw who it was that had grabbed her.... Roya ~.....opps.....~ She let go and was dropped. Reena clutched her hand and looked down angrily at Roya Roya ~It wasn't my fault! You should have warned me!~ Roya felt a bit guily.[/i] Reena- ...We'll have to hope that they didn't hear you, otherwise we're going to have a tuff time getting out of here. [center]~*~[/center] OOC- Ack, I'm sorry for the crappy post... I'll plan it out better next time >.< And sorry for not posting in so long. I was kinda busy
[i]Roya shrugged[/i] Roya- It doesn't make a difference to me. I can look like a cat and I can look like a human without much trouble, I can act like both the parts, no sweat. Tani- The reason I picked an illusion spell is cause I have been to such cities before. They usually have some kind of gaurd system against none-humans, like dogs or just a simple search. The illusion would mask our sent as well and there is no need to risk our cloaks being taken off. Roya- Pfft, I can avoid contact with dogs too. Tani- Again that's why your going to go and get human clothing. Katumea- I guess no cloaks then... ---- Katana, I didn't mean to make u sound stupid, I didn't even realise that's what I was doing ^^;; Sorry
Roya- Those have got to be some of the stupidest humans out there. Moriko- Why do you say that? Roya- You guy's haven't got any rops or anything holding you and Rann just doesn't look like any sorta spell caster ta me. Reena- Don't question good fortune Roya, accept it. [i]Roya shruged and followed the rest as they continued down the road.[/i] Roya (mumbling)- Still seems a little odd to me... Tani- You think to much Roya- Funny, people always tell me that I think to little [i]Roya laughed, dropped down as a cat again and ran ahead of everyone to be in the lead.[/i]
[i]Roya looked from Rann and then to Reena, shook her head and walked on. These people have more mood swings then I do. Guess I'm like the only normal one here... A smile played on her lips as she remembered what a friend once said to her: "If your normal then everybody else in the world is not..." Roya's head snapped up as she heard stifled laughter.[/i] Roya- I thought you said that you wouldn't be able to hear other peoples thoughs anymore... Didn't you put up a barrier...? Tani- Ah... Yeah, I was laughing at something else. Roya- Something else... [i]Roya rolled her eyes then went back to daydreaming. Everybody in their group was chatting happily. For the first time they accually felt comfortable with one another. They didn't hear the shuffleof boots in background until the danger was almost upon them.[/i] "DROP!!" [i]Someone from thier group shrieked out, Roya didn't have time to think who. Almost instently she was on all fours and bolted as a small black blurr into the protection of the forest along the side of the road. Arrows flew through the air and showered the group until they all followed the cat into the foilage, seeking cover...[/i]
[quote]here everyone, take a look at this: [url]http://www.janime.biz/usamovie.html[/url] strange, i don't think that one Coulson guy could play Bakura, he doesn't even look like him[/quote] I first read about this whole live action thing from the same site a while ago. I just can't imagine Yugi as a real person (The hair! omg that's gonna look so stupid >.
[i]Roya looked on with surprise. Everybody stood in akward scilence. Finnaly Rann decided to break the scilence.[/i] Rann-... We leave at daybreak so everybody prepare yourselves. Moriko- Isn't it daybreak right now? [i]Looking to the east they saw the sky paleing and a small sliver of light on the horizon.[/i] Rann- Then we leave now. Get your gear together. [i]Roya ~I'll go and find Reena then~ She leapt down from her pearch and streched her paws out in front of her.[/i] Rann- She doesn't have to come if she doesn't wish to. [i]Roya ~I'll meet you guys later on~ Roya raised her tail and trotted off to find Reena not giveing Ranns words a thought. [center]~*~[/center] Roya ~ There you are! Humph.... Isn't it funny now many lakes ponds and streams there seem to be in these woods?~ Reena looked down at the black cat now sitting beside her with surprise. Roya's great golden eyes fixed on Reena's pale face. Roya ~Well, what are you waiting for? Pet me!~ Reena chuckled softly, wiped her eyes and reached out a hand to scratch her ears. The cat purred softly...[/i] Reena- You know, most people would find it degradeing to be treated like an animal. [i]Roya ~Just cause I have different idea's and am not human doesn't mean I'm an animal you know~ Reena pulled back her hand and looked up thoughtfully. Roya, disappointed, wandered alittle further off to paw at some crabs for a while. She yawned widely and streched herself out after a bit of chase. Roya ~Well we should be going if we don't want to lose the others.~ Reena looked at Roya distastfully.[/i] Reena- What makes u think I don't want to lose them? [i]Roya's appearence changed to resemble a human girl once more.[/i] Roya- Well, I don't want to be with that lot by myself. To be honest the bigger one- Reena- Rann? Roya- yeah, scares me a bit. Reena- Well, I'll only come back with you since you asked. If they try to make me hurt someone I'm leaveing, understand? Roya- Whatever... [i]Forgetting that she was no longer a cat, Roya had crouched down and was playing with a small white mouse that she had caught. Reena rolled her eyes.[/i] Reena- .... I thought that you didn't want to lose them? [i]Roya strightened up.[/i] Roya- I don't. Follow me! [i]She sprinted off through the thick woods heading back to the clearing where they had first met, Reena close behind.[/i] Roya- Hmm... I guess they've left... No matter. [i]Roya crouched down and studied the ground.[/i] Reena- I'm suddenly haveing second thoughts- Roya- This way! [i]Reena sighed softly. There's no getting through to that girl when she thinks that everythings going her way, thought Reena, and dashed off after the running Roya, trying her best to keep up and not trip over the roots and logs. Roya didn't slow. This was her natural habitat, such things were not a problem and were easily avoided by her.[/i]
[i]I have no intention of battleing o mighty Rann. Interesting power, yes, but ment for other things. Roya changed back into the little black cat and scrabbled up the nearest tree. Pah, I shouldn't have gotten myself mixed up in these things. I cheer for the Rebellion of course, but I prefer to do it from afar. Roya began to groom her paws, though she still kept a sharp eye on her new leader.[/i]
[i]Okie dokie, better shut her up. Roya grabbed Moriko's wrist and dragged her back.[/i] Roya- I would really prefer it if they didn't know about me.. Moriko- Why...? Roya- If I wanted people knowing what I am don'chu think I woulda walked in here like this earlier? Moriko Ah... [i]Roya noticed Moriko pointing somewhere over her shoulder. Roya sighed softly and turned around slowly.[/i] Roya- Ah.... Hi...? [i]The whole group was stareing at Roya with wide eyes except for Reena which appeared just mildly amused.[/i] Rann- I told u there was something weird about that cat! [i]Rann put his hand on the hilt of his blade.[/i] Reena- It's ok, she's on our side last time I checked. [i]Roya went slightly pale as she remembered their first meeting. She had been trapped in her cat form and was running from a group of blood thirty little monsters with sticks (her way of describing human childern) when she bumped into the dragon. Reena had saved her furry hid even though she nearly burnt her to a crips (by accedent).[/i] Roya- Nice ta see you again too
[i]I come in here hopeing to find some mice and instead I find a bunch of nuts... Roya chuckled (mentaly, can't talk while she's transformed) to herself as she looked down at the goup now crowding and argueing at the edge glade. She streched out her front paws and yawned widly. Licking her lips she crouched down and decided to watch the rest of this little event. Shouting matches were always good for a laugh. Her eyes suddenly snapped to what appeared to be the only man in the group. He looked familiar... A sharp object wizzed past, just missing her head. With a startled yelp she fell from her perch and landed on the ground.[/i] ???(Rann)- Ack, missed... [i]Roya hissed angrily at her attacker. I remember who you are! Your one of the rebellion leaders! This is dangerous company to be hanging around![/i] Moriko- Aww, it's just a little kitty! Don't hurt it! Rann- You can never be to careful... [i]Seeing an opening Roya decided not to run, might end up getting the paranoid one attacking her again. Instead she raised her tail slightly and meowed, her golden eyes fixed on the elf. She cautiosly trotted up to her and began to purr softly. Rann stared at Roya suspiciously.[/i] Rann- There's something unatural about that cat. Moriko- Nonesense! [i]Moriko knelt down and scratched the top of Roya's ears and lifted her up in her arms.[/i] Rann- Then what's it doing all the way out here? [i]Moriko only shrugged and continued petting the cat, who had now stopped purring and was stareing at Rann...[/i]
[size=1][color=red]EDIT- sry people, I had forgotten that this was set in a midevil age.. I edited out the motorcycle so that it makes more sence now, lol XD[/color][/size] [center]~*~[/center] [i]Roya stalked along the center of the very same road. A whole day had passed and she still hadn't gotten anywhere. She hissed to herself and quickened her pace. Her paws landed soundlessly on the ruff ground. A stomping of hooves sounded from the background. Roya glanced behind her and her hackles rose as she saw a rider comeing her way. She let out a hissing screech and leaped to the side as the rider raced past.[/i] "Stupid animals..." [i]Well atleast I know how to dride a dratted horse without getting things run over, Roya thought as an answer to the mans yell. What was he in such a rush for anyways?! He coulda' atleast used his head lights! That's what their there for after all... Roya paused and stared ahead of her. Perhapes the lack of water and food was makeing her see things... But then could an illution also creat smells? She shook herself, ruffling her fur and sprinted to the forest that now lay before her...[/i]
I've tried doing a search on this in this forum before posting, no one else has put it up so I guess I might as well... I dunno 100% if this works, I've even done a search on it and I've come up with a few other forums with people that HAVE tried this and HAVE used it from this link I'll give u. They all say it works. I MIGHT try it to see if it really works (there really no point ta meh since I can't trade it into my ruby version). It's been a very long time since I've played my red version (I acually stopped after I got silver version) and I dun really feel like starting over again... When u catch mew it'll be at lvl 7 and will only know one move (pound). It won't glitch ur game or anything, so dun worry. [url]http://white-cat.virtualave.net/pfiles/catchmew.htm[/url] [size=1]Please dun get mad at me if it doesn't work, I just thought it was interesting and wanted to share it with u all
[i]Roya walked along side a dirt road, head bowed in thought. Perhaps hitching a ride on a truck was not the best idea. The driver had thrown her off as soon as he saw her sitting on the roof of the vehicle. Now she has to walk the rest of the way there. There were no signs so Roya had no idea how long this would take. She absent mindedly kicked at the pebbles on the ground. The day was hot and cloudless and shelter far. Only a few patches of shade could be found here and there, and no food. Her eyebrows drew together in a frown. If only that thief hadn't stolen my pack. The nerve of some people! Leaving u out here with no water...! There has got to be a law made against that... Roya walked on wishing helplessly that night would fall sooner this day.[/i]
Name: Roya Age: 19 Sex: Female Race: Were-cat Alliance: Rebellion Weapon: preferably claws and anything that's lyeing around Appearance: Dureing daytime Roya appeares as an average person, though emotions can trigger a change in the eye's (yellow and slited). Jet black hair tied back, about 5'4. At night appears as a black cat with bright yellow eyes. Bio: Wanders the slums and loves to spy on people. She sell's whatever information she finds to the highest bidder (every race is included), though preferably to the Rebellion. Roya can't remember anything earlier than the age of 7 besides some sort of "explosion" which she now guesses is what messed up her memory.
lol, well, since ur all posting ur destops I might as well post mine up aswell... I love this one ^-^ But I'll be changeing it in a little while cause I've had it for... I dunno, a while now
I like Turkish March... I dunno who wrote it but I still love it ^^ Hungerian dance and Pachelbel's Canon are also nice pretty good. (I dunno what scale or version the ones I listen to are. I dun pay enough attention to it >.