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Everything posted by Darkmoon

  1. [i]Silvia noticed that Tursi and the Elf were acting a bit strangly and were moveing off to one side. She walked up beside them.[/i] Silvia- So... were are you guy's from? Eslyn- I-- Aiden- We'r here. [i]Up ahead loomed a tall and dark looking Hospital. Silvia jumped out of the way as an ambilence raced by.[/i] Silvia- I thought that hospitals were supposed to be friendly... Kris- It all depends on who you are now aday's...[i]Kris was talking softly to herself.[/i] Silvia- ... Was that directed at me? Kris- I was talking about something else. Silvia- Oh yes... you didn't finish what you were about to say last time. Kris- ...I-- Aiden- Weeeeell, we should be going in if we want to finish what we came here to do, so you guys (Aiden notice some of the looks that were given to him), and girls stay here and the rest of you come with me.
  2. Silvia- Ah hahahaha... No. Count me out. I'm not going anywere with gaurds or police or anyone that has a phone near by. Kris- Why not? Silvia- Have you forgotten already? I can't go there cause I happen to have gotten alot of people angery at me... Aiden- Well how about you come with us, stay outside with someone until we come back out. Silvia- I don't need a baby sitter. What's with you and vampires anyways?! Some guy a long time ago said that it's best if you don't go looking for trouble. Just wait till it finds you. Or something like that anyways. I prefer to NOT look for something like a vampire. Tursi-[I]~Can we talk about this later? We've decided to go and we'll go. I'll stay outside with Silvia as someone like me would attract alot of attention in a human's undersized hospital~[/I]
  3. I found an interesting peronality quiz a while ago... Anyone interested in finding out what kind of weather you best represent?? Well then just click the link below and see what you are. [url]http://www.yayajon.com/watercircle/naturaldisasterquiz.html[/url] I'm a hurricane and am proud of it. Hurricane While hurricanes can be forcasted days in advance, they are impossible to stop and all people can do is run from them. They can reach winds up to 190 mph.
  4. I, too, think that editing out guns is pretty stupid. They Leave in swords and magical killing spells and stuff, so why not leave in guns? Anyway's in a couple of years they probably will put those into cartoons as people will have gotten used to the sight of them... They Had guns in pokemon?! I never knew that. I know that digimon and a cople of others did but never thought that pokemon had it.
  5. [I]The creature that emerged was a beutiful winged horse. A black mare to be exact. Her wing's folded calmly on her back as she looked over the group. After a little while the scilence broke as Silvia muttered something to herself.[/I] Silvia- ::Muttering:: Why can't I ever make a good enterence like that? I alway's have'ta crash into someone... ::Normal:: How did you do that? Turning into a shadow I mean. Tursi: [I]~It's a talent~[/I] [I]~~Continue Please~~[/I] [SIZE=1]OOC: Domon, you might want to double check your last post. You wrote Tursi when I think you ment Kris.[/SIZE]
  6. [I]The small group of three walked down the street. Silvia in the lead with the map, Aiden just off to the side (still not quit trusting her) and Kris to the other side. Seeming to enjoy the walk. All of a sudden they all stoped. [/I] Silvia- Was it just me or did I hear something?? Kris- No, it was me too. It sounds like telepathy. Aiden- Over there! [I]Aiden pointed to the shadow of what appeared to be a tall winged something emerging from the shadows...[/I]
  7. Of course you can join, everybody and anybody is welcome at anytime :).
  8. Silvia- Yes it is my book... How did you get it? I was looking everywere for it and thought that I had lost it! Kris- A while back we bumped into each other... I looked in it and-- Silvia- You what?! Don't you have any respect for other people's proporty?! ... Sorry, over reacted a bit... Go on. [I]Kris watched the stranger catiously for a minit and continued[/I] Kris- I looked into it to see what it was and who it might belong to. I couldn't understand what it said though. Silvia- 'Course you didn't understand it. I didn't at first either but when I looked in the back it had a decoder thing. Aiden- "At First"?? Did you steal that too?! Silvia- No. ::The answer was a bit to quick and attracted alot of suspious stares:: Silvia- Ahem, So what's your name then? Kris- You can call me Kris. Silvia- And I'm Miaka. Aiden- That's a lie... Silvia- Ah... fine. My real name is Silvia. Kris- You know, I thought I saw a map in that book. Where's it lead to...? Silvia- That is none of your concern. Kris- Well if it was stollen... [I]Silvia didn't much like the tone Kris was useing or how both Aiden and Kris blocked off the exsit's of the small street.[/I] Silvia- I was following it to were the "X" thing is. Wanted to see what it was. Aiden- K then, we'll help you look for it. Kris- Yes, I believ we are intitled to a share of it. Silvia- ::grumbling:: That's black mail... Aiden- Yeah well you own me for the little chase a while ago. Kris- Chase? [I]Aiden filled Kris in on what had happend earlyer. And of his own quest with the vampire...[/I] [I]~~Continue Please~~[/I]
  9. Silvia- ... Why would someone like you trust someone like me without even asking my name, or where I'm from and without any past references?? [I]Aiden looked at Silvia for a second, confused for a moment and not sure how to answer.[/I] Aiden- Well... Ok, fine. What's you name? Silvia- My name is Miaka. Your's? Aiden- Aiden. K now where you from? Silvia- No clue. Aiden- Your kidding right? Silvia- Nope. [I]What nither of them knew was that the stranger in the window was still watching all of this. Silvia stood there looking up at Aiden without any expression on her face. Aiden just scratches his head.[/I] Aiden- Ok, can we go now?? Silvia- Sure, just a second. I must've dropped something over on the roof back there... Aiden- ::A bit impatient:: I'll get it for you, hold on... Silvia- You don't-- [I]His white wings appeared and took to the air the second time that night. Silvia hid a grin and walked off in the opposite, checking to make sure that Aiden didn't notice. She rounded the corner and... Ran for it. Now a bit weighed down becuse of the sword. He didn't even know what hit him... I'll be a mile away before he finds out that he's lost his sword. How does he carry this thing around?! It's so heavy! Else were Aiden checked around the roof top and coulden't find anything. I should'a asked what she dropped... Hold on a sec. Am I missing something? I could swear... That's when he realized what had happend. Angery, he flew back to find that she was gone. He asked around and no one seemed to recognize the name "Miaka". Back with Silvia. She was now carrying the sword on her back, hopeing to find a decent buyer for it. She rounded the corner and bumped into yet another person, this time knocking both her and the stranger over.[/I] ???- *mumbling* People should REALLY watch were they're going... Silvia- Well this time I'm sure it wasn't my fault. [I]Silvia looked at the stranger. She was wearing a coat and what appeared to be a guitar on her back...[/I] [I]~~Continue Please~~[/I]
  10. [QUOTE]what site was it?[/QUOTE] If I told you I wouldn't be able to put up anymore cuase then every body would have read it first :P. I'll send it to you in a pm. [QUOTE]I love the pencil one. And the rice krispies one, and the elephant one.....man, they're all good! You wouldn't happen to have any more of them would you? :smirk:[/QUOTE] Of course I do. I was just waiting till things died down a bit before I put any more up. All the lists are different, but just as funny. [QUOTE]God that was great! ::Rolls Over:: I can't stop laughing! ::Eyes Darkmoon while sharpening knife::[/QUOTE] *Shoves ShadowDragon into a closet and locks the door* Hah!
  11. I heard of them dissolving a tooth but not a[I] nail...[/I] I never thought that it would be that acid-like. Anywho I prefer Coke to pepsi. But the other way around when they don't have ice.
  12. [I]Shocked the person in the windoow threw the curtains back open again. Silvia jumped into the shadow of the building near by hopeing that the person in the window had not seen her clearly. Looking up Silvia saw the light of the street lamps reflect eriely on her glasses as she looked around trying to spot her. Silvia stood still. But she was spotted all the same. Looking down she saw that her braclet was glowing. Cursing herself quietly she jumped back down into the ally way as she saw the woman reach for the phone. What could have set off her braclet this time?! Every time it glowed it usually ment touble for her. She started walking down the alley when she heard a scream/yell from above. She stopped dead in her tracks, pulled out her dagger instictivly, and looked back up at the window to see...[/I] [I]~~Continue Please~~[/I]
  13. Note: The starting thread has been posted in the Adventure Arena. I hope that you will all participate and have fun.
  14. [I] Splish, splash, splish, splash.... Silvia walked down the dark wet alley way makeing next to no noise. That made it obvious that someone was following her. A bit edgy she walked faster... Splish splash, splish splash... The foot steps grew louder and faster as well... Silvia started running. SPLISH SPLASH, SPLISHSPLASH SPLISHSPLASH...!! The dark figure of the stalker ran around the corner to find-- Nothing. Looking around confused for a moment the person (or thing) left. Silvia let out a big sigh of releif as she looked down at the retreating shadow. Good thing I had enough time to hide. Silvia was crouching on the roof of the nearby building, cluching her dagger in her right hand with a white grip. Shakeing off the goosebumps, she got up and started walking along the roof top, acting as if everything were alright and that this was just a regualer late night walk.[/I] [I]~~Continue please~~[/I]
  15. I can't wait to see the new Matrix movie. Hopefully (like a few others mentioned) it wil have something new but still very catching and exciting to watch.
  16. Never thought so meny people would like these:D. ::looks around and slowly edges away from knife fans:: Maybe I should just stay over here...
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wing Gundam [/i] [B][COLOR=crimson]That's some good stuff, if I had a roomate then I would try number 1. Oh well where did you get those anyways?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I had signed up for this comedy club a while ago so once a day they send me a joke. I've got lot's of other jokes that are just as funny :D. [QUOTE]Lol..I like the knife one.. "Soon, soon.." And the rice crispies one..I gotta try those..thnx alot! hehehehe[/QUOTE] Welcome ;). [QUOTE]lol. Those are funny! I like #1 about the rice crispies....I'll have to try doing that some time to my family. ^^[/QUOTE] I was thinking the same thing. Except now that I review on it I'd be grounded before the bowl touched the ground -_-.
  18. I can't belive there is going to be another one... Personally I couldn't stand that show from the start! It was particularly annoying since something I wanted to watch was on at the exsact same time and I had to change the channel because my mom wanted to wach american Idol. I also think the whole thing was set up....
  19. I used to play the clairanet(sp)... but quit last year because I didn't want to take band anymore and my instrument was rented so I had to give it back. I wanted to play the clairanet because I originally wanted to go to alto saxaphone from there but wasn't there for the try-outs so didn't make it. I learned the piano a while ago... quit that too mainly because I hated the teacher that I had... She was very cruel and insulting..... I played the piano mainly because my mom wanted me to and signed me up before I could really give her my opinion. I liked playing but like I said my teacher was mean... And we couldn't find another teacher AND I was going to Jr. high that year and decided to get that outta my way. This all happend about three years ago. I still play the piano... what I can remember that is...
  20. I got this in an e-mail and thought it was pretty funny in a stupid sorta way and decided to sare it with you all. Have fun reading: TOP TEN WAYS TO FREAK OUT YOUR ROOMMATE 10) Collect potatoes. Paint faces on them and give them names. Name one after your roommate. Separate your roommate's potato from the others. Wait a few days, and then bake your roommate's potato and eat it. Explain to your roommate, ''He just didn't belong.'' 9) Move everything to one side of the room. Ask your roommate if he knows how much an elephant weighs, and look at the floor on the empty side of the room with concern. 8) Draw a tiny black line on your nose. Make it bigger every day. Look at it and say, ''The hair, it's growing. Growing!'' 7) Buy some knives. Sharpen them every night. While you're doing so, look at your roommate and mutter, ''Soon, soon....'' 6) Collect hundreds of pens and pile them on one side of the room. Keep one pencil on the other side of the room. Laugh at the pencil. 5) Tell your roommate, ''I've got an important message for you.'' Then pretend to faint. When you recover, say you can't remember what the message was. Later on, say, ''Oh, yeah, I remember!'' Pretend to faint again. Keep this up for several weeks. 4) While your roommate is out, glue your shoes to the ceiling. When your roommate walks in, sit on the floor, hold your head, and moan. 3) Make a sandwich. Don't eat it, leave it on the floor. Ignore the sandwich. Wait until your roommate gets rid of it, and then say, ''Hey, where the heck is my sandwich!?'' Complain loudly that you are hungry. 2) Every time your roommate walks in yell, ''Hooray! You're back!'' as loud as you can and dance around the room for five minutes. Afterwards, keep looking at your watch and saying, ''Shouldn't you be going somewhere?'' 1) Talk back to your Rice Krispies. All of a sudden, act offended, throw the bowl on the floor and kick it. Refuse to clean it up, explaining, ''No, I want to watch them suffer.'''
  21. K, we need a few more sign-ups before we can start. Everybody and anybody is welcome :D.
  22. Here's my profile: Name: Silvia Age: 17 Species: Human Appearance: Silvia is albino (for those that don't know what albino mean's it's when a person is born with all features white. ex: hair, eyebrows). Waist length hair braided. Grayish green eye's with a tint of silver. Wear's a jean vest with a striped t-shirt underneath and wear?s blue jeans. Items: Wears a metallic wristband acquired by thievery a while back but soon found out (after she put it on) that it had been cursed to be stuck on a wrist for as long as the person lives (bad luck?). It has a tendency to glow whenever magic is used near by (a malfunction of the curse) so Silvia finds it quiet useful. Another item in her care is a well-balanced dagger put on her belt at her hip. It has Vine like engravings on it. Other: She has lived on the streets for about 2 weeks. Not really happy about being kicked out of her house she tries her best to stay out of trouble (surprising that she?s lived this long, eh?). Not a very good thief she just ends up grabbing anything that looks slightly expensive and sells them. She is found most of the time traveling the rooftops.
  23. Just what the title say's, a world were anything is possible. Alien's can crash land and were wolves stalk the night. Human's can fly and fearies can... bite?? Sorry,couldn't find anything else that rymes with night. This particular RPG revolves around a city were trouble is brewin'. Crimes happen day and night, and people hide in fear. The select few that are brave enough to travel the streets often don't come home at night... All I need: Name: (please state your name here) Age: (Obviously your age) Speacies: (Here you can choose whether you wish to play a regular human or something else) Appearence: (We all need to know what you look like if this is to turn out sucessful) Item's: (you can have MINOR magic. Here you can put what you wish to carry along on your... adventure. Nothing too out there please as it would be unfair to other people) Other: (anything else you wish for us to know, like maybe a bio) I will wait for sign-up's before I put up my profile.
  24. You could use the Mountain's card. It raises dragon attack powers by about 300 I think... I'm not sure becuase I don't have my card here right now. You could also use the dragon treasure card, it raises the attack aswell, don't really remember about defence. Add these two to your combo and you'll get a very powerful Blue Eye's. You should also get some def cards to even it out just in case. Yes, I know I'm a very lazy person. can't even walk to my room to check something as simple as a cards stats... Ah well, I'll get back to you next time.
  25. Darkmoon


    I used to watch it when it first came out, and that was a long time ago. But, yeah, it was good from what I remember. I don't really watch it now thoough.
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