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Everything posted by Darkmoon
Oh no, sorry guy's I forgot about my unanswered riddles and I kinda didn't check up on them for a long time :blush: [QUOTE]Darkmoon, I think the answer to your first question is Megidramon. He has toxic breath, he destroys things, he's blood red, and he's there because of Takato's anger.[/QUOTE] You are correct Mr. Masterdramon. Congrats to you:)! I'll post up some more riddles later on when I have more time (and when I can think of one:P).
Well, I haven't heard of the movie (or read the book for that matter) but books in general are usually better than the movie made off of it. It's a (usually) fact, just take that harry potter movie, they practically ruined the whole story! I read the book first and after I watched the movie I found out that they left ALOT out, and improvised on alot of the parts.
I was originally going to put this in the help with beating mewtwo thread but then it turned into a story that I had completly forgotten about and so I decided to make a whole new thread. Here's the story: I've beaten a mewtwo with a Lv. 65 Venusaure... by accendent:P. Hard to believe that venusaur can beat anything like that, it surprised even me! This happend in my red version, when I kinda lost my master ball. I was hoping to catch it with a ultra ball... Hey, my brother was able to do it without damageing it, and I thought that I could too... But no matter how hard I tried it just wouldn't work! So I gave up and left it alone. I'm so angery, how did he (my brother) pull of something like that?!? I've never been even close to catching something in that cave without damageing it. He had used up his master ball and had battled that thing for hours trying to catch it, in the end he just started throwing every ball he had at it... and ended up catching it with his last ultraball. This happend a while ago (about 3 years ago accually) but I would like a resonable answer to how this was possible. He didn't press a single button, not any cheats or anything, and it worked (I was watching so I know)! Anybody want to give me an explinationon how this is possible? [size=small]Also if anyone has their own funny story on catching a pokemon, I wouldn't mind you posting it up.[/size]
a green Psyduck? I never knew that you could catch green pkm, that's cool. I'd like to catch a different color pkm for once... other than my blue machop. I've got a blue machop. That's all if you don't count the gyrados... I just don't play my game much anymore so I haven't caught any new ones so far.
I personally don't think that this movie is worth watching either. It's only ment to keep Mikel Jordan from being forgotten. Since they can't make money off of him directally anymore they try to bring in a "wanna be". It's just an attempt at trying to get him populare with kids again (most likely, little kids).
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B] erhm, im 12 and 10 months :p but im scared of some of your scores and... some of the questions were meant for females... well my test was: 76.5% just imagine how low it will get as i get older... [/B][/QUOTE] Well, at least now I know that I'm not the youngest around here.
I've only seen the add in famous players, I didn't read the story line or anything, but it looks cool. I might like to see it.
I got 93.1% *looks around* Somehow I'm getting the feeling that I might be the youngest here...
Anime Has anyone seen vampire hunter D: bloodlust?
Darkmoon replied to Vampire Hunter D's topic in Otaku Central
I've been wanting to see it, but every video store I go to only has it on DVD and I an't got DVD (not yet anyways). I've read the reviews on the story line and all, it sounds great. I'm going to try getting it this weekend, can't wait:D. -
The first one is very good. I like it. Better than any poem I ever wrote. It accually rymes compared to mine. But I kinda agree with Hyper Shadow, they do seem a bit dark.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by VP-Master [/i] [B] I really would consider the season currently in the US season 1. True, there was an original series that aired before it but that is quite different from the yu-gi-oh we see here in the US. That series only aired 27 eps in 1998 before it was cancelled and the creator created the new series with "better twists and surprises" in 2000. The new series isn't supposed to be related to the old one as some new character were added, some were changed, and some were thrown out from the old show and not to mention a lot of plot changed (though not all of it). So this technically is the first season if Yu-Gi-oh. [/B][/QUOTE] Ohh, ok. Thanks for clearing that up.
The very first anime I saw I think was sailor moon... can't be sure cause I was like 6 when I watched it. You know, I never even knew what an anime was until I saw Eskaflone.
So we'r watching S2? I never knew that... What was S1 about? Anyway's, Back on topic- No point in me trying to answer the questions, everybody else did before me. If only I had been here sooner, then I coulda answer'd some...
Thanks for the info PE2K:). But what I'm most interested in knowing right now is, what does kecleon look like?
Kecleon? I never heard of that one (I know all of them that were relesed in the games 'cept the GBA ones)... Is there even such thing? Do you have a picture maybe? I 'd like to see what it looks like...
I loved the movie. I like the way the plane went and all. I never saw the original, but then I don't mind. I'm happy with this one.
Name: Rasura Rikta (Rasura means Silent stalker/hunter or Silent watcher) Age: 14 and I look 14. Race: Dragon/human. Sire or Birth: Unknown Attacks: like most dragons she can controll fire, but instead of comming from the mouth it is formed by the hands, appearing fist as small red marbles. Looks: 5 foot something. Has slited eyes (color depending on her mood) that to most are desturbing to look at. Also two wings (color also depending of her mood) on her back. Usually held tight against her back appears to be a cloak most of the time. Other than that she carries a quarter staff and wears a travellers outfit. Bio: Most about her is unknown, except that she travels about looking for a piticular something. That something is also unknown.
I've never seen the comercials were he mess's up the other disney movies, But I've seen the other one's (eg. 1st alien- shh, he's listening for us. 2nd alien- How good is his hearing? *suddenly stitch turns around*:laugh: ) I love those commercials! Anyways I'd love to see it, it looks funny.
I like Spider-man alot more than SW. I kinda liked to see my old favorite cartoon and super hero in a realistic movie. Even if at times he did look computerized. I also liked the green goblin. He looked alot better than in the cartoon. I also liked the way he acted. The only problem with him was that sometimes he seemed to walk alittle stiff... But other than that, I loved it! I watched it twice. But SW was a kind of dissapointment to me... Epp one was way better than this one (no oppence ment to anyone) and I think that the older ones looked better (even if the quality wasn't as good). The books were also better than this one... But all in all, it wasn't THAT bad.... I just like spider-man better is all. One thing they both had in common, lot's of "love" going on... Spider-man in love with mary jane, Anikan in love with Padme(sp), formally known as queen Amedalla.
Great... I'm not very good with things like this so don't blame me if it turns out horrible... but ok. Someone should help me a bit though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rajaah- *takes a deep breath* Consentrate... You should feel it... Nightfire- *Thinks of this as a wast of time, but tries again nonetheless* What am I looking for exactally?
Name: Arya Age: 15 Sex: female Appearence: Grey green eyes, dark brown hair tied in a ponytail, grey baseball cap. Jean jaket (no sleaves) with light yellow T-shirt underneath, blue pair of jeans as pants. Personality: Likes to make friends, dosn't stand for getting pushed around. Not very populare, but known to others as a nice person. Background: Lives with one brother, a foster sister, a mother and a farther who owns a resturant.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Devidramon [/i] [B]Darkmoon: I love those style riddles. Kinda reminds me of Gollum's riddles to Bilbo in "The Hobbit." Anyway, #1 is RedVegiemon. He's red, one of his attacks is his poisonous breath, and he's become evil against his will (Dark ring.) #2 is Mikemon. But Gatomon's Vaccine and Mikemon's Data.[/B][/QUOTE] Oh, thank you:D! #1 is wrong. #2 is right. Uh, I guess I messed up on the vaccin, data thing for Gotomon:blush:.
I've got some. Try to guess pleaz. 1) Blood red as death, Destruction is my breath. Carnage my game, If you don't want to play, I am not to blame. What I have become is not my doing, So go ahead and do your booing. Who am I? 2) I am furry, I am small. I have two twin sisters, that is all. One is white, the other black. The black one virus, the white data While I am vaccine I am the new one, multicolored am I, And I do not lie. Who am I? The first one I over did, the second, to easy... But all the same, just try them! Yes! I'm finnaly a junior member! Thank you!
Nightfire- Ahhh, feel what? OOC- I'm sorry, but i've no clue what is supposed to happen so my part is short.
Nightfire- Why again are we going to cheack out the Hybrid tribes? No one said that it was a nessesity to get mixed up in all of this. Rajaah- We need to know. This will affect everyone, and I would prefer it if humans and Hybrid's were to be friends rather than enimies. Tristan- We also [I]care[/I] about what's going to happen. *Nightfire ignored that* Nightfire- I usually stay out of other people's fight's, not push myself into them. Even if I do start a few, it dosn't mean that I like getting mixed up in these things you know.