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Everything posted by Darkmoon
OOC: What ever happend to Ken? IC: Nightfire- Why are they makeing the missiles? Sounds like a war of some kind is brewing... Rajaah- That's What seems to be happening, yes.
Well, if you all want to restart it... I guess you can. I'm in three RPG's so I'm kinda haveing trouble keeping track of them all (I'm getting them mixed up -.-"). Personally, I've no clue how I came to be in that cave. I thought that we were in a house. But as I seid, if everyone wants to continue it, then we can continue from were we left off.
Nightfire- I don't need to watch the "beutiful scenary". I've done that all my life. Carrot- well then you should get to appreciat it more. Nightfire- What were you doing? I'm not stupid and gullible enough to fall for that I hope you know. Carrot- *looks at her innocently* honestly nothing! Nightfire- Yeah sure.... [I]He's hideing something... He's also a bad lier. Wounder what's going on with everyone. They all seem to be hideing something from me...[/I] *Nightfire shruges to herself and walks off in the direction of the cave* [I]Well, I can't exactally blame them for not trusting me. I didn't exactally act friendly.[/I] Just then Tristan arrives looking like He'd been in a fight. Nightfire- *sarcasticaly* I supose you had trouble collecting fire wood. Did they fight back good? Nightfire- *A little more seriously* Ok, were have you been?
I'd have a few trust worthy friends. But other then that I would be the really annoying person that no one would want around... Always quiet, listening in on other peoples conversations... laughing at they're jokes and things they do... Maybe I should go now...
Name: Arya Age: 14 Sex: Female Bio: Raven black hair tied back in a pony tail. Wears blue jeans, Pink striped turtle neck with a jean jacket on top (starting to sound like a sundae...) Digimon: Mikemon EDIT: If you don't know what mikemon is, it's the striped version of gotomon in my sig below.
Nightfire- I guess the first impression I made wasn't a very good one, was it? Rajaah- No, it wasn't. Nightfire- Sorry... umm, I wasn't in a very good mood... *Rajaah raised his eyebrow* Nightfire- Don't expect to get more than that. An apology is enough. Rajaah- And how are we to be friends if we keep secrets from each other? Nightfire- This is personal. Rajaah- And mine is not? Nightfire- That's differnt. Rajaah- How so? Nightfire- ok, how about this. I tell you a little about myself and you tell me a little about yourself, deal? Don't worry, I won't lie. I never Lie unless it be nessisary.
which one? there's like 3 different stories going on over here! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracania- uh, monodramon? monodramon- yea? Dracania- were are we? Monodramon- what? *get's up from exsamining the ground* ohhh.... uh oh... Dracania- Uh oh's right, while you were on the ground looking at who know's what, you took the light off our path and now we're lost! Monodramon- ummmm..... well, they can't have gone to far, we were with them only a sec ago. try yelling. Dracania- ok fine, J.RRRRRRRRR....? WERE ARE YOU!!!! WE ARE LOST!!!! CAN YOU HEAR US???? *no answer exept the eco's of her voice* Monodramon- that sounds bad.... Dracania- that's right it sounds bad!!! I knew I hear something, this thing, *knocks on what appears to be a glass wall* has come and blocked out path! this isn't even a path we're looking at! it's a painting of it!! Monodramon- let me try to knock it down! DRAGON BLAZE! *wall reman's un harmed* That wasn't what I had expected... it must be made of some kind of metal... Dracania- what can be worse than this?!? We're lost again! and this time it's from people that we know that were also lost, but at least we were sticking together! Monodramon- I'm sure things will straghten out soon, and look over there! *dracania turns to find a wall sliding back to show a hidden passage* we can go from there! Dracania- why would a passage open up in our time of need I wounder... Well, I'm not going from there! it might be a trap! Monodramon- Why not? that way's blocked too. *Dracania wirrles around to find the way they came was blocked too* Monodramon- Let's go then! why not? it's the only way out! Were's your sence of adventure? Dracania- I left it with the gazimon... Monodramon- Let's go!
Egh! Digital shodow sliped in before I could get my post up... But these I thought by myself, so don't think I copyed! [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Devidramon [/i] [B]Ah. I thought you meant her [i]next[/i] form, something higher she can only attain by not going through Nefertimon. Which left Silphymon and Angewomon. I'm not good at making riddles, so here's a 'who said what.' 1: " 'Mean' would be letting you go in there and get erased faster than you can say 'is this the delete key I see before me?' " 2: "I shall enjoy devouring you. Angel food is my favorite!" 3: "Chicks dig evil Digimon." 4: "I don't mean to eavesdrop, but I've got really big ears." 5: "My information was chopped, sliced, whipped, and pureed! I felt like a four-speed blender!" [/B][/QUOTE] 1) Impmon or beelzemon (don't remember what form he was in, but it was him!!) 2) Venommyoticemon. 3) I'm positive Cera seid that somewere.... I never new they seid that in the show... 4) Willas's partner terriormon. 5) Don't know. Don't remember.
No, I think it's Gotomon. When she sheds her armoured form which is Nefertimon, she becomes gotomon. Am I right?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sage [/i] [B]Could the first one be...TANKMON? Okay, I wanna do more:D 1)heavenly looks will make HIM cool, though he's not even a champion. 2)It would be eaten by Gatomon if it wouldn't be as strong as it is. One of a dozen. 3)Three of these were seen in Paris. This is the fourth and the most noble of them all. (HINT:These aren't armors like the previous ones I send.) Go on and try to guess [/B][/QUOTE] 1) I forget his name, but he looks like a boy that's an angel, he's rookie level. 2)ahhh......the rat deva? 3)mamemon, metalmamemon and bigmamemon and that big bang boom guy with the chain saw... Which is the noble one? I want to do some more to, but I'll wait so that this post won't be so long and so I woudent have to duble post...
Blanko, you got the first right, the second wrong and the third was right (it was the veemon, demiveemon dosn't use his head in a fight) [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by clowmet [/i] [B]devidramon got all of mine Correct! Here are some more: 1)I am an ultimate level digimon who appeared in all seasons 2)There is another digimon who looks exactly like me except it is purple 3)I dont have any legs, only gun arms Who am I? 1)my best friend looks like a big drop of poop 2)I look like a mammal from the real world 3)My name is also what I look like I had been Who am I? 1)I am big and blue 2)I am dressed up Indian style 3)A yellow fox destroyed me 4)I am an armor digimon Who am I? 1)I never appeared in the show, only on playstation 2)There is another digimon who looks exactly like me except he is yellow and has blue fur 3)My skin is pink and I have a horn on my head 4)I look like a tropical type of digimon Who am I? [/B][/QUOTE] 1) odd, I never knew such a digi existed... But then again, I've got a horrible memory... I've seen every epp jof s1 Missed only 2 of s2 and all of s3... So were does this guy fit in? 2) Chuumon 3) Allomon (I'm not sure if I got his name right, but I know that It's that big blue dino that wears fethers and was destroyed by Renamon useing Agumon's icywind attack) 4) No clue, unfortunatly I never played the game.
Maybe I can try some.... Guess these! 1) White as snow, Claws on my toes. I wear mittens that look cool, I have not been seen sitting on a stool. I'm one with attitude! But after I gave them my grattitude. I'm one of them now, So give me an applause and a baow (sp) Who am I? 2) I am Giant, I am Red. I can't fit easly (if at all) in my DD's bed. Up I soar, Throught the clouds that I adore. I am tuff to beat, So if you an enemy, we may not want to meet. Outa my way! Here I come! To the aid of my friends, which by the way are not bums. Who am I? 3) I am small, I am blue. I always have meny things to do. I am annoying, but loved by all! I don't think I've ever been seen playing with a ball. When in tight situations, I use my head, If you get hit, it will feel like getting punched with lead. Who am I? That's all I can think of for now.... Hopefully they are not to hard and make some sence.
Someone mind telling me what OOC stands for? every one on the RPG form seems to know what it is but me! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracania- what did we just hit? Monodramon- feels like a whole bunch of sticky ropes to me... J.R (heard from below)- Ouch! huh? Were am I? Halloooooo? blackgotomon? Dracania? Blackgotomon- Up here! JR- how did you guys get all the way up there? Monodramon- who care! just get us down. it's uncomfotable sticky up here... JR- No prob! Blackgotomon, can you cut throught the ropes? your claws should do the trick! Blackgotomon- ok. *starts slashing the rope to pieces* ???- Egh!! Who dares Destubes my slumber?!? You fall into my web and start destroying it? You will pay for all the hard work it cost me! *a giant spidar like digimon appears at the other side of the web*
One more thing. No one dies, make up an ending with your imaginations... I know, corny, but at least no one dies.... And as Blanko seid, It 's finished! C'est un fini! So long su..... You get the point...
[I]mean while back in the hole....[/I] Arya- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Monodramon- will you stop yelling already? Shesh! Arya- Mono...? How'd you get all the way down here? Monodramon- How does it look like? I fell! Arya- Can you fly? *looks at his stubby little wing* Monodramon- not really, they're to small. And besides I couldn't carry you if my life depended on it!! What seems to be another passage opens up and takes Arya, monodramon and Blackgotomon into it, while J.R dropes dow another hole. *they hit something hard and stringy* Arya- what the....?
Arya- oh, come on! Rino- don't you have any stories? I'm tired of telling all of mine!! Arya- uhhh, no. Drogon- not what shadow tells me... Arya- Shadow!! Who's side are you on anyways?!? Goven- umm, did you forget about me already?
Dracania- What do you mean just in case? Monodramon can protect me against anyth.... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Monodramon- *sweat dropes* Not against a hole in the ground, no... Blackgotomon- amature.... Monodramon- She's not... ok well maybe she is, but I'm going to help her anyways! *jumps in after her useing the wing flaps under his arms to slow his fall* Blackgotomon- Do we have to go in after them? Cuase I hope you know, it's a looong way down... and who know's if we can get back up again....
Arya- yes, I'm happy now. Drogon- Hey! I wanted to say it! Arya- I wish it were a bit more interesting though...
opps, I forgot to put up my speciality... Well, might as well put it up now... Speciality:Transfiguration (sp), and pretty good at charms (not great but good)
Nightfire- Interesting... *shrug* I guess I've been out a little out of touch with the world... But then I knew that before I disapeared...
Arya- ohhhh, come on..... It could be interesting! Anyways, we might as well tell stories, not like we'r going anywere for a while. Drogon- Ok, Th- Rino- No! You will not say anything! Drogon- spoil sport... [I] Shadow- you can tell me, I won't tell anyone....[/I] Drogon- But Arya can hear you and that's who Rino's trying to keep the secret from! Rino- I'm not trying to keep secrets from anyone!
*In the distance, Dracania hear's Elecmon digivolving* Monodramon stops digging Monodramon- wounder what's going on down there.... can we go see? I'm tired of digging and I want something new to happen! Dracania- No we are not going! Monodramon- Awwww... come on.... I'm tired of running away from everything! Let's go!!
Name: Arya Age: 14 Year: 2 House(you all cant be in Gryffindor):Well, I'm in gryffindor. Quidditch Position(optional): Good at rideing on brooms BUT don't play quidditch. appearnce: Raven black hair, emerald eyes, clothing is the hogwarts uniform Bio: I am Ron weasly's daughter, the black sheep of the family (don't fit in with the family well but we'r all still happy)
Arya- Well, atleast other people can hear drogon. No one can hear shadow but me. Rino- are...you sure your ok? Arya- I'm not crazy! Shadow can talk with other animals, maybe that can count for Drogon to.... Drogon- I'm not an animal! Arya- Ok, for anything other than people, is that ok? Drogon- feeling much better. [I]Shadow- can you hear me?[/I] Drogon- Wow! I can accually Hear you! Well, not exsactally hear, but I know what your saying.
Arya- HE IS NOT A DOG!!!!! He's my friend, and if you've got a problem with that, I don't care!