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Everything posted by Darkmoon
Goven- Hey! that's a real dragon! wow! Shdow dosn't seem to like the tigar and starts blocking his entrance threatening to attack. Drogon- you just have to attack everybody, don't you?
Just cause things are getting a little mixed up, I'll explain what's happend... first of all, I had been appearentantally watching a fight that wasn't (or was it? I can't tell!) going to well, then hope had found me and was comeing to meet up with me... THEN I had somehow teleported into a cave with a strange creature and Desire (sp). NOW, I'm running away from the fight with Hopw and her compainions... that dosn't make sence so I'm going to fix it up a bit...*starts fixin' it up* tada!! I've got something (witha little help from blanko) that can make this all make sence again (I'm so weird....:D )! ok, here's how it goes.... I had been watching the fight and then Hope had found me, we dicided to run away from the fight because we didn't want to get involved in something like that. We had run into a cave, with yet another person Desiree, but we didn't stick around long enough to find out what happend. Now, Desiree, It's your choice weather you want to stick around with us, or if you want to run away with us (I know, we'r pretty cowardly, we run away from every big fight! but that's the best way we can do this...). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracania- Do you know were we'r going? how long have you been in the digiworld? Hope- donno, lost track.
Monodramon- ummm, Dracania.... There's someone, or something comeing toword us.... Dracania- What *turns around and stares* there really are more people around here than I first thought.... *starts yelling*Hey! Over here! Hope- *yells back*We know! we saw you a mile away! Monodramon- We weren't going to be spotted, eh? They saw us a mile Away!!!! Dracania-*sweatdroppes* uhhh, well, I meant that they weren't going to see us!! *points toward the fight as someone is thrown down* Monodramon- -_-;
Nightfire is crouching at the mouth of the cave , humming a strange song to herself. *she looks up at the sky* [I]Well, dawn dosn't look to far off. Hopefully the bugs will leave when the sun comes up. I'm tired of sitting in this cave. It's so boreing in here...[/I] Nightfire let out a sigh and settles in a more comfortable position. [I]Maybe I shoulden't have gotten mad at that guy. It's not like he really did anything... Oh, well. To late for that now.[/I] *Watches as in the distance an orangy glow spreads it's ray's throught the sky*
[QUOTE]I hate to burst your bubble but Megadramon is dead. He died fighting GranKuwogumon! [/QUOTE] Whopps! I guess I've lost track of the story already.... Can somebody please find me? I'm tired of wandering around alone in this RPG... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dracania- What's going on? I hear alot of yelling, and something about a digiegg.... Monodramon- Well, at least you hear something... All this noise Has busted my ear drums!!
Arya- She could have given us a ride out of her... [/I]Shadow- I personally hate the Idea of being up in the sky like that....[/I] Arya- now what are we going to do?
In the distance a giant snake ike digimon appears out of no were. Monodramon- That's a Megadramon. How did he do that? I mean, appear out of nowere like that? Dracania- How should I know? this is your world not mine. Hey! let's get a closer look! I'd like to see that thing for myself. Monodramon- Are you sure that's a good Idea? I could smell a fight brewing in the air! It's going to me a tuff battle from the looks of it! Dracania- A battle! Well, it's ok. I won't let anyone see me. Besides, you can protect me! *grabs Monodramon's claws and runs towards the fight* Monodramon- Protect you?!? He's an ultimate! I'm a rookie! there's no way I can fight that thing! *dracania dosn't hear his warning in her exitement to get to the fight* Monodramon- ohhh, ok. But it'll take a mericle to save us if we're spotted... *they reach the Megadramon in a few minits* What they see surprises them. They see two kids, an leomon a Exveemon and a GranKuwogumon with the megadramon seen erlyer in the sky shooting missales. Monodramon- Ohh, I guess there's more of you humans around here than I thought...
*Nightfire snaps suddenly out of thought at Tristan's voice* Nightfire- What did you say? Tristan- I didn't say anything. Nightfire- *shrugs* [I]I heard him say something about rasins... Rasins? Why would he be talking about raisns? That's stupid.... I must've been hearing things....[/I] *stares uncomfortably at Rajaah* [I]Smells bad.... Well, what am I supposed to do? I don't know how to treat a wound's! Besides, he seid he didn't need any help.[/I] Ken- When the night goes, so should the insectoides, unless they've changed they're sleep pattern, I don't think we would have any trouble with them in the morning.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Single H [/i] [B]I feel sorry for you guys...... I have Escaflowne Japanese version with English subtitle. The images are still fresh in my mind. I really fell in love for the first time...... The series was so touching and the plot is soo complicated. First episode, Hitomi and Amano was suppose to be couples but....... Last episode Yukari and Amano became couples instead...... and Allen gets his sister back.... spoiler(Dilandau is his sister!) I think the cut it because there's so much blood. One episode, Van gets seriously injured and he was screaming and blood was everywhere. Keep in mind this is a love story. One thing disturbes me is when Folken uses his technology to make Allen and Hitomi kiss and Van saw It all!!!!! Arrgh..... so much to say but I'll stop for now. [/B][/QUOTE] I know all that.... no need to show off.... Right now I'm trying to find a good place were I can find an episode guide on it all....
ummm, sorry for duble posting, but, is it ok if I make up an attack for Monodramon? I don't know any of his attacks and would like to know before things get a little to comeplicated. Or someone can tell me his attack? I'd really apreciat it, Thanx!!
Dracania- sooo, do you know how I can get out of here? Monodramon- Nope. Never thought of leaveing, and probably never would have if you didn't ask me. Dracania- Awww.... Do you know were I can possible go to find out how? Monodramon- Nope. Dracania- Do you know anything? Monodramon- Nope. Dracania- are you even listening to me? Monodramon- Nope. What? I do know something! Dracania- ohh, so you can hear what I seid a while ago, but not what I just seid? Monodramon- Ummm, sorry. You just ask to meny questions.... Dracania- What did I do to deserve this?!? Getting sucked into a whole new place, nearly getting eaten and now finnaly meet someone friendly that dosn't know anything! Monodramon- Well, if your a human and stuck in this world, that means your got to do something, your destained to it. And now I've gotten suked into this mess to, cause now I'm supposed to help you! Dracania- Is there something wrong with that? Do you think you can help me get out of here? Monodramon- ok. Suddenly the ground begins to shake and something in the distance begins to emerg from the ground... Monodramon- uh, oh.... looks like someone's sturred things up in the wrong place at the wrong time...
Arya- I guess we're sorry about that too... I guess we over reacted a little... Shadow looks at her Arya- ok, I guess I over reacted a little. You see shadow was only protecting me.
Nightfire- *infuriated(sp?)* So you don't end up killing anyone?!? let me tell you something, you overgrown snake! the only one that will end up killing someone is me! And guess who my target is? *tristan ignores her* Nightfire- you've got some nerve... Ken- as someone had mentioned earlyer, we shouldn't be fighting each other. [I]ohhh, whatever... I'll just take a bit of a rest.. At lest the bug sting has stopped hurting.[/I] Nightfire settled comefortably by a rock and decided to have a short rest... Tristan looks back once more to make sure there was not going to be any more problems and walked out to his post.
Creature- I seid don't play stupid with me! Dracania- But I.....! 2 creature- ohh, just let it out! I'm getting tired of it's squalling! It can't be too dangerous if we were able to catch it! creature- ok, fine! what appeared to be a lid of some sort was lifted off the top of the dark room. Dracania- finnaly! freash air! What the? what the heck are you? Creature- What does it look like? *looks at her blank face* I'm a digimon stupid! a G-A-Z-I-m-o-n?!? God! you really are as clueless as you seid! What appeared to be the leader of the gazimon- what did you let that thing out?!? Didn't I tell you that our Lord had told us to keep it under gaurd?!? You digimon are the stupid's thigs I ever seen! you can't even follow one simple command! 1gazimon- I'm sorry! I didn't....know? Captain- lyer! Now that it knows were it is we'll have to destroy it! 2gazimon- well, looks like we'll have a meal after all! Darcania- What?!? NO, Don't! captain- electric stun blas.....ouch! who did that?!? Newcommer- time to get even with you! you were going to eat me for lunch? *looks at Dracania* Woh, thank's for saveing me! now I'll save you! The new commer leaps off a bolder and shotes an energy blast at the gazimon. Later on when there was no gazimon left... Dracania- umm thanks.... whatever you are. Newcommer- my names Monodramon, and I just had to repay you for helping me before.... even if you didn't mean it. Dracania- oh, thanx! I don't know what I would have done without you! *looks into her hand* oh, so this is what I had sat on...*acedentally presses a button, a beam of light hits Monodramon* Monodramon- oh cool! your one of those legendary digimon callers! I'm happy to finnaly meet one! Dracania- Digimon what?
Nightfire- *growling* You seem to think highly of your self! what makes you think that we can't take care of ourselves? Tristan- Strange that you use the word "we" when you clearly stated that you were only out there to protect yourself. *Ken watches interestedly since the same question was asked by him earlyer* Nightfire-*angerly* I, we, I mean... What's it your buisness?!? No one asked for your help. So why did you help us then? Tristan- *mockingly* What? You would have risked the chance of death rather than have my help? Nightfire- Well maybe I would! And you still didn't give your reasons for giving unwanted help! Carrot- Come on! Give me a break! I stop one fight and it starts another! God! Don't you have anything better to do? Nightfire- Stay out of this!
*Arya grabs her arm back and stares at the giant lizard thing that had just appeard* Shadow seems to sence that Arya has been frighted by the new comer and starts growling [I]mind to mind- Shadow- don't worry, that over growen crocodial won't get past me! Arya- what is it? Shadow- whats it look like? it's a dragon! Arya- a dragon?!? but that's impossible! they've all died out a couple 100 years ago! Showdow- not this one. Arya- wait a minit, how do you know what a dragon looks like? Shadow- instinct.[/I] Drogon- whats the big deal? I didn't do anything! Shadow continues growling. Drogon- fine let's have it your way! Mayrino- Stop it! Stop it both of you! Arya- you seem to like that thing! Mayrino- "that thing" as you call it happens to be my friend! Vol'don- This is no time to fight! Calm down everybody! *everybody stops (including shadow and drogon) and looks at him* Vol'don- ok, there's an angery mob out side trying to get in, and you all seem bent on killing each other! Why don't we just let the mob do that for us, but in the mean time I prefer if we didn't have a war in here! Mayrino- Well I didn't start it, She did! *points at Arya* Arya- what do you mean I started it! Mayrino- your wolf is trying to kill Drogon! Arya-He's not my wolf! he's my friend and just so happens that he likes to travell with me! Mayrino- what, so that you can steal from every one?!? you had no right to steal that man's wallet! and your telling me that a wolf can understand you? Arya- Who asked you? and just so you know, yes he can!! *looks at vol'don* and why the heck did you try to help me for? Vol'don- I..... Arya- well? what's your reason? why would a person like you help a theif like me? *Vol'don just stares at her for asking astupid question like that* Vol'don- Ok! stop it! you two at acting like childeren! *Arya and Mayrino just stare at him* Arya- what do you mean? I am a child! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sorry for the long post, I kinda forgot what I was doing...:p
Nightfire- *mumbling* why the heck would you care about a bunch of humans? I don't know anyone else that would care anything about them... Apperently no one heard. *Ken sits down and watches as Rajaah disapears into the forest with a few insectoids following as best they can* Ken- I guess there's nothing we can do but wait.... *looks over at Nightfire* I don't beleve we've been introduced, espacially when we were running out there. My name is Ken, may I ask yours? *Nightfire looks at him uncomfortably* Nightfire- Why would you care to know? Ken- Well, we are trapped here in this cave, might as well get to know each other. Nightfire-.....ok then, my name is Nightfire. Ken- you seem to have something against me. Nightfire- Naw, really? *ken seems to be getting angery* Nightfire- sorry, sorry. It's just that I'm kinda uncomfortable being around others... especially when they look like the ones that tryed to kill me a while ago. Ken- Well, I guess I can't blame you. Ken- I'm curious to know, why did you help us back there? Nightfire- *pretends to not know what he's talking about* Me help you? I was about to get hurt, decided it was time to hurt something or be hurt, and got stuck here with you! Ken- Didn't look like that to me. Nightfire- Mind your own buissness! Man- *wispering as if thinking that she woulden't hear them* It looks like we've found that wolf hybrid we heard erlier. 2nd man- I guess it's not as big a threat as we first thought. Man- I guess not. Looks more animal than anything else. *feels very insulted at being called an animal* Nightfire- *growling* And your about to get hurt more than you bargined for!!
Dracania- ......huh? Were am I? Why's it so dark here? ..... ouch! *rolls over to find something hard under her* what's this? *tries to see it really hard, but to no sucess* Dracania- Were am I? Why can't I see anything? Hello? Anyone?!? HELP!!! Someone, anyone!..... She decides to wait a while, maybe her eyes will adjust to the darkness.... Dracania- It's not working...*try's to move around nervosly, Notices that there isn't much room* Hel-hello? can't someone hear me? Scratchy sounding voice- So it has awakened.... now, might it tell us why it has ruined my trap....that lost meal will cost you.... *voice trails off threateningly (sp)* Dracania- Wh-what? Craeture- don't play stupid with me, you ment to do that! Dracania- No I didn't! what did I do? can you let me out?!? I'm sorry, about what ever I did, I didn't mean it!! creature-ssss.... yes you did!! You will pay.... Dracania- what? cause you lost your lunch? Sorry, but that's a pathetice reason to make me pay... ok, I've got $20, is that enough? cause that's all I got. Creature-.....? $20? what's that? Dracania- How can you not know? Creature- Stop teasing me! I won't have it!! Just out of curiosity, what is $20 mean anyways? [I]It dosn't know?.......wait a minit.... it don'st sound so tuff, acually, it sounds more like it's trying to sound tuff![/I] Dracania- well... If you let me out, I'll show you creature- you are trying to trick me!! probably you attake as soon as you come out!! Dracania-.... Attack? what do you mean?
Name: Dracania Age: 14 Hight: 5'2" weight: I don't know... I don't keep track!! description: raven black hair, Violate eye's, Wears a jean vest and a Black t-shirt underneath. Wears a blue pair of jeans. Personality: Is not one to keep secrets from. Does not know who her parents are, was born an orphan. Her eye's tell a differnt story though. She seem's to always know more than she says. D-colour: Lavander Can't wait till we start :D!!
looks at what Ken had done. [I]The human has surprising skills, I wounder what other skills he has up his sleaves...[/I] Nightfire-We'd better hurry. Even if that holds them for a while, it won't hold them for long. There's a bunch more comeing now. How 'bout we find that cave of yours? Rajaah- It's up ahead, round that bend in the hill. They reach a fimilare looking peak. Nightfire- that's the same place I was a while ago... Rajaah- In here! *dives into a cave right under that peak* Ken- How far in does it go? Rajaah- Pretty far, haven't been here for a while though. They all dash into the cave. [I]It stinks in here. Smells like mold with a hint of something dead. Wounder what other poor soul got stuck in here... Were they possibly in the same situation as us?[/I]
[I]Running at surprising speed through the market place...[/I] Arya (mumbling under her breath)-I can't beleve that kid gave me away! Arn't street kids supposed to NOT be rats and go taddle-taleing? merchant- Stop that theving Brat!! That little scum ball stole my wallet!! There's a reward for anyone who brings me her head! Get back here! [I]Shadow mind to mind- He's gaining on you. Arya- yes, well, thank you for pointing that out! shadow- your welcome Arya-Why don't you try to Help?!? Shadow- you told me to keep out of sight, and I promised to. Arya- perfict timeing... WHY DO YOU LISTEN TO ME WHEN I DON'T WANT YOU TO, AND DON'T WHEN I WANT YOU TO?!? Shadow- ok fine, and just incase you want to know, maybe you should watch were your going...[/I] At that monent Arya crashed into someone (Vol'don). [I]Arya- oh, thank you for the late warning...ouch! Shadow- anytime[/I] Vol'don- Hey! *topples over along with Arya* Arya (groning)- Sorry... about time! Shadow had just jumped off the roof of a building, growling deep in his throught at the oncomeing merchant...
I saw the english version. I saw the whole thing of it so at least I know how the story goes and ends. If I ever get a hold of the movie or the Japanese version of it I'll be sure to see it:)
Yes, I know that this anime has not been on for a long time, but all the same, I still like it. Who's with me? *a few raise of hands* That's good. At least it hasn't been completly forgotten... Anyways, the real reason I had made this thread was because a friend of mine had told me that the ones we saw had alot of parts missing to it :eek:. Apperently they had cut out alot (when I say alot, I mean alot!) from the original version. What we now see is just fragments of the original thing. What I want to know is, is this ture? I mean, did they really cut out as much as that? I hope not! But, of coures, they probably did. They have to most of the other anime's I've seen.
It was in the middle of the afternoon that Arya and her companion (as well as best friend) reached the outside of a very busy looking village. Arya- Shadow, you remember what you have to do. No, you can't stay with me, remember what happend the last time you walked into a Village? [I]flash back-[/I] 1st man- What the... *spots the wolf* Oh my god! get that thing away from me! No, don't come any closer! Get away! HELP!!! Arya- He won't hurt you, he's friendly! *throws a basket full of who knows what, at her* Ouch! what was that for? I seid he won't hurt you!! Shadow starts growling. [I]End of flash back[/I] The wolf looked at her thoughtfully. Arya-Yes, I know you didn't mean to frighten that guy, but that didn't mean you had to cut his fingers off. You and I nearly lost our heads trying to get away from that angery mob. This time you'll stay outside so no one gets hurt. Shadow wines. Arya- Ok, fine, you can come. But stay out of site! that way we'll still be able to talk and no one will see you. Shadow walks on ahead. Arya- Hey! you were suposed to follow me! ... please continue...