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Everything posted by Darkmoon
[QUOTE]Ken: Where the Hell are we heading ??.. Hybrid !! Rajaah: To safety ? Human !! [/QUOTE] Nightfire- No time to be enimies! As much as I don't like either of you, best if we co-operate this once! Suddenly two of the insectoides fell to the ground. She paused for a second and stared. [I]ok, how did those two get hurt? I don't remember anyone haveing a sword, or anything near as sharp that is able to cut like that.[/I] She dogged as another bug flew at her. [I]less thinking, more running. The best plan I've had in a while.[/I] Nightfire- So were exactaly is this [I]safe[/I] place of your's?
yes, what is going on? I thought it was in the form too. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]Hey isn't the new movie supposed to be the return of Mewtwo or something? I saw a preview a few times, but that's it. [/B][/QUOTE] opps, another mistake of mine:p. yes I ment return of Mewtwo.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B]...ACK!!! Why... Won't... Anyone... Spot... The... Signup... Fourm?! It's there for a reason. Now, Darkmoon due to the fact that you're new here, I won't be too annoyed. Everyone makes a mistake the first time. But please, next time, make a signup topic in the signup forum, that's what it's there for. Topic Moved. [i]-Warlock[/i] [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry:(... But I had made this RPG before the boards moved to the new version, and I don't think there was a sign up form at that time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ok, now before we start, I"ll still at least need about one more worrior If no one signs up to be that person, we'll just start. I guess the part of the Dark Lord can be played by everybody (much more convienent).
ohh, it's over here then... ssssssssss.... I've been missing out on alot then... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nightfire stood alone and watched as the fight began. [I]Should I go or should I stay? Oh, well, helping out in a fight never hurt anyone...well, maybe the one we're fighting against....[/I] She was surprized when something quick and buzzing nearly knocked her down. [I]Honestly, I should watch out a bit more... [/I] What seemed to be a long stinger wizzed by her ear. A second came , she dogged that one just as swiftly. Mumbling under her breath- there's so meny of them...Where did they all come from? The next one that came lost it's stomach as well as it's wings to a set of powerful jaws, but it's stinger was just able to make it past her defences and grazed her sholder. [I]Ek, hopefully that didn't get in to deep.[/I] One came from behind. Big mistake. The last thing that one saw was a two sets of teeth, then blackness.
Sign Up Hybrid Wars ... Path to Destruction << Sign up >>
Darkmoon replied to Carren Heart's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1]Sorry if it took so long to reply, I've been haveing some strange problems finding this thread.[/SIZE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ She now knew for sure that the Hybrid had spotted her. For some odd reason, it was pointing to the sky. [I]What's he trying to say? I can see that it's a full moon, I'm not blind... Hey! what's he trying to do? Get himself caught?[/I] The hybrid had jumped right infront of the humans, and this surprised her greatly. She listens to what he say's: [QUOTE]Rajaah: > Danger comes .. points up Guard #1: > BOSS !! Ken: > **** !! .. Insectiods [/QUOTE] [I]!!! Is that what he was trying to say? Of cours he was! What's wrong with me? Why didn't I notice that first?[/I] .... -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GotenksSSJ343 [/i] [B] no ash met ho-oh the very first epi when he saw the bird fly over the rainbow that was ho-oh [/B][/QUOTE] oh yeah, I remember now. yes I already knew that was ho-oh, guess I wasn't thinking straght... Thanks for refreshing my memory:)
ummm... are you sure your in the right section? This sounds like an RPG.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GotenksSSJ343 [/i] [B]no but i think that if ash meets up with lugia (again) and some how ho-oh(again) in the same place there powers can combine to open the GS ball to get celiba but after watching the japanese theatrical trailer for pokemon The movie 4 it has celiba in it so i either think the TV show will show it or they'll probably make more epps or show re-runs untill the 4th movie comes to the world out of japan and then it will happen ps ive also got sick of watching it one brock won't stop trying to get a girl two the ball won't open cuz kurt hasn't said anythingabout the G.S ball (yet) from what i heard [/B][/QUOTE] They met up with Ho-oh? I don't remember that... oh, is it in that new movie "mewto strikes back"? I didn't see that one...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]I have a team of all Ice/Water type.... Articuno Delibird Swinub Jynx (also psychic, I know ;), though I can't find any other Ice/Water type pokemon) Suicine (water aswell) Vaporeon (water aswell) So there you go.... :D [/B][/QUOTE] I once had a team of water/ice in my red version. I think I still might have it... Haven't played for a while, but this is what my team was: Blastoise Articuno Vaporeon Dogong (sp) Cloyster And a poliwerl (sp) that was soon replaced by an Arbok.
Sign Up Hybrid Wars ... Path to Destruction << Sign up >>
Darkmoon replied to Carren Heart's topic in Theater
Nightfire watched as the Humans questioned the one found in the forest. [I]He's that same guy who saw me... serves him right for putting his nose were it dosn't belong. But then I don't think they would be happy if they saw me here either.[/I] As the men were talking Nightfire's mind started to drift. For a minit there she thought she heard what sounded like a sharp intake of breath. She was suddenly alert. [I]Could there be someone else hiding here besides me?[/I] She looked carfully around. There! There is something hideing there, crouching by the looks of it. She dicided to have a better look. She moved quietly closer. [I]Definatly not human...[/I] She thought as she caought his sent, and a better look. She couldn't see much of him because of the bushes, but she could still make out a long black tail held high behind him. [I]He looks tense, as if there is something wrong... [/I] She went still. Were are the night creatures? That's odd, don't they usually make some nois around this time? Suddenly the Hybrid turned his head and caught her eye's. [I]Ohh, cr*p! I should have known better than to think he woulden't hear me! Maybe I should get outta here while I still can.[/I] -
Sign Up Hybrid Wars ... Path to Destruction << Sign up >>
Darkmoon replied to Carren Heart's topic in Theater
When the man had finally walked away, Nightfire let out a soft sigh. She was worryed that he might have seen her.. just earlyer a strange man with a barbarice look had spotted her... How could she have been so stupid as to let herself be seen, especially by a human? [I]Oh well, nothing to do about that now... I don't even think he truly beleved he saw me... But that guy that had just left.. he dosn't seem one to mess around with, not one to easly hid from either. Perhaps comeing here wasn't such a good idea afterall...[/I] -
Sign Up Hybrid Wars ... Path to Destruction << Sign up >>
Darkmoon replied to Carren Heart's topic in Theater
[I]Later that night...[/I] Nightfire sat calmly, watching. She had noticed what seemed like a camp fire in the distance, and now was thinking to herself, [I]Why would anyone be crazy enough to come out tonight? They must be humans, Why else would they have a campfire on? Or perhaps I'm on they're Land?[/I] She dicided that it was best to leave her perch, incase they were able to spot her. [I]Maybe I should go see what they are up to. They seem pretty confidant with that light practically giveing away they're position. Or maybe I should'nt. oh, just a little peak, who know's? They might just be friendly...[/I] With that she went down to have a look. Against the light of the moon she seemed to be a quick shadow, moveing from tree to tree, not makeing a single sound, almost like a ghost in the night... -
Sign Up Hybrid Wars ... Path to Destruction << Sign up >>
Darkmoon replied to Carren Heart's topic in Theater
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Carren Heart [/i] [B] > [/B][/QUOTE] ok, since nobodies started yet, I guess I will. Oh, and one thing I forgot to mention in my profile, Nightfire wear's a lether vest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]It is night time.[/I] The best time to travel. The lone wolf stared up at the night sky, [I]the moon is full tonight...[/I] How she wished she could find someone to talk to, to be friends with... But all hate her, and in retern, she hated them... She climbed up to a high peak and howled her song to the full moon. -
Sign Up Hybrid Wars ... Path to Destruction << Sign up >>
Darkmoon replied to Carren Heart's topic in Theater
Name: Nightfire Race: Hybrid Gender: female Appearence: A silvery black wolf, green eyes. She stands and walks on two legs. Special powers: Is able to see clearly at night, sharp hearing and sence of smell. Bio:For so long she has been the only one of her kind, not found any others, alone for as long as she could remember. Travels form place to place with no real destination in mind, except to get away... Talents: Is able to fight at close range, powerful jaws and uses front claws. She is at her strongest when the moon is full. Is that ok? -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]Name: Spike Age: 14 Apearance: 4 foot, Red hair,Teared up clothes,and a Staff with a purple Gem. Personality:Rude and Helpful Type: Magic, able to use his staff to blow his oppenents into smitherines. Companion: a giant bird Named Vyke. he is abled to fly to anywhere in every kingdoms. only Spike can control him. Past history: his parents were dead by the dark load's armies. then found Vyke in a cave. [/B][/QUOTE] One thing. If you read my first post you would have known that I seid:not an al mighty move please, that wouldn?t be fair, just a simple one. That means you can't "blast people to smitherins", make it a little simpler, or at least give it a weakness like it can only be worked at close range or something. K? It's not supposed to be That powerful. Other than that, your profile is ok:). ok, we've got 2 magic welders, now we need about 3 more.
Am I the only one that lives in Canada? *shrugs* I live in canada (*looks up* opps, already told you that), I'm 14 and in the 9th grade.
The story: A dark Lord has raised and is determined to conquer all. He sites in his own Kingdome, yet people sometimes see him about, going to cities that have been raided or destroyed, examining what his men have done. Somebody needs to stop him, but all fear his wrath. He has great armies preparing to take over the last four kingdoms. All hope is lost; shadow will cover the all? Or will it? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, you've read the story, and now you know what this is about. I have been thinking of putting this up for a while, and now I finally have. In this story magic and power (and brains) will have to work together to defeat the evil lord. The rules and requirements are posted below: Rules: 1) NOBODY is invincible, it is possible to die (e.g. if you are in a fight that you can?t win and nobodies there to help, you are dead, sorry, but that?s the way things are). 2) Every character can have up to three magical powers, or basic move (e.g. Sword, bow), no more than that. 3) Man and a Woman that are in love doing something they shouldn?t (you know what I mean), is not allowed. If you desperately want something like that, then use PM so that nobody will see it, basically, get a room. 4) follow the rules! Character info: I need about 4-5 magic people, all will start with one talent (not an al mighty move please, that wouldn?t be fair, just a simple one) and about 4-5 basic moves people. I need someone to be the dark Lord. That person has to have no mercy and all that other stuff. They also have to pick a name. The lord also controls squads (assassins, and armies, ect.). I guess as soon as people get sighed up we?ll be ready to play. This is my character: Name: Arya Age: about 15 or 16, no one knows for sure Appearance: 5 foot, slender. Black hair, green eyes. Wears worn out clothes and carries a bow, but doesn?t know how to use it. Also has a green stone neclace around her neck. Personality: Very quiet, if speakes, has a reason for it. Type: Magical, ability is to be able to communicate with her mind. Companion (optional): Huge green-eyed wolf, raised form a pup. Acts as if it understands (who knows? maybe it does!) Named Shadow fire, Shadow for short. Arya and Shadow can occasionally communicate mind to mind with each other. Past history: Family was killed in a raid, has traveled around with her wolf ever since. oh, one more thing I almost forgot to add, you are allowed to switch from good to bad through out the story.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][size=1]Arbok used to be my favorite, but I like Wobbafett now. I find him to be very funny.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Me too. I used to think Arbok was cool, but now I like wobbafett, he's real funny, or, was in the begining. The one that get's on my nerves the most is Victoribell (sp), every time he's sent out he bites james. I'm tired of that...
A friend of mine did the masterball trick, succesfully... but then found out that her Hall Of Fame was Weirdly messed up o.0! For some odd reason she had a Cloyster level unknown (it had weird symboles) and a few Ponyta's with level's unknow, and a cuple of others. They're names were messed up with funny symboles too. And when she checked her pokedex, she didn't even have those pokemon! When that happened after a while she reset her game and everything was back to normal.
I've no clue what's in the GS ball, but I think I know what it stood for. GS- Gold Silver ball. The top half was gold and the bottom silver. I think it was some sorta message for the people that are watching that there is a new game comeing out, or a new series is comeing out (Joto series).
I haven't put nikenames on my pokemon for a long time, unless I'm angery at them (like all those nedoran I accendentally caught), then I name them Annoying or AAA:p. My nicknames are: Picatchu-Lightning Blastoise-Shellslam zapdos-Zappy (not very original I know) Charizard-Nightflare (once I almost named it Hazardos) Vaporeon-Vapstreak (it's pronounced Va-e-p Streak) :whoops:I don't remember any of the others unfortunatly. And they were good ones too...
Most of team rock's plans would work if they woren't so retarded, and if they didn't give up so easily. Like the vaccume thing, personally I think that it was kinda a weird idea, but if it works why not keep it up? Have you ever woundered how they can afford things like that? they seem to be higher in technology then everyone else. And we always see them saying that pokeballs are to expensive. They could try buying those instead of giant vaccume cleaners...
Gaming a hidden picture of pikachu in the JLC intro
Darkmoon replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Noosphere
Really? Hmmmmm... Maybe I'll go see it for myself some time. -
You'r all lucky! I haven't played that game once. maybe I'll go rent it some time...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]I'm sorry, but this topic is completely absurd. Pokémon are not real; they are imaginary creatures created by a man who used to collect bugs. The very idea that they're real is a joke. They completely lack the physiology to be real animals. Plus no one has ever seen one, and furthermore in the world where people have been everywhere, I seriously doubt that they are real... [/B][/QUOTE] You mean the person that created pokemon was a bug collector?!?:eek: Wow... and there I thought that it was originally something like a zodiac made up by someone who wrought books, or something... :drunk: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I don't think pokemon could possible exist. Just not possible.