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Everything posted by Darkmoon
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B] [COLOR=deeppink]What are [i]you[/i] doing in the Pokèmon forum? Yes, Ash has earned a badge. The one from Lt. Serge.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, but even that one was won in a weird way.
There aren't meny topices around here anymore, so I guess I'll try to bring the life back into here. Just answer these two questions: 1)Do you like the way the joto series is going? 2)If not, what would have been some improvements? These are my answers: 1) I do not like the way the Joto series is going, it's like I'm watching a repet of what's been happening in the kanto series, just watching it in a newer version. All the people they meet alone the way are kinda pridictable now too. 2) If I could improve it, I would have STOPPED it with ash and team rocket ( I'm not say that he's a bad person, but he is very predictable now, and I'm tiered of all the same problems starting over and over again), and I would have put a whole new character for the joto series. Someone that's not at all the same as Ash (he'd still be kind to his pokemon though), he caught his own pokemon, and erned his (this is getting annoyingly long isn't it? I thought so) badges instead of out of sympathy. there would be a whole new enemy (were would the story be without one?), except not like team rocket that always followed him around. So what do you think? How would you have done it?
I once accedentally fainted mewtwo with my venusaur. I had used my master ball somewere else and so I was trying to weaken it to catch it with an ultra ball. I fugured I could do it because my brother once did it. It must've been pure luck because I couldn't do it. Anyways I would vote for me, cause I could catch any of them(with the acception of mew and celiby, cuse you can't find them in the game), or beat them in a battle.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GameMaster2000 [/i] [B]In G/S I have about 6 Feraligators Lv.100 and 10 Ho-ohsLv.50s [/B][/QUOTE] How did you get TEN ho-oh's?!? I caught over 10 nidorans (sp) once in my red version. I was angery that I coulden't catch a chansy or a syther at the time. heh, I kinda kept pressing A and and wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. So I ended up with almost a box full of nedoran(sp).
Lance was alot tuffer in the old games. His pokemon were at least at level 60. Now he has a whole bunch of dragonites that arent near as tuff as his old one! What happened? Why was the G/S games so much easer to beat the elite four than in the old ones? In the old ones you'd have to be at least up to level 50 to be able to compete, but now you can go in as L40! When I played the G/S games, I admite I liked it alote better, but I was expecting it to be harder to beat the elite four.
I hope not, They have enough legindaries as it it. I already have problems hunting down the dogs, I don't want to be chaseing (or fishing) fish all around the ocean. Anyways... Back on topic: I like Birds best. They are alot stronger. Zapdos is the tuffest to catch as well as the strongest (the very first time I found this pokemon I was unprepared (never knew it was even there), but caught is eventually). Articouno is the most beutiful, and second strongest (I raised it once when I was trying to raise an all water and Ice type team) And Moltres... It's pretty, but not near as strong as the rest (he, the first time I found this pokemon, I thought it would be as tuff as Zapdos and accidentally fainted it).
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B][SIZE=1][B]WELL IF YOU ASK ME I SAY JIGGLYPUFF NEEDS TO BE PUT IN A BLENDER... WHICH REMIND ME, TRY THIS: [url]http://www.joecartoon.com/cartoons/frog.html[/url] ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS, BUT NOT AS FUNNY AS THE GERBIL IN THE MICROWAVE AT THE SAME SITE...[/B][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Yuck! I personally don't want to see anything go through that...
Joto league chapion epps? When did that happen? I know I missed a few epps, but I saw the last one and it was the one were they were still walking to ollivine city (the dunespruce). I guess Canada is VERY far behind then, or at least the channels that I watch are far behind. I feel completly left out. :(
Don't you ever wounder how cheats are found? Sure, you can find them anywere on the internet if you want to, but were did those people get it? I think that maybe the people that produced the game ment to give the cheats out for a reason, what reason I wounder... Not just anyone can find a cheat like the master ball trick, after all, who would have thought that you had to talk to some guy in veridian (sp) city, and then go swimming around some island? It's not exactally something that pops into your head to try.
Thank you Squashed Snail:) ! All of a sudden, I don't feel so left out. Maybe now I'll be able to get a web site started!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]if i were u i wouldn't. i would just learn HTML. it will be better for u in the long run. and angelfire sucks.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I feel kinda dumb right now but, where can i learn HTML? The explinations my friends give me are hard to understand when I ask.
[QUOTE] Originally posted by jcgoudy And I think that'd be one crazy looking Pikachu! That'd be really weird... And judging from that post, I'd say that you're somewhat crazy... [/QUOTE] I guess I am, can't help it. My imagination just runs off with me sometimes.:gulp::D I don't think a blue pikachu is enough to make people consider me crazy, is it?:therock: *shrug* oh well...
I think lugia looks cool, I really like it's aero blast attack, but other than that, I think it's ok. I don't think ho-oh's better than lugia, I think it's the other way around.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B][color=indigo]Speaking of different colored Pokémon, did you know that a Pokémon's name will determine it's color on Pokémon Stadium 1 and 2? It's interesting to try out different nicknames to see the different colors.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Really? so if I were to name a pikachu blue, would it be blue colored in the stadium game? Unfortunatly I don't have the pokemon stadium game, but it's interesting to know:D
Gaming Please Tell Me Your Favourite Pokemon?
Darkmoon replied to FerMansion1989's topic in Noosphere
My favorit is Charizard, was Charizard, and always will be Charizard. First reason is beacuse I love Dragons (as you've probably already noticed). Fire types are the best (to my opinion), and I like all his evolutions (before I saw a Charizard, charmander was my favorite, then charmeleon, and then charizard.) My second favorit is cyindaquil (he's just quit). And then a whole bunch of others that I don't feel like listing. -
He'd look kinda like a clown in nothin' but underwear!:laugh:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B][color=indigo]Are you talking about the Mew card that was given out at Pokémon the Movie 2000? The one that's holographic on both sides? I can't imagine that they were ever worth that much... Heck, I have three of them... They can't be [i]that[/i] rare.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] How did you get three? I couldent even get one of those limited cards because they were all gone when I watched the movie. How much is a holo Charizard worth? I've got two of them (the original, not the rocket edition).
I'd just like to know... If you could take a pokemon that already exsists and change it's stats, attakes, and type, what would it be like? I'd make mine a Charizard (he's my fav pokemon), Dragon/Fire type and it's attacks would be: 1) Flamethrower 2) Earth Quake 3) Arial submission (unfortunatly this attack dosen't exsist in the game, but oh well...) 4) Slash Notice: I didn't put hyper beam because I don't like that attack, it's very annoying. I don't use it much anyways. Another one might be Rapidash, Dark/psycic and it's attack would be: 1) Psycic 2)Flamethrower (It's one of my fav attack as you've probably already noticed) 3)Shadow ball 4)Crunch (that would look funny!:D ) It's coloring would also be differnt (I've already seid this some were else), it would be black with a silvery shine to it and dark silvery moon colored eyes. those are my favorite kinds (corse Charizards not very original *shrug*), how 'bout you? [SIZE=1]*wispering to herself* this is my first time posting a new thread, hope it goes ok...*clicks the "submit mew thead" button...*[/SIZE]
I think it's gone down alot more than just a little, afterall, their not as populare as they used to be, so not many people will want to buy it any more...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wolf masteres [/i] [B]:love: jolteon :love: :love: gold body and black feet with claws :love: :love: silver mane :love: :love: black stripe down its back :love: :love: same color of eyes :love: [/B][/QUOTE] Wow, you've planned it all out! Come to think of it, that would look very nice! I'd like a black Rapidash that shines silver..... *sigh* and dark silvery moon colored eyes...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]finish the trading sequence lol... when ya finish it u get the sword[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Really? that simple? Now I feel really bad.... well, thanks anyways!:)
I think jigglypuff is cute, and it's song isn't that bad. but honestly to my opinion, it's gotten (I've felt like this a long time) VERY annoying, both in the show and the game....
:rotflmao: Now everybodies trying it! lol we've got a whole thread with everybody saying (or typing) Pokémon! hehe:haha:I just wanted to try it too :)
does anyone know where I can find the level 2 sword in ages(the gameboy version)? :flaming: I've been searching for a long time for it. I've finished the game twice, but I'm still not that great at it....:bawl: