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Everything posted by Darkmoon

  1. This is the second banner I've ever made. It's a bit empty but I think it turned out ok ^^ EDIT: For some reason when I try to put it in my sig, it just say's "Image not found"... What did I do wrong?? I put in the right url... Can someone please tell me >.
  2. YAY!! Malik :love: Hey wait... You erased the message?! Why?? Ah well... I love the picture! I shall always take good care of it Rhys, dun worry ^^
  3. [size=1]Lol, I don't know what kind of scanner the first few were scaned by. I went to a friends house to do that. The one I currently have (I just bought it) is a Lexmark scanner. If you want to see what this one's quality is like just open my newest pic ^^ [quote]Anyway, there are some incredibly good pictures on that site you linked. I particulary liked the animal coming out of the flames, even if it wasn't as complex as some of the others. Really nice work.[/quote] :naughty: Aw, shux. You dun need to say that just for me to give you a brand name of a scanner, lol:drunk: [quote]Her face is a little crooked in the second one, and her neck probably wouldn't bend (or not bend) like that, but it's still pretty good.[/quote] Ah well, what do you expect? I've only just started drawing people. As you can tell from my elfwood gallary, drawing people is practiacally foreign to me, lol. I'm just happy that ya like it dispite it's obvious... mistakes :p Here's an attempted book mark... I kinda got carried away with it so I can no longer use it as a book mark, lol. To meny things sticking out :p That character o' mine is a scorceress, and what I like to use to represent me ^^ And under her is a little book readin' dragon, lol. Edit: Why is it whenever I upload one of my pictures it seems to grow in size? It makes them look weird -___-;;[/size]
  4. :D *pats self on back* I have pleased my audience! *skips around happily* Here's another picture. This is one I finished yesterday on some of my spare time. It's a Dark Angel... With a pink dress! Lol, well anyways, I'm happy with how this one turned out. I usually suck at drawing people, this one didn't turn out so bad. Hope ya'll like it ^^ [size=1]P.S. Those are indeed snakes wrapped around her. Edit: [quote]Yay!!!! You finally put up one of your pictures! Lol I've always liked all your dragon pictures especially this one! I wish I could draw as well as you! All my pictures suck! I'll give him a 9.9/10....what does that remind you of?[/quote] I'm happy with a 9.9/10, lol. Are you?[/size]
  5. I finnaly got a scanner everybody, and I want to share some of my works with you. Since they are going to be in attachments I'll only post up one at a time. If you guy's would like to see more (or if you even like them) I'll put up more. Here's the first one. His name is Raven (not very original, but oh well) and I recently used him in a sparr against Rhys. He's my favorite of all my drawings ^^ Edit: I almost forgot. If any o' you are interested here's a web page sith a small selection of my drawings: [url]http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/loth/n/a/nazanin/nazanin.html[/url]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mystikal [/i] [B]A little pencil sketch I did *cough* SINCE DARKMOON SAYS I DON'T DRAW ANY MODERN STUFF. O0O *cough* I am not planning to finish it. [IMG]http://lorilak.com/picts/fileupload/uploads/lolly_by_shilin_huang.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/QUOTE] Lol, don't tell me your offended! Your drawings surpass mine in quality and... ah... quantity :p That's a really nice sketch! You don't need to complete it, it already looks good! Lol
  7. .... I gave you a 9.9 because I beleive that there is always room for improvement :D
  8. [size=1]....you better not be planning to make Malik you new obsession cause I called him first!!! MWAHAHAHAHA *snort* HAHAHA *snort* *snort* --!!!! O.o;;[/size] Their both really good drawing's. Especially that one of Malik. Beside's the fact that it's colored in pencil it looks just like an actual picture of him! You make me feel ashamed of my crappy fanart... *sigh* I give it a 9.9 outta ten :D Put up more!
  9. Heh, you don't want to snitch on any of the people in my english class for anything they do behind my teacher's back... Their mostly druggies and... gangish in a way. They don't like people telling on them and I don't like the idea of telling on them, lol (imagine what they would do. I'd never have any peace after that). Beside's, I had that whole taddle-tale thing put into my head when I was about in grade one so I guess I wouldn't even if I could -_- And it was one of my teacher's that said it to me... Never liked her much. So I tend to stay out of trouble. At our school we have a way of giving info to the teacher's or principles without accually getting the credit of saying anything. You write it on a slip of paper and drop it in a box at the office so no one ever knows it was you. If it's scerious then I think you should tell. If it's not that big or that important then there's no need to say anything. So I'll pick "No. You shouldn`t snitch unless its something important". Emphasis on the word [i]important[/i].
  10. Oh, I know who that is. I got confused when I first saw him too. I think his name is Noah (or something like that). I haven't really read up on him so I don't really have any information on him besides his name =P Either that or you mixed it up and were really looking at pictures from the old yu-gi-oh episodes (the one's that came before duel monsters and didn't make it to canada). For some odd reason Kaiba has green hair in those epps. He looks funny, lol.
  11. Darkmoon


    I saw it on Saturday. I thought it was a great movie. I haven't read the book for a long time so seeing it reminded me of alot of things that I had forgotten about it. I loved it ^^ While I was leaving I was thinking about the yellow spotted lizards and why they didn't bite them then I realized that it was because of the onions, lol. I guess that proves what Sam said earlier in the movie. I want to see it again. I'm going to barrow the book tomarrow to read it again. [size=1] [quote](eeeeeeee! *watches Pirates of the Carribean trailer over and over*) [/quote][/size][size=1] I wanna see that movie too! lol, Disney is really on a roll![/size]
  12. Thanx for your reasurences guys... All of a sudden I feel less alone (even if most of you probably live atleast 1000 of miles away). At the time the only thing I was grabbing was my baby brother from his bed as a just-in-case-something-happens kinda thing. I don't think my mind was clear enough for me to grab any sharp or heavy objects. I don't remember it ever crossing my mind. Right now I (shamefully) don't trust my parents with anything -__- My mom did pass a few lights trying to get to us when she heard of the incedent (couldn't contact my dad at the time) . She was all white faced and... It kinda scared me when I saw my mom. She and my dad care for us I can tell you that. The reason I don't trust them right now is cause for the past few nights (accually since the christmas break) they've been argueing. Just 15 minit's after my dad came home they were yelling at each other again forgetting the whole subject of break-ins. I'm afraid they're most likely going to devorce soon... My mom even threatend to leave late night. As you can tell this break in attempt only added a bit more worries to my already sad life. Oh yes, and we do have an alarm system. It connects to all the doors and windows so if someone opens them without turning off the alarm they go off. The only unprotected part of our house is the upstairs windows, which each have a lock on them.
  13. Just an hour ago someone tried to break into my house! That came to me as a shock when I realized it... I don't mean to be wasting your time or anything (if your reading this) but I just need to occupie myself with something to calm down and I just felt like telling someone about it. It wasn't very exciting but I never imagined anyone would try to break into my house in a million years! I guess that I just somehow never really beleive it was possible. Don't laugh, it's just that somehow I just never felt like it would happen to me (pah, some of you must feel the same in a way!). Some dude was fiddlin' with my front door. At first I thought that it was my parent's comeing home and they were just haveing some problems. When it stopped and nobody came in I got suspicious. I noticed that the time was to early for them to be comeing home and when I checked our drive way I noticed that their car wasn't there. It was empty. When the person tried opening the door I kinda went into a clam and freaked out sorta panic. Both my brothers were with me at the same time (both younger, one 13 the other 2 years old), I called the police and in about five minit's four cars came and searched our house and our yard. They asked a few questions said they were going to check the other houses near by and then left telling us that there was no one there. The person at our door wasn't caught and wasn't even seen. That's my story. I think that it was just a bergaler or something and when they heard us (if they did) they just ran for it. My only explination right now. I'm just happy that nothing serious happened.
  14. Darkmoon


    Feebas! I've been after that dratted (excuse my language) pokemon for a while now. He's driveing me crazy. I did hook one once but I accedentally fainted it -_-;; What barries do you need to make Beauty pokeblocks again? I've got very short termed memory...
  15. lol, I had a heck of a time clearing out all that ice. Lesson to be learned: Icy rain is pretty in the morning but deffinantly not fun to shovel out. The snow is melting now and the birds are singin' their spring songs! So I'm guessin' we'll be back on course sooner than later... Unless o' course dear old mother nature will be freezin' our hopes again for another week or two :p
  16. Heh, well I for one enjoyed it very much. I never knew you posted it, why didn't you tell me? Well anyways I like all the parts with Elegath (sp) and Dralegar together. They make a funky pair. [size=1]Most of you don't know what I'm talkin' about so I'll explain. I read alot more than this in Rhys' note book when she first started it.[/size]
  17. O.o;; I guess it an't as populair as I first thought it was, lol. I remember the ending of one of the mario one's, and that's all. I think he saved a bird and got a meal as a prize which happened to be a worm though he mistakened it as spagetti.
  18. Link: Look, ah.... This was not ment as a long term kinda thing... Now that we're done shooting can you-*pulls away only to have marina hold tighter*-please-*marina is holding his fingers now and is trying to pull him back into the picture*- LET GO?! Marina: Ok. *she let's go. Link falls to the ground twiching*
  19. Darkmoon


    *looks around* tis tis tis... Not a single thread about this movie up. Well I'm excited to see it. It was a great book and had a good and original story to it (well, more original than alot of books/movies our there). It's name may not sound like much but I assure you, if they made it like the book it should be pretty good :D I'm probably going to boarrow the book again to refresh my memory about it.
  20. Darkmoon


    It was a cool show. Accually the last epp I remembered seeing happened to be the one with the doctor dieing... My memory only holds scraps after that.
  21. They dress like pirets in the games so probably they'll dress like that in the show. *They wear blue bandana's with black and blue striped shirt and baggy-ish pants.* Show the're makeing a new season? That's great ^^ Hopefully it will have BIG improvements and keep me watching this time. Ever since Ash lost in Victory road the anime has gotten boreing and repetative. I would have prefered it if they had just dumped everyone and started out completely fresh. But this is almost as good. As long as the story is exciting and is an accual story and don't revolve around pikachu being poke-napped. They'll probably bring it out on YTV after they show it for a while on WB. I'm lookin' forward to it and have great expectations.
  22. No, I'm not suggesting that a cartoon be made of this series of games, I'm just suggesting that there already was. Weird huh? When the Orical of Ages/Seasons came out for GBA I had asked my mom if she could drive me (and my brother, he wanted one too) to the store so that I may perchase the game. When I said that it seemed to strike a cord and my mom suddenly seemed to remember that there was a cartoon on it a long while ago (I was 3 apparently when it was showing. I'm 15 now, do the math), A little guy in green that carried a sword was always comeing to the rescue of a princess named Zelda. The cartoon was also called Zelda. I can't remember it but my mom does and she told me what she could remember of it. Is there anyone else out there that remembers such a cartoon? And was it made before or after the games came out? I'm just very curious, tis all. It sounds kinda interesting, I'd be interested in seeing it again some time just to know what it was like. I'm pretty sure they don't show it anymore, but I could be wrong.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mina Karusala [/i] [B]At first, I never wanted to see it, but then nothing good was on and the Yugi vs. Weevil ep was on. I saw it and I fell in love with the chars and monsters.;) [/B][/QUOTE] Haha, coincedence! That was the first FULL episode that I saw. The very first time I saw it was when my dad was flipping channels and it happened to land on ytv. It was the first day they were airing it and I came in on the part were Yugi was summoning exodia. I wanted to see the rest but my dad continued his channel surfing. When I saw the Weevil epps I got somewhat discouraged. It looked... Weird :p The way they kept repeating their strategies and saying " your gonna lose" ect kinda seemed lame to me. But I continued watching it and now... I'm completly obsessed with it :D My fave Character (and and current obsession) is Marrick (or Malik as some call him). So you could say that I got interested cause I just happened to come across it one day and decided to stick around for the rest.
  24. Darkmoon


    I started out with a Treecko and He's been really useful through out the game. Although there seem's to be a flaw with my team. None of my pokemon can really withstand fire moves (Not even my own slugma! Shameful...I got no water pokemon on my side either). A Tailow was also one of the first pokemon I ever raised in that game. He's now evolved into a Swellow and was well worth the time to train.
  25. Darkmoon


    I like ruby and basically chose ruby cause I like fire related pokemon (and anything else). I would've picked sapphire cause I like the name better but I chose ruby cause I liked the coloring and the little bit about fire better. That's the reason why I chose Red (Charizard is my fav pokemon if ya'all didn't know that already) the first time. Cause it has a dragon and I've got a big attachment to those fire-breathing creatures. I don't know the pokemon differences either. 'Cept I think I read somewere that you can only catch one of the legendary birds in each one... But I'm not sure. You should pick it according to your own preferences.
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