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Everything posted by Darkmoon

  1. Darkmoon


    I got the game the day it came out in Canada (same as U.S.). It's great, much better than the older versions. I'm haveing alot of fun with it ^^ Ehehehe.... I spent alot of my free time on it... I've already captured Gourudon (the Legendary on the Ruby cover) and am just heading into Victory Road. All my pokemon are evolved (I think, not sure:P) 'cept my Laion. Er, I think that's what she's called. She evolv's from the little steel rock creature named Aron. My Slugma hasn't evolved either... [size=1]I've got no life...[/size] I love it^^ But I have ta put it down for a while. Got a history debate comeing up and I need to practice.
  2. That kinda got me thinkin', lol. I like it. Yes, do you have anymore? I'm interested in readin' anything else you might have.
  3. I like it. It's pretty good. I did get the impresion that there was anger and sadness of a sort in here. You got any more poems hidden up your sleeve? If ya do then put 'em up. If ya don't then keep on righting. You'll only just get better ^^
  4. Darkmoon


    Colors, metals, now gems. What's gonna come after that? Elements? (I'm not insulting, I'm just truly wondering) Maybe They'll have something like pokemon Storm version... That sounds funky, scratch that O.o;; [quote]Not having the first 251 Pokemon can seriously cramp the gameplay...[/quote] They are not going to get rid of the first 251. Did you even look over the list? They are just takeing out a few, some of each really. Maybe 150 all together, but not 251.
  5. Talia- How come you all got fancy tricks and I don't. [i]Shayleigh, Rosetta and Caytin looked at Talia in surprise. Rosetta with a look of confusion While Caytin and Shayleigh with a look of anger. Caytin made a hushing motion with her hands. Talia rolled her eye's.[/i] Talia- Fine, fine. Rosetta- What....? Caytin- Don't mind Talia. She speaks nothing but nonesence at times. Talia- Pfft... OOC- Sorry but I'm slightly confused about whats going on right now. I'll have to re-read all of your posts before I can put up something else that's more decent.
  6. [quote]I mean look at Bill Gates, he's a millionaire now. Well when he started Microsoft it was a little hole in the wall in New Mexico, but he didn't give up and he now has like bazonga amounts of money.[/quote] [size=1]You know that Bill Gates accually didn't become a millionaire because of a program he made, right? He ripped someone off and sold [i]their[/i] program and that's how he became a millionair. Eh hehehe, I just felt like saying that. Back to the point:[/size] Your life has no point and is meaningless. That's why you make a meaning for it. People also make you a meaning for them (or so my parents always tell me. That's why they work so hard, so that I can get a good education and have a good life). I don't beleive that I'm doing everything for nothing. [color=red]My life has a meaning to me and that's all that matters.[/color] That's what I was originally saying in my first post. Just sometimes I'd like to clear my head of all thoughts and think of what life would have been like with less pressure for just one day. [size=1]Ignorance is bliss... Or sometimes anyways ;)[/size]
  7. Darkmoon


    Beleive it or not I've never once used a cheat ever in playing any of my games. Like Desbreko said, it take's alot of the fun outta it. [size=1]*sigh*.... And here I was hopeing ever since I first heard about the games that I would be finally able to catch Charmander Squirtle and Bulbasuar. Especially Charmander. They'll make sure that you can never catch those begining few pokemon.[/size]
  8. [size=1]You are starting to sound like some kinda phlosapher or something to me...[/size] I think I agree with you. If you take away expectations of yourself and others axpectations of you than you will be able to live more freely and happily. But it's in the human nature to put and set these kinds of goals. No matter how hard you try, you can't escape it. It's as if you don't want us to think any more. The more we learn the higher our expectations. But yeah, I think I would enjoy one day of pure relaxation. [size=1](either that or I think I got your point wrong... I'll have to read it over again to make sure I'm not makeing a fool of myself)[/size]
  9. [i]Talia stood and watched as everyone settled down. She felt uncomfortable and unsure. What am I supposed to do? Should I hang around here or should I leave? Talia Shuffled her feet trying to decide on what to do. Her first impression wasn't the best... Finnally decideing, she flew a little bit away from the others and settled back in the tall tree that the angel had first spotted her in. From here she had a clear veiw of the group. She leaned back on the tree and closed her eye's deciding that she too would get some rest.[/i]
  10. Darkmoon


    I hope not. The e-readers to my opinion arn't really worth it. They probably cost alot ([size=1]haven't really checked so excuse me if I'm being stupid on that point[/size]) and all you can play on them are mini games beside's the extra pokemon battle's. I like the idea of the card swiping thing but it's still to... mini :p ([size=1]hopefully they'll develope this better in the futur. Who know's? You might accually be able to play full games on them someday. Until then I think I'll wait[/size]).This is just a cheap way to squeez more money outta us...
  11. [i]Talia decided not to argue with the comand for a change and left before Caytin could finish her sentance. She ran towards the flame's and soon spotted the elf. It seemed like a small battle had just begun. Talia dove head first into the battle. To her shame she liked fighting (mainly hurting others). It felt much better than lyeing around. Though she thought these feeling's were best left hidden and hid all emotion from her face. The cloak slid off her black wings as she charged to Shayleigh aid. The other fallen paused for a second and looked at Talia in confusion. It's not everyday that one of their own people are on the side of an Angel. Most would rather be dead...[/i]
  12. [i]Just my luck. Those stupid bafoons have to appear everywere I go! God, don't they take a break? Talia shook her head. This always ruins her chance to get along with others. Perhape's it is best if I leave now before they decide to listen to suspision rather than to reason.[/i] OOC- Sorry my post is so short. I've got limited time on today.
  13. Darkmoon


    I've been looking around lately for more info on the games and apparently alot of the old pokemon will be left out in the new games. If this is true (I'm saying if cause they might be wrong) then I'm Not going to be a very happy person. If you want to check out the list of the unobtainable pokemon then click [url=http://www.pokemasters.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=214&page=1]here[/url].
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i] [B][color=skyblue]Hehe you can get hurt in anything though. I even got hurt in Badmition because someone (won't name names) hit me over the head with a badmition racket and she almost did it again today so I'm not really worried about getting hurt^^;[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] *cough* [size=1]Will you let that go? It was just a slight... ah... error... your fault mainly. You shouldn't have tried to get the birdy, it was on my side of the court :p[/size] I never knew you could get so meny injuries in fencing... Those things arn't sharp, are they? They look sharp, but from what your saying they can barely ever cut someone. Eh, I'm goin' for it anyway's. I need excitment :D
  15. Talia- "Pah, I could've if I tried." [i]Caytin just smiled at Talia's statment and didn't bother to answer. Shayleigh glanced at Talia in doubt and at Caytin in dislike.[/i] Shayleigh- "I suppose I should introduce myself as well. My name is Shayleigh. I watch over this forest and it's people." [i]Talia sat on the edge of her branch swinging her legs softly before she to gave her name.[/i] Talia- "My name is Talia and I don't come from anywere and don't gaurd anything. I guess you could say I'm a wonderor of a sort."
  16. [i]Talia peeked down and saw the elf walk cautiously towards the edge of the small clearing. Looking in the direction that she was walking, Talia noticed some movement. Bending down for a clear view she saw what the elf was heading towards. It looked to be a young girl in her early teens. Talia was surprised when she suddenly looked up at her. Their eye's locked a moment. They both exchanged a look of surprise. each for being spotted by the other. Their connection was brocken as The girl walked under the cover of some trees. There was something odd about her eye's... For a second they seemed somewhat older than they really were.... "or am I just mistaken?"[/i]
  17. Revenge is something that I barely ever do (not because I don't want to, just either don't know how to take it out on 'em or don't get the chance). When I do take revenge on someone I feel good for a little while then I slowly feel somewhat guilty for a little while. Then it goes back to feelin' good about myself ^^;; eh, my stupid concious (sp?) always get's in the way... But to be honest I feel it's wrong.
  18. I want to do fencing and probably will soon. If I can get the number of the place were their classes take place. I never knew that there was three different courses or choices. I'll have to decide on that soon. I like the sound of the last two though. Especially the last one, lol.
  19. Darkmoon


    I have a question about the games. Since you can't trade with the older version's, does this mean that you can catch all the legendaries in these new ones? Otherwise It would be unfair, it would be impossible to catch all of 'em. 'Nother, can you catch mew in this one and possibly Celebie? It always burns me up when I think about how I can't catch those two -__-;; [center]~*~[/center] I'm going to get ruby version. My brothers getting Sapphire. Eh, funny thing is, I originally got red version at first and my brother blue. Lol, funny how that happend. I noticed that nobody mentioned one fact about the game. You can accually go under water! I'm guessing that The legendary on the Sapphire box is down there somewere. It'll be so cool to hunt for it ^^ I like the way they added all those dragons (If you don't know, I'm a dragon fan). I think the majority of the new pokemon just sorta even's out how meny of each type there are. Most of them are either steel, dark, dragon, phyic or bug. Also all the new combinations of different types are cool. I like the way there is grass flying, ect. [size=1]Yes, despite the few insult's that I've said about these new games, I'm getting them. Lol, I should really learn more about something before I open my big yap :s Yes, some of the new pokemon do look like digimon, but oh well. I can live with that.[/size]
  20. [i]Talia stared at the slowly re-treating back of the elf.[/i] Talia- "teh, your a racest like all the rest. I'm surprised you didn't try to kill me already." [i]Talia leaned back against the tree and got herself comfertable. Shayleigh had stoped in mid air, her back still towards Talia.[/i] Talia- "I'll leave when I feel like it." [i]Shayleigh looked back up at Talia ready to answer that statment of the Fallen's, but fell short. Talia was looking up at the star's. Her eye's seemed distant as she thought scilently to herself. Her eye's were the only thing that gave off any sort of emotion. They seemed to glow with a hidden flame. The same feeling of sadness seemed to ride the breeze, though this time with anger. As quick as the emotion had come it left.[/i]
  21. [i]Talia's eye's snapped open and she looked down to see who had called out. It was one of the goddess' pets. But Talia found something strange about her appearence... She couldn't quit place her finger on it. Talia-[/i] I do not care to harm any of this forests inhabitants. I don't feel much like moveing either. You might as well put your weapon down, you will not need it. [i]Shayleigh seemed to ponder on the Fallen's answer for a miniut, not really sure how to reply. Shayleigh-[/i] How do I know you speak truth? Come down now and revil yourself to me. [i]Talia glanced down at her. She was getting slightly annoyed at this disturbance. She got up and rested in a crouching position. Talia-[/i] I was here first. If I intended any harm to anyone I would have done so long before. How about you come up here and we can chat? [i]There was a slight hit of amusment in Talia's voice that had a somewhat negative affect on Shayleigh. "This is not a game. The dark-winged one is already in a bad situation. She is only makeing things worse for herself", Shayleigh thought to herself.[/i]
  22. [i]Talia rested on the ruff branch of a tall tree. The tree seemed very old and large. It's branches had long since ceased to grow leaves, each of it's withered twig's seemed to have a story of it's own to tell. Scratch mark's of rodent's and long scorches running up and down the side telling of a great fire that had once happened here. But Talia didn't find any interest in these. Instead she looked up at the velvety blue of the night sky. The night had always been a releif of a sort to her. It's cool breeze seemed to wash away the harsh rays of the sun and of reality, helping her forget... The smell of the vegitation around her didn't seem so bad either. Talia sat there, her wings folded and her eye's closed. Dreaming of the time when all wasn't so bad. The feeling of rage slowly bubbled up inside of her as she once again thought of the day she had been banished. She had never been able to forget that day. She let out her breath slowly, pushing away the memory and attempted to enjoy the night while it was still young.[/i]
  23. [i]Seemingly out of no were a hand dropped onto Hope's shoulder. Hope jumped forward as a little crie of surprise escaped her lips. She turned around angrily.[/i] Hope: What was that for? You-- [i]Hope paused for a second and looked at the stranger in awe.[/i] ???: You guy's weren't plannin' on leavin' me behind were ya? Hope: Have we met some where before...? ???: I feel insulted... You don't remember me? I'm Silvia. You remember, we met about a year ago....? [i]Silvia raised her eye brow. Hope looked at Silvia blankly before her memory of that day returned.[/i] [center]~*~[center] OOC- Sorry, I had to get in somehow, lol. Just a side note, I'll be a little slow at posting until I can get all my homework out of the way. Just thought I should tell you.
  24. [size=1]I think I should apologize for my late posting. I haven't had the most time on my hands more recently (History and english project). My posts may become fewer and a little shorter than usual until I can clear up my schedule a bit. Please have some pacience with me.[/size] [center]~*~[/center]
  25. (you stole my sparr idea....) I'll join. Dark Angels are cool ^-^ Name: Talia Shameron Age: Even she doesn't know
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