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Everything posted by Darkmoon

  1. [i]DKM (aka, Darkmoon) checked the clock axious. It was almost time to go. Getting up she made some final adjustment's to her hair, grabbed her coat and purse and walked out the door, makeing sure to lock it behind her. "This is going to be great", thought DKM. "It's not often that one of my friends get married..."[/i]
  2. [i]Silvia rounded a corner, deep in her own thought's. Looking over her shoulder's Silvia could see that she had walked quite a distance. The camp was, although not to far, now shrouded in the few trees there were. Up ahead there was a boulder with a tall and thin sapling leaning over it. Hopping onto it Silvia leaned back and looked up at the sky.Takeing a deep breath she cleared her mind and let herself relax. A long green snake slowly lowered itself onto Silvia's shoulders, slowly wrapping itself around her. It's eye's came on level with her own as is hissed a soft question.[/i] "No, I'm not angry at you. I'm just feeling a bit tired." [i]The snake hissed out a nother few "words" as it lowered it's head onto her chest.[/i] "Very kind of you to offer, but I don't think [i]Mi'Lady[/i] or the other people at that camp would like it if you bit them. I'm trying not to make enamies here if you haven't noticed." [i]Saav glanced up at her, it's molten yellow eye's giving off a hint of inntellegence as it spoke yet again.[/i] "Yes. Blending in is a good idea but as you and a few other's already stated, I'm not the most trustful lookin' character." [i]Silvia looked up at the sky once more before dozing off into an uneasy sleep. Her mind and body alert and ready to jump at the first sign or sound of danger. Saav slowly moved and slithered off to whatever buessness he had planned for himself.[/i]
  3. [i]Silvia backed into the shadow's as Nepenthe walked out. Silvia's eye's gave off a greenish glint as she spotten something moving on the floor. Silvia let out a soft hissing sound. The long creature on the floor stopped moveing. It's yellow eye's looked up at Silvia and then turned around and moved back out of sight. Right now Saav would only cause trouble. And seeing how thing's were already going... Looking back up Silvia saw the Cheif in the door way. He had a look of emmbarassment and anger on his face. ...Silvia just didn't want the snake to be here. Saav would only bring unwanted attention to her.[/i] "So what do we do now?" [i]Silvia asked. It was clear that thing's were only going to get worse if she stuck around here. Already haveing the dislike of the people, she didn't want to stay for another moment.[/i]
  4. I'm getting the game soon too... So is my brother!:D Tehe, I feel so happy! [size=1]The game better be as good as y'all say, cause I don't want to be wasting it on somethin' that an't worth it :demon:[/size] One question, does the old GBC link work with GBA? The light worked... The only problem was it could only go in backwards so it's light was on the other side :p. I'm wondering if it would work with the old gamelink.
  5. [size=1]OOC: It seem's as though a few people slipped in before I got my post up, so I just edited the whole thing so that it would be less confuseing from what I had originally put up[/size] [center]~~~[/center] [i]Silvia turned to look as Paige walked out of the hut. She seemed slightly pale and at the same time anxious.[/i] "So what? Are you really supposed to save the world then...?" [i]Silvia caught the look of disapproval that was on Ranhorns' face.[/i] "You should show more respect to your superior's..." [i]Ranhorn said under his breath. He had come forward as Paige had appeared. A red color seemed to blossem on Silvia's face. She had left her people just to get away from these kind of people. Alway's haveing to follow rule's and listen to your "supirior's"... This was not the first time that she had been told this. Ignoring this Paige spoke of what she had been told in the hut.[/i] "We need to find the other one, the man that is like me." [i]Said Paige. Silvia noticed that Nepenthe had dissappeared. There seemed to be an argument going on inside the hut. One of the voice's was Nepenthe's. Silvia moved closer to the front entrance and pushed aside the flap to get a clear veiw of what was going on inside. From the tast in the air it seemed whatever was going on had caused alot of anger...[/i]
  6. [i]Silvia crossed her arms and thought for a moment to herself. Hmmm, five bonded... Does that make her friend or foe? She's bonded to a snake too though. I guess she's ok then. Silvia had fallen to the back of the group. From what little she could tell, Nepenthe seemed like the secretive type. She pondered about Nepenthe before deciding to speak. Still a bit emmbarassed about what had happend earlier she decided not to say anything related to it for now.[/i] "So... How much longer do we have to walk?" [i]Silvia asked. She had moved closer to them to catch and possibly be part of the conversation. The sun was slowly being replaced with the dark of the night. Her vision was starting to change as it grew darker. Soon the most she could see of her "companion's" would be the heat radiating from their bodies as well as a thin outline. They're footsteps were already begining to glow with warmth. Tasting the air Silvia figured they were close. There were trace's of burning wood in the air.[/i] "Not much longer." [i]Replied Ranhorn. The camp came into view as they approched the watchers. Ranhorn, indicating that they were friends passed them by without worry. Silvia disliked the suspicious glaces that were thrown they're way. They procceded into the camp.[/i] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] OOC: Just thought I should tell you in case you didn't know snake's (as far as I know) only see heat and movement. I've just bent it so in the day (or just light) she see's normal and generally in the dark she see's like a snake.
  7. [i]The sun was harsh in the desert wast lands. Life is hard to come by in these conditions. Moveing quietly and without any visably problem was a lone figure of a young girl. Strangely the weather seemed to have no effect on her. A small pack on her back contained all the food she had collected as well as some other items. Silvia closely resembled a human from the ancient day's, much to her dislike. It's been two day's since she last drank water and even less since she ate a meal. Ahead in the distance a patch of young tree's could be seen. She headed towards it decideing it was best to restock. Hopefully my clan will have given up looking for me by now, She thought to herself as she moved closer to the small "jungle". The smell of her surroundings were very refreshing and already she could hear the sounds made by small animal's and birds that were near by. Crouching near the ground she moved swiftly into the bushes, waiting. All other sounds around her were blocked out as she focused on what appeared to be a rabbit ahead. The sounds in the tree tops were not noticed as she prepaired to strike.[/i]
  8. Name: Silvia Silvertoung Age:16 Speciality: Fire/Ice/Dark Description: Light brown hair, violate eye's. Pink-striped sweater, blue vest, regulair every day blue jean's. Attitude: Slightly self centered, Positive, and cooperative. Sums up the basics. Team: Charmeleon Dewgong Larventer (sp?) Rapadash (abnormally colored, black) Polytoad Sneezel
  9. Alot of us get what you guy's are saying about the word "bondage". I for one am trying to ignor that and prefer it if it were used as a term in this rpg to explain the connection between human's and animals. If anyone's being immature about the word here it's you Draagul. *No offence ment* but if your trying to keep younger people from the meaning your not doing a very good job of it. A novel...? Cheap way of getting idea's if you ask me
  10. Who am I in my own mind? I'm an annoying everyday person with her own happy and dark thoughts. I never (or atleast try never) to show anger towards anyone or anything. I can be fun to be around or depressing when in a not so talkative mood. I'm happy with who I am, just not the way I show it. I can be anything I want to be as long as I work hard (according to my parent's and teachers) but I feel I give up to easily. I need to work on that... I can find over a hundered flaws with myself, but I simply don't care about them anymore. Accept me for what I am or just leave me alone. I've got meny friends but I don't feel I appreciate them enough. I give as much as other's give me and take only as much as other's take. Don't be greedy, that's my philosophy. I have multipule personalities (like everyone else). I'm one person at home, another at school, and a different one while outside on my own. I see myself a loser in some of my qualities and a winner in other's. How I feel about myself is really balanced out. I don't feel good or bad about what I am. Just things that go on around me can have influences on a certain side of me. I've got an angery side that I don't often show to people outside, and I've got a happy side, which I sheild and hold back (so that I don't frighten people off). I've got a sad side that I only let out when alone someone, preferably in my room, and a side that feels nothing at all (I just stare at the roof and wonder) How do other's see me? My first immpressions are often weak so what people think of me obviously vary. My close friends say that I'm a catter box, a radio without an off switch. Other less close people say that I'm shy, quiet and keep to myself (dislike this. Need to work on that too). How do I want to be seen? As a possible friend. Someone that people can talk to and don't mind hanging around. Average at the least. I don't expect much from other's... Or I try not to anyway's.
  11. I'll sign up. It's been a while since I've been in any RPG's... [COLOR=crimson]I've slightly edited my description. Reading it over again might be a good idea.[/COLOR] Name: Silvia Silvertoung Age: 19 Clan: Reptiles Animals bonded with: Only one for me. A large snake with Dimond pattern's going down it's back. A deep greyish green and black coloring for the dimonds. His name is Saav. Weapon Of Choice (optional): A small hand dagger and poisonous darts. Description (or picture whatever you prefer): Silvia has strangly white hair with a greenish taint and grey/green eye's slitted snake like. Her accent has a slight hiss to it. Her ears are hook-pointed, one peirced twice with gold and silver earrings. Short Biography: Living amoung her clan members she isn't allowed out of sight much simply because she has a habbit of attracting trouble. Friendly on the outside and sly on the inside. She is somewhat self centered. Her strength does is not in her muscils but in her speed. Beside's all that she is usually light hearted and on the positive side or things.
  12. Yeah... that's one of the things I wondered too... Another is why didn't they use a truth potion on Sirus Black before throwing him into Azkaban? Everybody knew how good a friend he was that that he couldn't have possibly betrayed Lily and James Potter.
  13. Swords, swords! I've only been able to DREAM about holding such delicate piece's of deadly art! If only my hand would be graced with such a weapon.... I'd be the happiest *future* swords master in the world! The hilt cold and carved with danceing forms of dragon's and the blade sharp and blue! The scabbard made of leather with gold lineings..... *sigh* but that will have to remain a dream... Such a sword will never find it's way into my unworthy hands... Let alone any other sword... Rhys, you better watch your Sting cause if your going to show it to me you have to make sure that you keep it atleast 20 ft away from me... or you might find it missing in the next second
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]Hmm...I thought about it, and maybe [spoiler]Dumbledore is the main character who is going to die[/spoiler]. That would cover two predictions, lol. [/B][/QUOTE] [spoiler]I beleive Dumbledore will probably die sometime in the books but not now. If that happen's then all hell will break loose. Dumbledore is the only one that Voldemort fears and if he is taken out of the picture people will mostlikly be discouraged and Harry will be an easy target... I think. At the end of book four Harry was very lucky that he was able to get away and live. Don't count on something like that happening twice, you can't always rely on luck and Voldemort will make sure that dosen't happen again (come on! He's not that stupid). And with all the spies he's got runnin' around the place without the ministries knowledge he's bound to get his way eventually (for a short period of time anyway's). Or maybe that's what Rowling want's...? That would make the story somewhat more exciting I guess... I don't think that Harry, Ron or Hermiony will die through out the series.[/spoiler]
  15. "Your such a... BOOGER BOTTEM!!" ~Me when I try not to swear and yell out a replacement word instead "Bannana split pie" ~When I have nothing better to say "...fudge monkey..." ~Another replacement swear word "ya-huh" ~when I wasn't quit listening to someone and I know that I have to say something "Buzz off!" ~To anyone that is becomeing [i]slightly[/i] annoying
  16. I've got an 11 year old brother (I'm 15) and a 1 year old brother. I care for them both alot and I'll admit that I probably won't be very happy if either of them left for any reason. Me and my brother fight.... ALOT and argue over stupid things (like the remote -.-"). My baby brother is ok and fun to play with but he can annoy the hell outta me when he want's something he knows he'll probably never get (like the remote again. He broke two and there's no way I'm letting him touch the new one). Lately I haven't been in any real argument's or fight's and we get along pretty well now. Who know's, maybe our peace will last this time, lol.
  17. I've thought about this alot. If I was to be reborn as a different creature I'd be either a Raven (hehe, so meny superstitious people out there... Life would be fun ^^) or an Eagle. These two arn't extinct or rare to find or anything so I wouldn't attract unwanted attention (unless I wanted to). Other than that I wouldn't mind being a small gold dragon... But that would cause alot of trouble, to meny people will want to catch you -.-;;
  18. O.o Poem's such as the one's I put up are not worthy of high rateing's. They deserve lower X-| Here's another, probably the last I'll ever put up. I've got horrible wrighting skills: I am a fire that burn's eturnally, The fire that burn's mystically. The fire that burn's angrily, The first that burn's happily. I am no toy. I bring new life, hope and joy. I protect and need protecting. I love and need loveing. I breath and need air. I am alive and strong, I am weak and I am bold, I am terrified and I am cold. I give aswell as take. I am one with the flame, The flame is one with me...
  19. This is just a little something done by me on the last day of school... :p I dun know what I was smokein' (j/k) but this is what came out: I am the wind, I am the rain. I am all the element's, One and the same. I am the breath that flows, The wind that blows. The light in the sky, The time that goes by. I am fire, I am Hail. I am crystall, Beutiful and Frail. I am the ground you walk on, The lake's you serf through. I am known as Mother Nature, The one that cares for you. I didn't have a name for it... Didn't know what to call this, so for now it's just called "Mother Nature" (lame title, I know). Again, I am sorry if you read this. It's horrible and stupid. I dunno why I put it up but I did so deal with it :p. Here's another one. It's more of a riddle than a poem, but oh well. I'm going to leave out the last line since it's just to... never mind, just read: I am friends with niether human's or nature. Not with any element, the supernatural or the fantasy. I am nither mystery nor mithology. I am known as a neusence, a bother to all. I appear when I am not waanted. I appear as if nothing at all. I bring downfall's of those loved and hated. I comsume, I plage, I destroy. I am known as the evil brought by time as it flows. I am both hatred and despair, I can be mistaken for love and for care. I am a deseas, contageouse and deadly. I can break the mind the soul, your will and your sanity. Do not fall for my spell, because once you do you may never be the same again. What am I you may ask? (---------last line cut------) So what do you think? I've got alot of free time on my hands don't I? O.o [size=1]egh, I think I have some big spelling error's in there... Cha, I'll edit out the mistake's later... I dun have much time on the internet today so I'm in a rush :p.[/size]
  20. My screen name just popped into my head while thinking about what I should call myself on these boards. I like the way "Darkmoon" sounds and I couldn't remember were I got it. A while later I found out that it was the name of a knight's loyal horse... I wasn't very happy that it was a horse and not the knight itself. I wanted to change my nick but decided to keep it the way it was cause I had already passed 100 posts at that time and didn't want to lose all that and it just seemed like a wast of time to re-introduce myself. Other than the disliked (to me)history of "Darkmoon" I like the way it sounds. I've alway's liked dark things... They alway's facinated me.
  21. I have two main exam's this semester. One for Science and one for Math. I am deathly terrified about my math exam. I was never good at math... Well, I'm studying like crazy so hopefully I'll do ok...
  22. [size=1]I don't think anyone has ever raised all the Pokemon, and most likely there are a few that you really want to but have never gotten the chance to or had the pateince. Down below I have listed the pokemon that I would love to raise once but have never been able to. I would like to raise a: Merril- never been able to even FIND one... Someone told me (and the pokedex said) that they can be found in that cave [can't remember the name at the moment] but they never show and you need a trainer to tell you about them... Never found that trainer o.O;; Ladyba- They are very hard to raise... I got one to level 20 before I gave up... It just kept fainting -.- Staryu- No reason. Just something new. Dewgong- I did acually raise one. But that was just to complete my pokedex (which I did do ONCE in red), but it wasn't really part of my team. Cubone- He's cute :p Vulpix- Not in any of my games... I don't remember if it's in Silver or not acually...o.O What are some pokemon that you would like to raise but have never been able to 'cause either a) They are to far away and to low a level to try and raise (you've gotten to far into the game) b)'cause a friend or a sibling has been to lazy to trade them to you, or c) You're just to darn lazy or can't find them. [/size]
  23. Who I would like to meet? Gosh that would be a very long list... So I'll just cut it down. By the way, they are in no particulair order: Blanko, iggy, calumon lover, Digital Monster, faris, sage, Devidramon, Rain, Domon, Bra, Juuthena, Rhys Mayiessen (oh, wait... I see you every day at school, lol), Ginny (your a life saver :p), Deelit. Some people I don't chat with as much as I would like or don't have the time (lately I've been haveing alot of tests to study for and am haveing a hard time trying to access the internet -.-)... But all the same I still want to meet you all.
  24. Why I came here... I dun' know... I guess I just liked it at first glance. I was browsing around a yahoo search looking for a complete digi-dex... I obviously came across The Otaku.com. At that time the site didn't really work for me. After every few clicks my computer would say there was an error or something and would close the window. It became so annoying that I gave up and left the site. After a little while I decided to try again since I couldn't find another site that had as meny info on digimon (at that time I was a complete digimon freak. I loved the anime and liked reading about it. Now I've kinda grown out of it, although I still ocationaly watch the show and still post in that forum). After a while my comp stopped shouting that there was an error and let me search it out in peace. After three day's I decided to check out the forum's and came here to the boards. I joined the next day cause I decided that it would be fun to hang around for a little while. It's almost been a year now that I've been here and I don't plan on leaveing any time soon. I consider this place my lil'hang out on the internet and I can speak my mind here in peace. I don't have to worry about being concidered a freak here cause most of ya' act werider than me, lol :p.
  25. [size=1]:therock: you'd kill for that...? EDIT: Please excuase me. I just noticed how rude that sounded... I didn't mean to be rude or anything:p. I'm not exsactally in the best of moods... (I'm babysitting tonight and am haveing a hell of a time with my lil'bro.... -.-; He won't stop cry and is giveing me a headach...I just put him to sleep)[/size] Try your local store or something. Zellers, wallmart and places like that usually have those kind's of thing's.
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