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Everything posted by Darkmoon
[size=1]Villian: Xellos Anime they are on: Slayers Next Info about them: The most powerful mazoku (demon) in his ranks. He feeds off the pain and emotions of other's (all mazoku are like this) and considering what he does on the whole quest you can tell he's got a big apitiet. Seems to disapear when help is needed most. His past is as mysterious as his age (acually I remember hearing somewere that he was about 3000 years old) and intention. Seem's to play both side's as he slowly steer's people into doing what he wants them to do. He specialize's in black magic and is surpriseingly a general aswell. Apparently he has been sent on a quest to guide Lina to Hell master Febrizo (sp? [Can't remember why at the moment -.-;]). So he pretends to be on Lina's side. Why: He's one of my favorite villian's simply because he act's like a fool, allow's people beat him up (I think he acually enjoy's it... o.O; ) and annoy's them like heck. Pop's up out of nowere and disapear's when there is a fight (or when he's wanted/needed). Causes trouble and ends up getting what he want's in the end. On the rare ocations when he acually DOES something useful, you can see a glimer of his true power.[/size]
Yami walked down a deserted hallway... Nothing so far... After what seemed like hours of complete bordem Yami began to talk to herself. Yami- Why did I have to join such a pointless competition... I usually stay away from trouble (unless I know that I can beat it :devil: ), not go looking for it... Maybe I should vote myself out at the next meeting. Naw, seems to much like giving up. I'll win this competition. If I don't then all these mortals and silly creature's shall feel the wrath of the Vampire Princess Darkmoon!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yami cut her laugh short and looked around. Nothing and no one was in sight... Yami- *ahem* Good, no one in sight. Were are those dratted creatures?? This is getting extreamly boreing... Just at that moment something dropped onto Yami's shoulder. Looking at it she noticed it was a deep shade of green and was sticky as well as slimy... Yami stared at it for a moment then slowly looked up... A giant eyeball stared back at her... Yami- You don't look as ugly as Sage say's you are... I've seen uglier. The giant slug didn't seem to have anything dangerous about it's apearence. I opened it's mouth just then and Yami saw row after row of dagger sharp teeth. She jumped back in surprise. Yami- Yikes!! The slug, slowly but steadily followed Yami, mouth gapeing open and ready to swallow. Yami jabbed her blue staff into one of it's eye's, it recoiled and let out a surprisingly loud squealing sound. Yami took that oportunity and dove under it's head, she hooked her staff under the blue ring and yanked it off. The slug had opened it's other eye. Surprisingly it was fine, if a bit red. [i]A jab like that would have normally blinded most creatures, but I guess this one's an exception. [/i] Yami turned around and ran off looking for the other two monsters.
In gold and silver you can't catch them in Kanto either.
What got me interested in anime...? Well... the first anime's I remember seeing were those Curope (sp) and Hello Kitty ones... I found them boreing and didn't know that it was an anime. Like meny other's I didn't even know what an anime was, lol. Then I saw Sailor moon. I think I was in grade one. I liked it for a very short period of time. It seemed repetative to me so I left it (and my dad joked about it ALOT). I still didn't know what an anime was... At that time I liked watching rugrat's and such more than anything else. Later on Pokemon came out. I heard people calling it an anime. I wasn't sure why they called it that or what it really ment. But that was the first that I saw and heard of as an anime. After that I begane to recognize them. Digimon was next, followed by DBZ and Escaflone. After that I loved anime's. They seemed so cool (and still do). So I started reading about them on the internet and this lead to a sort of obssetion in a way :p. Yes, that's right. I'm obsessed with anime and proud of it (ah, not really, but anyways...).
Yami looked around a corner and. No one was there. [i]Good. No cameraman... Hopefully the other's will keep him busy.[/i] Yami let out a sigh and started drifting about the place, deep in thought. Out of nowere a shadow quicker than lightening leaped out and stopped right in front of her. Yami stopped just before she was to collid with the camera. She let out a hiss. Yami- What the heck is wrong with you?! Your not supposed to sneak up on someone like that!! Cameraman- I knew I missed someone... Now it's your turn. What do you have to say? Yami took a setp back. Yami- Nothing. Go away. Cameraman- ... Your not camera shy are you...? Yami- I am NOT afraid of a little plastic camera thing. GO AWAY!! Cameraman- Yes you are! I've worked with people like you all my life. There's no need to be shy, come on, just say your piece and I'll leave. Yami blushed and steadly avoided being caught on film. Yami- No, [size=3]GO AWAY!![/size] Cameraman- Geez, you can't say one thing?? Stay still and TALK dammit. Yami- You want me to talk?? Fine!! Yami hissed and leaped forward. She attempted to bite the man's throat, but he luckly jumped back in time. Cameraman- What the heck was that for?? I could sue the hell out of you ya know!! Yami didn't answer. She just twirlled her cape around herself and flew off in bat form. The only full body clip of her the camera was able to get. Yami blushed as she flew off, annoyed at her fear with camera's. [i]Why can't he leave me alone?? Besides, I dout he was able to get more than a ghostly image of me. After all, I'm a vampire.[/i]
Wow... I love it :D. And since I'm a great dragon fan I love it even more... :p And Silver has alway's been my color beleive it or not... Ask anybody that's chatted to me online before and you'll soon find that I'm telling the truth. I like it. Do you mind if I maybe save it for myself (dun worry, I won't steal it) on my comp?
[i]As soon as Freanky left the "Battle Field" his spell wore off. Kevin was free again and didn't seem to notice the few seconds of being frozen. Yami stayed at the back, protecting the main enterance to the tunnel. Athena and Geroshi got past the other's and came into Yami's space.[/i] Geroshi- Hah! We've reached the Indigoth's layer at last!!! Yami- You didn't forget about me did you...? [i]Darkness seemed to enclose around Yami... She looked up slowly, eye's glowing red, fang's glinting... Geroshi Froze in place... They're eye's met and.... Yami freaked and leaped back as far away as possible.[/i] Yami- What the heck?!?! I just noticed-- Wear something decent!!! God!!! [i]Covers eye's and run's away, crying. Everybody freeze's and turns around to watch the vampire run around the corner.[/i] Rabid- You sure she's a Vampire Princess...? Candy- Don't look at me. I don't know anything about them... But I alway's pictured them fearless and imotral... Geroshi- Well I just found their weakness, Haha!! All- *sweatdrop*
My favorite pokemon is Charizard. So I'd probably end up picking charizard. In the old versions of the game it seemed like the strongest of the three to me too. In the new I don't know. I haven't bothered with compairing the stat's as I don't really care to:p. But, yeah, if you want to chose the strongest and what Dark_Apocalyps say's is true then go with the stronger one. [size=1]But if it were me I'd stick with my fav, Charizard.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i] [B]Oh finally...its not like your name is sooo special that you can't tell anybody what it is Nazanin!Does that mean I get to call you Nazanin on Otakuboards now?[/b][/quote] [size=1]Why is it that I alway's feel insulted whenever you reply to something I put up...[/size] You just did :p Yeah, go ahead. I don't mind. [quote][b]Its not that hard to pronounce its just that I have a funny accent when I say it or that's why you say anyways...:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] You have a [i]horrible[/i] accent when ever you try to say my name. Just like everybody else. So just stick with Naz please.
Gaming Your favorite video game villain of all time...
Darkmoon replied to Jinzouningen17's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i] [B]Your getting a ps2 and you didn't tell me! How dare you! Anyways of course Darkmoon's favorite is going to be Sephiroth:rolleyes:[/b][/quote] 0.o you act like I say that all the time. [quote][b]Hmm...I guess mine would also be Saturos or the girl (I don't know her name) from Golden Sun! [/B][/QUOTE] You mean Menardi, right? -
K, I've decided to reviel my name real name to the OB at last... K, my name is Nazanin (no, I did not make it up, it's a real name and it's my name), last name you shall never know. Nazanin has two meaning's. First one, pretty flower (or something like that). The other meaning is Beutiful. My friends usually just call me Naz because my full name is to hard to pronounce. I've met only one other person in my whole life that has had the same name as me, and that was a loooooooong time ago.
Gaming Your favorite video game villain of all time...
Darkmoon replied to Jinzouningen17's topic in Noosphere
My favorit is Sephiroth :D. He's the coolest villian by far (attidude, clothing, weapon's and all the rest). One of the best and my top fav. Next in line... Ah, not as great but it's Saturos from golden sun. [size=1]I'm finnaly getting ps2 next week!! *jumps up and down, giddy with happyness*[/size] -
I love Slayers!! It's one of the best anime's I've ever seen... Well, I haven't exsactally seen them yet. I've just read every epp script up until the first epp of slayer's try... then the site closed down... the [i]nerve[/i] of some people... If I had their e-mail I coulda atleast gotten it like that... Anyway's I've lately began downloading them. I've got only a few epps and am gonna see them soon (unfortunatly all dubbed, but then I can't understand it in any other language). I heard they showed it on the family channel a while back... anyone know if they still show it?
Yami- *yawnz* I'm hungry.... [i]Everybody backs away. Yami ignore's them[/i] Yami- I'm going out for a snack... Rabid- *mumble's to self* Hate to know what's going to be for dinner... Frankie- I'm hungry too!! Candy- That's ok, I could fix up something else! Rabid- I think I'll pass... candy- No you won't!! [i]An hour later Yami comes back, a take out Mc donalds bag in her hand.[/i] All- O_O Yami- What? What's wrong?? Yike's, you all seem to have had a bad time while I was gone... Frenkie- You'd look the same if you had this for dinner... [i]Point's to a roast chicken... which was swimming in suger.[/i] Candy- I thought vampire's drank blood... Yami- They do... I just was in for a little variety at the moment:D Rabid- You coulda told us were you were going you know. Yami- Well it's not my fault that you guy's keep away from me when I'm going out for a bite to eat. Maybe you should trust in your fellow team member more. Rabid- ...Whatever.... (OOC- Couldn't help it:p... What are you doing with that...? Egh! Sorry!! AHHHHHHH!! *Start's running as D_M chases Darkmoon in circle's, a stick posed threateningly over her head*) Frankie- Can I have some fries?
I usually spend most of my time on the internet on the OB beleive it or not. Other than that I search for other stuff that I need more info on or artwork on Elfwood.com . I've been to only one other message board before this one and that one got kinda boreing cause (reached 50 posts there before I stopped visiting)... I guess it didn't have as much interesting comments and stuff to keep me sticking there. I've been a member of these boards since the end of verson 3 (just a day before the shut down to change, it really pissed me off) and have decided that I like hanging around here. Maybe because people show more of a creative side (or personality)and not just stright-to-the-point answers. If this message board wasn't fun or interesting I don't think I would've stuck here long enough to become a member (yes, that's right people. I've finnaly become a member [if you haven't already noticed] !! Wohoo!!). I don't think I'll leave here any time soon either. At the moment it's sorta like my obssetion and it gives me somewere to go to when things get boring at my house:p.
Gaming Your favorite video game hero of all time
Darkmoon replied to severous84's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i] [B]Haha yeah sure you've like only played Final Fantasy 7 for like what 10 minutes? I wouldn't count that as playing Darkmoon!:p [/B][/QUOTE] Go ahead! Rub it in why don'cha:bawl:!! Just cause I don't have the game YET dosen't mean I can't have a favorite character. And I didn't say I played it. If you read my post completly without running to conclutions so fast you'd know that I just said I know of it. I've read all about it! All the characters, story line, ect, so there :p. -
Gaming Your favorite video game hero of all time
Darkmoon replied to severous84's topic in Noosphere
[size=1]Out of the games that I OWN my favorite hero is... Isaac from Golden Sun but that's not playstation...[/size] Out of every game I know of and/or played my all time favorite is Vincent from Final Fantasy 7. Comeing in seconde place is Sephiroth. [size=1]EDIT: Forgot to add that unfortunatly Sephiroth is not a hero (probably everyone think's I'm an idiot just cause I forgot to mention that little bit. But I just said "Favorite". Never said anything about hero in that last part so [i]neh[/i] to you:p), but is all the same one of my fave's. I also think Cloud is pretty cool.[/size] -
Yami- O.o What's with you human's (or whatever else you are) and blowing things up? You all seem to have rocket launchers and stuff up your sleeves! Benjo- Blowing stuff up it cool! [i]Starts blasting a few sharks out of the water.[/i] Yami- *smacks forehead* Oi... Candy- The water is eating away at the DENTAL DESTRYOER!!! SOME ONE SAVE THE PRECIOUS SUGER!!! [i]Looking at Candy they could all see that a small hole had opend up and was now starting to squirt water all over the interior.[/i] Franky- Your the suger fairy! Start sumuning the suger and plug up the hole! Candy- Oh yeah :p. everybody- :sweatdrop: [i]Candy summons a few cubs of suger and pluge's the hole with them.[/i]
I've been followed before, yes. It was also on halloween last year. My mom had finnaly agreed on letting me go out with a few of my friends for trick-or-treating (We were accually collecting canned food for cherity and comunity service. It was an excuse to get out :p). We were a group of 3. We had gone through our whole neighborhood and had collected alot of canned foods. We decided to go to this other place were I used to live five or six years ago. After walking for a long time these people started walking behind us. At fist I didn't give them much attention. We went to a few houses and started crossing a road. Again I noticed the same people behind us. Not getting to close but not very far either. We went down into a deserted street. By now I had told my friends my suspitions and they agreed with me. Moveing faster (we coulden't run cause we had a bunch of canned foods on our backs) we finnaly got into a crowed area and lost them after turning alot of corners. God that was a relief... The next day at school I found out that the stalkers were accually these two boys set on scaring the hell out of us. I could have knocked him dead about then but oh well... It was kinda funny now that I reflect on it :p. Bad sence of humor though -.-
Yami- Well if we just have to race to the goal maybe I can go ahead and finish the race... it would be alot faster than having to splash upstream in a suger boat, fwould it not? Candy- Your supposed to WORK with your group, not abandon them!!! Franky- I'm not going to wait here and let you get all the credit!! Sage- Yami, your not allowed to [i]fly[/i] your way out of this, you are indeed supposed to stick with your group. Yami- *sarcasim* Well, soooooooorrrrrrrry! [i]The Indigo tribe got into they're home made boat and started they're tuff ride up stream. Looking behind them Yami could see thin traces of suger escaping from they're boat. Looking deep into the river they all could see the shoadow's of sharks swimming around keeping close tabs on them.[/i] Yami- Wait a minit... Why are there sharks in a river?? Arn't they supposed to be in the ocean or something?? Sage- :twitch: Get back on track. [i]Sage's presence disapears.[/i] Rabid- I guess even he doesn't know why.
Just my luck... I get something that I'm not even sure of...:p. Well then I'll just make it up a bit. It's longer than a dagger and a bit curved. It's hevier and alot more effective in battle-type uses. The blade is black in color and the hilt has dragon carvings coiling around it. It's shelth and hilt shall be silver in color. Since it is "Angelic" it will have a special power of it's own. I shall revile it to you later on in my posts (basically I have to think about it:p). Now someone please continue fromw were we left off. I don't have alot of time on the internet right now so I'll wait till tomarow to put up my post.
[i]Yami Darkmoon flew back in the window as a bat and changed back.[/i] Yami- I don't appreciat jumping out a window into a forest filled with dead people FRANKY. [i]Franky looked at the angry vampire princess, fear showing in his eye's.[/i] Franky- I- I can explain... Yami- Sure you can... [i]Yami pulled a rotting finger off her sleeve and threw it out the window. She slowly walked up to Franky.[/i] Yami- And I'm a girl, not a bi-sexual creature. This is for you. [i]She handed him the paper bag. He opened and and tons of maggots flew out. Franky recoiled and tossed the bag out the window aswell. Yami turned to the others.[/i] Yami- I believe you were laughing at something...? Everybody: Scilence Yami- That's better. Now are we going to have some dinner or what? Rabid- I was hopeing you'd forget about that... Yami- Oh, right... the suger... Now I'm wishing I never brought it up... Candy- What?! But suger is good! Yami- Not for someone that's trying to keep her teeth in good shape like me. I need them more than you guy's do. [i]Everybody slowly backs away.[/i] Yami- Ah, don't worry. I don't feel hungery and probably won't any time soon. Besides, I need you guy's on my team. I consider you my friends and ally's while this thing is going. Rabid- Good. [i]Everybody stops backing and goes back to their regulair positions, relife floods the room.[/i]
OOC- K, I was wondering... If I'm to use a Dirk I need to know what it looks like... So what does it look like:p? Give me a detailed description please.
[i]After a while the hermit had gotten the potion finished and handed it to Silvia to drink. Silvia took one wiff ofit and pushed it away.[/i] Silvia- That thing stinks! You can't possibly want me to drink that! Hermit- If you want to stay like that then, no, you don't have to drink it. [i]Silvia wrinkled her nose and swallowed it in one gulp, trying not to tast it. She nearly gaged.[/i] Kris- Do you think we could turn Draconius mortal with this stuff and then kill him like that? It would make things alot easier. Elsyan- He was born a vampire, I don't think we can change him into a human. Hermit- My potion only works for poeple that have known what it's like to be human. Their body still remembers what it was to feel human. Since this Draconius you speak of was born that way I cannot do anything for him. [i]The hermit begins to chat a spell.[/i] Kris- I was woundering... How did you know that He was born a vampire??
O.o I can't believe I didn't see this thread before... Lucky thing you had banners or I probably would have missed out on the whole thing. Can I have a part too? I sent you a pm just a sec ago and will await your answer. Hope I'm not too late...