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Everything posted by Darkmoon

  1. I find Ultramon Tiga more silly than funny to be honest (I personally don't like it much). I'm only seen it twice and so far I haven't found anything that really capture's my attention enough to keep me watching.
  2. I've been wanting alot of things my parent's won't buy for me. And when they do say they will htere's alway's a catch or I have to wait till...Forever before I can get it! Recently I've been begging for a ps2 aswell but my parent's say it's not worth it... So I've teamed up with my brother and we're each paying 50/50. It's the only way (for me anyway's). Right at the moment I've only got GBC (about 5 games) and GBA (one game but it's the best and most exciting I have). Those are the only game systems I have at the time.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt [/i] [B][color=red][b]El Toro is nothing without the talisman[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] So harsh. He has some skill even if he's not the best:p. One of my favorite quote's from uncle is the one with the "laser eye beam" talisman, aka Pig. "Uncle- Big mouth has a big fist...". That was so funny... I accually laugh at almost everything uncle does now that I think of it... Egh, just call me an occational fan of this cartoon. It's pretty funny. Like everything about it. [size]I know, I said something like this already but still.[/size]
  4. [i]Suddenly, seemingly out of nowere a green and yellow mini turnado zoomed into their view tossing everybody all over the place. Yami looked up from were she was, she saw that the turnado stopped and there was... *gasp* Stanly Ipcus wearing the mask! The crazy character's eye's popped out briefly as he saw the people that he had bumped into[/i] Mask- Is this a party, or what?! *Start's laughing like an idiot* Yami- Why'd you do that? Now I'm all dirty... Franky- You were flushed down a toilet, of course your dirty... Yami-.... Candy- Do you want some sugar...? [i]She offered the already hyper Mask some sugar.[/i] Mask- Don't mind if I do!! Rabid- NOOOOOOO!!! Candy- Huh? Mask- Too late! [i]He popped the sweets in his mouth and got worse...[/i] Yami- Now I know that a person can go beyond hyper... Mask- CAN I HAVE SOME MORE PLEASE?!?! [i]He makes a grab for it but Rabid shoves him away.[/i] Rabid- First, don't yell, your going to give us away. Second, we'll give it to you only if you help up find what we're looking for...
  5. O.o I just noticed something... Why is it that when ever I see a post done by Sere Tuscumbia I see Lady Asphyxia's post right after it... Either that or it's just coincedence that I happend to see about 5 posts like this... Sorry if I'm a bit off topic *looks up*... Ok, way off topic, but I was just curious.
  6. [size=1]I think the duel monster that best represents me is Keribo... Why, you ask? Because I feel that I make no difference in the world simply because I seem (emphasis on "seem") so insignifigant. In fact, I beleive that most people would seem like this. But as soon as they get together they become an unstopable force. But that's just how I feel in very large crowd's surrounded by "important" people... When I want to be I can cause alot of trouble and damage, there for I beleive that a baby dragon is what best represents me... Start out small and become strong over time.[/size]
  7. My dream team would be: Charizard Typhlosion (I love fire pokemon, they're the best) Picachu/Richu (which ever, I like them both) Mew Black Rapidash Furret (probably won't last long on my team since I have a tendency of replacing the weaker one's but oh well...) or Lapras or (I've got alot of "or's" don't I?) Azumaril. I've never had a team quit like that but I would like to have one like this some time. It's a very strange combination and I like all the pokemon I've selected. Not because of they're strengh but because they are just plain cool ^^.
  8. O.o The disney character's make the game go round. If you take them out then most of everything about it would be gone... It would end up as a completly different game... And cloud is in the game. If you check out the official site you'll see that he is in there.
  9. I was never a trouble maker of that sort in any of my schools... But in elementry school I was VERY hyper-active. I'd never sit in one place... I got a detention once and had to sit on the carpet for 20 minit's. The teacher turned her back on me for a mement then turned back around and couldn't find me anywere... Turning around she saw that I had somehow gotten behind her rocking-chair and was looking at the books on the book shelf... I walked on tables when the teachers weren't looking and passed notes around (I had to use notes since I was alway's being moved across the room from my friends so that I wouldn't talk to them). I also got in trouble for playing tag in the hallway's with a couple of friends... The Cartaker had heard us running into change room into the bathroom and back out down the hall... We were called down to the office and given a warning... I was an office helper once too and was kicked out cause I was caught photocopying my hands and feet... I've got a history of minor things like that through out my report cards. But ever since I first went to junior high I've become the sort that stay out of trouble.
  10. I find it very funny. My favorit character is Jade. She makes alot of the funniest things happen.
  11. I'm Anne... I took this test like five times to make sure and each time it STILL said I'm Anne... I would have prefered to be myself. I'm not on this quiz, right? Shameful... I bet alot of people would have loved to be me :D.
  12. I heard the same thing but apperentally there wasn't a first season. They had an earlier version out but it didn't catch so they took it off the air. Then they brought this one out and made it go stright to the point. It got alot more attention and people liked it more so this is basically the first season I guess... Someone explained this to me a while ago but I unfortunatly have a bad memory and cannot remember what the exsact explination was...:blush:
  13. Yami- Yeah you traitor!! You belong on our team!! [i]Grabs Candy and drags her back to the top in the hotel. Yami holds Candy by the scruff of the neck.[/i] Candy- Ah heh, anyone up for suger? [i]Yamie drops Candy to the floor.[/i] Yami- I have the most ridiculous team in the world... Come on everybody! We're going to go down TOGETHER. [i]Yami motions for the rest of the group to fallow. She stops at a bath room and hop's into the toilet bowl. She reaches down and flushes the toilet. She start's spinning... And gets sucked down into the sewer system.[/i] Yami *calling from down there*- Are you guy's comeing or not? The other teams already ahead of us!!! And Candy, if that riddle page is really worth it bring that down too. Candy- You really need some sugar... It'll take that nasty edge right out of your voice and replace it with a sweet and hyper one... Yami- I like my voice the way it is, now get down here!! Don't make me come up there! [i]The rest stepped into the toilet one by one and flushed themselves down to join Yami.[/i]
  14. [i]Silvia watched as most of the peole in the cave slowly fell asleep. The vampire had lost most of the controll he had had on Silvia but she could still feel his presence in her mind. She wished to talk to someone but was a bit embarassed about the whole thing and she had a bit of a headach from the hit Aiden had given her. Deciding to try and sleep she lay down. The dripping from the recent rain was very loud in her ear's. She turned on her side and soon found that ever position she took was very uncomfortable. She sat back up and decided to wait for Tursi. Looking outside she could see that the rain had almost stopped. The sky was grey and the ground wet. She leaned back against the wall and slowly closed her eye's drifting off into an uneasy sleep... She woke up a while later with a start. Something was pulling at her mind demanding to be heard. She dreaded what it would be and tried to block it out but it slowly forced it's way to the serface of her mind. Draconius ~Did you think I would be gone forever?! Do not try that again or you will be sorry.~ Silvia ~Go away!~ Draconius ~I will not! You belong to me and will obey me!~ Silvia tried to tell the others but couldn't say anything. Her voice seemed to have vanished. Draconius ~Don't even try. And even if you could, your friend can't brake my connection again. No, get that charm! I want it now! They are all asleep, this is your best chance.~ A little way's off Tursi seemed to have sensed the struggle that Silvia was going through. She slowly made contact with Silvia. Tursi ~Don't listen to him Silvia! Fight it. He dosen't have as much power as he leads you to beleive!~ Draconius ~!!! This is none of your concern, leave!~ Tursi ~Unlike you I am welcome here and sugest that YOU leave.~ Silvia was getting somewhat confused. This was starting to annoy her too. How meny other people will decid to get into her mind?! Draconius was somehow starting to somther Tursi's voice. Draconius ~Get that charm now! I haven't got all day!~ Silvia ~No! You get it! I'm tired of you alway's telling me what to do!~ Silvia fought the erge to listen to his comand. She was terrified already of what was happening but wasn't going to give in. Eventually the vampire lost the battle and was only a voice. Draconius ~You wish to be on your own then?? Very well, I'll leave you. But first I think I shall give you something~ A strong birst of energy seemed to fill her mind and body. After it slowly washed away and Draconius left. Silvia felt weak and tired. Opening her eye's slowly she felt someone shakeing her and heard voices.[/i] Elsyan- Silvia! Silvia, are you ok?? [i]Seeing that she was now aware of her surroundings Aiden (apperentaly he had been shakeing her) let her lean back against the wall. Suddenly both Aiden and Elsyan pulled back in surprise. Silvia's eye's had changed to a red color and seemed to glow, and her skin was a bit pale.[/i] Kris- What happend...? Why are your eye's...? [i]The clouds out side slowly parted letting a small ray of sunshine flood the enterance of the cave. Silvia suddenly hissed as the sun burned her skin. She withdrew to the back of the cave were it was still dark.[/i] Aiden- You've become a vampire! Did Draconius do this?!? I know he did! Kris- You guy's can cure her, right? [i]Elsyan shook her head sadly.[/i] Elsyan- Unfortunatly no... We are too late. If we had known what was happening exsactally we might have been able to stop the transformation in time but now... [i]Tursi came galloping into view.[/i] Tursi- ~We have to leave now! I know what has happend to Silvia and we can't do anything about it right now.~ Aiden- I know a guy that can help her. He tried to teach me but I left to soon so don't know the spell exsactally. We could stop there. It's in the same route as we are going now and I don't think it'll take long... Kris- How far is it exsactally? Aiden- ....Far but like I said before, it's in the same direction as we are going now. [i]Silvia felt left out and did not like the looks the other's were giving her.[/i] Silvia- How am I supposed to come if I can't stand in daylight? It even hurts my eye's a bit! Elsyan- We'll cover you with a black cloak. Or we could travel by night...? Tursi- ~ I wasn't kidding when I said we have to leave now. The village near by is giving out a turnado warning. There is one heading this way and if we don't leave now we'll be stuck in it.~
  15. [i]Silvia watched the others carefully. Aiden, Tursi, and Elsyan were all asleep. Kris seemed deep in thought and didn't much seem to notice Silvia at the moment. Silvia slowly got up and moved closer to Elsyan. In her mind she was urged to go forward. She slowly and carefully checked Elsyan's pockets till she found what she was looking for. In her hand she now held the charm. As she turned to walk back Tursi woke up. She got up and walked over the Silvia. Aiden woke up a few seconds after.[/i] Trusi-~What are you doing?~ Silvia- Nothing. Tursi- ~You took something from Elsyan just now... Didn't you?~ Silvia- Why would you think something like that? *Starts laughing* I may be a theif but I an't that low as to steal from a friend. Trusi- ~Perhaps... You may not have done that intentionally...~ Silvia- What do you mean...? [i]Silvia slowly started to back away. Tursi followed not wanting Silvia to get far.[/i] Tursi- ~I think you know exsactally what I mean.~ [i]Run you fool! She's figured you out!! Bring me the charm, I want it now! Silvia obayed the comand and ran as fast as she could to get the charm to her master. She did not want to but she couldn't controll herself... Tursi woke the whole group up with her neighing, warning them of her escape. Silvia pulled out a dagger just in case any of them were able to get close enough. [/i]
  16. [i]Yami Darkmoon Was in the top floor of the Haunted Hotel. She watched as what appeared to be a fariy of some sort walked into the empty room. She spread her wings (at the moment she was a bat) and hissed startling the fairy for a moment. She jumped down from her perch and changed back to her regulair form.[/i] Yami- What are you doing here?? Candy- I'm here for the contest. What did you think? [i]Yami stared blankly at Candy for a moment then took out her letter to read over again.[/i] Yami- I should have really read the whole thing before I came here... So your one of the team members? Were are the rest? [i]Yami looked around the empty room. From somewere down stairs she heard a conversation going on.[/i]
  17. I personally hope not. I like the theme song they have now... But I wouldn't mind if they did change the images. It could represent the things to come.
  18. [i]Yami Darkmoon stood behind the counter trying to convice a very arrogant looking human to buy one of her Ford Trucks.[/i] Yami- Trust me, these truck's are the best of they're class and can stand the harshest wearther. Costumer- Yeah, but isn't a car like that good only in the warmer climate contries?? I mean these things just won't start if the weather get's any colder than it already is! Yami- Then why are you here wasting my precious time?! [i]Yami's fangs were now showing. The human took one look at them and slowly backed out the door, turned around and ran. Yami smiled with satisfaction at the retreating back of the man. She turned around to leave when what appeared to be an indigo coloured envolop on the desk caught her eye's.[/i] Yami- When will they ever learn NOT to liter... [i]She scooped it up and just as she was about to drop it in the trash can noticed it had her name on it. Slightly surprised she opened it and saw that it had instructions on it. She skipped all the chit-chat down to the last few sentences: You are to go the The Haunted Hotel and await the rest of your members there. Yami shrugged and, putting the folded envolope in her pocket, wrapped her cape around herself.[/i] Yami- I could do with a good vacation. I really need to get away from these people. [i]She vanished with a puff of smoke and in her place now flapped a big bat. It flew out the window into the cold and headed south towards the Hotel.[/i]
  19. [size=1]OOC- Lol!! Don't worry Domon, I'm not mad at you. Why would I be? I was mad at the fact that I have the WORST spelling/grammar in the world. I edited that post like 6 times!! And considering my computer's prosessing speed it took up alot of my precious little time... I was also in a 4 way disscution (sp...) so it took me even longer to post up. So don't worry. I an't mad at any of you guy's. I'm sorry for the miss inturpertation, I'll edit it later to fix it up. And trust me, if I was mad at any of you, you'd know it the second it happends... I wouldnt let you forget it:devil:. Ahem, I'll just put up my post now...[/size] IC- [i]Silvia got closer to the group and watched as Aiden slowly got up, his eye's seemed to go in and out of focus for a bit. Tursi slumped a bit. Her strenght drained for the time being. Aiden looked at Silvia suspitiously but then quieted down as Tursi told him (only him, none of the others heard) to wait. They needed to be sure, other wise she'd be able to get away get away the moment she found out.[/i] Kris- We need to get moveing. We need shelter fast cause it looks like it's going to rain. [i]Looking up they saw that a dark rain cloud was headed they're way. Slowly Tursi got up (with the help of Kris) and started walking forward. Silvia and Elsyan helped Aiden walk after them. As Silvia's skin made contact with Aiden's he noticed that it had a slight coolness about it.[/i] Aiden- Can somebody please get me my sword? I- Silvia- One step ahead of you. [i]She held up his blood stained sword in her free hand. It started to rain and thunder was heard in the distance...[/i]
  20. This is starting to sound kinda ruthless... I like it. Something different for a change (I haven't signed up for meny things like this. Usually just regulare RPG's).
  21. I've decided to join too. Hope that an't a problem:). Can't wait till this thing get's started:D. Name: Yami Darkmoon Age: 15 race/kind/type/whatever: Crowless queen of the Vampires.... your occupation: A car salesmen who steal's people's souls. your origin: North pole your bio: Was born a vampire in the freezing north. Has a likeing to the sun strangly and has found a way to survive in it. She has a huge collection of people's souls bottled up. She sell's them in the black market for anyone who's interested in a longer life.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by iggy [/i] [B]you know what i would do?? Flip a coin best way to decide if u love them both [/B][/QUOTE] Turst me when I say that you'll be dead as soon as either of them found out... If I was in that problem, first I'd confine myself in a room, lock the door, then run around screaming like a lunitic... Ah, no... Here's what I'd really do: 1)First I'd try to see which one turely likes me. I'd then go for the one that cares for me the most or returns my feeling's. 2)I'd compair them if there was no other way. I don't know... It's kinda mean to do that but if it's the only way (Since you suposedly like them both equally) then I'd see which one would do better or is more successful so that if I did decide to share my life with them it would be alot better I guess.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Everyone else is crazy. [/B][/QUOTE] That include's me, right? In that case, thank you :). I really appreciate that.
  24. OOC- *Starts grumbling angrely* IC- [i]Silvia woke up slowly. She felt dizzy and light headed. She looked up and saw the worried expresions of her friends. They seemed to calm down with relif.[/i] Aiden- How are you feeling? You ok? Silvia- I feel... [i]She had a hard time trying to find the words to describe it. She didn't feel normal, but...[/i] Silvia- ...Weird... Aiden- You should feel better soon. I'm pretty sure that spell cured you. [i]A shadow slowly rose behind Aiden. Silvia tried to warn him but something held her back. It was as if something was telling her to keep quiet... Aiden continued talking, not noticing what was behind him.[/i] Aiden- A friend of mine taught it to me a -- [i]He was not able to finish what he was saying for a sharp object had pirced his back and had come out throught the front. Silvia scrambled away not able to speak a word or sound.[/i] Draconius- I beleive this belongs to you... [i]The vampire smiled as Aiden turned around to see who had struck him. He could barely talk and was haveing a hard time breathing. He nearly fell over but was held up by Draconius.[/i] Draconiuse- It'll take more than that to put me down. You should not have turned your back on me. [i]Draconius let Aiden fall over. He turned to the others and made a gesture with his hands.[/i] Draconius- I will be leaving you now. I do not feel like killing off those that are so defenceless. [i]He changed shape once more and left them, stunned. The other black mare that had been with him, too, left. Although in a different direction. The sun was slowly riseing in the distance. Elsyan ran over to Aiden and helped him sit up. His own blade was in his chest. She slowly pulled it out and secured his wound with a bandage. Luckly the vampire had struck him in the other side of the chest. His heart was ok. Silvia looked on Aiden woundering what had stopped her from calling for help. She couldn't figure it out until a familiar and deadly voice spoke in her head... You are to remain quiet, mortal. The only reason I spared you was for you to do my bidding. You will act as if everything was normal and report to me everything you hear. Take care with the horse. She can pose a problem... The voice silently laughed in her mind. Silvia tried to fight it but soon found that she could not. She was now a slave to the vampire's will... The rest of the group dismissed her silence as a shock and never once thought that the bit marks could have anything to do with why she had not warned Aiden.[/i] Kris- We should get somewere fast and see if we can get help for these two. [i]She indecated Tursi and Aiden. Aiden was now uncontious and in pain. Tursi was well enough to get up and had started walking towards the rest of them. The sun was now fully in the sky and shining dully. The sky was grey with rain clouds. The light slightly irritated Silvia's eye's and skin, but nothing more. Tursi noticed a slight change in Silvia but was to tired to investigate at the moment.[/i] OOC- Just something I would like to say before anyone else continues. When a person get's bitten by a vampire, it dosen't automatically mean that they will become one so I don't think Silvia will have a thrust for blood any time soon. EDITE: I found some weird mistakes (spelling mostly but still) near the end of my post so I've changed my part a bit (it still fits what you all have so far so don't worry). If you want just re-read it so that if there was anything unclear at the begining it will be cleared up.
  25. I get ok for most of my subjects. Occationally I go a bit under for math. Science is pretty easy so I get pretty good on the tests. I haven't taken english yet to know (my year is semestered, meaning that I take half of my courses on the first half of the year, the rest on the second. Pretty cool, huh:D. Life's become a whole lot easier for me since I went to high school). I haven't gotten my report card yet so I'm guessing that my school average is about 65-70%. I'm aiming to improve my marks.
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