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Everything posted by Darkmoon

  1. [i]Silvia watched as the vampire froze. Then slowly his face changed. Elsyan was behind him and couldn't see his face. The vampire flipped around quicker than any of them could react and grabbed Elsyan's hand, forceing the blade away from him.[/i] Draconius- You seem to have mixed me up for something else my dear... Silver kills a were wolf, not a vampire. [i]The vampire kicked Elsyan in the stomach and threw the sword away. Aiden and Kris did not notice this as they were busy helping Tursi. The vampires wound had already started healing and was bleeding less. He turned back to Silvia. She stood a moment and decided to try and run again. If he was able to knock away Elsyan's sword, she did not want to take her chances with just a dagger. She yelled out once to the others and ran into the forest for cover. She hid behind a bolder. She tried to quiet her breathing and calm down. She didn't hear anything. Then decided to calm down a bit, thinking the vampire was gone... A cold hand shot out and grabbed her shoulder. She tried to yell out but his other hand covered her mouth. Reaching into her pocket he took out the map and chuckled to himself.[/i] Draconius- *he wispered into her ear* Should I kill you or not is my question now... Perhapes you'd be of more use to me alive than dead... [i]The vampire bit her on the neck... Silvia passed out at the loss of blood, but was still well enough to live. The vampire left and went back to the battle takeing place in the valley, now carrying the map.[/i]
  2. [size=1]I think I might've miss spelt that...[/size] Well, I just saw the movie a few day's ago and thought that it was great. A bit odd, but great. The story was interesting and for once my mom didn't insult what I was watching (she usually say's that if I keep watching DBZ and such that I'll soon act like them:rolleyes: ). She thought the story was pretty interesting too. The character's were well developed (in my opinion). My favorite character is Ashitaka (sp?). I thought he was cool. What are your opinions on this movie?
  3. My nick name came from a memory of mine that I couldn't quite remember when I registered. I thought that it was a cool name and used it simply because it reminded me of those kinda dark prophicies and stuff. I named a dragon I made up Darkmoon. Then after a while I re-read a book of mine (because it was one of my favorites) and found out that the name Darkmoon was used for loyal (and spoiled) a horse belonging to this very famouse knight... You could tell how I was emmbarassed after that. But I got over it and now still use it for that dragon of mine.
  4. I like Lord of D, Sword Stalker, The Dark Magician and Celtic Gardien. Not because of they're attacks and stuff, just cause of the way they look.
  5. OOC- This is what I get for staying away too long... I've missed out on alot just because my internet messed up!! Ah well, I'll just force my way back into the story:p. IC- [i]Silvia watched in horror as Tursi took on the vampire. She did not like her last incounter with him so was staying as far as possible. Tursi seemed to sence her feelings and gave a small nudge of incouragment to her. It was not very reasuring but was enough. [/i] Silvia- What are we supposed to do?? I can't stand just watching... [i]sigh[/i], I guess every body has got to have a chance at being heroic... [i]Silvia spotted a dark shape in the sky. Squinting her eye's she saw the other pegusus fly swiftly for Tursi's back. Neither the vampire or Tursi noticed the mare's presence.[/i] Silvia- ...!!!!
  6. Silvia leaped back and towards the side. She did not want to be part of a really big target. Everybody else did the same and scattered. Kris had taken out her gun and was begining to try and shot Egan. All her shot's missed except for one which had found a way to implant itself in his shoulder. He didn't even seem to notice it. Aiden had come in for a close attack, all his slashes were deflected as Elsyan covered his back. The draconian sent one powerful force and nocked Aiden and Elsyan away, then jumped onto they're car. He balanced there with perfect ease. He searched the group and noticed that one of them was missing... Silvia was nowere to be seen. His attention was brought away from the fact when Kris started her shooting again after realoading. The rest had taken up they'r attack. Silvia was crouching in a tree right behind Egan. Takeing careful aim she threw her dagger. Egan had senced something and jumped in time. The dagger missed his back (were his haert is) but sucessfully implanted itself in the back of his knee, disabling him from walking. Cursing loudly he toppled off the roof of the car and fell to the ground, he pulled the dagger out and threw it away. Looking up he saw who had thrown it and growled slightly. Elsyan kneeled down and held her blade at his throught. Kris- That was a good throw. Silvia- Thank you, I've been practiceing. Silvia had picked up her dagger and was now wipping it off on the leaves of a near by tree. Elsyan started questioning the growling draconian.
  7. *Starts glowing* I've been mentioned twice! I feel much happier now and less invisable. I guess I'll put up my own list now. They are in no paricular order. 1.mystikal- You are a true friend both on the computer and in real life/school. Very funny and a great artist. Never seen you angery and you always seem to have a smile on. I consider you one of my best friends. 2. iggy (slightly annoyed at you right now but anyways)- For being the second person I met on the boards. Fun to chat with and give's advice (not alway's usefull but you try and that's all that matters:p) 3. Calumon-Lover - She is a nice person to talk to and very imaginative. 4. Blanko- she is the very first person on these boards that I've met and talked to. Helps me out and gives useful advice. 5. MathGuy2- Very helpful and are always willing to lend a helping hand. That's just a small handful of the people I consider friends on these boards. Some of the rest are in my sig. I consider everybody on these boards a friend and helpful in their own way (otherwise I would not have hung around here this long). I respect all the Mods and Admin's. I consider some of them sorta like role-model's I guess.
  8. [i]Silvia was in a panick. What if they knew of all her robberies?? She did not want to spent the rest of her life in prison!! Recelta the raven had fled before any of them had known, so luckly the police did not have her. Silvia sat in a corner huddeled up and trying to clear her head of all the things that might happen to her for her crime's. There was a gaurd at the cell door, as if they anticipated an escape. The cell doors were locked tight and the window to small to creep out of even if there were no bars... Why did I listen to them?? I coulda been out and free still!! One of the head officers came in to check on them. He started wispering to the gaurd and started laughing at his own joke. Silvia studied the man out of the corner of her eye's. Searching for somekind of weakness. Perhapes she could get out with bribery... What she suddenly noticed shocked her. On the neck of the head officer were two puncture wounds. As if bitten by something... Then a terrifying thought struck her. Was this man working for the vampire?? Looking out the open door leading to the lobby she saw the man that looked alot like the one trying to kill Aiden earlier... This was all getting very confuseing... [/i]
  9. *Stares at screen in silent sadness* [size=1]I feel so under appreciated... I wounder if anyone even know's of my presence around these boards. I feel so [i]invisable[/i]...[/size]
  10. 1. Where are you from? (country, city, locate it if it's not known) 2. Tell us something we should know about it 3. no "it's boring" or "never comes here" 4. discuss about it! 1. I was born in Iran and at the age of one moved to Toronto Ontario, Canada. 2. Something you should know?? How about the C.N. Tower?? It's the tallest free standing structure ever built. Pizza pizza is a Canadien company. Other than that I know nothing more about Toronto that you don't already know. 3. Hummm.... I guess this place would be a nice place to visit. The C.N. Tower and Skydome is a great attraction. Also China Town is one of the huge torrist attractions for an odd reason... It's over crouded down there and I dislike walking throught there at night since all the begger's come out at that time... 4. I don't have anything else to say except that I love Canada and it's the only place I remember going to other than a vacation to U.S.A. We are peace makers and very muticultural. Oh, and they once found this dead general guy baried were they were going to build a road... It's kinda funny the way they found him. I also heard that there's this dead beat liveing in the ventelation of this huge library... Lol, a friend of my dad's told him about that... They wanted to kick the guy out but couldn't find him so they gave up. Nothing you should know, but I find it funny.
  11. OOC- Umm, I don't think that Nefertimon's going to participate... Otherwise I think that she would'a posted something by now (She signed up a long time ago)... If she want's to participate then she is welcome to anytime. [i]The window suddenly berst open. All attention went there as a large raven flew in. On it's leg it carried a piece of rolled up paper that was tied with string. Silvia had woken up when the window had crashed open. The raven stood and studied the group for a moment. Intellegence gleamed in it's beady black eyes. It hopped cautiously over to Silvia and stood there waiting. Surprised Silvia looked at everyone not sure what to do.[/i] Kris- Maybe it want's you to read the paper... Silvia- ...Ok... But it better not peck me... [i]Slowly reaching out Silvia touched the paper and winced a bit expecting it to attack her. But surprisingly it hopped onto her arm. Silvia looked at it for a moment and then took off the letter, still wary of the bird staring at her. Unrolling the paper she saw that it was a letter. She read it out aloud for everyone to hear: I know of your quest and that great troubles that lie ahead. I have sent my friend, Recelta (the raven if you still don't know who I mean) to help you along your way. She is an intellegent bird and can understand english well. She can speak a few words as her beak is not made for human speach. Silvia, I am leaveing Recelta for you to keep track of. I will not state my name incase this message is intercepted. I am not very famose in these parts and there is a warrent for me, but know that I am a friend. P.S. You might want to be watchful of Recelta. She has a tendency to play jokes on people when they are not paying attention.[/i] Silvia- ... I've never been good with pets... Elsyan- Well, it seem's to trust you more at the moment so you had better take care of it as intended. Otherwise I would have been glade to take care of it. Recelta- Corn, corn! Kris- I think she's hungery... [i]Silvia noticed that there was a silver collar around Recelta's neck. It glowed slightly and then died down. At the same time so did Silvia's braclet. Recelta hopped onto her sholder. It was now obvious what had made her braclet glow. The Raven seemed to posses some kind of magic...[/i]
  12. [i]Silvia decided to sit down and wait. There was nothing more for her to do. She slowly dosed off into a dreamless sleep. Her wrist band glowed, signaling that magic was being used somewere near by... but this remained undiscovered until Kris happend to look her way. She saw the band glow and suddenly remembered that this could mean danger.[/i]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover [/i] [B][color=red] She probably does, and I'm not going to flame you for being who you are, wrist cutter. But, you just don't know how deeply it hurts and eats inside of me knowing my Mom will probably die from smoking. You just can't possibly understand. And I'm a caring person, and if I believe something is strongly wrong, I'm going to state it, whether what I'm saying just seems like something you already have heard or not. You just possibly can't emphasize with how deeply it hurts.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I know how it feels. 'Cept it's with my dad, not mom. He used to smoke about 4 or 5 years ago (when I was in grade 4 or 5). I remember how angery my mom was at that habit. So to stop my dad she started smokeing just cause my dad didn't want her too. Afterwards they got to an agreement and they both stopped. Lol, that was a kinda funny plan. It worked very effectivly too. My dad never smoked again.
  14. I have quit a few secrets... Nothing to do with drugs, or boyfriend's and stuff... But I still have a few emmbarassing secrests... The biggest secret of all.... Is that I have alot of secrets. Another little secret is that I tell anyone that asks... So I basically have no secrets... But then that's the secret, see? I guess not... But to hear them you need to refer to them as I just may forget them at the time of asking:D.
  15. [i]Silvia walked down the hall thinking about what had just gone on. Maybe I shouldn't have said that... He's let it go to his head. Now I'm emmbarassed to tell him that's not what I ment... *sign* Sometimes I feel like he's a bit thick headed. For once I tell someone that I consider them a good friend and they act all weird about it!! God... Now what do I do?? Silvia decided to go out and get a bit of fresh air. It was a warm day and she wasn't really used to staying inside. Going out she sat under a tree and started drawing silly design's in the soil. Elsyan seemed to come out of nowere and sat down beside Silvia. She was still a bit jumpy and almost threw her dagger at the elf but caught herself in time and relaxed.[/i] Elsyan- Why are you out right now? I thought that you all wanted to take a rest untill my turn with the watch was over. Silvia- I dislike enclosed spaces. Living outside can have it's effects on you. Elsyan- I prefer the outdoors. Alot less crowded. [i]In the distance they heard a ravens screach. Thinking that it was nothing they ignored it. Afterall, it was day time and most bad or annoying creatures came out at nigh fall. Tursi was woundering around infront of them grazing. It seemed she had still not come out of her trance. Wounder what's keeping her... Elsyan pulled out a charm and started fiddling with it.[/i]
  16. [i]They decided to tie Aiden down to the saddle in case he fell off. None of them were willing to try and put him back if he did. They walked on for a bit until eventually they reached an old and worn down looking inn. They put Tursi in the stable (they wouldn't allow her inside) and Silvia stood by guarding her. They would take turns standing outside as soon as they were well rested. The rest went in and rested.[/i]
  17. I'll see it no matter what. I loved the books and loved the first movie that came out. I thought that they did a really cool job on the black riders and the best on the Balrog (it looked so cool!!!). I also was disapointed when they cut out parts of the book. But it WAS too long to make into a movie so you can't blame them. :DAs I said before I'm definantly going to see part two when it comes out no matter what :D.
  18. [i]The vampire smiled as he turned around to face them.[/i] Vampire- So you have finally come... I was woundering how long it would take you to arrive. [i]The vampire had a deep voice and though his eye's were red they gave any who looked in them a chill. Smiling he made his way slowly towards them, wiping the blood off his chin.[/i] Vampire- I must say that I am immpressed that you have made it this far... But I assure you that you will not walk beyond this point. [i]Silvia had slowly shrunk to the back as the creature approched. It now stood directally infront of Aiden, stareing down at him with a look of supiriority on it's face. Aiden was leaning slightly back but still had his look of deturmination on his face.[/i] Aiden- How do you know?? We're alot tuffer than you think!! [i]The vampire just laughed quietly to himself. Aiden, enfuriated, swung his blade with all his might.[/i] Aiden- Die blood sucker!! Vampire- You are a fool! [i]The vampire was alot more agil than first thought. It leaped backwards and, drawing his own blade seemingly out of no were, struck down Aiden with one swift move. Aiden stood shocked for a moment then collapsed in a bloody heap on the ground. The back of his knee as well as arm and chest now carried a wound that will always hold a scar there after. The vampire stood to the sideholding a bloodied sword in his hand. He stood seemingly at ease. The group looked in horror at Aiden now struggling to get up. Kris was now edging back slowly towards were Silvia stood paralized. Comeing to her sences Silvia looked at the vampire then at Aiden, walked back slowly-- and ran back down the passage way. She'd rather take her chances with the shadow gouls again then with that thing. She turned to look behind her and noticed the vampire was no longer stading there. She turned around and colided with the vampire. Looking up from were she had fallen she saw that it stood as if nothing had happend. He looked down at her.[/i] Vampire- Going somewere? [i]Silvia didn't answer.[/i] Vampire- Well I can't let you go just yet... I belive you have something of mine. A map? [i]Again she did not answer. She was instead thinking of trying her luck at running down the other end. Getting angery he grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and dragged her up.[/i] Vampire- Give it to me you pathetic fool! I-- [i]The vampire was cut short by a scream of outrage. Looking up he saw Aiden fly down the tunnel, sword now in the left hand and ready to strike. The vampire tossed Silvia down and with a smirk drew his blade once more.[/i] Vampire- Did you not learn anything the first time? Why don't you lye down like a good little dog! [i]The sound of clashing metal was heard through the tunnel. Aiden was once more on the ground. Kris had had enough time to get behind the vampire and had started shooting. They slowly hearded the vampire outside again. Elsyan had drawn her sword aswell and was fighting along side Kris while Tursi stood over Aiden casting her healing spell. Silvia stood against the wall, feeling like a total coward for not doing anything. Outside the sun started riseing. Hissing with anger the vampire leaped back and turned into a large dark bat.[/i] Vampire-[i]~Know this weaklings, you were lucky for this event and the next time we meet you won't have any luck. My name is Draconus for this will be the last name you shall think of before your demise.~ Flapping madly he flew off for shelter. Kris and Elsyan collapsed with relife of haveing the strain of fighting taken off them. Aiden was now sitting of Tursi's back, both angry and tired. Silvia slowly walked after them.[/i] Silvia- Do you think the light got him? Elsyan- No. Aslong as he is in bat form the light will not harm him. He is weakest in this form and cannot use any of his magic or weapons. Tursi- ~We were lucky the sun came up when it did otherwise we would not have been so lucky.~ Kris- I agree. [i]Silvia sat a little appart from the rest as they rested.[/i] OOC- Ok, I think I over did it a bit... But I guess that's what you get for watching to meny horror movies. Anyway's, continue please:). [size=1]Ummm, I didn't over do it, did I?[/size]
  19. [quote]He turned into a butterfly and flew away.... No, really![/quote] ...I'm confused here... He turned into a BUTTERFLY?!? Are you jokeing or am I just really gulible? Cause a few people seem to agree with you...
  20. Silvia- Ah, ok. [i]Silvia wasn't exsactally sure what Tursi ment by makeing an escape but decided to get to the others first. She slid her hands along the walls until she found one of the hidden passages. Takeing one more look are Tursi she stepped in to the pitch black. Her wrist band glowing once more to signal magic somewere close by (most likely the illutions thought Silvia). She started walking down at a fast pace, the light from her band helping her see the passage. She eventually got to what appeared to be an end. She saw the others fighting off the demons. She slowly walked to the transperent wall dividing them. She called out to them quietly, but just enought for Elsyan to hear. Looking around in confustion Elsyan finnaly called out.[/i] Elsyan- Silvia? Were are you?? Silvia- I'm right here! You probably can't see the passage because I think it's being covered. Elsyan- Passage...?? [i]Silvia walked to the end of the tunnel, reached throught the wall, grabbed Elsyan by the sholder and dragged her in. On the other side Aiden just noticed that Elsyan was missing.[/i] Elsyan- Don't do that again! I nearly cut off your hand. Silvia- Sorry... [i]They then pulled the other two in. The shadow creatures looked around in puzzelment. Apperently they were not to smart and didn't figur out were they went. They melted back into the shadows.[/i]
  21. Silvia- Can I?? I'm smaller than everybody else here and probably lighter too. Aiden- Maybe it would be best if you didn't go ahead Tursi. They're obviously trying to get you and if Silvia goes too you'll both be a really big easy target. Silvia- Yeah but he's behind us! He can't get ahead unless he's got a ride and knows another way in. Kris- You just don't want to walk. Tursi-~We won't go to far ahead or leave the tunnel. It won't take long. Come Silvia, we'll go together.~ [i]Silvia climbed onto Tursi's back. Tursi spread her wings and with a running start took off down the tunnel.[/i] Silvia- Um, Tursi I'm getting the felling that we'r being watched... Trusi-~Nobody is in front of us or behind us. Unless they are invisible I doute anyone can sneak up on us. But I do sence something aswell~ Silvia- I thought you were keeping your mind closed. Tursi-~I am, but I also have inctincts and sharper sences.~ Silvia- Oh. [i]Something silver darted infront of Silvia, just missing her. Startled Tursi stoped. Silvia turned to look at the wall were the dart seemed to have come from. Half of a silver tub was sticking out. Then slowly seemed to sink into the wall and disapear.[/i] Tursi-~It seems that there are illutions here as well...~ Silvia- The people that built this place were really thinking. [i]They turned around and raced down back towards Aiden, Kris and Elsyan to warn them of the danger.[/i]
  22. [i]The rest of the group was easily avoiding the now blind giant spider. When Tursi had finished healing Aiden they left, but by walking through the stream so that they wouldn't leave anysort of sent behind. They rounded a bend in the river, the cries of the spider now far behind them. They had reached the road.[/i] Elsyan- If we walk that way [i]she pointed down one way of the road[/i] We should be able to get to the truck. [i]They walked for about 15 minits, Aiden covering they're back just in case something else were to jump out at them, and Elsyan at the front. Raya walked near the back, deep in thought. When they reached the truck Raya turned to them to say something.[/i] Raya- You guys, I don't think I'm cut out for this kind of excitment... And I did borrow this truck. I've got to return it by tommarow... Silvia- What? Your leaveing?? Raya- Sorry... I personally feel that I'm getting in the way here. Besides, I didn't think finding one vampire would be so tuff. And I've got a responsibility at home... Aiden- That's ok. Silvia- Yeah, you've got a life to go to. Most of us don't really have one left so what have we got to lose?? [i]A few stares were pointed her way. Silvia slunk back behind Tursi.[/i] Silvia- [i]Talking to herself[/i] Well, I technically don't have anywere to go... That's the only reason I'm here and getting myself killed... Raya- I'm glad you all understand. Silvia, you do have a place. You've got new friends here with you that care for your safty, so don't think that way. Good bye everybody. Sorry that I couldn't leave this behind.. Aiden- It's better this way. We can protect ourselves, you need it most. [i]Raya climbed into the truck and drove off back to the city, leaveing behind the small group that had berely had a chance to know her. Turning around they too left.[/i] Kris- So, we're heading in the right direction, right? Silvia- [i]Takeing out the map[/i] Yeah. Kris- Good. [i]Not to far behind a shodow watched them. The two red eye's stared angerily and with a swish of it's dark cape turned into a dark winged creature only one tenth of his original size and flew off ahead of them, leaveing behind a figure that jumped into the tree's. Aiden looked behind them and glimpsed the red of the eye's and saw a bat fly away.[/i] Aiden- Did you...? Never mind. [i]Thinking it was just his imagination he dismissed it from his thoughts. Tursi seemed slightly dispurbed.[/i] Silvia- What is it? Tursi-~Nothing, it is gone now...~ [i]An arrow was pointed at Silvia... Pulling back the cord the figure got ready to let loose. One thought in it's head... Get the map... And get rid of the one with mind abilities... ~Continue Please~[/i]
  23. I like the ones were Bugs and Daffy were together. I don't really remember much. One of my fav's would be the one were Daffy was trying to star in his own picture but someone (obviously it was bugs) kept messing around with it. Eraseing this and that... forgetting to draw the rest of the sceanery and such. That one was Halarious(sp)!
  24. Some people dislike school, but it's not all that bad you know... Maybe you should have kept up to date by keeping in touch with your friends... No offense but I think you were just being lazy... You could have asked your friends for the notes taken in class but apparently you just... sat at home and did whatever you wanted. I'm accually have fun at school for a change. First year in high school and I'm for once doing something interesting and fun in school ('cept math, that's just boring).
  25. I have not seen it yet unfortunatly... Were I live they only have it on dvd in video stores and my dad won't get a player until they're prices go down:(. I'm so unlucky...
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