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Everything posted by Darkmoon
Or it could have something to do with when it was dubbed. As time goes by words that might have been inappropriet for younger viewers are now used so much by them that it isn't really considered anything bad. I hear kids in elementry school swearing at each other now when a while ago it wasn't allowed... So I suppose that it wouldn't matter to them anymore. People are used to seeing guns and gore and what ever else. Just wait, soon they'll leave it all in there not even bothering to cut some of it out. Gundum probably isn't considered really an anime for kids (I've barly been able to watch it unforunatly but I have seen some things) but it is on a channel that they usually end up watching and so just in case they cut it out or change it.
I admit, it may not have been the best thing in the world and didn't have much of a connection (if any) to the games, but the movie itself wasn't really that bad. I thought it was interesting. But was disapointed as well. It was overrated in a way, but had good animation and at times was realistic. I rate it six outta' ten.
Kris- We should still be a bit carefull. Those creatures won't be distraced for to long you know. Silvia- By the time they're done with they're meal it will be morning. Kris- Well you can't always be too sure. Aiden- Don't you think it's strange that it's so quiet?? Silvia- I wouldn't be surprised if everything around here was dead if a scratch can attract those things. Elsyan- No, there is something wrong... Even with the cursed stalkers woundering about there should be at least some insects... Aiden- Even the elf agree's with me. Elsyan- I prefer to be called by my name... Bird. [i]The group got together, forming a secure circle, ready for anything... Kris suddenly called out in disgust.[/i] Kris- Get this thing off of me! [i]Turning around to look they all saw something that appeared to be a thick silvery thread stuck to Kris. Silvia pulled out her dagger and broke it (with difficulty) in one quick slash.[/i] Silvia- Better? Aw, gross... I just finished sharpening it too. [i]Some of the sticky liquid stuck on the handle of her dagger. Aiden was about to fly up again when Elsyan stoped him.[/i] Elsyan- That is not a good idea. This is a web and you may be caught. Aiden- A web? Well I just cut it. Elsyan- It's too thick and you'll probably end up haveig to cut off your wings as well. It's best if you stay on ground for the rest of the walk. Aiden- Very well... Silvia [i]Talking to Kris[/i]- I'm starting to think that he's more of a show off then a worrior... He seem's to think the world revolves around him. Kris- [i]speaking softly[/i] Maybe that's how worrior's are supposed to act. [i]Kris couldn't keep the little joke in. The two started giggling quietly to themselves.[/i] Silvia- Ok, whatever. And just so you know I wasn't going to steal your stuff. Aiden- ... [i]They walked on for a little while. Not hearing a thing. They reached the river with no difficulty. Starting up the river they saw paw prints... Getting a little nervos again they walked close togeter, not dareing to say a thing. In the distance the heard a High pitched and terrible shriek. They all looked at each other and ran up the river to fine...[/i] Elsyan- Tursi! Your ok!! [i]On the ground infront of them they saw one of the wolf like creature's that had tried to attack them earlyer. But this one had a bloodied and crushed skull. Tursi sensed their worry.[/i] Tursi-[i]~You thought that was me screaming, didn't you? Hah! My hooves can speak to anyone that dares try to hurt me.~ Aiden crouched down over the animal.[/i] Aiden- Their accually pretty pathetic looking while on the ground harmless. Silvia- You would too if you'd been kicked in the face like that. [i]Aiden shot a sharp look at Silvia.[/] Turis- [i]~By now you should have realised the danger of these woods, correct? We should stay close together. The webs tangling through the trees are very dangerous to touch. If one of us is caught then the others will be able to help~[/i] Kris- Let's get back to the main road now. I don't much like this place... Aiden- Then lead the way. [i]A moment of scilence.[/i] Kris- Don't you know the way back?? Aiden- I thought that you were the one keeping track... Silvia- We're lost?!?! Aiden- Ah, Tursi, you seemed to know were we were all the time... can you lead us back? Tursi [i]~I can't. I just locked onto your mental selves. It's not the same as location really. All I ould tell is if your far away or close.~[/i] Silvia- Then we are lost!! Kris- Don't panic. We'll just follow the river. It should lead somewere eventually. Elsyan- Rivers curve. It could be leading us the wrong way. Kris- Well, it's worth a try. We'll folow it back upstream until we spot somewere familiar. Silvia- The whole forest looks the same to me...
Aiden- Well then let's not get even near it. Silvia- I don't touch dead people and don't want to become one so it's fine by me. Kris- Shh! Listen... [i]They heard a faint rustling sound. When they turned to look it stopped... They all started speaking in rushed wispers.[/i] Silvia- Ah... you sure they won't attack us?? Elsyan- These are scavengers... they only attack something that is wounded... Or something that has the sent of blood as Tursi mentioned. Silvia- Even if it's just a little?? Elsyan- Even the slightest. Silvia- Umm... Then I think we're in trouble... Kris- Why?! you didn't touch the girl, did you?! Silvia- Nope... I wounldn't come near that thing even if I was paid a million... Aiden- Then what?? Silvia- We were fallowing a trail... There were pools on the ground... Some that we missed... [i]Shocked they all caught on... The looked on their shoes and in their light they could see small traces of blood...[/i] Silvia- We are so dead... [i]Aiden's wings shot out and he quikly leaped into the air dispite the pain of useing his injered wing. Elsyan and Silvia quickly jumped up into a tall tree, Elsyan being used to the woods was quicker. Silvia was used to running and climbing on rooftops was also able to make it up. They slowly helped Kris up. At the bottem big wolf-like creaturs slowly stalked out of hideing. Their eye's reflecing the moon and glistening off their fangs... They stood hunched over and front paws-hands reaching for the trunk of the tree. Their black fur helping them blend in makeing it hard to see ever part of them. Aiden landed beside them, a bit tired and breathless because of his wing. He unshelthed his sword. Everyone else also got ready.[/i] Silvia- What are they?? [i]They no longer bothered keeping they're voices down.[/i] Elsyan- They are cursed stalkers of the night. Brainless in their hunger, but strong and willing to do anything to get food. The only true weakness they have is sunlight. And dawn is far from now. It's funny, they used to once be a intellegent people. I wounder what happend... Aiden- Never mind that, they sound alot like vampires... would a stake throught the heart work?? [i]A few were pokeing around were the girl lay.[/i] Elsyan- No. That may slow them down but otherwise it won't do them any harm. Unless you were willing to hack them all to pieces... but there is too meny of them and would take to long. We don't have the streangth or the time. Silvia- They sound like zombies... Aiden- Well then our only option is to try and fine a way out... Silvia- You mean run.
Same happend here about three times. I got really pissed at the thing so just threw a heavy ball at it the next time I ran into it. It was cought on the first try...-_-'
I'll join for the sake of joining. I wanted to be the pitit dragon.... Can I be something related to dragons then? Great! I'll be the Lord of D (d obviously standing for dragons):D. Bow down to your master! Lol...j/k
Anime If you could have/make any Millenium Item, what would it be?
Darkmoon replied to MaceDavis's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]Or the Millenium Yoyo. heh. [i]Mokuba appears with golden yoyo on a string and starts playing with it.[/i] Tristan: What are you [i]doing?[/i] [i]Yoyo flies out, knocks Tristan unconscious, and bounces back. Mokuba continues playing[/i] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]Lol, were did that come from?? Something I made up after watching a few epps of Yu-gi-oh, the Dragon's Eye. It does not go on the forehead or in the place of the person's eye, but in the palm of their hand. It's in a fanfic that I started (but quit cause mesa to lazy and have too much homework:p). It has the power to sumon anything dragon related to the real world. You do not have to be in the shadowrealms to summon (I did NOT copy Bakura. I didn't even know he could do that when I made the dragon's eye up). It looks like a larg slitted eye with a dragon wrapping it self around the outter part. The inside of the eye you could see the shadow of a flame dancing in the shape of a dragon. When summoning a monster the keeper of the item can see through the eye's of the monster and has to have a strong will to controll it otherwise it could go outta controll and cause alot of big problems befor the spell cancells out. The eye can be also somewhat hipnotizing... I like makeing info on stuff I make up very detailed, that's why I wrote all of that.[/size] -
The box riddle by Juuthena, could it be that he ate the dates on the callander and drank the spring water from the water bed? Or something similare to that? I used to hear lot's of those kind of jokes.
Could it be possible the the docter was his mother?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B][color=indigo] My Latin teacher did it as a joke once, but I'm sure she didnt mean. The hole class couldnt stop laughing.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Are you... Sure she didn't mean it:shifty:. Lol, j/k:blah:.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]What goes up a pipe down, but not down a pipe up? The winner gets a cookie [/B][/QUOTE] I've got three guesses for this one: 1) A very annoying person that won't stop talking 2) A voice 3) Some kinda sound maybe?? If I'm wrong then can you tell me if I "missed it by a mile" or even a little close to the answer?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zidane11 [/i] [B]Two wrongs don't make a right. I think that would go along with the discussion. Just because they had a disagreement doesn't mean that he should be failed. [/B][/QUOTE] But two negatives = a positive :D. That's not what you ment...:p When ever I don't understand a teachers way of teaching, I just ignor it and ask someone else or just try working it out myself (I always do this in math class and it works pretty well.) I've never been the type to argue with a teacher. The only teacher I've accually had problems with is my media arts teacher... well, she's not exactally my teacher but she sometimes watches over the class. She alway's seems to pick on me. I go on the internet AFTER my work is done and she gives me a warning. It's not fair cause others that haven't gotten it done go on and she an't say anything to them... Another time (later in the same day)I was helping a friend with her picture and the teater writes my name down for "walking around for no reason" (and by the way, there were ten others doing the same). I don't get it... This happens almost every secnond class I have with her. Sometimes I get mad at myself for not saying anything but what am I supposed to do?? ...I just quit... [size=1]P.S. zidane11, I'm trying to send you a pm, but your inbox is full... do you think you could maybe empty it?[/size]
Suddenly they all felt and heard Tursi in they're minds. She sounded a bit weak and disconnected but there all the same. [quote]Tursi:~ you guys....i'm already ahead of you.....someones trying to listen in, i'll try to make sure everythings safe, can't hold contact,....force driving ME OUT!~[/quote] After a moment of scilence Aiden spoke up. Aiden- I told you that we should have gone. She's ahead of us now! Kris- It wouldn't have hurt to wait a little while. Aiden- Well, we can go now. She is ahead of us. We'll catch up. Silvia- How did she get ahead of us when she hasn't seen the map? Elsyan- Perhapes that's one of her hidden talents.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinobi [/i] [B]Ok you've been watching to much Matrix, That movie has infected our fragile little mind, lol, so i geuss you took the red pill? Lmao. [/B][/QUOTE] Who? Me? I do not have a damaged fragile little mind!!! I was jus' trying to fit into the conversation maybe. K, maybe I did watch the matrix a bit to much... But it wasn't my fault. My brother loves that movie and puts it on every so often. And yes, I probably would've taken the red pill out of curiosity:p.
A while ago I used to wonder this same question. "Do we really exsist or are the things that I am feeling just something else?" Then afterwards I started wondering a different question. "Do the people around me exsist or am I just living in a world were everything is set a certain way? Somewere that everything goes one way, like a robot." I gave up on these thoughts just because they confused me and some times depressed me. If I don't exsist than nothing I do matters. But then how can I not be real when I am feeling and am understanding? Perhapes we are all one concious being that has be devided. Some with a more sense of peace, and some violent. Some increadably intellegent and some stupid. All of us haveing a certain part and share of the being. And none of us realizeing that we should not be fighting each other but join together. But when the original mind devided it spawned a new life. We all grew to become seperat minds, not wanting to accept what we might've been (life would have become like those borg creatures in star treck. All in one collective. How boreing). I do not belive this but it could be a possibility I guess. I'm just gonna stop. I'm mixing myself up. This is a very strange topic. I shoulda never read it... Just the fact that people can think things up and bring new ideas should be proof enough that we are real. We don't need anything more. Some things were just ment to be left alone.
I thought it was pretty funny! Although I don't think I go through that again... Much to long and annoying. But funny all the same:p.
[i]Silvia woke up sometime after nightfall. Getting up she went to see what was going on with the others. Most of them were fast asleep. The rest she just couldn't find or just wasn't in the mood to go looking. Grabbing a pot out of a cupboard she went perading through their rooms banging it with her dagger, wakeing everybody up.[/i] Aiden [i]a bit groggly. He haden't woken up fully yet[/i]- What was that for? Silvia- It's a few hours past seven and your all still sleeping. I just thought that you all needed a wake up call. [i]Kris let out a huge yawn.[/i] Kris- You couldn't have done it a bit more quietly? Silvia- Sorry. Just had a bit of a nightmare... Not in a very good mood today. [i]Raya walked into the room.[/i] Raya- What's going on?! Did something happen while I was alseep?! Elsyan- There's no need to be alarmed. It was just a wake up call as Silvia put's it. Silvia- We've been here for a whole day and night now. Aiden- It's not my fault we lost track of time... Who has the watch? [i]Silvia noticed that something was missing... A presence that's been in her mind was gone.[/i] Silvia- Were's Tursi? [i]Grumbling[/i]Don't tell me that my dream came true... Kris- Tursi went out a while ago... I guess she's not back yet. What did you dream? Silvia- Nothing really... Just that some red eye's were staring at us through the window last night... And that it was looking for something in particulair. Don't ask me anymore, don't want to talk about it. [i]Aiden walked to the window. Looking outside he was about to declair that there wasn't anything when he noticed the barely visible but obvious claw marks... As if something were hanging off the window sill out side.[/i] Aiden- I don't think that was a dream... Kris- Tursi said that I should tell you all that she left if she didn't come back in the morning. And it's been a whole day from then... Raya- Do you think the dream was some kind of message from Turis?
Anime which millenium item is the strongest?
Darkmoon replied to Ya)\/(I-YuGI's topic in Otaku Central
Acually they can all technically summon real card powers and monsters. Just most of them are nice enough to consider the damage it would do if they did. Yami Bakura killed (or so it seemed) a few gaurds a while back with his card abilities. Some others don't really need to call up a monster. Like Pegusus can send the soul to the shadow relm as well as Yugi (mind crush). If they want to summon real monsters and cards they go to the shadow relms. Safer for others in a sence. I consider the ring one of the weakest ones for an odd reason... I don't really have a reason for this (maybe cause he had to wait till Yugi weakend him befor stealing it?). I just feel like it's weaker than Pegususes or Yugi's. As for whose is stronger, it's obvious that Yugi's is going to be the most powerfull as he is the "chosen one" "the one who can controll the dark magicin while it is said that it only bows down to the pharo(sp) himself". I haven't really seen any of the other items but the key, the ring, the eye, and the puzzel, so I can't really judge them. And as Rick Hunter said ealier the power probably comes from within, or depends on how you use it. -
I just started High school and we haven't had sprit week yet. In my junior high we did do it once a year though. We did every thing on cera's list except Hawaiian Day. I alway's thought that it was stupid but it was fun. On pajama day people would bring they're stuffed animals and robes. One guy even brought a blanket that draged around everywere (occationally tripping people). The only thing I participated in was hat day... Our school would have these weird races were our tags would take survay's and the class that completed the most won a pizza party, a movie and one time a free computer for our class room.
Silvia- Wait...[i]Everyone turned around to look.[/i] Why would he go to a blood bank?? Aiden- Because it has... alot of blood? Silvia- But that's just the thing. Didn't we just uncover the fact that this guy's after something [i]more[/i] than just blood? Aiden- When did we come up with that? Silvia- Weren't you listening at all to our disscution a while ago?? He's obviously from the place the map indicated. Either that or he's headed there too! [i]Some of the people in they're small group were surprised that she was saying something useful for a change.[/i] Silvia- That little kid he came back to kill probably knew something about him, or something else that he either wants or doesn't want anyone to find out. Maybe we could talk to him and find out what. Until then we can't go running off on a wild goose chase like "oh look! he loves blood so lets go over there!". [i]Everybody was silent for a minit. Aiden looked slightly insulted at the imitaion.[/i] Raya- Well, I guess we could do that. But he's in bad condition so it may take a little while. Just do not be ruff on the child. [i]Raya lead Silvia, Kris, and Elsyan up with her. Leaveing behind Tursi and Aiden. Tursi becuase she might have a hard time travelling throught the halls and Aiden because of his anger when he doesn't get what he want. Tursi kept in touch with them all the time. When they got to the boy's room they were disgusted (and sickened) by what they saw. The best way to describ it would be that he was...all over his bed. Silvia ran out and decided to stay in the hall, not really used to these things. It seemed when the vampire escaped it decided to visit the kid befor he left. Back with the other's.[/i] Aiden- I can't belive this!! I should'a known this would happen... He sliped right through my fingers! [i]They were in the lobby of the hospital. Silvia had decided to play a game of chess with some pateint's to take her mind off the whole thing for a while.[/i] Elsyan- You couldn't have known this would happen. After all, there were gaurds, and he did look like he ran away... He fooled us all. [i]Aiden just growled quietly.[/i] Aiden- There's nothing else left for us to do here, we might as well leave. Were's the map? Raya- Over there with Silvia. Aiden- We'r leaveing! Will you come over here?! [i]This was directed to Silvia.[/i] Silvia- In a sec... Just let me finish my g-- HEY!! [i]Aiden had grabbed her arm and dragged her away from the chess board and out the door. The others reluctently follwed. Silvia yanked her arm back, took out the map and read which direction to go. They were about to start off when they heard a rumbling. Turning around they saw a truck drive toward them, Raya behind the weel.[/i] Raya- I just thought that we should borrow this truck. It would be alot faster than walking. You'll all be able to fit in here. Silvia- Barely... [i]Silvia jumped into the front seat saying "Well, I do have the map so I should be with the driver so that I can give directions." She grinned.[/i] Kris- Excusus excusus... [i]Climbing into the back, they set off.[/i]
Silvia- Well unfortunatly for me I don't have mind speaking powers so I can't help you. I'll just be going now... Tursi-[i]~Not now you cannot.~[/i] Silvia- Why not? Tursi-[i]~Tell me... were did you get that map of yours? Don't say you found it. Tell me were you really got it.~[/i] Silvia- Well... I got it off of some guy... Really, not lieing. He dropped it and I... decided to borrow it... Kris- For how long I wounder. Silvia- Just until he was willing to give me a reward of some sort. Kris- Figurs... Trusi-[i]~ Well that map leads to somewere important. If you want to leave then give it to us before you go.~[/i] Silvia- No way!! It's my map and if it really does lead somewere it's bound to be worth something. I'll sell it after wards. Before that no one can touch it but me.
To be honest I've never once used a cheat. It's cheating:P. I've never duplicated my pokeballs or master balls. I've never cheated a gymleader match. I barely ever play my old games now and don't know any of the new cheats so it wouldn't matter for me anyways. I've never found it hard to beat the game (except that first time when I started with squirtal and couldn't beat misty until it evolved and learned bite...). And I'm happy with the way it is.
[i]...But was unfortunatly blocked by the onrushing crowd of people trying to get out of the building. Aiden swore. Not wanting to get anyone hurt he withdrew his attack. His wing's bent and nearly broke befor he could withdraw those too. The vampire by now had spotted him and had made a run for it... Strange... Thought Silvia as she watched. Why would he run right now of all times? He's got us all cornered and could've finished us with one attack! He melted into the shadow and was gone. They all stood there stunned.[/i] Aiden- What a coward!! Get back here and fight me! Kris- Perhape's that's not the best thing right now. There are too meny people around here. [i]Silvia detected a note of fear/worry in her voice. The close incounter had shaken them all up.[/i] Silvia- How did you figure out the vampire would be here? Aiden- Just a feeling. Silvia- You had "just a feeling" that the vampire would be here and would kill us and some little kid up a few floors with no window? Aiden- Do you have to be always so suspitious?? ::It was obvious that he was still angery at loseing his "prey":: It's something all worrior's have. Sort of like an instinct. Silvia- Hmmm.... Cool. [i]Silvia did not look very convinced.[/i]
OOC- Ok, I've decided to try and merge the two posts done by kool_aid13 and Cera. Hopefully this will flow more. IC- It wasn't an easy task getting through the huge crowds that seemed to have come from the very walls itself. They had to push through most of the way, and they had to go at a slow pace so that they didn't stray from each other. They finally reached an elevator, but they stared at it groaning. There were so many people packed in there that they resembled sardines in a tin can! Raya-*sigh* Guess we'll have to take the stairs. Raya was already regreting giving into Aiden. Geez...what a jerk. I can't believe.... He was upset, she could feel that, but honestly! Harrison was right...everyone around here is a jerk. "Vampire hunter...whatever." Aiden heard her. "What was that?" His eyes glinted angrily. "Nothing," Raya lied, hating herself for it. "Nothing..." "Hmph." Raya stopped outside a door. She showed no signs of going any further, and turned to look at Aiden. She glanced furtively to his shoulders.... Wings. Golly... Aiden saw her looking at him. Impatient that they had stopped, he spoke. "Yes?" "...What are you?" "None of your business." She glared at him. "I'm human, just like you," he said impatiently. "And I'm a vampire hunter, and I need to talk with that kid." "How can you be a vampire hunter?" Raya asked. Aiden struggled to keep from yelling. "I am a vampire hunter because i hunt vampires. Any further questions?" Raya acted as though she ignored his obvious frustration, though she cringed inwardly. "But there's only just been a Rogue. You can't hunt here for a living--it's murder." "I never said I hunted them for a living," Aiden evaded. "And if I did, that is not your concern." "It's everyone's concern," Raya said softly. "You are such an idealist," Aiden said. "Take me to the child." Raya just looked at him. "You're not very polite." "Take me to the child...please." Raya shrugged. "You're here. This is as far as I go." "What?" "He's in ICU. No one goes in or out without doctors' permission. Not even family, actually, in this case. You're at the check-in/lobby for the emergency room. If you'd had a bit more sense," she added, "you might have come here in the first place, instead of the main lobby." Aiden groaned inwardly. I can't believe this. "Why not?" Raya asked. Neither one realized he had not spoken aloud. "I need to talk to that kid." "But why? You say you need to know about the vampire...but do you really think an eight year old kid is going to give you an accurate description? Even if he wasn't in critical condition, he'd tell you the guy was fifty feet tall with glowing red eyes and a devil's tail. Little kids are like that," she added softly. "You're probably much better off talking to an adult who witnessed it. It happened out in the open, didn't it?" Aiden said nothing, he appeared to be lost in thought. "Just...think about it, okay?" OOc-I just cut out a few parts and added maybe a bit here and there. Is that ok? Basically it's just the two posts put together though.
[i]Silvia ducked into some bushes as Tursi yelled out with her mind. She did not like this at all. Some of the people out there were already being attracted by the sound.[/i] Silvia- What's wong?! Whose bugging you?! I don't see anyone!! [i]Tursi didn't answer her[/i] Kris- We can't seem to get through to her! We've got to move now! Silvia- How the heck am I supposed to help move something ten times bigger and heavyer than me?! Kris- Just work with me! [i]Silvia helped steer the crazed winged horse to the side of the building, but not without attracting som attention. Somebody turned around and looked at them. Silvia got ready to bolt but what she saw made her freez and stare...[/i] Kris- What's wrong with you?! We need to get moveing!! What are you stareing at?! Silvia- Ah, I think we found the vampire that Aiden was looking for... Kris- What?! What would a vampire be doing around a hospital...? [i]Turning around Kris confirmed what Silvia saw was indeed true. First thing she noticed were the Blood red glowing eye's stareing hungrily at them, next was the teeth... Who cares about the rest?! The first thing that came to mind was RUN FOR IT!! Silvia turned, ready to run but kris grabed her by the shoulder.[/i] Kris- Do not think of running, that's the first thing that can go wrong. They are not normal everyday people you know! He can out run you with just a few steps! Silvia- Then what do you expect me to do?! Stay here and fight him?? You'd have to be crazy! Kris- Well Tursi needs our help right now and that's what we're going to do. Help her! Silvia- Were is that vampire hunter when we need him?! Tursi-[i]~The creature must be here to finish what he had started~[/i] [i]They turned and looked at her with surprise. She looked calm and back to herself now.[/i] Kris- What do you mean? Turis-[i]~He want's to kill the child. I have broken my connection with the rest of our group, the intruder cannot bother me now. ~[/i] [i]Tursi was panting slightly[/i]