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Everything posted by TearsOfPearl

  1. Outlaw Star. I wanted more! Great theme song, too. *has it on her player* Nightwalker. A much better vampire anime than Hellsing (in my honest opinion). Needs more episodes! Also has great music. :)
  2. I love and listen to a little bit of everything, but my favorite is rave/techno/electronica/dance. :3
  3. Dragonball Z. It was my obsession in 7th grade. :)
  4. Just a generic groupshot. This drawing is rather old, but I adore this comic, so...:D [IMG]http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs26/f/2008/126/1/c/Obligatory_groupshot_by_StolenPearlDevotion.png[/IMG]
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