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About Tifa

  • Birthday 01/09/1989

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  1. Tifa

    FF7 help

    okay, this is a simple enough question, but first i shall explain my situation. i was painstakingly close to beating ff7,one night i had been playing fo about 5 or 6 hours and i noticed the time, and i had to get up for school the next morning ( it was about 2:00 a.m.) so i turned the power off after saving and headed off to sleep. i woke up the next morning and to my horror... when i tried to play, i found that my ps was broken!!!!!! so... i haven't gotten a new ps 'cuz my 'rents won't let me buy one. they say it's a waste of time and money. so can anyone tell me in detail what the ending is????? it would be greatly appreciated
  2. Tifa

    my link

  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_gurl [/i] [B]I believe that was the last episode. But then a CCS movie came out and Li came back and met Sakura at a festival and they fell in love and stuff. [/B][/QUOTE] NOOOOOOO!!!!! they can't fall in love! i'm the biggest meili supporter in the world!!!!!!! li's engaged to her!!!!!!!! *reassuring self* yeah.. thats right....
  4. Tifa


    this isn't really an important post, but read it anyway... some people are giving out 'false' tips for final fantasy games... i recieved some of them when i asked a question 'bout ff7 i would just like to say: if you are going to lie don't bother posting its just a pain in the *** to everyone!
  5. im just curious, because in the 'last' ep. i saw li moved back to hong kong *grins i'm a big meili supporter* and sakura cries and she gets the hope card... but doesn't she still need the void??? or is that strictly japan only card????????
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]i always laugh whenever i see it even when i hear thre part of the song i picture it in my head... [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh: funny!!!!!!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B] Ayeka sucks. End of story. Ryoko rules. End of story. [/B][/QUOTE] hahahahaaaah sooo right!
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SolidSnake2 [/i] [B]I keep on hearing about a person called Pretty Sammy! It's getting on my nerves!:cussing: Man! Who the heck is Pretty Sammy! It'll really help me if someone tells me who the hell she is!:help: [/B][/QUOTE] SUPER HERO SASAMII!! j/k its a spinoff of the tenchi series i've seen 4 episodes...(in japanese.)
  9. okay... Name: Selphie Age:17 Weapon: Nunchaku/Strange vision abilities: slot (meaning full-cure, wall, rapture, and the end and the other basic 1st and mid spells ex. cure. cura,blizzard,blizzara k i think you get the point)
  10. Tifa

    Tidus and Yuna

    i dont remember who said this but they did : And Tifa, stop spamming. okay see where it says 'newbie' i'm a 'newbie' so stop telling me to stop spamming because i'm new at this computer junk!!
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B]Wouldn't it be cool if blitzball really was a real sport? I know it's proably never gonna happen, but I can still dream. It would be so great if it was real. I'd love to play. Really, it's just a mix of football(soccer) and football(american). The only thing different is that it's underwater. The only problem is breathing!!!:rolleyes: (figures) It would also be cool if all the FF characters were real (espically Tidus) but that's just a dream. It's never going to happen, and I guess dreaming is the only thing to keep me [/B][/QUOTE] hey,... you never know... i always think the same thing.... also maybe there could be people who look like ff characters.... maybe.......... :bawl: yeah right!.....:bawl: its NoT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *add on* if blitzball WAS real ..... *thinking* i would have my own team.... hee hee and be star player *fantasizes* who knows maybe in the future there could be... (i bet like in 1000 years some japanese people make a real blitzball... if they did i would move to japan...:bawl: )
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]I am the only that noticed in the opening credits Otaru did a funny little dance on top of that mountain??? ohwell.... [/B][/QUOTE] i noticed that too... :p it's kind of...... disturbing in a way....
  13. i don't know if anyone else has heard of this show, but it's really cool... i know thats not very specific, and i do not know the american name because i have only seen the japanese subtitiled version.
  14. i don't really have a crush, but, me and my friend cassie shared (sp?) squall for awhile, like i would say " he's waitin' at yer house! he wants to hug you" i know it sounds stupid, but it was fun you had to be there, and if you make fun of me, i swear.... no one will be happy!
  15. Tifa

    Tidus and Yuna

    -_-; sorry for ticking people off, but it isn't as if by saying that "Oh, Rikku and tidus make a better couple than Yuna and tidus" dosn't mean it's going to happen that way!, You can think that they make a better couple, fine. But pesonally I've beaten that game all of 7 times now and HAH! IT DON'T HAPPEN THAT WAY HAHHAHAHAH!:laugh: [SIZE=1]Calm down... o_O;; - SG[/SIZE]
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