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Everything posted by Jaclyn

  1. [COLOR=indigo]Hey! That is kind of mean, you GinnyLyn imposter![/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B]The Simpsons and Futramama... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=indigo]Futureama. Another show that scares me out of my wits. LOL.[/COLOR] :p :2women: [COLOR=indigo]Just a question, WHAT THE HECK IS UP WITH THIS THING?[/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tifa [/i] [B]:bawl: the only cartoons i like are anime! :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=indigo]Man Tifa...you never act like this at school, must be a online thing.[/COLOR] :D [COLOR=indigo]Anyway, that seems to be a case with a lot of people here! *pat* I don't blame you! [/COLOR] :laugh:
  4. [COLOR=indigo]It really hasn't been spoken about around here, the boards I mean, just wondering, does anybody like it? I know the dub sucks, but the undubbed english version is really spiffy. It's a great anime, though it's never mensioned...[/COLOR] :confused:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angelus_Necare [/i] [B]Other than anime I watch, simpsons and spongebob square pants! (I know it's a kid's show but I love it!) [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=indigo]OOH! SPONGEBOB! (That show makes absoulutly no sense to me!)[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=indigo]Yea, I like Simpsons, King on the Hill scared me though.....[/COLOR] :p
  7. [COLOR=indigo]Kazu is definatly the hottest. But he's mine, and I'm sorry, but he belongs to me. I'm going to go copywrite him now, good-bye! [/COLOR] :p
  8. [COLOR=indigo]Please no anime, I just would like to know what 'cartoons' people like around here...it could get interesting...[/COLOR] :smirk:
  9. [COLOR=indigo]*squee* Definatly my Kazu-boy from Digimon! Ooh...I want that hot-[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Oh, sorry, excuse me! *huggles Kazu plushie*[/COLOR] :love: :love:
  10. [COLOR=indigo]I think Super Smash Bro. Melee is the best! It rules![/COLOR] ;)
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