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Everything posted by stararnold

  1. In October 2012, Marvel Comics began the Marvel NOW! event (to run until February 2013), where new writers and artists are launching new ongoing series (including some to re-use titles of earlier comic book series) as well as releasing new issues of still-running titles (namely [i]Avengers Assemble[/i], [i]Journey Into Mystery[/i] Vol. 1, and [i]Red She-Hulk[/i]) to focus on what's next for the Marvel Unvierse super-heroes in canon continuity since the Avengers Vs. X-Men event, including new sercret identities for classic heroes (ex: [i]The Superior Spider-Man[/i], to launch in January, will feature a new person to maintain the Spider-Man name), costume changes for those still maintaining thier repsective super-hero names (ex: Steve Rogers getting a new costume while still maintaining the Captain America identity), new major conflicts and adventures, etc. So far, the event itself involved the launch of the new ongoing series [i]Uncanny Avengers[/i] on October 10 and the release of the Marvel NOW! comic book one-shot [i]Marvel NOW! Point One [/i]on October. So what are your thoughts about so far? What of the Marvel NOW! content you look forward to checking out later on? Sound off your comments. As for me, I may pick up the first issue of [i]A+X [/i]No. 1 when it comes out as it will feature a team-up between Wolverine and Hulk, but I am definitely looking forward for the premiering of the dark-and-edgy [i]The Superior Spider-Man[/i] as I am curious to seeing the new guy behind the Spider-Man mask and what he's all about.
  2. August 10, 2012 marks the 10th anniversary of Spider-Man's debut. Over the years, Marvel's most famous famous web-slinger has swung into action in comic books as well as in other forms of entertainment media. Fanboys and fangirls, as we celebrate Spidey's 50th anniversary, here is a thread where you can discuss your memories of the Spider-Man category of the Marvel Universe franchise. You can talk of things like favorite moments and battles in the Spidey comics and graphic novels, how you got into Spider-Man in the first place, the merchandise you collect (examples: statuettes, action figures), favorite moments in filmed Spdier-Man media, etc.
  3. On Sept. 19, 2011, I had the chance to check out the season 9 premier episode of the hit sitcom "Two and A Half Men", which marked a turning point for the show itself as the episode introduces a new protagonal character Walden Schmidt, who takes over the house of ex-protagonist Charlie Harper, who was implied (in dialogue) to have kicked the bucket on a train track in Paris after the events in the show's season 8 finale episode. Despite Charie's demise, the show is still (in opinion) "Two and A Half Men" in spirit as the series will still center around two adult males and one boy not yet an adult with Alan Harper and his teenage son Jake Harper still being included as series protagonists. Anyway, you're welcome to discuss and share your thoughts what you've seen so far in the series after season 8's closing episode.
  4. Here's a forum thread where you can discuss your thoughts so far about Miles Morales, the new Spider-Man of Earth-1610 (also known as the "Ultimate Marvel Universe" and the "Ultimate Comics Universe"). For those of you disappointed about the demise of Ultimate Marvel's Peter Parker in the comics, at least be happy that Ultimate Marvel isn't the mainstream Marvel Universe (Earth-616), whose Peter Parker is still not only alive and well, but also continuing his adventures as Spider-Man. Although I don't usually read Ultimate Marvel titles because I normally read what takes place in Earth-616, I had the chance to purchase a copy of "Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man" Vol. 2 No. 1 last week, and I find its plot is a nice start to explain the superhero origins of this new Marvel Comics character, so I look forward to picking up the next issue. If DC Comics can pull it off in featuring an African counterpart to Bruce Wayne in the pages of "Batman Incorporated", Marvel Comics should be able to pull it off with a black-hispanic wearing a Spidey suit. Well, that's my opinion. Anyway, more stories about Miles Morales are on the way.
  5. This week on September 8, the "Star Trek" franchise turned 45. Yes, this legendary sci-fi-genred media franchise is now 45 years old and up to date, it consists of 6 T.V. series (5 live-action and 1 animated) and 11 theatrical movies (with a 12th one currently under construction), and has over the years spanned countless novels, comic books, video games, rpgs, etc. Anyway, as we celebrate 45 years of one of America's most well-known examples of science-fiction, everybody here is welcome to discuss his/her "Star Trek" memories, whether it's about favorite moments from the ST T.V. series and films, merchandise collecting, trying out "Star Trek" gaming, meeting actors and staff who contributed to "Star Trek", Star Trek-themed activities at festivals/conventions, "Star Trek" cosplay, etc.
  6. So far, there has been a matter of controversy, regarding DC Comics' New 52 plan, which involves an attempt to revamp the image of the DC Universe for the modern readers while considering launching some new series, relaunching some already-established ones, and ending some already-established ones so as to have 52 titles running on an ongoing regular basis after August 2011. As a DC Comcis, fan, I feel the New 52 strategy is what the "DC Universe" franchise needs to boost things up in terms of appeal to a wide mainstream reading audience within North America, especially in a time when it seems like the Canadian and American comic book industries are suffering from a decline in commercial sales. However, I have my positive and negative thoughts about DC The New 52. So far, I actually like the redesigns for some DC Universe characters, including Bruce Wayne/Batman (who will look more of a high-tech soldier and knight hybrid), Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (now trying a new metallic coloring while maintaining a 21st century warrior woman costume style), and Hal Jordan/Green Lantern Agent 2814.1 (taking up a futuristic fashion style while maintaining his trademark colors). The costumes I am not happy with are Superman's and Barry Allen's. I mean, what's with Supes wearing an armor when he's suppose to be the man of steel and why is Barry Allen wearing Wally West's trademark belt look? As for storytelling, it saddens me that Dick Grayson is no longer Batman after only about 2 years (in real time that is) carrying on the mantle with Stephanie Brown no longer maintaining the mantle of Batgirl. Plus, I now concern about the Justice Society's position in the revamping of the DC universe as no official word about ahas been made. Despite my negative thoughts, I still will still remain a fan of the "DC Universe" franchise. For all you fanboys and fangirls out there, you are welcome to share your thoughts about the upcoming revamp.
  7. Are you a collector of action figures/toys based on Science-Fiction/Horror/Fantasy/Anime or are somebody who just want to get into the hobby? Say no more, because on June 19, 2011, the 2011 Montreal ToyCon will be held at the Courtyard near Marriott Montreal Airport (7000 Place Robert-Joncas St-Laurent, Quebec H4M 2Z5 Canada). This is an event that may be of your interest and who knows what new or old stuff you may find at the even Also, ticket price is $4.00.
  8. A reminder that on August 12-14, the 6th annual Otakuthon will be held at the Palais des congrès de Montréal (201 Viger Avenue West Montreal, Quebec). If you're an Anime fan living in Montreal (or near it), this may be of your interest. [u]Open Times[/u] [list] [*]Friday: 5:00 pm - 6:00 am [*]Saturday: 9:00 am - 6:00 am [*]Sunday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm [/list] [u]Ticket Prices[/u] [list] [*]Full Weekend (at door): $50.00 [*]Friday Pass: $25.00 [*]Saturday Pass: $40.00 [*]Sunday Pass: $30.00 [/list]
  9. [size="3"][font="Arial Black"]For all you Anime/Manga fans living Montreal (or near it), you may want to keep note that on December 5, 2010, there will be a Montreal Comic-Con event to take place. Like previous Montreal Comic-Con events, this one will happen at Place Bonaventure (800 rue de la Gauchetière Ouest, Room 200-N) and will have Manga and Anime as parts of the convention's focus. Admission will cost only $5.00 per person. Should you attend, you'll have a chance to meet guest DROO, who takes pictures of cosplayers (his website is droophotographer.deviantart.com). Also, Anime retail groups Clumsyplush and Mangacature will take part in the December Montreal Comic-Con event.[/font][/size]
  10. [size="4"]Currently, I'm watching the action horror T.V. series "Corpse Princess" at U.S. Anime distributor FUNimation Entertainment's YouTube channel. Basically, this series is like "Highlander" and "Ghostbusters" combined as the story involves a once-dead fighter (that's the beautiful Makina) hunting ghosts and monsters as a job. Though I'm only at the 3rd episode of this series' 1st half, I consider this a must-watch for those who like both action and horror genres. Plus, I find that Makina has all the amazing qualities of the fictional female action hero: courage, good fighting skills, the will to get the job done regardless of the costs, lack of fear, and hot looks.[font="Arial Black"][/font][/size]
  11. [size="2"][font="Impact"]On August 13-15, the 5th annual Otakuthon will be held at the Palais des congrès de Montréal (201 Viger Avenue West Montreal, Quebec). If you're an Anime fan living in Montreal (or near it), this may be of your interest. I know I'm going there like every other year. [u]When it's open?[/u] Friday at 5:00 pm - 5:00 am Saturday at 9:00 am - 5:00 am Sunday at 9:00 am - 5:00 pm [u]What are the Ticket Prices?[/u] Full weekend pass is $45.00 Friday pass is $20.00 Saturday pass is $35.00 Sunday pass is $25.00[/font][/size]
  12. [font="Arial"]I don't know if any of you went to the Fantasia Festival 2010 event (which took place in Montreal Quebec, Canada), but did get the chance the chance to attend the festival's screening of "Space Battleship Yamato: Resurrection", and it's one of the best 2000s Japanese Animated films I've seen so far, although it's the first "Space Battleship Yamato" (Star Blazers) film ever done without the involvement of Leiji Matsumoto, who was responsible for character and mechanical designs of previous SBY Anime (excluding "Yamato 2520"). In the end, it's the story that counts, not the art. I hope the movie gets an official Region 1 DVD release soon so I can buy it. Anyway, I'm open to hearing your thoughts abot the movie. Also, you're welcome to state on whether or not you think that Yoshinobu Nishizaki (the creator and producer of the original "Space Battleship Yamato" series) will ever need Leiji Matsumoto's contributions for the making of each of his future "Space Battleship Yamato" works.[/font]
  13. [size="4"][font="Arial"]Let me give it a try. -Akira: Government experiment goes too far -Arcadia of My Youth: Space pirates value human rights -Beast King GoLion: Superheroic robot tale for adults -Beyblade: Playing with tops for sport -Digimon Adventure: Digital animals can be friends -Dirty Pair: Cosmic private eyes wearing bikinis -Dominion: Tank Police: Cops and tanks go together -Dragon Ball: Sci-Fi adventure with martial arts -Galaxy Express 999: Space drama featuring flying trains -K-On!: Cute girls with musical instruments -Lucky Star: Otakuism gets out of hand -Lupin III: A thief is the hero -Mach Go Go Go (a.k.a. "Speed Racer"): Race car with cool gadgets -Mobile Police Patlabor: Police officers with giant robots -Mobile Suit Gundam: Amoralism in a space war -Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon: Magical heroines in sailor suits -Science Ninja Team Gatchaman: Superheroes defend Earth's natural resources -Space Battleship Yamato (a.k.a. "Star Blazers"): Japanese battleship travels through space -Space Carrier Blue Noah (a.k.a. "Thundersub"): Navy carrier battles alien terrorists -Spice and Wolf: Companionship between human and wolfgirl -Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Believe in doing the impossible -Tetsuwan Atom (a.k.a. "Astro Boy"): A robot with human values -The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Nutcase obsessed with mysterious adventure -The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: A transforming starship at war -Vision of Escaflowne: Giant robots in medieval fashion[/font][/size]
  14. [quote name='Magus'][FONT=franklin gothic medium][COLOR=darkred]When you say NA animated treatment, are you talking about something like the Pixar films or something in the style of Batman? If it's the Pixar/Disney style, there's Ghost in the Shell that's in the making. As far as everything on that poll, like I said, I've only seen 3 of those that're listed. (FMA, parts of Lupin, and parts of Yugioh) And unfortunately I don't think any of those can fit.[/COLOR][/FONT][/quote] I'm not referring to any specific kind of North American animation. Like Japanese Animation, North American animation utilizes all sorts of visual styles whether 3D animated, 2D animated, the drawing style of the 1990s "Batman" show, the humoristic illustration style of the 2000s "Teen Titans" series, Simpsons-like illustration, or etc.
  15. [quote name='Magus'][FONT=franklin gothic medium][COLOR=darkred]Out of everything on that list I've only seen 3 shows, and out of those three the only one I can see working is Lupin the 3rd. I never thought about the Oceans series being tied to Lupin, so that'd be a really good take on it. Good eye Ace.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=franklin gothic medium][COLOR=darkred]Personally speaking though, I'm against anime/comics/games as live action movies. No matter how good or bad they are, I'd still be against them.[/COLOR][/FONT][/quote] I've heard so far, of what fans felt could work out as North American live-action. Seeing that you don't like Anime being translated into North American live-action and that not all North American filmed media is live-action, are there at least any the titles listed in the poll you find could work out in North American animated form? After all like the Japanese, the North Americans do have a sense of animation including stories partly/entirely for grown ups.
  16. [quote name='Sangome'][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][SIZE=1]Well, first, a thread with a question like this is best suited for the [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=58"][U]Information Kiosk[/U][/URL].[/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=1][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif]Second, members cannot delete their own threads. If you've made a mistake, like posting a duplicate thread, and want it to be deleted, then PM a mod for the category the thread is in, and it will be taken care of. [And even then, if there's a duplicate, they'll probably take care of it anyway, PM or not.][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif]And since your thread happened to be in my area, I went ahead and deleted it for you. :)[/FONT][/SIZE][/quote] Thanks for the fix up, and I apologize if this thread ended up in the wrong section. I wasn't quite aware it shouldn't be where I posted this.
  17. While I uploaded a thread I created, I inadvertedly ended up having two threads with the same thread text (the text about North American Film treatment for Anime), so I wanted to delete one of them, and the one I wanted to remove is one without an attached poll. Basically, I will like to know how to remove a thread you don't want.
  18. After seeing 2009's "Astro Boy" (which I enjoyed regardless of how it tried to distinct from the "Astro Boy" Manga), I thought it's time to open a poll listing Anime/Manga titles that I believe could work out in having a North American film/T.V. series re-interpretation so that you, the responders can offer your opinion indicating which title(s) should be given the North American entertainment treaments, even though none of the titles I listed is really next in line to be licensed a North American film/series take. Also say your reason for your vote, and you're welcome to comment which format you find would be best for a North American film/T.V. series adaptation/re-interpretation of the Anime title you voted, whether as live-action or as animated. Keep in mind that Anime/Manga-based North American films/T.V. shows can be a way of helping the Japanese source materials they're re-interpreting get into the mainstream of each of Canada and U.S. (if accepted by a lot of viewers), especially 1) when not every one who watches animated films or reads comics is into Anime/Manga, and 2) Anime are not doing well in region 1 DVD sales. Please don't get mad at me for doing this, but it's just something I've been longing to do since watching 2009's "Astro Boy". Also, no Hollywood bashing allowed in this thread, please! I heard enough of it (like do it somewhere else).
  19. [quote name='Boo']Alright. :^D First of all, you press the "New Thread" button when you're in the forum you want to post a thread in. Then you type up your thread and everything. Then scroll down a bit until you find the "Post a Poll" section underneath the part about subscriptions. It's all still on the same page as where you type up your thread. Just tick the box of Post a Poll "Yes, post a poll with this thread" and then set an amount of Poll options behind "Number of poll options:" When you press the Submit New Thread button now, you'll be first sent to a place where you can fill in Poll options and stuff. When you're done, you can submit the thread and you'll have a Poll along with it! Whee![/quote] I'll give it a try. Thanks for the tip!
  20. I have posted up threads before, but I'm thinking about doing at least one thread with a poll attached to it. So I'll like to know how that works, please.
  21. [quote name='Sabrina'] [FONT=Tahoma]it's not on TV then you have to find another way to watch it. A huge percentage of anime never gets aired so naturally people aren't going to just pay for it up front to 'support' the industry. They're gonna want to see it first to determine if it's something they even want spend their money on. [/FONT][/quote] Fortunately, we have DVD/bu-ray rental places that contain Anime sections like Blockbuster Video. I just thought of another possible factor as to why Anime DVD sales in North America are dropping. There's the possibilty that there's still a large number of North America-based Otaku who live with the misconception that all dubbing of Anime for North American distribution involves the removal/altering of non-kid-friendly elements and Japanese culture references since such editing practice have been going on long, but yet, there are still North America-based companies that dub Anime for North American distribution without not only changing character/mecha names and cultural references, but also altering/deleting any non-kid-friendly elements. Maybe, if those Otaku aren't so paranoid about the companies, this dvd sales drop wouldn't have happened.
  22. [FONT=Arial]One sad Anime death is of course the death of [spoiler]Roy Focker[/spoiler] in 1982's "The Super Dimension Fortress Macross". [spoiler]It's not just the death of an awesome fighter pilot, but it's also a death that ended up tragically symbolizing the lost of everything a friend of his, Hikaru Ichijo valued in childhood thanks to the Zentradi pilot who murdered Roy.[/spoiler][/FONT]
  23. I wouldn't say Anime is dying. Just the Region 1 Anime DVD and the North American T.V. broascasting of Anime. I think that maybe if more and North American viewers are willing to count on the licensors (like Funimation and Bandai Ent.) more, the illegal fansub purchasing can stop, and maybe more Anime of the past decades can be presented legally.
  24. I haven't seen this show yet, but I have gotten in "Mazinger" since I saw the "Grendizer/Getter Robo G/Great Mazinger" film. Any Anime featuring mecha from classic Anime/Manga is fine with me. Seeing "Mazinkaiser" got a Region 1 release so far, why not "Shin Mazinger Z"?
  25. For those of you fans of Japanese pop culture living in Canada and U.S., some of you may know that Issue No. 98 of "Anime News Network's Protoculture Addicts" (Protoculture Addicts' Guide to 80 Anime You Must Watch) was suppose to be released in stores in summer of 2009 (scheduled date mentioned at [URL]http://www.protoculture.ca/Proto/index.html[/URL]) . Issue No. 97 of this mag came out in summer of 2008. Anyway, it's been months now, and it seems no copy of it appeared in any stores in the Montreal city, which I live nearby. So I was wondering if there's a chance that the magazine is facing a delay or hiatus scenario or is there a chance that this mag got cancelled without its editor making an official announcement about it on the mag's website. I mean, a cancelled magazine series would normally use the "last issue" sign on the front cover of the issue released before its cancellation.
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