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Everything posted by stararnold

  1. I'm searching around the internet for a good free-of-charge website where internet explorers of all ages can have the opportunity to design/create their own original Anime-styled/Manga-styled characters, selecting any kind of facial features, accessories, and clothing items they want to use. What I'm thinking of is that it's a program similiar to the character design program (character design generator) HeroMachine (which can be found at [URL="http://www.ugo.com/channels/comics/heroMachine2/"][COLOR=#810081]www.ugo.com/channels/comics/heroMachine2/[/COLOR][/URL]), but so far, the search is very difficult. Any good suggestions I should check out? Remember, I'm looking for ones in English.
  2. [FONT=Arial]This is a thread for all you Anime fans who have seen the 1972 Japanese Animated classic T.V. series "Science Ninja Team Gatchaman" (or simply "Gatchaman"), which centers around a 5-member superhero taskforce dedicated to protecting Earth from Galactor, an evil criminal organization dedicated to robbing Earth of its natural resources. [/FONT] [FONT=Arial]For those of you who grew up in the U.S. or Canada during the 1970s or 1980s, you may remember it for its 1978 Americanized version "Battle of The Planets" and 1980s Americanized dub "G-Force: Guardians of Space". [/FONT] [FONT=Arial]I'm open to hear your comments about "Gatchaman".[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Arial Black]I have heard of Harlock since I saw on T.V. the film "Galaxy Express 999" (1979). Enjoyed the movie so much I decided to look for more of the great space adventure Anime created by Harlock's creator Leiji Matsumoto.[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black]Great thing I bought "Arcadia of My Youth" (1982) and "Harlock Saga" (1999) before stores went out of dvd copies of them.[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Arial Black]Japanese Animation (Anime) does feature a lot of neat stuff for all sorts of viewers, but of course there's more to great animated films and series in the world than just what's produced in Japan. [/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black]Regarding the topic of this thread, discuss what you consider are the most awesome animated series/films/features ever produced outside Japan and what do you find makes them great. The works you mention can be from any decade of release, and it does not matter target audience.[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Arial]How about "Macross" Vs. "Battletech"? Both sides feature military groups whose piloted giant robot are just realistic war machines with no super power powers. Their abilities seem somewhat alike (like firepower for instance), so there's a good match here.[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Another good match would be the original "Powerpuff Girls" against "Powerpuff Girls Z" as their superheroine task forces seem to share the same powers, so they can put their abilities to the test while facing each other, to see which PPG group is the superior.[/FONT]
  6. [quote name='Aaryanna'][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=darkgreen]And as one of the moderators for this section, I'm asking people to do[I] more[/I] than simple lists. I'm not asking for much. KojiroJames2K9's, first post is a good example, They gave a very brief statement and an image, instead of simply listing names. [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=darkgreen]So instead of shutting down the thread, I'm giving people a chance to do a little more and save it. This is a heads up to the OP as well, that it's a good idea to put a little more effort into creating a thread. [/COLOR][/FONT][/quote] I'll keep in mind on your advice, Aaryanna. As for you fellow Otaku, please keep in mind of this new Update for this thread while posting your say here: please keep in mind Aayanna's advice and try talk about what design character design aesthetics you find makes each female Anime you find attractive-looking attractive-looking. I want to keep this thread open as long as possible, in case more new people join later on and want to offer their say.
  7. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black]This thread is for those who have seen the movie "Astro Boy" (2009) from start to finish. [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black]I saw the movie in theaters, and I have say "how amazing this turned out". As the film is about a half-robot half-boy superhero searching for his place to fit in amoung humans and robots, it does feature a neat American storytelling twist on a legendary Japanese Sci-Fi tale, with quite a sense of comedic relief and of course, character designs that should appeal to a lot of fans of American Sci-Fi Comics/TV/Films of all ages since not every Sci-Fi fan in North America is into Anime. I recommend this for not only the "Tetsuwan Atom" (Astro Boy) fans, but also for anyone who loves a good Sci-Fi/supehrero tale, even for those who aren't yet familiar with "Astro Boy" but happen to be Otaku.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Anyway, I like to hear your thoughts about this flick, like what you like about it for example. Also, mention whether you recommend this for other fans or not.[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Arial]Imagine yourself as a film director/producer. If you could make a live-action movie based any Japanese comic book/animated work (no matter genre or story setting), what would it be?[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Additionally, think of these questions:[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]1) In what ways would the film be faithful to the original source material? [/FONT] [FONT=Arial]2) What story changes to make as to distinct the live-action film from the Anime/manga it's based on?[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]3) What actor/actress would look/fit the part for each character role? Give the actor's/actress' full name (example: Would Jim Carey be perfect for the role of Kittan Bachika in a live-action "Gurren Lagann" movie?)[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]4) Would you hire any singers to provide insert songs? (ex: DMX providing rap songs for battle scenes in a live-action "Gundam" movie)[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]5) What would the costumes and/or mechanical designs be/look like?[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Optional: You can state whether the movie be more based on the Anime's/Manga in its original context or based on a modified version of it version (ex: whether to base a movie on "Mazinger Z" in the original Japanese context or on "Tranzor Z", Mazinger Z's Americanized version). [/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black]Over the decades, Japanese Animation has featured all sorts of amazing films, T.V. series, and direct-to-video works. [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Since there's more to great Japanese Animation than just what's being released of this decade, what Japanese Animated series/miniseries/one-shots/films from the past decades would you recommend to those wanting to explore Japanese Animation's past as well as to those who are just new to the fanbase? For each title you recommend, indicate your reason(s) for the recommendation (can be about the type of story or artistsic quality, or any kind of reason you can think of).[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]For example, I recommend all 1970s and 1980s series and films of the "Space Battleship Yamato" (Star Blazers) franchise as they feature a well balanced mix of dramatic space adventure, WWII-styled battles and battleship designs, and epic/dramatic music composition.[/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=navy]I had established this topic before at the WarZone forum at robotech.com, then I thought since it attracted a number of people, I thought I share this with everyone here at OtakuBoards. Now on to the topic:[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=navy]Picture this: the characters and mecha (piloted-giant robots, and military ships and vehicles) from the "Gundam" franchise join forces to battle those of the "Macross" franchise (not to be confused with anything "Robotech", although the first 36 eps. of the first "Robotech" T.V. series were edited from footage of "The Super Dimension Fortress Macross") . [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=navy]Anyway, which side do you find will be victorious?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. I voted for "Gundam" because it's such a huge Anime franchise that it's possible for lots of "Gundam" forum topics to be discussed. By the way, how long will this forum voting round be running? It's just that it's been days since this poll was established and neither a lot of theOtaku.com members, nor a lot of OtakuBoards members are stepping up to offer their say on which Anime should be next in line to have its own forum established here. The more say, the better.
  12. [FONT=Arial]I'd want to be Koji Kabuto from "Mazinger Z" because he can't die when confronting mechanical beasts, thans to his mecha Mazinger Z and Mazinkaiser.[/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Arial]Well "Batman" did get the Anime treatment: in short films compiled into U.S. film "Batman: Gotham Knight" (2008)[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]I'd love to see Japan try to do Anime based on "Jonny Quest", "Space Ghost", "Battletech", "Super Friends", and "Star Trek: Animated Series" and try to combine Anime art-likeness with the retro Sci-Fi feel.[/FONT]
  14. For my ideal family, I'd want older-aged characters be my siblings as they make good mentors to guide youngsters with life and manhood experiences while younger ones for siblings because they're so cute I'd want to provide comfort when they're down and play with them. For my brothers: Kira Yamato (Gundam SEED), Kamina (Gurren Lagann), Roy Fokker (Macross), Koji Kabuto (Mazinger Z), Shippo (Inu Yasha), Yattaran (Captain Harlock), and of course Tails (Sonic). For my sisters: Kagami Hiragi (Lucky Star), Kiyal Bachika (Gurren Lagann), Hikari (Pocket Monsters), Ranka Lee (Macross Frontier), Ururu (Bleach), Mikuru Asahina (Haruhi Suzumiya), and Amy (Sonic). That's pretty much it.
  15. [quote name='The 8th MS Team']Man, Gundam is great, Too bad the creator is dead! No More Gundam anymore! Well, I'm good at drawing anime so maybe, I'll make a new series When I grow up! I'm almost as good as the Japense guys who draw Hentai of Anime series stars!:) Anyway, I like gundam and all and i have the PS2 Game, but right now, I like Oh My Goddes! :p[/quote] the creator of "Gundam" is still alive and well. He even created "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" (2007) and still attends conventions recently.
  16. [COLOR=#eeeeff][COLOR=black]List all the female characters in Japanese Animation (Anime) and/or Japanese Comics (Manga) you find are the most hot-looking of all Anime/Manga females. It can be from any Anime/Manga of any decade of release. Make sure to write next to each character's name in [/COLOR][COLOR=black]brackets, the title of the Anime/Manga she's from.[/COLOR]/Manga she's from.[/COLOR]
  17. Imagine yourself in an Anime, commanding a spaceship. Here are things to think off: 1) Who from any Anime or Manga would you like to include in your spaceship crew and what position would you assign to each (examples: navigator, communications officer, gunner)? 2) What piloted giant robots and small space vehicles (military/non-miltary type) from Anime/Manga would you include in your ship's arsenal? 3) What spaceship from Anime/Manga would you like to command? 4) What would your space adventure be like?
  18. [FONT=Arial]Imagine yourself in an Anime. Should you find yourself in combat, what piloted-giant robot from any Anime would you like to use? [/FONT]
  19. I like to be with Haruhi Suzumiya 'cause all she has to do is use her reality altering powers to change our fate in which we were never stranded.
  20. Since the old school stuff are a part of what I like best about Anime, I'll be glad to list my favorite old school Anime titles: -"Space Battleship Yamato" (a.k.a. "Star Blazers") -"Mobile Suit Gundam" -1963's "Tetsujin 28-Go" (a.k.a. "Gigantor") -"Space Pirate Captain Harlock" -"Galaxy Express 999" -"Dragon Ball" -"Mazinger Z" -"Science Ninja Team Gatchaman" -1967's "Mach Go Go Go" (a.k.a. "Speed Racer") -"The Transformers" (a.k.a. "Transformers Generation One") (although a U.S./Japan co-production) -The Original "Dirty Pair" -"Mobile Police Patlabor" -"The Super Dimension Fortress Macross" -"Robotech" -"Lupin III" -"Voltron: Defender Of The Universe" I suppose I enjoy them for not only the music retroness (especially in action scenes and opening credits), but also for the fast-paced action itself and I just love the color shade quality of them as well.
  21. In my opnion, it doesn't matter English sub or English dub so as long English-speaking viewers understand what's going on in the story. Therefore, both English subs and English dubs are equally okay. However, it's up each viewer to decide for himself/herself whether to watch an Anime subbed or dubbed.
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