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Everything posted by Queen_Isanity
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]Queen Insanity, you could have said that in a PM. I dont think that it doesn't need to be expressed for those on the boards to read. [/B][/QUOTE] oh well, farewell peoples
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]I still believe that if your parents are over protective, at least you know they care about you and your wellbeing. Some kids would kill to be able to say that they're parents actually gave a crap about where they were.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=teal]are you one of them?[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B]The one word I hate the most is suicide. It is a selfish way of getting out of a problem that can be fixed. It hurts family, friends, and everyone who loves you. It also might throw them into depression, especially if they knew you might commit suicide. And once it's over, it really is over. There is no coming back, no forgiveness, just an endless gap, of people wondering why, why would they? And that my friends is all there is to it, nothing good can come of it. It is the worst feeling you could give to someone. [/B][/QUOTE] yep. Life definately sucks.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] She doesn't worry about you.. its the world around you.. *cough* Some of the guys? *cough* Your mom is worried for you.. Be thankful that someone loves you that much.. Sure I know it can be frustrating.. but if you sit down and talk with your mother, even if you've already done it do it again, then the worst that can happen is thigns may stay the same. But usually they change for the better. It's frustrating.. and it will be until you move out, but if you stop dwelling on how unfair it is and stop focusing on what you can't do and start focusing on what you can, life will become a LOT easier.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yeah, like I trust men!!!!!! (I have to sit next to a bunch of them and they are nasty!!!!!!) Anyway I finally figured out my mom is sooooooo over protective. My sisters (her step daughters) One used to sneek out @ night and the other went to under age drinking parties. Since my dad didn't do anything about it, my mom decides not to trust me either.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B][color=purple] . Your parents believe it or not, actually DO do this stuff because they love you. .[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I know my mom loves me, but unlike you. I don't do things behind my moms back, and yet she thinks I do. She thinks I'm going out behind her back, even though most guys @ 13 are waaaaaaaay imature. I will never do drugs or have intercourse before I'm married. But still my mom watches me like a hawk. & Mom if you ever read this: GIVE ME SOME BREATHING ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:help:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] Suicide is also selfish, for it is also a way out which hurts your friends and family even more, leaving them feeling inadequate in their attempts to stop you. I...I can't think of any more arguements against suicide, apart from it is a waste of a talented life. [/B][/QUOTE] That's definatly true!!!!! NEWS UPDATE: 1. My suicidal friend told her mom about it. (I'm not sure if that's good or bad:( ) 2. One of my other friends told the counselor about it. My "blood goth" friend is extremely pissed:flaming:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]In Aus there is a phone number to ring if you need counselling Kids help line PH: 1800 55 1800 there, they should help [/B][/QUOTE] too bad I live in the USA :( :bawl:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B] Drinking wine isn't a big deal unless you drink a lot. My dad usually let's me drink s little bit of his wine sometimes, but I don't like to drink. My dad has a bar at our house filled with all this exotic liquors and stuff I've never even heard of. And I never even touch it. Drinking isn't my thing. Neither is smoking. But my dad always tells me that one day I'll love to drink and get drunk and all that other stuff. But I hope he's not right cuz I've been told of what happens when you get drunk.:nervous: Death, preageancy, anything can happen, because you don't know what you're doing when you're drunk. [/B][/QUOTE] I totally agree with you!!!!!! Some of my family members drink, and it hightens my senses 100X. I think alcohol never should have been invented, why get drunk and high on drugs when you can do the same thing with sugar and not mess up your brain!!!!! It seems weird when my parents tell me not to do drugs. I mean that I wouldn't do them anyway even if they never metioned it. Besides, most people claim I'm a :angel:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] 1) No offense, but I would be surprised if prayer would do anything. I dont want to be offensive at all. I am sorry if I was at any point in this post [/B][/QUOTE] How sad, I've seen prayers work miracles, so I belive it as much as I belive that my fingers are on my hand! :eek: By the way, does anyone know where that 1-800 # is???????
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by phoenixflames [/i] [B]I'm about to graduate college and my parents still come EVERY MONTH from OREGON!!! To make me take drug and pregnancy tests! It's insane. Then they inspect my dorm from top to bottom. When I graduate I'm going to move to good 'ol Mexico, change my name to Diego Enrique Diez and remain unlisted for the rest of my life. [/B][/QUOTE] woah freaky, I'm going to a christain college @ the other end of town (when I'm done with juinor high & high school). Of course my parents have volenteered to let me live with them. I don't care if I have to flip hamburgers and do a million other odd jobs I'LL WILL MOVE OUT @ THE END OF HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B] You think you've got it bad? My parents won't even let me walk around my own block by myself! Every day it's the same thing- home, school, home, repeat. Every single day, I can't take it anymore, [/B][/QUOTE] I know how you feel. The only traveling outside of my coultisec (by myself) is to & from school on my bike!!!!!:(:bawl: (only 7/10s of a mile!!!!!!)
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK HOW MUCH ADVICE I GOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: Okay.......... Sorry I had to say that.:blush: Now that's over with, here's the answer to all your replies: 1. I have done something, I told all my/ her friends about it, I prayed, I talked to her and tried to cheer her up. 2. She says that she doesn't want help cuz she doesn't want to be taken out of her home/ away from her family 3. The reason she says she's like this is cuz her daddy comitted suicide in front of her when she was 8 months old:eek: :bawl: 4. Now I think I'll tell her about all the people that don't want her to die!!!!!! 1 last thing to say: THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13 [/i] [B]I I want to play the saxophone too. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh so now we're talking about what we want to play. Things I want to learn to play: 1. Fife 2. Electric Guitar 3. Classic Guitar 4. Tenor Sax Things I play right now: 1. Flute 2. Piano (not much) 2. Books, Knees, exc. (When I'm extremely bored):sleep:
Ever have a friend that was suicidal? I have 2. One I knew about fer a while. Then I found out that another one of my friend plans to kill herself in 5 years. (She thinks cutting herself is fun) 5 days ago she was talking about road trips & College. Now all she wants to talk about is Death and bleeding!!!!!1:eek: :bawl:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B][color=blue][size=1] piano, little of bamboo flute, and I'm learning how to play Chinese guilta [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Bamboo Flute?????? After I master the flute I want to move on to fife. (It's sorta like a wooden picclo):D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiyanPrincessX [/i] [B] Thier not purposely trying to ruin your life, they only want to do what they think is right. My mom didn't really like that, it wasn't that she didn't trust me, but maybe she didn't trust him. [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh: heh ya know what, my mom "trusts" me, but then she doesn't trust the world!!!!!!! :mad: Plus she thinks I'm going out behind her back. Why? You ask. Well, I was talking to my friend @ dinner time, and she starts talking about when she went out with a guy 5 years older than her. Then she says that her mom didn't know that. What's wrong with this? My mom thinks I grinned @ my friend after that!!!!!!!! So even though I'd rather not add another hurdle to my life by having a boyfriend, my mom thinks I'm going out behind her back. POINT MADE: We like having parents, but we don't want to locked up in our rooms for the rest of our lives for doing what's right.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B]I just can't stand it when my mom or dad treats me like I'm a baby or something. They never let me do anything which causes me to stay home all the time to do nothing. Life sux when ur only 12 I guess. My b-day is coming up in May and I'll be 13. Hopefully, they'll finally relize that I'm not 3 anymore. See, I have a friend whom I hardly ever get to see since he's a boy and I'm a girl. My parents think that we'll "do stuff that 12 and 13 year old girls and boys do" and I'm like, "yeah right, like we'd ever do that." I guess they think that we'd make out or something. And because of that I never get to see him. If he's reading this, he'll know exactly what I mean. His mom is so nice and she kinda embrasses us both by saying that I'm her daughter-in-law and stuff like that but we're only good friends. Well, I guess I kinda do like him, but I wish my parents wouldn't be so over pertective like they are because I'd like to see my friends sometimes. Just because he's a boy and I'm a girl dosen't mean that we're gonna "do stuff" like my parents think. Not all 13 year boys are like that, espically my friend! [/B][/QUOTE] I know how you feel. My parents once heard on the news (during when that one girl was missing & they were blaming it on a dude from congress) that 55,000 girls are missing & the FBI hasn't done anything yet about it. Well, obiouslly my mom totally freaked (almost locked me in my room forever) & My dad freaked but not as much cuz he won't shut up about it. So now I can't leave the street without an adult!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I live on a coultisec)
Me play the Flute. I got a 1 & a 1+ @ the district festival. Plus in 2 weeks I'm going to be in the finals in the school talent show.:) :cool: :D :angel: Band Angel!!!!!!! *winks*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]Yeah something happened to me. I Makina (I can't spell it) Island. And I was riding my bike with my brothers and we got seperated (this was when I was like 5). So I was wondering around the island for several hours and a lot of people saw me wondering around by myself and came up to me and were asking me if I was lost and what not. But I still remember that. [/B][/QUOTE] that nice :)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B] Hmm, interesting......... HEY KIDS ya know what?! We MORMONS believe that! ........... Like oh my gosh, *gasp* does that mean we're Christians now???? noooooooo waaaaaayyy, nuh uh, even though our church's title bears Jesus Christ's name, [i]and[/i] we happen believe in the Atonement (crucifixion[sp?]/resurrection), AND we believe in God the Eternal Father and in His Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost......... we couldn't possibly be Christians! How outrageous of us to think that! *ends sarcasm, rolls eyes, and walk out of the room* [/B][/QUOTE] *walks out of topic perminatly*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink]A little story for ya... Yesterday, I went to my school's choral festival. A choral festival is a program where a few schools come and perform in a singing jamboree. Anyways, back to the story... I had to stay and practice the songs at this school for 5 HOURS... Erhg... It was pure torture... To make matters worse, they forced us into a dance. I HATE DANCES!!! So, I snuck out and sat in a corner outside my schools room. It was locked, so I couldn't get in. So there I was, sitting outside the room, and with no Gameboy to keep me busy. So I invented a new game. DOORSTOP CAP POPPING! You just take a doorstop, slide on one of those plastic things from pop bottles, and flip it off with your thumb! It's quite fun, actually. Okay, now back to the point of the post. I was sitting there, when all of a sudden, someone comes out of no where and talks to me! She sat down, and I actually had a nice conversation with someone for once! So, has this ever happened to you? Or something similar? Or have you ever done something like this?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Welll, one time someone took my lunch from my locker. Some lady in the office gave me money to get lunch from the snack bar. :cool:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Milliardo [/i] [B][font=comic sans ms]It's [i]theologian[/i], not theologist. There's no such word. And OutlawDragon, many Christian denominations don't even begin to make ends nor tails of LDS theology. It's not orthodox Christian theology, that's for sure. But really, this is neither the forum for such discussions. It is a contentious issue. I would like to delve into it, but in the right forum, not here. And I am quite tired of such discussions, having been in religious boards for sometime. The discussions there are so heated that I just have to beg off. You'll end up having a heart attack just dealing with the people there.[/font] [/B][/QUOTE] I know how you feel. @ tde (the digimon experience) This one muslim chewed me out about Jewish/ Palisinian (sp?) history.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]hmm, its weird, I was in our (catholic) schools library has so much rot about us under the religions. We were, in one book, under 'practising pagan religions' *sighs* ah well [/B][/QUOTE] How sad. (In 1st Peter God says not to fight over little differences in "beliefs") The only thing I think you need to belive in order to be christain is that. That Jesus died and rose again for your sins. My Church is in fact Evangelical meaning: 1. We believe in the holy spirit 2. We believe in "speaking in tounges" & Heaven sent visions How I know this, you can basically call my dad a theologist. (He reads a translated Jewish newspaper, and we have hundreds of bible reference books)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Milliardo [/i] [B][font=comic sans ms]Some Protestant denominations, notably Evangelical ones, do not consider Mormons as Christians. I won't elaborate on the reason why, though.[/font] [/B][/QUOTE] yup, exactly. Though most churches I know of don't consider them christains either.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kristoff119 [/i] [B]Wow! How long has each of you been on this board and where do you live. I've been here since november 2000. I've seen Liam around here many times but the rest of you are new to me. [size=1][COLOR=red]You all discuss locations and such over IM's or PM's. Let's keep this thread on topic, please. -Justin[/COLOR][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Location: Pacific Time Zone (that's all you'll get out of me) Just so Everyone Knows, I'm not Catholic nor LDS (I really don't consider it sect of Christanity) I'm Protistant (Calvery Chapel Christaion Fellowship)