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Everything posted by SSJ4BROLLI

  1. ok maybe someone can help me with this. i bought a level one rising gundam model the other day. when i got finished i was throwing away the tree and discovered that there were 6 extra parts. can anyone help me with this. thanks in advanced.
  2. Goku said that he didn't know if he could beat fat buu as ssj3, when piccolo asked him if he could have beaten him then. the reason he gave for not beating him is because that earth wasn't his world anymore. since he had died he no longer belonged on earth. it is now goten and trunk's responsibility to defeat him. since they are the future of the earth. goku said something to the effect of... there will be more villians to come and he won't be around to defeat them all. so now it is time for the kids to step up.
  3. i agree with aries. i think that they should use unknown actors/actresses. i agree with tn also. i mean if they use a teeny bopper critics will probrably dismiss this movie as another teen flick. plus you'll get the people that only want to see the movie because matt damon or leo is in it and they have no idea what dbz is or who goku is or what dragonballs are. but on the other hand it would be good for the movie.
  4. anime_gal you've got things messed up. vegeta doesn't get knocked out by big power. he gets wrapped up in the part that buu pulls off of him. buu beats the crap out of him and that's when trunks goes ssj and flys to vegeta. him and goten unwrap him and goten thinks he's dead. piccolo doesn't come until both boys are knocked out. vegeta asks him if he will get to see goku in the afterlife. he says no because he's done so many bad things so he will go to the land of infinate losers. he says no matter and tells piccolo to take the boys away. that's when he sacrifices himself.


    yeah she's knows that it is him by the way he kissed. if you payed attention closely enough i believe she touches her lips and looks back at him. anyways i thought the movie could have been better. for me it didn't live up to the hype everyone built it up to be.
  6. nerdsy you're right it was the nwa before wcw.
  7. i believe it is 5 or 6 (somewhere around there). he still has to make friends with satan and his puppy has to get killed and goten and trunks have to fail twice at fusion. then they have to fuse as ssjs. so i think it's like 5 or 6 could be mistaken.
  8. yeah sephiroth i remember when he was the 123 kid. i think it was scott hall (razor ramon) and not crush, if i'm not mistaken. i remember watching his first match. there was a challenge and his opponent had a bag of cash and said that it would be theirs if they beat him. he got pinned and 123 kid took the money and ran to a get away car. i'm saying that all of the nWo are former wcw wrestlers. kevin nash and i believe ric flair first started in the wwf too.
  9. you know in all our complaining about how the split sucks and all. has anyone thought for a moment that this is good for the wrestlers. i mean the well known ones. instead of them performing 2,3 or even 4 times a week they only perform a max of 2. i think that it is good for them. they get more time off to spend with their families and all. has anyone else noticed that all the members of the nWo (now) are all former wcw wrestlers? (1) ric flair, (2) x-pac, (3) big show, (4)kevin nash, (5)booker t
  10. i know that this thread might get closed but i have a question that's been bugging me. why does radditz have such long hair? he is the only saiyan that i have seen with hair that long. in the episode where vegeta and trunks come out of the hyperbolic time chamber back in the cell saga, he said something about saiyans hair not growing or something to that effect because bulma said something about his hair. then she replied to goku about him never needing a hair cut.
  11. ric flair joining the nWo doesn't surprise me. it's just typical wwe. i mean to make the boss a heel. look at vince. he's usually always the heel. so why not do the same for ric?
  12. no one really gets suspended in the wwf....sorry wwE. it's just a cover up so people can do other things. like when the rock got suspened a while ago. that's when he was filming the scorpion king. when they say that they are suspended it's just so that they can do other projects or recover without the people knowing that they are hurt.
  13. wrist cutter you're an idiot. just because something is easy for you doesn't mean that it's easy for others. i found french quite easy. i'm half korean and i think that chinese and japanese would be hard to learn with all the characters. if anyone is a retard you are. everyone knows that if you practice something that you get better at it.
  14. good buu is fat buu after expelling evil buu so that's not really a new form. he was in a sense good buu when he still had evil buu inside of him because he cared about b and mr. satan. so you can say that fat buu and good buu are the same form.
  15. the dvds are like a month behind the tapes. the tapes are to where super buu is at kami's waiting for goten and trunks to finish training. which they haven't even started. so that means the box set will be out like sometime next year.
  16. i hate this world wrestling entertainment crap. i mean who cares if someone uses the same initials as you. eventhought the wildlife thing was formed before the wwf. people recognize the initals as relating to wrestling and not wildlife. this is bs.
  17. don't have one because they aren't scary to me.
  18. the reason they gave hogan the title was so that when he loses it, it will be a passing of the torch in a sense. the legendary hulk hogan of the past is passing the business off to whoever he loses it to, the new generation. i agree that HHH should have held the title for more that just a month. he deserves it. i mean coming back from a possible career ending injury. that was just wrong of them.
  19. vegitto you're right about ODing. you'll die from smoke inhalation before you die from ODing. pot will never be legalized, never. it is too hard to tax. anyone that wanted to can grow it. i mean i agree with medical usage and all if it helps. they can also give it to people suffering from anirexita (sp?). pot is not addicting. i started the first week of college. i've smoke everyday for 3 weeks before and just recently i've stopped. 3 weeks and counting. i have no urges to use it like i would if i smoked a cig. there is no nicotine so i'm not addicted. the only reason that i did it was becasue i wanted to. i wanted to be happy and have fun with my friends. someone said something about there being more accidents if they legalized pot? wrong answer!!! have you ever driven while high? if you have then you weren't high. i have and pot makes me a more careful driver for 2 reasons. (1) i don't wanna get into an accident because i would get arrested for driving while under the influnce and passenger endangerment and possibly manslaughter. (2) it makes me pay more attention to what i'm doing while driving. on a final note vegitto if you think that x will be a one time thing you're sadly mistaken. it's better than any bud high you'll ever have. better than kb or kb with angel hair.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jlow [/i] [B]The tail is the only way to go ssj4 besides the help of machines! [/B][/QUOTE] what do you mean by the help of machines? if you're talking about the Brute Ray that bulma invented. that was only so vegeta could grow his tail back. i think you do have to still have your tail because if i remember correctly that's where they energy for the transformation is stored. kouberei is right goku turned into a golden oozaru and was out of control. pan started to cry and goku gained control of himself and turned ssj4.
  21. if i'm not mistaken didn't goku get three sensu beans from korrin(sp?) during the world tourney? if so then there is a missing one. i know that they gave one to vadel and vegeta took one. that leaves a missing bean. i'm really confused by this. i hope someone can shine some light on this matter.
  22. goku was never killed on namek and he wasn't wished back to life because he didn't die. if you remember the dragon said that goku couldn't be brought back because he wasn't dead. i believe they wished for him to come back to earth but he didn't want to just yet. if you watch the episode where goku comes back you will see how he escapes form the exploding namek.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Pud [/i] [B] Yeah and i think the guy who does Vegeta does at least 5 or 6 others. It is funny when 2 guys fight aand they like have the same voice. Also i have seen a picture with Bulma cuddled up to Bebei Vegeta and he has his arm around her. is he ever like good while he is possesed? [/B][/QUOTE] when he gets "possessed" by babidi he's good. he never really turns evil. he just wants to prove to goku that he can beat him. vegeta really doesn't get possessed because he doesn't obey babidi's commands. he was just using him to get stronger. before he blows himself up he says good-bye to trunks and bulma and tells them that he's doing it for them. if he wasn't good he wouldn't have been able to come back when they wished for the earth and everyone good on it to come back.
  24. in my opinion dbz: ulimate battle 22 is the best. it's sorta like the street fighter games. i have dbz: legends also. it's ok graphics kinda suck but it follows the story.
  25. yes goku and vegeta fight in gt but only because vegeta gets possessed by bebi making him bebi-vegeta. i guess they like the thought of someone having control over him.
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