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Everything posted by SSJ4BROLLI

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyaman [/i] [B][b][size=1]Actually it is May : Legacy of Goku, June the card game... And they are for GBA[/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] yeah i know that they are for gameboy advanced. i didn't really feel like typing advanced. well in a mag that i got yesterday it said that legacy of goku was coming out in june.
  2. you guys forgot to say that goku was looking for the last sensu bean in his pants. that's why he was distracted from vegeta.
  3. they have two dbz games coming out for gameboy. the first, card game, i think it's set to release in may. the second, goku's legacy, is set for june. all subject to change.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Goku213 [/i] [B]lol, yea, i knew about the whole Vegeta thing. I'd read that in summaries what i was asking tho, was what happens in stage 2 and stage 3? I hate not knowing. LoL. Of course, everyone knows who wins as most of us know how DBZ pans out, but it's [i]how[/i] they win that i wanna know about bcuz it wasn't in the summaries that i've read. & it's kinda funny to me how when Vegeta and Goku fight, Vegeta seems to have the upper-hand, but Goku is always (apart from most of the Freiza saga) stronger than Vegeta [/B][/QUOTE] in stage 2 goku fights yakan( sorry about spelling). goku is a bit much for him so babidi sends them to the planet of darkness. this is yakan's world, he thinks he has the upper hand and they fight. goku goes ssj and lights up the room/cave. yakan sucks goku back down to his normal state. the supreme kai tells goku that yakan feeds off of light energy. goku goes ssj again and again yakan feeds off of goku but powers up and makes yakan explode. on to stage 3......gohan and dabura fight it's pretty evenly matched, matching eachother blow for blow. that's when vegeta starts complaining.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Just a little FYI, Gokou hasn't transformed into Super Saiyajin 3 yet, so he couldn't have done that against the second level guy. [size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] i don't think that's entirely true.....after goku has finished fighting majin buu at ssj3 he returns to the look out and piccolo says something (i forgot) and goku says something about the rules being different on earth than in the other world. so he's been able to go ssj3 since he's been back.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B] [COLOR=deeppink](this is Nerdsy) I don't remember it. When Nash or Hogan start wrestling, I usually turn to another station. Well, my take on the Tough Enough is that one side will get the Men's Champion and the other will get the Womens Champion. Which side gets which, I do not know.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] they're not going to do that because they said that both the women's and the men's champion will be available to both shows.
  7. sam goodie is a good place. that's where i get all my dbz movies they even have box sets. if you reserve a copy of up coming vidoes you get a 3 dollar coupon so that's a plus too.
  8. i don't know if anyone else has thought of this already but i was watching tough enough last night and was wondering who would get the winner of tough enough 2? do they have an agreement since mcmahon has a rookie flair gets the new winner or are they going to flip a coin or what?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zero_dude [/i] [B] Was it an internet interview cause alot of those are fake. They use them to bring people into there sites [/B][/QUOTE] no it was a sit down interview. they translated it into english.
  10. i think the horse's name was peppy. does anyone else remember gillberg? he was first gill (something) then he won the light heavyweight title and changed his name to gillberg to mock goldberg.
  11. i read that boba fett is a clone of jango fett. since they are on the planet with all the clones i think it makes sense.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B]Sorry Brolli, heh, that ryhmes, but both of your statements are wrong. Plus, you could hav just put both in one post. *sighs* Freeza did not die by Goku. If he did, he wouldn't hav memories of him when he got to earth. He would not remember it if he was dead and king cold did not kno what happened so he couldn't hav given him that info. However, he DID die by Trunks. End of discussion. And, umm, GT only has one meaning. If it had more than one, wouldn't we hav all heard about it by now? Wouldn't it be in the intro? You can make up whatever names you want for "GT", but the fact remains that only one is real, and that is Grand Tour. So Boo-ya!! [/B][/QUOTE] yeah you're right about freiza but i'm right about gt. i read in an interview conducted on the creator of dragonball and he said that gt doesn't mean just one thing. so boo-ya back at ya.
  13. gt also has many meanings, grand tour, galaxy tour, galaxy trip, etc.
  14. there is a trick question.....frieza was killed both by goku and trunks. originally by goku on namek but king cold found frieza floating in space and made him into a cyborg and trunks killed him.
  15. from what i've seen so far choatzu and tein are in the mountians training. you get a brief glimps of them when goku is powering up to go to ssj3. they are wearing jedi like coats.
  16. i agree with jc and the others. i don't think that goku knew about goten. if he was watching over his family then why did he ask gohan what he was wearing. if he was watching over them he would have known that he why he was wearing his costume. he would have also known that chi-chi was training goten and that he had become the youngest ssj.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]....well they have no games releasedfor gamecube and PS2, well that is that I have not heard of them. there are plastation ones like Dragonball final bout that I had...but I sold it because I couldn't play it. lol. [/B][/QUOTE] you could have played the games if you had a mod chip or a converter disc. i have a mod chip in my ps and it allows me to play copied(backed-up) games and japanese games. you can buy mod chips online.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]Majin Buu absorbs about three people. And they are Gotenks, Ghan and Vegitto. I believe thats right. But Majin Buu absorbs baby buu and that forms Super Buu. Uub comes at one point and Super Buu absorbs him and forms Super Uub Buu. If thats wrong tell me...Super Uub Buu pretty much destroys the earth and there are a few of them left. If you want more info just look it up on the net. [/B][/QUOTE] i don't think that's entirely true. uub is the final (good) form of majin buu. uub is trained but goku and returns to fight in the next martial arts truny. he loses to none other than mr. satan himself, hercule. and i believe that majin buu helps the z fighters to defeat super buu.
  19. has anyone else noticed that videl looks a lot like vasha(i think that's her name) from the movie bardock. i was just wondering if anyone else noticed that.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Erm... ok, what? I don't understand..... NWO are trying to take down the WWF, like WCW/ECW were trying to take down the WWF..... oh yeah, and WCW [i]is[/i] on the TNT Channel every Monday and Thursday night, live.... [/B][/QUOTE] nwo isn't trying to take down the wwf for the same reasons as wcw/ecw. the alliance wanted to be the ONLY wrestling organization on tv. the nwo isn't a wrestling faction that wants to be the only organization on tv. oh yeah....wcw no longer exists since shane "bought" the company. the wwf owns the rights to wcw. if it is on tnt it's because of the wwf. and no it isn't live...none of the shows are live. if you see booker t or lance storm or anyone else from the former wcw on tnt. it's an old one.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] Yeah, well once again you basically have a heel faction "invading" in an attempt to run the company out of business. Essentially, it's the same premise. In fact, the whole WCW/ECW angle was very similar to the original nWo storyline. [/B][/QUOTE] it's not the same premise because the nwo isn't a company trying to take over the wrestling world. they are a group that is trying to take down the wrestling world since the wwf is the only wrestling faction on tv.
  22. it's not invasion all over again. invasion was pitting two (wwf & wcw/ecw) companies against eachother. vince invited the nwo to the wwf(e) to destroy it. if this was an invasion vince would be on the side of the wwf(e).
  23. i've noticed that the episode numbering on this site is wrong. i bought dbz revival and tactics the other day. according to this web site they should have been episodes 238-243 but on the box and on the official web site they are numbered 223-228. i don't know who's fault this might be but i think it should be fixed.
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