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Everything posted by WaterUmi

  1. I hate it when the heros get a new power and within the first 30 sec Know how to use the power and know what to call it and everything like that. like come on if i get a new power it would take me months learn how to use it and what to call it.. i think it would be funny if the new powers backfirer sometimes on the heros just for the fun of it...lol
  2. hello Am WaterUmi. am a new member..(mmmm you would never guess right.. lol) In the new year i will be going to school to become a 2-d and 3-d animater (not sure if i spelled that right) but am here to meet people that are in the anime and manga like me.. well that all i can think of the say for now so i hope to hear for someone soon.. have a good day, night or whatever time of day it is for you.. cheers:catgirl:
  3. My First Manga was Magic Knight Rayearth. I was walking by a bookshop one day and I saw it in the window:animeknow, And I Had to Buy it right then and there LOL. 9 year later I still have it and read it all the time...:catgirl:
  4. I start my collection when i was 13-14 i think (am 22 now). And am only up to 95.. lol (sorry about my Bad spelling) [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Magic Knight Rayearth Vol 1-6: [/U][/B]Love it as a teenager still love it as a adult. lol :animesmil it was my first one i started to buy. (Complete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]DramaCon Vol 1-3:[/U][/B] I find it a Con so i ended up buying it for the fun of it. but i still enjoy lol. (Complete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Petshop of Horrors Vol 1-10: [/U][/B]LOVED IT.. something about count D charater was awsum. (Complete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Mars Vol 1-15:[/U][/B] It was alright i enjoyed when am was 16. so I completed it. (Complete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Princess Ai Vol 1-3:[/U][/B] I enjoy it. so now am start to buy the side storys about her. (Complete)[/FONT] Side story: -Rumors from the other side [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Princess Ai The Prism of the Midnight Dawm Vol 1: [/U][/B]Its alright for a starter for a part two to the first story line, so far so good..[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Vampire Knights Vol 1-3:[/U][/B] Mmmm am not sure about this one. It was giving to my for X mas. but soon far I have stop reading it. (InComplete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][U][B]+anima Vol 1-3[/B][/U]: Thecharater cute Husky is CUTE!!! (Incomplete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Red Angel Vol 1: [/U][/B]Its Different but sometime different is good.. am sure the story will get better farer into it. (one can hope:catgirl:) (Incomplete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Fushigi Yugi Vol 1- 4: [/U][/B]i love this story but i had to stop buying it, mine are the old copes that they stop printing after vol 8. So i need to sale my 4 and rebuy them again. I stop buying them at vol 4 because they were around $40 a book (ouch) lol. (Incomplete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Vampire Hunter D Vol 1: [/U][/B]The style is very dark and gothic, i dont mind it I guess. (incomplete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Aqua Knight Vol 1-3: [/U][/B]The story was all over the place. so stay on it was a bit hard to me. but i enjoy it a bit. (complete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Rebirth Vol 1-3:[/U][/B] I like it, gothic style of drawing but it haves it funny part. (Incomplete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Pichi Pichi Pitch Vol 1: [/U][/B]Am not to sure why I buyed this one, cute drawing style. that about all i can say about this one. (Incomplete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]ElfQuest Wolfrider Vol 1:[/U][/B] I fall in love with this book when i was 6 year old, when i find it in manga i had to buy it. am only starting to buy it so that why I only have 1, but now that i moved away from the big city i cant find it:animecry:. (Incomplete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Sensual Phrase Vol 1-10: [/U][/B]Its a good story. great drawing. (incomplete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Vampire Kisses Blood Relatiues Vol 1-3:[/U][/B] It alright its a BIG jump from novel to Manga that for sure but it is alright. super cute style of drawing, its a kawaii gothic love story. (Complete I think)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]SHORT STORY:[/U][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]R.I.P:[/U][/B] the style is alright, the best part is the differnet clothing in it.. lol[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Castle of Dreams:[/U][/B] Kawaii love story.[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Gundam wing: [/U][/B]I will alway love gundam wing it was the frist anime i started watch ever. and after i have never stoped watching anime.[/FONT] [B][U][FONT=Book Antiqua]YAOI:[/FONT][/U][/B] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Yaoi Vol 1:[/U][/B] There are some kawaii story in it. the drawing style is different for each story.[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]The Aluria of Chronicles: [/U][/B]the main story is kawaii. Different out look on vampire but i like it. the short story was a bit dull.[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Winter Demon Vol 1-3:[/U][/B] I think this yoai is the sweeted, The demons in it are all differnet from each other not all are evil which i like ([B]Incomplete[/B])[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Prisoner of the Immortal[/U][/B]: the insanity team are a group of great artise but first story haves NO storyline at all. but the other one are good reads.[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Stallion[/U][/B]: i liked this one for the love story between the two main charater the powere of love will overcome all.. lol[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Ka*Shin*Fu[/U][/B]: the art was good.but the story was dull in part.[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][U][B]I'll be your slave[/B][/U]: now this one is a Kawaii one I enjoy it. Now i need to find a man like this LOL[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Invisible Love: [/U][/B]MMmmm i own it but have not readed it yet.. oops[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Selfish Mr Mermaid Vol 1: [/U][/B]Its a kawii read no point in the storyso far. but its alright. (incomplete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Invisble Boy Vol 1: [/U][/B]Mmmm i own it but have not readed it yet...lol oops (incomplete)[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][U]Love Share:[/U][/B] I think the best part of the manga was all of the fits the main charater have with each other. but the drawing are super kawaii and i enjoy the manga..[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua]well that all of my Manga collection. hope you enjoyed reading what i had to say about the manga.. [/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua]PS sorry about my poor spell.. Have a great days[/FONT]
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