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About Zaiachi

  • Birthday 03/02/1990

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  1. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]O.o; Is it just me or does Kisame-san look like an alien with gills more than he's supposed to look like a shark? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [quote name='Miko Hayashi'][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Of course ^_^ I'm new here as well so don't feel bad! So wanna be friends? =))[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Yay~ a fellow new person! -hugs- Sure, I'm always glad to make new friends. So! Whenever you're in trouble, dont hesitate to hit me up! xD [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Ahahaha, hello everyone. I'm Zaiachi. Kind of new here, but I'm finding this place really intriguing. x3 Plus it's fun and there are a lot of things to do here. I hope we can be good friends though. :catgirl:[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE=1]While I'm not going to go as far as you did Magus, I would have to agree that there's a blatant homoerotic undertone between Sasuke and Naruto. Naruto does tend to act more like a battered wife than a hurt friend, as much as Sasuke hurts him he continues to make excuses based on the fact that several years ago for a couple of months Sasuke was not a complete dick to everyone around him and that slightly sojourn from dickery has earned him permanent grace in Naruto's books. But the problem here lies in the fact Naruto just won't grow up, and all the adults in the series can laud him for his guts in refusing to give up on his "friend" no matter what because it's his heroic quality. The fact of the matter is Sasuke has made his own choices for good or ill and if Naruto decides that he's going to change the viewpoint of anyone he doesn't agree with regardless of whether he holds moral superiority or not then that effectively put him in the same category as Madara and Pain. Maybe it's fair to say that Itachi warped Sasuke's thinking in trying to force him to redeem the Uchiha clan and that Naruto is merely trying to give Sasuke a chance to make his own decisions. When they meet face to face finally, and Naruto sees the full measure of Sasuke's resolve maybe things will be different as at the minute all Naruto is chasing is a shadow and second-hand information. Sasuke has been away from Naruto and Konoha for nearly 4 years and become a very different person in that time, that's something that Naruto will eventually have to come to terms with. [/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Well, that's if Naruto-kun will face those facts once he sees Sauke's development and resolve. I mean, no matter what people say about Sasuke, Naruto just keeps on hanging on that "friend" image he established with that certain missing nin. Naruto would go as far as throwing himself at Sasuke's feet just to get him back (figuratively speaking of course. He's ready to kick his *** to bring Sasuke back is more like it.) But depending on Kishimoto's tastes, I hope he doesnt make it into a cliche type of thing like most would. I'd hate to see a character with such strong resolves such as Sasuke suddenly having a change of heart just bacause his bestfriend makes him see the light. I'd understand if Sasuke had a change of heart because of the truth behind Itachi's action(he's family and all), but if he was to listen to Naruto and suddenly change heart so easilly at the end...that would be too expected. I dont really like Sasuke, but I'm expecting Kishimoto-san to do something unique with him. Yeah and about that Homoerotic undertone between those two...it is very evident. Then again, not only for those two. There are a lot of other instances involving different characters. Bad example, take Gai-sensei and Kakashi-sensei...I mean, we know their rivals(one sided rivalry), but Gai-sensei is so obsessed that his actions sometimes make it look...Gay. Like that piggy back thing. >_>; Good Exapmle though aside from the SasuNaru thing would be the Naruto Sai thing. One sided yes, but it's kind of interesting how Sai is slowly developing those "care" feelings for Naruto. But in the end, I hope Naruto ends up with a girl instead of with a guy. =_= [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]I dont think it would be that wise if they put up a filler, yes. It will make things off track right now, but if they do decide to put up one, they'd have to do it real well. Otherwise the pacing would be thrown off. Either way, they should just stick to the manga path for now. ... ... I still hate how sensei died. There wasnt that much flare into it, unlike in the manga. Then again I would have preferred if he didnt die at all. But that cant be. -sigh-[/SIZE] :animecry:[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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