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Everything posted by mystfalcon25

  1. I suppose you do make a good point, what with the relation and all... But really, you have to admit that if you overlook the whole "I'm related to Ayeka" thing, Tenchi and Ayeka would be a good pairing! Of course, so would Ryoko and Tenchi... But Ayeka just seems... bettererer (yes bettererer). Why'd the creators go and make Tenchi and Ayeka related? "!" Idea! If Tenchi wants to marry Ayeka so bad, why doesn't he just disown his family (the Royal Family) and marry her... Technically, they wouldn't be related, right? (lol j/k)
  2. Here's what i think: They settled for "Eighter" for mostly one reason. Not everyone who watches DragonBall is big on anime, Fact is, a lot of younger kiddies watch DragonBall. And to them, it wouldn't matter if you called Eighter "C-3PO," they'd still say "Mommy, the big Frankenstein guy just saved Goku from the cold!" So to them, as long as they don't have to say Android Eight every waking moment, they're okay with that... Even if they don't realize it, it's true. Hey, its just a theory.
  3. Hey, Rick, I'm still here, just been busy... I seem to change my opinion a lot in this thread... I'll make my decision now. Tenchi should be with Ayeka! Yes, i said it! Now you have to admit that although Ayeka has her downsides, who doesn't? Besides which, it's her or Ryoko (i feel)... and cool as Ryoko is, she can be Tenchi's in Tokyo. In Muyo, let it be Ayeka... This was hard to write, seeing as I've probably said all this before... but my opinion must be voiced! *runs behind shield so as to parry the oncoming flames*
  4. Hey, I've got a question. How do you get the Jon&Leno and D. Lumina3 action figures in Brave Fencer Musashi? I've heard a bunch of rumors (none make sense) and am still wondering how. Any ideas?
  5. The only FF7 codes i know are the Multiplying Items and the easier Chocobo Races... Oh yeah, then there's the Easier Slots but then again that isn't exactly a cheat code.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonstar [/i] [B]Sigils? What are they? I got really lucky dodging lighting bolts, I only got hit twice, but I don't know anything about any sigils. What are the Moon Crest and stuff for? What do I do with the Rusty Sword? [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=3][b]SPOILER![/b][/SIZE] Sigils and Crests: Later in the game you use Sigils and Crests to power up the Celestial weapons, which at one time have no power. Moon Crest: Used to power up Yuna's weapon, the Nirvana (if I'm not mistaken) The rusty sword: Used to get Auron's weapon the Masamune. Go to Mushroom rock and travel Northeast until you reach the second path that leads north. Take the path and step on the elevator at the end. Examine the statue, use the rusty sword, and some emblem on the wall appears. Use the Celestial Mirror (if you have it) on the emblem on the wall, and the Masamune is yours. However, it's worth absolutely nothing unless powered up with the Mars Sigil and Crest.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Flipmodesquad [/i] [B]Its da best game eva the only thing i need help with is beating InDelcios Can someone help me while we are on the subject lol. [/B][/QUOTE] What part do you need help on? And is it with or without limiter?
  8. i don't know... course I'm a guy so of course I don't know... maybe its because he's the only guy their age-ish that they're in contact with for such a long time?
  9. Tidus - Jecht Shot, Sphere Shot, Venom tackle 3 Wakka - venom tackle 2, wither shot, tackle slip Brother - Venom shot, venom tackle 2 Jassu - VEnom Tackle 2, Wither Tackle 2, drain tackle 3 Letty - Venom pass 2, venom pass 3, One hero One retired auroch two active aurochs one Al bhed pilot
  10. Thank you raven131 for correcting me on the spelling, i have had to guess at the spelling of Jurai for quite some time now. And to CrestOfEmpathy, some words: 1. I had no idea that sakuya dies! But actually im happy to know that... i hated her anyway. Thanks. 2. I agree that Ryoko should marry tenchi in Tenchi in tokyo, but as you said its what happens so theres no debate. 3. From what ive seen, i also think that Ayeka should marry tenchi in Muyo. I kinda thought the same things you were mentioning. 4. about the Kiyone thing... isnt this thread about who we think tenchi should end up with? Not always who is most likely? Correct me if I'm wrong, please. Besides, people can think whatever thoughts they want, say "Kiyone should marry tenchi," etc. That's probably because they favor Kiyone over all the other girls on the show and not really because they think it would work out best between them. Well that's what I figure anyway.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SephirothNIN [/i] [B]By the way an ez trick if you want to spectacle-ify someone is to open up the menu immediately after using them, then it's a lot easier to read all the crap w/o being hassled. [/B][/QUOTE] i did that... glad im not the only one who thought of that... actually i wasnt trying to memorize it at the time... but I played it again and won (again) and here's the info: HP: 1500000 MP: 16000 Strong to all elements Exp: 1372000... well for me anyway... and that's on Normal Difficulty... imagine on Universe ... o_O scary thought...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by M. Son Gohan [/i] [B]Sakuya can die in a ditch for all I care. ^^ [/B][/QUOTE] that's the spirit! lol anyway... Ryoko is probably best because she has a good combination of spirit, fighting power, humor, and love... Who needs more?
  13. i always wanted revenge on Scarlet, now that you mention it. Really, what did she do in the game besides operate machinery and name the Mako Cannon the "Sister Ray"? she was full of herself but showed nothing worthy of being a ShinRa executive.
  14. yeha! I finally beat Indalecio with power limiter off! Yeah! His HP is about 15000000, there may be another zero added to that, but the spectacles wore off too soon. Man was it difficult... i got it on the 3rd or fourth try today... but it wasnt meant to be easy... and it wasnt...
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]You know what I'd have liked to have happen to Heidegger? I'd have liked to see him get eaten by Ultimate WEAPON. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That's an awesome idea! They should do that in the re-release... Definitely...
  16. i hate the way he throws his head back and his gut shakes when he laughs... i thought it was good when rufus called it a horse laugh... funny...
  17. what other final fantasy character do i want revenge on? Hm.. let me think... Ah yes President Shinra the first. The fat one i mean. Possible SPOILER... Sephiroth got to him before i did... darn him i wanted to kill the fat old guy... END POSSIBLE SPOILER... oh yeah palmer too but i already mentioned him...
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zachary [/i] [B]Making blitz a sport? Probaly not. It would be too confusing, and hard [/B][/QUOTE] Do you mean the gameplay of blitzball or the actual technical things, like the sphere pool? Cuz the gameplay wouldnt be that hard, you just wouldnt be able to use stuff like venom shot or drain tackle... The breaking and shooting wouldnt be that hard...
  19. Well, i suppose you can beat it two ways: Fully and partially... I partially beat it, limiter on... However, ive been too busy training my characters to fight with limiter off... Last time i tried he killed me, partially because he can move at high speeds while casting magic... Of course that was before level 200, so i dunno if hes still as tough... Probably is... I think i went in with Claude, Ashton, Leon, and Rena... Claude with the frontal assault, Ahston with frontal assault/tri-Ace, Leon casting extinction as many times as possible, and Rena keeping everyone healed and stuff... Yup that was it...
  20. Level 130... Hm... Are you able to get through all 50 battles in fun city's survival battle...? It might help... If you win you get an item similar to the trickster, it gives you random items and FOL... Nice... Anyway, the master level is 255 in case you didnt know... It takes a long time to get there... but you dont have to be that high level to fight the final boss in the cave of trials... that place stil stands as the best place to train for me. Level 9 boss, the sorcerer guy... hm... A good 2-fighter-healer-black mage combo might be a good party... Be sure to find the valiant boots there, theyre faster than bunny shoes and a lot more protective :D... I suppose that if you can prevent him from casting magic he wont attack much... Send in two fighters to attack him and prevent attcks, use your black mage (leon or Celine, i think) to cast magic to further stop him, and if the need arises, Rena (or noel whoever) can heal you... Thats all i think...
  21. WHAAAAAAAAAAT?! (explodes) Im positive i didnt hear that right... Did you say he should marry Sakuya...? Thats a scary thought... Oh well youre entitled to your opinion... In tokyo he should marry Ryoko, actually... I think
  22. Rena's cool... If you play as her, you can get Dias as a permanent character :D... I own the strategy guide so i know a lot of stuff about it... Plus I've beaten it... that gives me some knowledge too... ...Any game that gives me a good reason to play again and again and again is definitely a great game...
  23. mystfalcon25


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] [I]That's[/I] what the Final Fantasy movie should have been about. I would have seen it at least 20 times if they made it right. And then I'd buy it. I reckon it'd make more money than the Spirits Within. [/B][/QUOTE] I didnt like The Spirits Within much... Why did they call it Final Fantasy anyway? was it made by square or something? There were no swords, no real battles, nothing worthy of it being called Final Fantasy... And no chobobos, cant forget the chocobos! lol
  24. Ah, i feel bad for you, this game is one of the great RPGs of the world! But yeah, i like how maany different things you can do in the game, customize weapons, items, armor, cook, so much to do... and the character selection thing... 87+ endings... how many games can boast that?
  25. Star Ocean: The Second Story... Who's played it? I want to hear your opinions about it!
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