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Everything posted by mystfalcon25

  1. mystfalcon25


    FF8 sequel: Another sorceress is discovered amongst the everyday people of the planet. She takes over Squall's mind and makes him her slave! His weapon, the Lionheart, once brought an end to Ultimecia, but with it on the other side now, who knows what could happen... Now, Seifer, Irvine, Zell, Selphie, Edea, and Rinoa must go on another quest, this time to try and stop this new sorceress... And Squall... Only this time it isnt the Galbadian Army that is teamed up with the evil, but the GF themselves... Once she has taken control of the GF, she will be free to wage a war against the Gardens... And to make matters worse, the world is shaking from several earthquakes and volcanic eruptions from the surface... Why the planet is choosing now to have such problems is beyond anyone... The eruptions have already swallowed the island of Balamb... What next? Seifer has come up with an idea to stop them... if he can obtain the Lionheart, he can defeat Squall with his own weapon... But the former hero and leader of SeeD will prove to be more of a challenge than Seifer expects... It'll take a little more than a No Mercy to stop this gunblade specialist... One sorceress... her mind-slave... the Lionheart... and the GF that once brought power to the 6 heroes of the not-so-distant past... The world is in chaos again... And without GF's to aid them, this could prove to be one of the most difficult adventures that the fighters have ever seen... Who will stand up and fight? Final Fantasy 8.5 (i was bored one day and came up with this... what do you think?) Oh yeah, [SIZE=4]HONK![/SIZE]
  2. Hm... I wouldnt be surprised at all if they already had their own blitzball arena thing going... They have all this fancy technology and everything there comes out about a year or two before it comes out here... And the anime... The people in Japan are so skilled... I'm jealous :D
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]Now FFVII Summon models would [i]rock[/i] so much... :)[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes... Imagine Odin... and Bahamut ZERO (actually all the bahamuts rock)... and Knights of the Round! That would be sweet...
  4. actually I liked the FF7 ending movie... extremely cool... awesome song too... But which FF7 ending movie do you mean, the one before or after the credits? the one before the credits rocks! The FFX ending movie... i guess i disliked it because... well... its a real downer i suppose... i just didnt like the sphere grid because it required too much thought and too much time... Id only like the sphere grid if i intended on playing FFX for a very long time... as in training forever and ever and ever... Why do [b][i][u]I[/u][/i][/b] like FF7 more...? Because of the characters, the music, the main bad guy (cool), the airship, the chocobo system (catches breath), Gold saucer, and the basic idea /plot of the game... I also didnt like the chocobo training in FFX... too hard... The Final weapons were a pain to get in FFX... Well not to get but to power up... the Sun Sigil is a pain in the neck to get... Well I've given more than my 2 cents for now...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B]Except that Cid and some Chocobos and a few cactuars are still there.[/B][/QUOTE] Not only cid, but Biggs and Wedge...
  6. you know, i tried using Yojimbo... his evasion stat wasnt helping at all... he got hit every time... got killed after 2 hits... And he worked for you? Crazy...
  7. Played it, it was a fun game, but not the finest of all... I loved blitzball... best minigame... Loved the battle system... better... Characters were cool...not the best but still cool... Disliked the ending...sucked... Sphere grid useful only if you intend on playing it for weeks on end... Lead bad guy wasnt as cool as others were... All in all, the game was good, but not the best ive played.
  8. Blasting Zone, Eden, and KOR are long, aren't they... If you use the recommended battle strategy for the WEAPONS in FF7, the battle ends up as more than a half-hour (much longer)... Bahamut ZERO is long too... Well, I guess that i used the same battle strategy on Safer Sephiroth as Jcgoudy did, or something to that effect... He never seemed harder to me, that's why i asked... Glad I know now, thanks. Which reminds me... i always wanted revenge on Emerald Weapon in FF7... I tried to kill it countless times, and it always killed me... kinda like your Midgar Zolom story... Then, i trained, and prepared, and magically i killed it! Someone else has to want renvenge on Emerald WEAPON.... killing it once just doesn't cut it...
  9. What a very extensive answer... mind if i fill in the gaps? Baaj temple is located at about X16, Y57, and Z0 (the last one is z-zero) If it's not exactly there, look around there... The summoner's name is Belgemine... defeat all her Aeons (you might have to have Anima and Yojimbo as well) like she wants you to... Don't panic if after you capture the required monsters from Gagazet and talk to the Arena guy and he doesnt give you the Cherry Blossom... It may interest you to know that it is the Blossom Crown... and i think you have to have the flower scepter as well to open the door... After you break the seal, you're given the opportunity to rename each individual sister... and that's all... By the way, they cover this in the Feb. 2002 issue of GamePro... Oh! Another interesting thing to do while at Remiem Temple is to go to the right of the temple, participate in the chocobo race, and obtain the Cloudy Mirror by winning once... It has nothing to do with Aeons but it's useful...
  10. Sorry, forgot about the one-winged angel sephiroth (Safer-sephiroth) there... An omnislash should do him in too though... well maybe im wrong, it's been a while since ive fought him w/o KOTR... His Super Nova summon was never strong enough to kill me... looks cool though... (by the way, is it just me or does every end boss in Final fantasy break up into little pieces and blow away into the wind?) I fought Ruby WEAPON and beat him, today, almost effortlessly... with only cloud alive the whole battle... level 84... Probably because i got back 9,307 hp back every time i cast KOTR and because most of Ruby's attacks (ultima mostly) missed me... Geez to think it took me a billion and one tries to kill him the first time... And why is Safer Sephiroth harder at level 99...? I havent beaten Omega weapon yet... ultimecia's castle is confusing... REALLY confusing... maybe i'm stupid but that place is really big and confusing (ive said that enough times)...
  11. yeah.... fighting those guys is really really REALLY hard... Well for me it was... Like Crazy White boy said, power up your guys and get auto-revive spells... Oh, if I'm not mistaken, those special monsters are immune to most status changes... so dont try Zombie Attack then Phoenix Down... it may not work...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SolidSnake2 [/i] [B]Tidus Yuna, Hmm. I don't really know if they would make a good couple. Since the game made them love each other I'd have to say: I DON'T KNOW. [/B][/QUOTE] I hear ya... So far ive only agreed with the pairing from ff8: Squall and Rinoa... And that's only because i dislike Quistis... but that's another story... I too think that Tidus and Rikku would be a better couple... but at the end of FFX it would be really weird if tidus turned around and said, "Oh yeah, by the way, I love rikku not yuna..." So i suppose that Tidus and Yuna is the only logical FFX couple that would fit into the story... in other people's dreams, Tidus could end up with Rikku... And not just their dreams, but their fanfics...
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] Oh yeah? Auron did not cuss and he came across as one tough son of a gun to me. His shady personality, reputation and strength got him over as tough. Furthermore, I can't for the life of me, remember Sephiroth cussing and he was probably the best villain to ever grace a Final Fantasy game. [/B][/QUOTE] Crazy White Boy knows what he's talking about... Auron was the toughest character to appear in any Final Fantasy... And i too cannot remember one scene where Sephiroth uttered a cuss word... We can all remember when Cid swore though... but that happened a lot anyway :D...
  14. a big ball of water, you say? if the characters from FFX really existed, you could have Lulu and whoever else cast a bunch of watergas in an anti-gravity room... Im sure that such a room exists somewhere...
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Lenia Jurai~ [/i] [B]Ryoko shows the most emotions for him, so ona scale of 1-5 I'd say she gets a 5, Ayeka a 4, Mihoshi well I know she means well so I guess a 3, Kiyone 4, Washu 3, Sasami 4 cause if you put in the age factor she is older than Tenchi. And that crazed lunatic Sakuya gets a -5 and i even raised it from what she really deserves:demon: [/B][/QUOTE] I completely agree... Ryoko does seem to care a bit more for Tenchi then Ayeka does... So i suppose that she does slightly deserve him more... I can't stand Sakuya... It isnt really worth feeling bad for her, make her rating a -10... or less...
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] Compared to them, diamond and ruby weapons in FFVII aren't so hard. Out of all of them though, the final sephiroth is the hardest final boss... [/B][/QUOTE] You must be joking if you say that the final sephiroth is the hardest... The one where it's Cloud Vs. Sephiroth... An omnislash kills him... if you mean the weird purple-blue thing with 5 parts (Bizarro-Sephiroth or something like that...) yeah a Knights of the Round will do the trick... And when you talk about Diamond and Ruby Weapons in ff7, do you actually mean Diamond and Ruby or Emerald and Ruby? Because Emerald Weapon is the hardest creature that I have ever fought (the one underwater if you dont know)... Diamond Weapon was sorta easy, and Ruby weapon was a challenge, but it's not as hard as Emerald...
  17. mystfalcon25


    actually i beat arcade mode with Sephiroth and there IS in fact an ff7 ending movie... well i THINK it was Sephiroth... Well if that doesnt work beat (or play to the last battle at least) arcade mode with all the ff7 characters... I think after i beat it with Sephiroth i saw the FF7 ending... actualy most of the shots in that movie are OF sephiroth... Someone tell me if im wrong...
  18. Ok, sorry cloud, won't happen again... He did talk too much though. But didn't you want revenge on him too?
  19. I haven't played a whole lot of ff9, so I would say that 8 is the easiest... You get all these abilities that makes you able to fight without magic or GFs... after a while i never had to visit a town again... you can manipulate the Limit Breaks so easily... that made the battle with Ultima Weapon a cinch, not to mention the Jumbo Cactuar... The Junction system was cool but i was able to get Squall to 9,999 hp at level 40-ish... Not to mention the strength stat... But yeah, it is all about opinion... ANYWAY, I'm going to return us to our topic about wanting revenge against characters in games... I think that I also wanted revenge on Ultros in ff3... Man he was a pain...
  20. mystfalcon25


    Ehrgeiz is a cool game... although in quest mode i dont like how you have to pay the blacksmiths a drink to modify your weapons... Has anyone else seen the Replica Sword, now that is a cool-looking sword... sucks in strength though... I prefer the fighting mode myself... either with Vincent, Cloud, or Sasuke... Man those 3 characters are cool... I think it's cool being able to beat up on each other, not as random people that happen to be in the game... but as FF7 characters! Fun... BTW, how do you access the third costume...?
  21. Never played Tactics myself... But in every FF I've played (except 6 and before) i've noticed quite a bit of swearing (hard to miss in ff7)... And, if i may comment, there are more than tons of crappy R movies... Actually some movies arent made for their plot, but for the swearing... Tell me i'm not the only one who thinks so...
  22. mystfalcon25


    i played a lot of blitzball... Oh well the game itself was nice and the graphics were cool too (although they wasted a lot of space on a lot of CG's) disliked the ending tho (but that's another topic) the useful CG's are well-done (my personal favorite being the one from Zanarkand in the opening) and the graphics all-around are nice too.. I just wish there was a world map now THAT would make the game better
  23. truthfully, it isn't necessary for them to swear... But if they do that's ok too. Maturity level...? Well i dont think that swearing is mature OR immature. As far as im concerned, a word is a word... The word Damn is no different from the word Potato... ok bad analogy but im sure you get my idea... After all it would sound weird to say, "Yeah well Potato you!!!!" I suppose swearing kinda accents what they say... I mean saying DAMN IT sounds a bit more forceful then DARN IT which is probably why they chose to swear... Anyway that about covers it. Swearing in FF games is ok but i can live without it...
  24. Gee, im glad that at least some people agree with me that 7 is the best...
  25. I, too, used to play an instrument and gave it up for choir. I used to be 1st chair viola, i was really good. Then i gave it up. I prefer choir over instruments though, it's a heckuva lot easier to sing than to play instruments.
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