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Everything posted by Gohan_1

  1. I have one on tripod but they won't let me build a chat room on there.
  2. I have glasses but at the end of the month I think I'm getting contacts
  3. I've been on there site and it's so darn confusing. Can anyone guide me through it? Thanks!
  4. How can I harness my energy?
  5. For the most part I still am a loner.... I have 3 or 4 good friends, and the rest don't pay attention. And I"m sort of glad too.
  6. You're lucky! My vacation doesn't start for 2 weeks! Geez, in the UK you're lucky! Our Christmas Vacation is a week and a half and Easter is 1 week!
  7. What?!?!?!?!?!?!?! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!! As stated before, it's a good vs. evil type thing. Well, if they're compaigning against it, why don't we campaign for it? There are NO morals in Tom & Jerry. You've got to tell them that. As you said, it's a cat and a mouse trying to kill each other.
  8. Ok, let me get this this straight.... Gohan DID die right?
  9. Please don't kill yourself! Here's some things to think about: A: Don't Drink! B: Go to Confession C: TELL YOUR MOM THE TRUTH! If you don't things will just end up much worse. Please don't do anything drastic! There are people on this forum who enjoy your company. PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!
  10. No, I don't think I'd want to do that to him.... For that matter I wouldn't want to do that to any of them.... lol
  11. Get real.... It should have been a tattoo of Gohan!
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]I don't think he knew about him. Going by the dubs, he said something like, "Hey Chichi, there's a little me behind your leg." He was probably too busy training to even notice. As a matter of fact, he didn't know about Android 18's marriage to Krillen and he was surprised by how much Gohan had grown up. [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, Chi Chi, there's a little me behind your leg! Now there's an odd statement!
  13. Ok. F-r-i-g-g-e-n J-o-k-e I guess you can call me "Mr. Literal"
  14. It's a cartoon. REPEAT AFTER ME- C-A-R-T-O-O-N. Cartoon. Good. Now again, very good. I think that you're taking this just a bit to far!
  15. I have just finished my new website and it has a forum(It's not for DBZ, but model trains, my other hobby) I was wondering how you manage to keep such a forum in a good order. Thanks!
  16. You gave me my laugh for a day! And I thought I was insane! BTW, I think that he might have hit the nail right on the head. Maybe this is just a case of mind over matter. It'd be pretty cool if we could fly though.
  17. I have friends arguing about what the maximum level is. One says 4, the other says 5. So which is it? Thanks!
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