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About Yefim

  • Birthday 06/07/1974

Profile Information

  • Biography
    my image is shadowed, large a nd beautiful LOL
  • Occupation
    I own the employment at a market ,that is local
  • Favorite Anime
    mylove has to belong to Monsters For Pockets;. Pikachu has cute!

Yefim's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/6)



  1. [SIZE=4]It is nice to my mind the Chinchi Sumari characters.they fly as a whirlwind and wave Daggers.:o Harukai Nichi Lotus Dances are perceived by the imagination, which belongs to me. Lizardmen enjoy me in addition ( this is the assumption to me that you wear the green scales LOL:animesmil) .the time will come when the Chibi-Sans to start power moves , I welcome with gratitude. characters with cute ha ve preference to me, in addition as well to.:catgirl: . ('___')[/SIZE]
  2. :catgirl:[quote name='miko Hay ashi']I understand what you're saying. ^_^ I'll be your friend! And welcome to Otaku Boards[/quote][SIZE=4]This is my luck!, I ha ve glad. :animesweato be friends with you pleasures myself with the hope it lasts long time . very thanks to you!:animesmil[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=4]I al;ways have the preference of Monsters For Pockets since Pikachu is the favorite to myself . that is the alone re ason I witness the program(however the Rocket Team creates laughing from me with consistensy :animesmil ) It is one suggestion of me to you ,tyke46 to view this program on the television; I create the guarantee of your love for it!;)[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=4]Hello fellows on our home page! Yefim Alekseev is name that belongs to me ( which is plain to be obvious LOL) . my life is a village in Riga, Latvia and she is beauty:catgirl:. I live about thirty five years , but no one can keep record LOL .I have an attack of conscience ,because my written English was not as pristine as I would love :/:animesigh (with sincerity I dream all of you will read this clearly)I have always been committed to moving art from Japan. this iswhy I decided to conclude an alliance with the site (Pikachau is a preference to me! :animesmil ). my fondest wish to be loved you all.All this is true, I do. [/SIZE] [SIZE=4]Yefim Alekseev :)[/SIZE]
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