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Everything posted by SSJ Pud

  1. Wow my highest rating ever :cool:
  2. on one hand i own a gamecube :flaming: :mad: One the other hand i do think it sux right about now :rolleyes: :bawl: And on the third hand (somehow) that is hella funny and is well done, looks realistic
  3. Here a Banner i amde of Brolly, frankly i think its one of my best
  4. i think they do mention it being called that. BTW how did u get such a massive banner, did'nt it restrict u with the 500X100 rule?
  5. shady type characters might look at the answers then post them and say they knew them qhich would ruin the quizes
  6. the only criticsm i have is the images are fuzzy/blurry
  7. ok well it looks better when its an image like that but i can do addresses also. The reason for the text being over it and the images being a bit crowded it because he requested all those images on the banner, and it was difficult to fit them all heres one i made for myself [url]http://www.boomspeed.com/pud1/banner10.jpg[/url] Heres one with Vegeta and Goku (i realize using the same pic is unoriganal so i may change it) [url]http://www.boomspeed.com/pud1/VandG.jpg[/url] Heres one i did of PA, which btw fetched my a sound flaming from many of the professional artists on the PA forums. Unless u are VERY VERY good i would'nt suggest posting there cause they will rip u apart. I was even told to chop off my hands so i would never make another one :eek: [url]http://www.boomspeed.com/pud1/PennyArcade.jpg[/url]
  8. SSJ Pud


    pwn is gamer talk for own, which means u are alot better than me :)
  9. Here's some new stuff i did Banner for Trainer, hes gotta get it still, dun know if he will use ok id like to put up the others, but i dont know how to upload multiple images, can someone help plz
  10. I notice a little ridge across the top that should be smoothed, and the lettering needs to be anti-aliased or something, its a little rough
  11. I understood the Got Milk? parady but i did'nt get the God Part My answer is somewhat :)
  12. SSJ Pud


    makes sense to me, it gives it a nice blizzard type effect
  13. SSJ Pud


    Nice u pwn me at drawing, very effective use of color and faicla expression.
  14. hmm i dont get it. But ok :laugh: What program did u use?
  15. u can see a really nice trailer at [url]www.apple.com[/url] as log as u have quicktime
  16. That was pretty harsh, although i think he right about the right grphic ending on the left :) other than that gj
  17. U cant go SSJ at all whil u are Using the Mstic powerup i bleive
  18. Is it just me or is Trunks in all forms missing from the character list on theotaku.com site? I would think hed be a big enough influence in the show to have him on there :eek:
  19. *homer and flanders are driving through snow* *homer runs over something* Flanders: sounds like we hit something! Homer: HAHAH I hope it was Flanders! *Flanders gives him a dirty look* Homer: i.i..was jus kdding, hey ur all right Ralph: The doctor said id get less nosebleeds if i kept my finger out of there Wiggum: Where on my badge does it say anything about protecting people? Lou: Uh second word cheif
  20. Has anyone seen the new Trailer for this :eek: :eek: Looks amazing in my opinion My only true problem from it, is pretty major though WHERE THE BLOODY HELL IS VIN DISEL!!! :flaming: ANyway what do u think?
  21. I actually liked spiderman (probably alone on that) and disliked X-Men (that 2) Ill probably DL Dardevil, cause from what i heard it is like a show on The WB acting and effects wise. I think the hulk actually looks pretty good from the new trailer. The part where he swings that tank aorund and throws it like 100 yards is almost scary :)
  22. I may get it. Hes one of those people i actually have enough respect for to BUY their music
  23. Apparently he did'nt get the point is too make fun of the U.S. and not Iraq :drunk:
  24. SSJ Pud


    there are lots, i use geocities, but it pretty much sux, im looking for a good new free one
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