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Everything posted by SSJ Pud

  1. Lol i jus find annoying when he transforms that he spends like 2 episodes cracking his neck..... And his voice does suck alot. SOunds kind of like hes groaning alot.
  2. maybe its jsut me but iv always thought there is no such thing as a htousand million. It goes to 999 million the goes to 1 billion :cross:
  3. Im not accusing u of anything, but i seem to remmeber a very similar chart on another website...
  4. Hmm heres a good pic of dark magician, and Yami Yuki is the spirt that resides in Yugis millenium puzzle (i thnk)
  5. Goku is NOT realted to Turles. AS was stated in the movie, and in these forums b4, All lowerclass sayians look similar and that is why they look almost identical, except for the skin shade. Raditz of course is his brother.
  6. Grape pie? Chichi: Gohan go study Gohan: **** u! get off my back u *****! Vegeta: Kakarot is superior to me Goku: No thanks im not hungry Piccilo: Boy i need a manicure
  7. Hmm i thought the ankh was called the millinuim key?
  8. Theres alot of differences between the show and the game anyway.
  9. That is a good point. Jus because neither fighter could reach 2gether they were powerful enough.
  10. Closed is my bet but i think the Ginyu force was pretty gay cause of there dancing. They were not even serious fighters.
  11. What i am looking for is a program that would help someone who is a n00b make banners and other images, and basiclly start them off and teach them. I basiclly know nothing so an easy to use one would be nice. Also i am a cheapskate so it needs to be a freebie ;) ty.
  12. Is it jus me, or was there a thread on this very same topic awhile back? [img]http://geocities.com/bannerhost/banner1.gif[/img]
  13. 1. you can edit your posts, so there is no need for 2. 2. People have already pointed out he could become an oozaru, u should both the question AND answers b4 posting so u do not repeat urself.
  14. LOL three people jus said that, i dun think u have to repeat it again, plus that answer does not give much information.
  15. Yes this jus meant, when they were normal sayains, there power levels were similar, not taking into account, the SSJ levels
  16. Maybe there whole race is so powerful they have to have different forms to conserve energy.
  17. Son Gohan? U mean the old one?
  18. It does make sense because this forum is for reall Dragonball series. Also u can't really grow on some topics (such as this one) I mean you can argue why sayain females cant go SSJ for years and in the end you still won't have a concrete answer. Everyone will still have different opinions but it will still be a mystery.
  19. hmm i thought everyone knew "u" was computer lingo for "you". As for your first amendment rights (snicker) do u really think they apply here? If u post something the admins, and mods dont want up, feel is pointless, or against the rules, they will delete it, and eventually ban you. I don't think they really care about your freedom of speech, as you can start your own forums anytime you like. There are such things as pointless arguments, because you can ask a question about DBZ that is never explained and therefore can never be conclusivly answered, and because there is no answer, there will be an endless argument between the 2 sides and no one will ever be right. DB Af is fake, and is not considered part of the Dragonball universe. I don't know if you are allowed to discuss it in General anime, or maybe another part of the boards, but here you are not. the rules clearly state andy topics about dragonball af will be closed and it is not to be discussed. Btw, Mr. Perfect, u spelt Organized wrong. [color=indigo]I hope you don't mind me using your post for a quick second. I don't feel like wasting my own post on this quick thing. Skye, with your whole "amendment" deal, U.S. Constitutional rights don't apply on the internet. If this board consisted only of U.S. citizens, then maybe it could abide by U.S. laws. Our main Admin here is from Australia for crying out loud. You can't force other people from other countries to abide by your own contries laws. If you insist on continuing this debate, I suggest you PM me so we can stop making a mess of this topic. - PiroMunkie[/color]
  20. yeah srry i made errors on Vegeta and Raditz. As fo the turles comment, i dont really know what u are trying to tell me :therock: That there should have been a colon, then Apostrophes(sp?)? Lol that is major nitpicking.
  21. Did'nt they have TVS back then? Muten roshi would have heard about the destruction he was causing on Tv, jus like in the cell games or during the Sayain saga. And powerful warriors who could fly would probably come to his island and tell him anyway. If he heard about it he may have come and fought Goku, and if he managed to get his tail off i think he could have won.
  22. Actually he is adhering to the forum rules, Female SSJ leads to pointless arguments, spam, and often brings up DB AF. He knows the rules so listen to him. Once again i have to say that ur post is a jumbled mess that's very hard to read. If u wanna quote someone use the button, so its in a seperate box and much easier to read.
  23. If u wanna quote someomne jus hit the qoute button and it will copy it automaticlly into a nice little box so its easier to tell its a quote. There were actually 7 Sayains who survived, Goku, Vegete, Nappa, Radditz, Turles, Brolli, and Paragus. Turles is in movie three the tree of might, and it does not say how he survived it. He is killed be Goku. Brolli is the legendary super-sayian and Paragus is his father. When Vegeta blew up Brolli used his immense power to protect himself and his father. He latar came after Goku, because he was driven mad as a child be Goku's crying. I think Brolli is killed by a combo kamehameha (not sure from who) the first time and by trunks, goten and krillen when he is bio brolli.
  24. LOL thats 2 people who ahve ignored u thus far, and spoken on things u said not to bring up, Look like ur gunna have to hand out some asskicking to remind everyone whos boss around here :laugh:
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