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Everything posted by Zachary

  1. um Goku learned Fuison when he was on The other world -Right after Cell. They mentioned fuison after vegeta died. the episode hasent been showed on cartoon network.
  2. shes okay SPOLIER*** even though she isnt real
  3. im 13. I live in Illinois.
  4. this avatars are awesome, i only looked through 4 pages though. I had a hard time choosing which one.
  5. Im not doing any thing. Except i might goto JAPAN
  6. Yum, i love red/ cherry. Its so good.
  7. i guess version 3, i cant remember which ones which.:laugh:
  8. Im extremely shy. I never talk to anyone in school unless they talk to me first. Im probaly one of the shyest people around.
  9. I sometimes sing in the shower depends what mood im in. - This is my first post in the NEW and IMPROVED otakuboards
  10. actually some magazines i read gamve it a bad score like 7.0. I consider that bad:laugh:
  11. So there not selling well?
  12. Im not to sure about Sakuya being a shadow it makes the story kinda confusing. But Thundercats took its place. I just dont understand, Thundercats that stupid show for Tenchi in tokyo? i dont understand at all. And they were about to show a really cool looking episode.
  13. Ive played Journey to Jaburo and it sucks majorly journey to jaburo sucks. It kinda okay but i think its control makes it awful [size=2][color=blue]Please don't bring back old topics by double posting. -Crazy White Boy[/size][/color]
  14. I dont really like it, its wierd how you can take off some of there clothes.
  15. The us version of tekken 4 will have more stuff. More than the japanese have....
  16. i have 2 gundum Models, but none of those level of commetment ones
  17. I want to see it bad but to they show it on TV or do i have to buy the sepret tapes? And what age would it be recommended for?
  18. According to the redbook of Westmarch my name stood for Crying Dark Elf. My Dwarfen name is........ Lerin Skybow. Finda fruty?
  19. You can find DVDs of The Worlds Strongest, and The tree of might. I think the VHS of Coolas Revenge, and Lord Slug. I dont know where to find Brolli tapes, i dont think there out in the USA. Maybe on Ebay
  20. 1. Goku steped on him when he was a giant monkey 2. She was mad cause of the girls that liked him] 3. 4. To buy Water 5. After Roshi shows him the techniqe 6. Im not sure
  21. Im not jelous, i live in illinois, and im going to the anime convention. April 19 - 21. I heard about it from Suncoast.
  22. I guess its okay. I'm not that impreesed with it.............
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