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Everything posted by Zachary

  1. Ya, look in the anime section, its defienly thereon VHS or on DVD.
  2. So Yu-Yu Hakusho Cowboy Beepop Pilot Canidate Gundum 0083 OutLaw Star Tenchi Muyo! is that right?
  3. Ya the last episode was sad:confused: . I cant wait to see what happens next
  4. Ya they got rid of Tenchi In Tokyo, for Thunder Cats. That was so stupid......:flaming:
  5. I had a bad birthday (april 6th), all i got was 150 dollors thats it no presents no nothing
  6. Im 14 and live in Illinois. I turned 14 April 6th
  7. I went no where it was so boring
  8. So its on Saturday, but no tenchi right?
  9. Wow, the next episode of tenchi in tokyo(tommorow) is called Sakuyas secret it will tell what it is........ I think i know it, she has a camera that takes peoples souls, i saw a preview and it looked awesome.......................
  10. I always lose my moms trust. But she trusts mostly
  11. Suncoast, has all the Tenchi tapes and Shows(episodes) on DVD....... Im not sure what else though
  12. I kinda like Ryoko more than Aeaka. Aekeas more annoying though
  13. Love is the best thing you will experence
  14. Tenchi on CN. Yeah i watch it every day. It just started after ending a few weeks ago......
  15. One of my neighbors knows who Tenchi ends up with but she wont tell me. She said it was in a movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I was wondering is Tenchi on Mon-Fri(4:00 Central) and On Adult Swim, is it on any time other? like on saturday? I dont really have time to watch it cause of school and i cant stay up for adult swim, is it on any other times? and 2nd is Adult Swim only on Fridays?? i really need to know, THANKS.....
  17. In the buu saga Chiatzu and Tien were traveling to somewhere. Thats all i saw in the show nothing more
  18. Ya there sure is alot. Every time Gohan/Goku/Trunks/Ect. shoot a beam theres smoke. It doesnt really matter to me though
  19. Well when i watch Dragonball, the episode is at where goku takes down the RR army. I dont think it showed The pirates tresure
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