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Everything posted by Zachary

  1. SS trunks 98/100 Lilback2back 96/100 great line ups
  2. all i know is when Goku was born master roshi is 355 years old. But can that really be right??? Krillens 1 year older than Goku. Bulmas 16 when she meets Goku. I know that.....
  3. Zachary


    Goku has to search for the Black star balls too be turned back into an adult, right?
  4. Even if he was in GT he'd be ................. about 60 or so. I think. And i think he would be too old. And for the tien question. He left the Z warriors to train with chiotzu. he never came back. But he was shown 1 time in the buu saga
  5. I thought power puff girls where an anime. Well i thought it came from japan. When i saw an episode there was Japanese writing on the signs and stuff, and the music video about them had writing in Japan. Teaching you how to write the characters names. Well anyway Power Puffs are stupid as is batman
  6. I've seen very little of it, but it caught my attention. It looked really cool. I just hope i can stay up to watch the whole episode:) :nervous: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
  7. Hey, Hey!!! i've been waiting for you. I just replied to your topic and waited for you and then Bulma Vegeta 1 Posted . Dont be mad at me
  8. Name: Shin-Jai Gender: Male Age: 38 Aperence: Blue Vest, and blue pants(kinda like Goku in GT) Trained By: Goji a man of martial arts, and a great frieng of Shin-Jai Power Level: 29,749,200 Race: 100% saiyen Attacks: Kamehameha, Death ball, Burning attack, Spirit Bomb (finishing move) Bio: He teaches Martial Arts and he always willing for a fight
  9. I think Beckett collecter said Goku was born in 700 A.D
  10. Zachary


    I think, Some guy makes a machine that makes goku small
  11. Whats the best lineup to use in all of the Final fantasy game?Or what lineup do you use I'd say FF7-Cloud, Barret, Red XII FF8-Squall, Rinoa, Zell FF9- Zidane, Garnet, Eiko, Vivi FF10-Tidus, Lulu, Yuna(or Auron)
  12. Yeah i'd say Summer too here in america. Well at least Tenchis on Saturday night
  13. Realistic is alot better than 2D. It feels more real!
  14. Tidus is defiently nothing like a girl. He absolutley NO girl characteristacs
  15. Subsitute is probaly in G/S/C. maybe someone learns it
  16. Well, in crystal Suicanes easy to catch. But Raiko and the electric one are really hard to find. There worth it though. Mewtwo, is defiently worth it. The only rare pokemon that i think isnt worth the try is :ball: Mew:ball:
  17. i've played Jorney to Jaburo and i didnt make it far. Its not fun at all, its really hard to control
  18. Name: Polar Kion Trainer First Pokemon: Squrtle Bio: A Shy man who is always willing to fight. His favorite type is Ice/Water Looks: Blue Sweater, Blue Jeans, Blue eyes, Blonde hair
  19. Hummpp, ive wanted to play DBGT final bout so bad. but i can only find it at funcoland for 200$. jessh there trying to rip me off
  20. If you have Flare yet use it. Make sure EVERYONE has full overdrives(including aeons). It has 60,000 HP right?
  21. Ive really never thought about it. But you guys are right that the storys much better if they kill off the main character
  22. How much swears does Blue sub 6 have? I heard 1 swear in the whole thing and that was Dam
  23. I finnaly reserved DBZ legacy of Goku.
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