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Everything posted by Zachary

  1. Zachary


    so its true that you can only get celebi by cheating. people have told me many ways of getting him. 1 for example was get a tentacool (male) and breed it with ditto and i got the egg with a level 5 tentacool in it. Jesssshh
  2. i got pokemon crystal about 3 months ago and i have all 16 badges. i gotta say its different from g/s but not by that much. battle towers cool
  3. Luigia is better and stronger but ho-hoh is cooler and better colered.;)
  4. JSRF is defiently the most fun X-box game out there. its SO fun. sprayine things and killing cops and helicopters. Any one who has an X-box should get it.
  5. Zachary

    PS2 RPG's

    the RPGs that i think look cool are Wild Arms 3 Grandia Extreme Final Fantasy XI Suikoden III FF8 remake FF9 Remake Lunar 3 Star Ocean 3 theres more i just cant think of em at the moment;)
  6. it took my brother 45 minutes but then his party fainted. he made it to the last form using dart kongol and rose. Just make sure you do your additions right and get alot of healing items
  7. ive seen screens and previews. looks really cool:babble:
  8. Ghost in a shell was a pretty good movie but isnt close to being my favorite:laugh:
  9. When i was looking in the Tenchi section on Toonami.com. I looked at Sakuyas profile and it said she has a secret that would brake up tenchi and his freiends for ever or something like that. What is that secret? Toonami said to wait and see. I really want to know.
  10. ive seen that too. I also saw a picture of Goku and mr satan fused form. but thats just a pic
  11. Zachary

    FFX help

    use wakka lulu and yuna. Wakka to defet the thing disableing you to use magic. Then use your aeons and characters for an easy victory
  12. Zachary


    why do you think Sakuya is a B*tch?
  13. the PC game is called Dragonball Z bid for power
  14. my favorite moments have trunks in it
  15. Zachary


    ok i think i know em now
  16. i have the trunks series about 200 cards. alot of em rare
  17. its goona take me a while
  18. ive also been wondering how raditz would look ssj
  19. Zachary


    hi, i was just wondering if anyone could tell me the names of the characters in tenchi. the importent names. im starting to like it. all i know is tenchi and eiaka
  20. x-mens cool i really like the movie
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