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Everything posted by HypnotizedGohan

  1. o yah i forgot to add my other uncle he looks alot like George Clooney. We got into this dinner 4 free cuz of him....and i look like my uncle too ^^so i saw a george clooney in the mirror this morining. Sry i am brain dead 2night/morning
  2. in looks.... Goten has a round nose as goku does not Goku is way chubbier than Goten in fighting.... Goten had more power Goku therefore had ore technique Those are some differences that i can think up off the top of my head...i know there is way more but my head hurts.
  3. can't....see......"tail":drunk: but that was one of y theories of wut "Z" stood for SuperSaiyan. Now i'm not alone!!
  4. i saw Will Smith...no lie either i saw him in a city in New Jersey, you might of heard this already but i saw him at the auction for the Donation of his ali sweater. but when they went to go show it off it had been stolen ((i did it!! no j/k)) but i am on the search 4 it and if you see it please tell me and tell me the person's description so i can hunt him down and kil him!! and an in-famous encounter was with my uncle at my house. he's in a band called Sum 41 no big thing...no but he is in a band called Blessid Union of Souls, pokemon the first movie fans should know their song Brother my Brother.
  5. i feel like killing myself sumtimes cuz i want to knowhow my dogs are doing (i think they're dead) but to me it's just not worth it i mean yah so wut if i barely have any friends but still suicide is not worth it to me. BG try getting your friend help i mean talk to her, that's wut my girl did when i stuck up a knife to me. Then we talked and now i'm just fine. So that might help your friend. If not that tell her how much she can help in society with one of her abilities or talents. Just talk to her is my way of thinking it will help her.
  6. me i don't really think about it, i know were gonna die at one point so to figure out wut its like to be dead you need patience(but sum aren't patient and figure out it is bad where they ended up). The only type of thinking about death is killing myself....no iwon't do it, but it is just that my life got screwed up 2 years ago and that i really didn't care about life from then on. I mean everynight i cry in agony asking god why all this crap happened to me. I mean right now i'm crying al over the pc. This is wut got my life screwed up....it was the day after my b-day, 2:00 am i was having a nightmare cuz i knew sumthing bad was happening, i finally woke up, went to my mom's room shaking really fast. then i heard my window break and my dad was standing there with his fist bleeding after i went and saw wut happened. My dog then stood in front of me snarling at him i was crying like crazy. The my mom starts yelling at my dad. Next thing i know my dad is holding a knife up to my mom. Then i got pissed i walked up to him and kicked the back of his leg as hard as i could. He then dropped the knife that lmost stabbed me. Then my mom called the cops. Then my dad "left" and he was at the end of the driveway, he put it in reverse and torn down the whole front part of the garge. Then he put it in drive and totaled my mom's car. Then the cops came and took him away. Then 1 year later after my drama practice my mom imitates barking cuz my dogs would always bark when sum1 enters. Then i'm like yah really funny then i start whisling for my dog Goldy. She doesn't come and then right then i knew wut happened, she was sent to the SPCA, and then i screamed so loud my friend down the street came to see wut wuz wrong. Then my mom told me that she sent her to the SPCA my fist clecnched and i felt like punching her but i sighed. The next day i just start crying repeatedly then my teachers finally send me to Guidance. I go there and start flippin out breaking the cahir and desk. Then i got sent home. Well then finally a year later in 6th grade my mom tells me why Goldy was sent to the SPCA. It was because of the damage my dad did to our proprty, the insurance wouldn't help cuz it was oin our land. Then only a month later i find out i need to move all the way across the country. I tell my girlfirend and she starts crying, then i do, and then the rest of the school year i just cry out of nowhere. We pack and everything on the last day i lived here. Then my dad calls to take this thing to court. Well i tell my friends at the end of the schoolyear that i'm leaving July 6th. Well on July 9th ppl call and ask me when are you moving, then i got so pissed cuz they should of knew i was leaving 3 days ago, so then right then i decided to Rebel all my friends and be an outcast. I studied when i wanted to, i got into fights, i learned my own ways. Until finally when i was trying to talk to my mom i had to scream to get her, she hit me right across my face. And i juat stood there staring at her. Then that is when i finally pushed it, i got a knife in my hand and put it right to my chest. Then she said "i didn't mean it" and then i put the knife down. Ever since i just thought to my self why should i live, why am i even here, why do i have all this stuff when it's not deserved. I just think to myself why, why, why. That basically summarizes why i am so easily shut down, and pissed. uz i red the suicidal stories, i feel sorry to the friends of them but then when i red them i sed to myself "i shouldn't kill myself, cuz i feel important now" just 4 sum reason it made feel important. damn and this started out talkin about death..:eek: but anyway i'm posting up a poem about those events once i find it. and sumtimes i feel that my dogs are dead. so that is y i'm not scared cuz i want to see them
  7. i like some modern day animes like DbZ. it is just that i think older animes are much better. everybody has their own opinions so please no fighting if one has already, or is gonna happen. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Merchant [/i] [B]No dragon ball doesn´t have CGI, it´s too old for that.[/B][/QUOTE] DB was made in the late 1980s and i seen computer animated movies from those ages.
  8. i know one thing bart simpson would be happy because he loves the Itchy and Scratchy show, because it is the same concept. But still i sed it before it would be insane to replace dbz with Tom and Jerry!! some parents are knuckleheads.
  9. dag yo sum young ppl out here i'll roll on the floor if i see a 5 year old out here, but anyway south park is hilarious sum body familiar on south park (forgets who)::drunk:
  10. been awhile since i used it uh....edit pages with HTML cuz there are no site builders on angelfire. i'd use topcities.com if i you are good with html or you just need a media host you get 150 megs 4 free.
  11. **possible spoilers** in GT he goes to this gambling place in the universe and he has to survive his greatest fear then Chi Chi yells at him in this nurse suit then she takes out this big needle and jabs it in him and then he starts to cry and you can't cry then he sucks in the tear it is weird but it is hilarious.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]i got every card from every set except for the ultra rares. :mad: :cussing: [/B][/QUOTE] my friend has all, and my other friend sed their is a ultimate rare with 7stars, it is like this master roshi card but it is fake he lies, he sed he had a gamecube 3 months before it came out.
  13. that is where cable connections come in
  14. it all started out when Mr. Bibidi and Mrs. Bibidi...........j/k but bibidi made him to kill the universe just like all the other ppl sed.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nico [/i] [B]Tom and Jerry has more moral value [/B][/QUOTE] ah man that is rich:laugh: :bellylol: :blulaugh: :haha: just put it this way dbz is better than Tom and Jerry!!
  16. they use alot of techniques, like boxing (gohan and vegita do), kung-fu, ancient karate (okinawan like using punches in twists), jujitsu, there are alot of styles used in the series but those are the ones off the top of my head.
  17. i have tons of space on my drive i just download...^_^
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]DBZ does not have any CGI in it at all[/B][/QUOTE] yah it does when trunks is fighting freeza that big ball, that was used with computer progaming, and in some fights in dbz all the punches are lines.
  19. i look like matt from digimon except my hair is dark brown with silver streaks. also suttin really scary is that my name is matt too!!
  20. all new modern day animes aren't even animes i mean if you go old school to Astroboy you see that that is an original anime, but today you find that animes aren't even like animes. I mean look at Zoids, digimon, and dbz they all use computer animation in some/most parts of it. In the old animes they used fast pace action not making lines as movements or anything but when you look at dbz when they punch they use lines for speed, not in the old animes they make the punches nice and fast. Basically i want your opinion on which animes are better today or old.
  21. 1.4 yah...:rolleyes: i think it was a typo about 1.5.
  22. but all there faces are angry lookin and it is still hard to tell!! but for real no lie gohan and goten lok exactly alike and vegeta now that i look at it he does look diff. so i'll just say whoever is goten and gohan but thanx for tellin me about vegeta now that i look at him.
  23. in gt i think they fight against each other, fight against sum1 or wutever but it is hard to tell the difference. They are all wearing white shirts, all in ssj form, thus the hair look exactly the same?! please tell me if you know sum magical way to tell the diff. thnx!
  24. well it's been awhile since i've been in an rpg so i'm in my char status... Name:Matt Age:13 Description: Well has short hair pushed up in front, wears skating clothes like element, independant, stuff like that Bio: Pure skater and drawer, is sorta a playa can't stand not having girlfriends, listens to punk rock Personality: Gets mad easily, but he usualy stays on his calm side but when sum1 messes he goes straight at them
  25. i only saw to of them at eckerd they were link and DK i dunno if they have Samus -edit-i'll draw a sketch of one on the pc to show ya the concept-edit- [color=indigo] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/color] sorry about double posting mods but i need to do it for the concept of the toy so below is the attachment to the diagram of it it is really poor just to tell ya.(the diagram) [color=indigo][size=1]There, I combined them. If you forgot to post the attachment, or you want to post one later, just go in to edit your message, and copy the message to the clipboard, by highlighting the message and pushing Ctrl and C at the same time. Then delete the message, and go to post a new one. Paste the old message into the new message, by pressing Ctrl and V at the same time, and add the attachment. - jcgoudy[/size][/color]
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