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Raichu Tamer

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Everything posted by Raichu Tamer

  1. Right i need some people to help me runa quiz just like they have got in the zelda forum so i would like some volunteers if you please!
  2. I've Finished the game, but only with the Lv1 sword!
  3. The one Zelda game that i have completed, Links awakening It is a brilliant game which keep me occupied for hours, this is one of the harder Zeldas to complete, so i have heard (I got stuck on several occasions)and until i play the other zelda games this is my choice!
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B][b]As James so kindly informed me (thank you you stopped my friend moaning :D) Super Mario Sunshine comes out on the 4th of October in Australia, the exact same day as it comes out in England. I am twiddling my thumbs in anticipation.. :D I must say, Nintendo Europe have done a fantastic job on trying to get SMS over in England relatively quickly, as we had to wait an age for games such as Zelda: Ocarina of Time to come out on the N64..[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] I too am waiting eagerly for Mario to come out in England! what i don't see is why they don't release the Games in all the countries at the same time, It would make a lot of sense!
  5. o.k how many sea shells are there? and where are they all because that is how you get the level two sword isn't it?
  6. Right now im in the Wind fishes egg, has anyone got any information on the nightmare shadow?
  7. They could make a game of pokemon 3d so it would look like Final Fantasy 9
  8. Because i live in jolly old England i have too wait for certain games to come out normally a few months more then in the states. I have just oreded Mario Sunshine ready for its uk release on oct 4 and am very impatient, now i know this subject has hardly anything to do with this thread but why do the english have too wait months for games? i mean we had too wait a whole year just for pokemon Gold and Silver, that is what i call unfair because you get these crackpot people on the internet telling people how to complete games and i don't want to see that i mean i type in gamecube"Resident evil" into a search engine and it comes up with things like Cheat walkthroughs and more, and all i wanted was a review to see if it was any good, i didn't find one because i saw the walktrough thing and just turned off my computer in disgust now am i the only one who thinks this is wrong? Yours in disgust, Paul
  9. Beedrill is a definate no no Reasons: its a really rubbish pokemon just like magikarp and wobbuffet. i mean i once trained one up to lvl:100 but it took so long and the fact that whenever i battled it it fainted i got pretty pissed off at it and nearly ended up throwing the cartridge across the room!
  10. what a cool idea: 1. Raichu (natually) 2. Lance 3. Thunder 4. Wobbuffet 5. The bad guy from Crystal! Those are my things, and i havent made up any pokemon or pokemon trainers because i hardly have time what with college and work :(
  11. I know its bit of an old game but i am stuck on the Sixth dungeon or is it the fifth? its the one with the elephant statue things, anyway if anyone can help please reply because i really want to complete this game! Cheers for your help, Paul
  12. The first ever game i played was Lengend of Zelda for the NES and I loved it, but i never completed it. Speaking of Zelda can anyone tell me how i get through the sixth dungeon on Zelda Links Awakening for the Gameboy? [color=indigo]I'd be happy to help. Just post a thread in the Zelda forum, or PM me with where you're stuck in the dungeon. - Desbreko[/color]
  13. Lavitar can only be caught in silver cave, end of story!:smirk: Wobbuffet can be in dark cave quite near the beginning of the game, i know i found one. Pokemon that you can have in your team are: Pidgey in is extremly helpful when it evovles to its higher forms and if taught fly you will be completely dependant on it for getting around. Pikachu: i would trade one across from another game at a really low level because i find that these pokemon are extremly helpful and that they can be quite powerful if trained correctly. Onix: a very good Pokemon to have because quite a lot attacks don't do a lot of damage to it and then when you have got the Metalcoat you can evolve it into steelix because steelix is cool. Those would be the ones i would have for my team if i started again.
  14. It is actully a symbol of peace for some foriegn (sp) country!
  15. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooo i want to see that episode.
  16. You can let Lugia learn Aeroblast on gold: just put your gold pack in the nintendo 64 Pokemon stadium 2 game and complete the game using a team made from your Pokemon then it gives you the option of letting you teach a move to a Pokemon that has forgotten it. every time you want to this you have to complete the elite four on staduim it does get rather tedious(sp.). Anyway you can never have to many of one type of move on your Pokemon take my charizard for example: Charizard LV:76 Item charcoal Moves Flamethrower Slash Fly Dig the moves it used to have were: Flamethrower FireBlast Fire Spin Wing attack I changed it because i wanted to battle a friend with only the one Pokemon each and i won.
  17. get yourself an Onix then you can get a steelix!
  18. I have more nicknames since i started Red again: Pigeotto- BREEZER Charmeleon- ZIPPO (i love this name) Beedrill- SPINDEL Raticate- RATMAN
  19. Well i have taken your information in to account and will combine all information over Half term and see what i can use.
  20. oh Dream Teams i think i would have a Electric Dream Team: Raichu- i love Raichu Amphoras Electrode Electrabuzz Zapdos and of course no team would be complete without: Pikachu!!!
  21. who does have the money for a bunch of them.
  22. so to a certain extent the three starter Pokemon in each game are legendaries!
  23. I like a mixed team, well balanced you know in case you run in to a realy strong pokemon that the one type is weak to.
  24. I wouldn't have Steelix, one fire pokemon and your finished, i would replace it with this team: Raichu Magnet LV:100 ThunderBolt Thunder Zap Cannon Rain Dance Typlosion Charcoal LV:100 Flamethrower FireBlast DynamicPunch Sunny Day Ferilegatr(sp) Mystic Water LV:100 Surf Hydro Pump Slash Bite Meganium LV:100 Razor Leaf Solorbeam Body slam (need a move here any suggestions welcome) Pidgeot Sharp Beak LV:100 Fly Wing Attack Mirror Move Whirlwind - for annoying pokemon that won't let you run away. Dragonite LV:100 Hyper Beam Psychic FireBlast Thunder What a mixed bunch , i will welcome any suggestions to improving them with open arms.
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