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Everything posted by Raichu Tamer
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B][COLOR=indigo]A fire team Charizard Arcanine Flareon Typhlosion Entei Ho-oh[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] well thats understandable!
i've got another one Aerodactyl= Aeroy
good news, It Evolved
Wobbuffet is completly crap it does nothing apart from "WOBBUFFET" wheres the point of that?
Clone them then they will feel like Mewtwo does. so leave them i say! I mean how would they be cloned from what? a used tissue so that they break up in water? Then how will they know to evolve and learn new moves. christ you are all being stupid about this they will never live and if they do i'll eat my mouse (computer mouse more painful)
Hi Folks, Me again just to ask how i can make Togepi happy enough to get it to evolve? any ideas, just reply See Ya
Gaming New topic, don't think ne1 else thought of...
Raichu Tamer replied to Darkmoon's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkmoon [/i] [B]There aren't meny topices around here anymore, so I guess I'll try to bring the life back into here. Just answer these two questions: 1)Do you like the way the joto series is going? 2)If not, what would have been some improvements? These are my answers: 1) I do not like the way the Joto series is going, it's like I'm watching a repet of what's been happening in the kanto series, just watching it in a newer version. All the people they meet alone the way are kinda pridictable now too. 2) If I could improve it, I would have STOPPED it with ash and team rocket ( I'm not say that he's a bad person, but he is very predictable now, and I'm tiered of all the same problems starting over and over again), and I would have put a whole new character for the joto series. Someone that's not at all the same as Ash (he'd still be kind to his pokemon though), he caught his own pokemon, and erned his (this is getting annoyingly long isn't it? I thought so) badges instead of out of sympathy. there would be a whole new enemy (were would the story be without one?), except not like team rocket that always followed him around. So what do you think? How would you have done it? [/B][/QUOTE] Maybe they should have scooby doo type bad guy (the ones who wear masks and say i would have gotten away for it if it wasn't for those damn kids -
The Southern Island set is a set of 18 pokemon cards including six shinys they come in a presentation folder and six postcards, and three random boosters. (Gensis, discovery) It might be that they came out only in japan and England but i don't know all i know is that i picked them up for a tenner when they can go for £25!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zora's King [/i] [B][color=purple][i]How To duplicate many[/color][/i][color=purple][b]Master Ball[/color][/b][color=purple][i]in crystal version and where it entei.[/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] Just use a cheat cartrigde thats what i did.
Edit- Somebody got into my account and edited this post to make it obscene. I don't know what was in here origianlly, so I can't replace it. -Nerdsy
Christ .im a complete pokeaholic and i don't think they are real i mean they are only computer sprites.
what do people think of the Southern island pokemon card set? i think it is pretty good seems instead of the picture being shiny the actual card where the printing is shiny!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]I kind of nicknamed the Pokémon in my lineup; I just brought the letters of their names down to lower-case. It's much easier on the eyes that way, plus it looks more natural to see your character shout "Go, Vaporeon!" as opposed to "Go, VAPOREON!" [/B][/QUOTE] The name in capitals is supposed to make it look like the trainer is shouting just like in the cartoon.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]Hey, is Substitute even a move in the G/S Version? It's not a TM, and it's not even part of Mr. Mime's arsenal. So what's up with it? It was a great move, in my opinion. I hope they didn't take it out of the series... [/B][/QUOTE] It is in mr. Mimes move list he learns it quite early around l:10 i think:excited:
once Jigglypuff has evolved then it is a decent pokemon but until then its rather rubbish. I mean i didn't evolve mine until l:45 i had to take it through the Pkmn leauge no more then six times!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lilback2BACK [/i] [B]oh god, you say that's good, i have had pokemon silver for 1 year and played 180 hours. And what do you think of this unstoppable team? You don't have to rate, by the way, the Mew was caught by non gameshark, i got it from silver in the grassy areas. I dunno how I did it tho. Mew(shiny blue) Lv. 94 Item: Leftovers, HP: 866 Transform, learned at level 18 or 16 Metronome, learned at level 26 or 28 Thunder, was taught Ancient Power, learned at level 46 Attack: 496 Defence: 688 SPC Attack: 242 SPC Defence: 177 Tyranitar Lv. 100 Item: Leftovers, HP: 943 Earthquake, learned at level i forgot, i think 65 Hyper Beam, learned at level 75, PP: 8 Toxic, was taught Left out space for future move. Attack: 764 Defence: 987 SPC Attack: 645 SPC Defence: 454 Note: The reason her stats are very high is because I used all the HP Ups, PP Ups, Defence thangys and everything else I could get. Blastoise Lv 100 Item: Leftovers, HP: 777 Hydro Pump, was taught Hyper Beam, was taught Toxic, was taught Left out space for future move. Attack: 754 Defence: 422 SPC Attack: 224 SPC Defence: 325 Chansey(shiny) Lv. 100 Item: Leftovers, HP: 999 Minimize, learned at I forgot what level Defence Curl, i forgot what level, lol Soft Boiled, was taught in blue version Toxic, was taught Attack: 999 Defence: 999 SPC Attack: 863 SPC Defence: 686 Note: Chansey has never been beat, except once when it was a duel against my friend and he froze me, heh. Charizard Lv. 100 Item: Leftovers, HP: 353 Fire Blast, was taught Hyper Beam, was taught Fly, was taught Flamethrower, learned at level 36, i think Attack: 242 Defence: 375 SPC Attack: 168 SPC Defence: 231 Note: No Items was gave to Charizard, but soon he will have everything in it's 8 hundred's, hahah Another Chansey Excactly like the other one. I used the cheat clone pokèmon in silver. If you want to know that cheat, just reply back for it. [/B][/QUOTE] Someones been cheating with stats like that!
it doesn't matter what Pokemon you chose to battle with they are your Pokemon to use. If it was regarded as cheating to use tLegands, then why did they put them in the game in the first Place? surely they would have done with what they done with mew, make it so that you win them. I don't consider this way of battling cheating, i never have and never will. Why do People think they are cheating when used? If your so clever answer me that!
you can't catch Entei anywhere in particular. You can catch him anywhere in johto after the runs away from the Burned tower. this goes for the other Dogs as well.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] [color=green]Yeah, and what happens if you don't get it because of no room? Do you miss out on something?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] no not really but it helps when after you caught a pokemon that fills up your box, he rings a tells you, that you have to change it to catch more pokemon. If you have no room then make room.
I like it. it has the addictiveness of the other games but people regard it the same as Pokemon Pinball: Rubbish, but that is there own opinion. I think that is fun to play because you can collect all the origanal, fossil& jungle cards as well as ones made just for the game. The best thing about it is the shiny Meowth card you get with it!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pokeman [/i] [B]Mewtwo Leftovers Thunderbolt Would have made it thunder (may not work all the time but sure packs a punch when it does) Ice Beam Flamethrower Should have Fire Blast Psychic Arcanine Leftovers Curse whats this here for? it only cuts half your HP so that it is quicker for you to faint! Extremespeed Flamethrower Crunch Feraligatr King's Rock Hidden Power(Dark) Huh? Hidden Power on a Feraligatr whats that about should have put Hydro Pump or something Surf Earthquake Return Raikou Magnet Cut Weak move on a legend? m'kay you need your head sorted out put thunderbolt on there instead. Crunch Thunder Rain Dance this may help a bit but why? put zap cannon on its much better. Murkrow Focus Band Shadow Ball Faint Attack Haze Fly Dragonite Focus Band Outrage Thunderbolt Ice Beam put fire blast on or fly. Flamethrower [/B][/QUOTE] Thats basically how you could make your team better, but in the end its your team, thus making it your decision!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]Man, what's gonna be next: Legendary Fish?:eek: :eek: :eek: [/B][/QUOTE] Probably you never know, the creators of Pokemon are scrapping the bottom of the barrell for more pokemon ideas. I mean, next they'll have a pokemon that evolves into Magikarp or something...
Do any of you have nicknames for your Pokemon? i don't see what the point of nicknaming them is but i do have four with nicknames: Charizard-Zippo Venusaur-Fru Fru Blastoise-Shellshock Spearow-Kenya Have you nicknamed any Pokemon? If so replie and tell me waht they are and what Pokemon it is!
Get Eevee from Bill in Goldenrod city, he will say it came from the past and will ask ifyou want to look after it. Then his sister will give you his phone number(if you have any room, it is a handy number to have because you can check to see how full your box is!)
Can any one tell me about the ruins of alph big secret? i have done all the writing on the walls things and nothings happened please please please help me.