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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. That was DOOMGAZE, Tasis! Or DeathGaze, can't rememeber which... :bluesweat But I have SUCH a good question to you guys!!! From which movie does the names for Biggs and Wedge come from? And additional question: Biggs and Wedge-supporting characters appear at least in FFs 6-8. What was their destiny in each of the games, ie. what happened to them? Hehee, bite that... :naughty:
  2. Oh gosh, I have to go through them all... Well, you don't fight any of the four first ones (Ramuh, Siren, Stray or Kirin), or the ones in Vector labs (Maduin, Carbuncle, Unicorn, Shoat, Bismarck, Phantom)... no wait! Was there a monster called Phantom in the game?! In the Train to Beyond, maybe... Well, let's check the others just in case: Golem, Zoneseek, Fenrir, Seraphim, Starlet, Phoenix, Terrato, Alexander, Crusader, Odin, Raiden, Ragnarok, Bahamut... Was there more? But in that case my full answer (four monsters) is: Tritoch, Shiva, Ifrit, Phantom. Am I right?
  3. Okay, since I SEEM to have readers (looking at the number of views of this thread), I will post more. I'd just be happy if you readers would let me know who you are, so I can haunt feedback from you... :devil: Okay, kidding once again. :rolleyes: Let's MOVE ON! Oh, and as you propably read in episode 10, the Chosen are getting their second avatars now. And episode 12 (included to this post) will introduce the sixth Chosen. The seventh doesn't unfortunately appear before post-episode 20, and I haven't written the story that far... [FONT=century gothic] EPISODE ELEVEN: THE TOWER OF HALF-TRUTHS Though the four Chosen didn?t notice it at first, the marsh-scenery was slowly changing. The clouds dispersed, and the trees grew leaves. The mushrooms and swamp-vegetation vanished, and flowers and grass grew instead of them. In a matter of moments, the sinister marshlands had turned into fertile fields. Biyomon?s dark mood also disappeared, and she fluttered happily in the air. ?This is the [i]true[/i] Field of Glaerie. ?Oh, this is so beautiful!? Eirica gasped. ?Why did this place changed in the first place?? she asked the bird. ?It was all my former master?s doings. You?ll learn more when we find the Eye of Perfection.? Rosso looked troubled, as he was pondering something difficult. ?Umm, Biyomon? Why do you call it ?the Eye of Perfection?? I mean, isn?t your master evil as heck?? ?Actually, no, he isn?t?, the bird said seriously. ?My master is perfect.? ?Huh?? Rosso seemed even more puzzled. ?Just wait till we reach the tower?, the bird said determinedly. The four Chosen and the pink bird entered the white marble tower. The main hall was dominated by a glorious staircase with marble steps and golden balustrade. Scattered here and there in the hall were marble statues of female digimons, which the kids couldn?t name. ?The Eye is upstairs, but I don?t think my former servants allow us there?, Biyomon said quietly. ?Umm... Biyomon, what does your servants actually look like?? Rosso asked whispering. ?They are Bakemons, digimons covered entirely in ragged sheets. Why do you ask?? ?Because [i]they have us surrounded![/i]? Rosso shouted and ran towards the staircase. The other looked back, and saw dozen red eyed ghastly monsters closing in on them. They decided to follow the boy. ?Betrayer... Catch the betrayer...? the Bakemons hummed creepily, as they started to chase the humans. Rosso was several steps ahead of the others, so they didn?t notice him turning at the first possible corridor that crossed his road. Soon the Italian boy noticed that the others hadn?t followed him, and he closed himself in an empty room. But the room wasn?t as empty as the boy thought. A cold hand landed on his shoulder, making him scream like a slaughtered pig. ?Shut up, boy!? a strict voice said. Rosso couldn?t see the speaker, but he couldn?t find the door either, so he just fell to the floor sobbing in terror. ?Stop that! I am no threat!? the voice said, and suddenly a small, blue flame lit the room dimly. The speaker turned out to be a digimon in a white wizard cape and pointy hat. ?Calm down. I am Sorcerimon, the former master of this tower. You must be one of the Chosen, am I correct?? ?Umm, I guess... [i]How[/i] I got chosen, I don?t know, but...? Rosso stuttered. ?Yes, that is a problem. You must have a reason for saving us, or else you just ignore your destiny, don?t you agree?? The wizard spoke in too high-flown words for him, so Rosso just nodded. ?But no worry, I can help you?, Sorcerimon said mysteriously. ?If you help me. I need to get out of this room. The solar witch sealed me here with powerful spells. Now that she exists no more, a simple counter spell will do. Are you willing to help me, or shall I rotten in this room till the Day of Oblivion?? The wizard obviously left the boy with no options, so Rosso shrugged, and asked what he was to do. ?As you see, there?s a pentagram drawn on the floor. I cannot move outside it. Each of its horns represents one of the five elements: fire, water, earth, wind and spirit. You must unlock the seals that are placed on the tip of every horn by nullifying each of them?, the wizard explained. ?Err, say what?? Sorcerimon rolled his eyes, but continued patiently. ?Let us think about the seal of fire, for example. What do you think would put out flames?? ?Umm... water?? Rosso suggested. ?Very good. Now go fetch some liquid.? Rosso ran out of the door that the Sorcerimon?s light had revealed. He peeked to every room until he found a bathtub from one of them. ?How odd... Oh well, if it works, I don?t mind how it got here.? Soon Rosso returned to Sorcerimon with a glass of water, and poured it on the seal. The red gem disappeared to smoke. ?Then what?? he asked, turning to the captured wizard. ?It?s this way?, Biyomon pointed. The bird and the three kids had been hiding from the Bakemons with success this far. Now they were in front of a metallic door. ?In we go?, Ari said. They stepped inside a small room. In the middle of it was an amazing ball of light. It seemed to include all the colors of the world, dazzling it?s viewers with chaotic beauty. ?The Eye of Perfection?, Biyomon said sobbing. ?So, this is how you kept contact to your former master?, Ari said pondering. It was hard to believe that the amazing object in front of them was doings of a purely evil being. ?Yes. But we must be very careful if we?re going to use it?, Biyomon said dramatically. At the door Laissana kept watch to the corridor. She had noticed that Rosso had disappeared from their sight, and the fact that she was concerned of the little brat surprised even her self. Then her thoughts were disrupted as dozens of Bakemons flooded to the hallway, lead by a ghost-digimon in a black, pointy hat. ?They?re coming!? the girl warned. She started to close the heavy door, but she was too slow. The ghosts roamed to the room, and the one with the hat spoke. ?Princess, you have betrayed our master! You shall be punished!? Ari took out the digidex. ?Soulmon, a champion-level ghost digimon, likes to boss Bakemons around?, the machine said, as usefully as always. Laissana turned to the others. ?I think it?s time to rumble!? Rosso had now broken four of the seals: wind by putting a blanket on the seal, water by pouring some oil on it, and earth by using a hammer he found. Now only one seal remained: the seal of spirit. ?How can I break spirit? Should I mock it or something?? Sorcerimon looked at him amused. ?Having a strong spirit equals to having courage, compassion and vigor. What breaks all these virtues?? Rosso pondered it for a while, until he got it. ?Depression!? he exclaimed. ?But how can I find anything that matches gloominess? Oh, this is impossible!? And the seal shattered. The pentagram vanished, and Sorcerimon was free. ?I thank you for releasing me, Chosen one, but unfortunately I have to make my leave now.? ?Hey! Where are you going? Aren?t you going to help after all?? Rosso said disappointed. The digital wizard looked at him smirking. ?Such blue eyes... The world is rarely what it seems, little one. Perhaps our roads will cross someday, but until that day... Farewell!? And with these words, the icy digimon vanished. EPISODE TWELVE: THE PRICE OF POWER Kang sat on a stone and watched the sun set to the ocean, coloring the digital sky with strange rainbows. It was probably the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, yet he ignored its beauty completely. His mind was filled with dark thoughts of eternal loneliness and misery. Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by something splashing the ocean?s surface. He narrowed his eyes to see better in the dusk, and saw a long figure far on the horizon. It was definitely a monstrous digimon. The shape was circling around one of the few islands. Then he saw a big clash of light, and something flew towards him. He crouched behind the rock as a big corpse landed to the beach raising a cloud of sand. Kang approached the motionless figure lying on the beach. It obviously wasn?t the same he had seen on the horizon, for this was many times smaller ? yet three times the size of him. The pale light of the rising moon revealed the glittering armor constructed of scales and the two finlike wings on the creatures back. Suddenly it opened its eyes. They stared at each other for a long while. ?Who are you?? the monster asked finally. ?I should ask you the same question?, Kang replied. ?What? Oh, I?m still in this form! Wait a sec!? Suddenly the armored figure was gone and instead of it there was a young human-boy with dark skin, blue rastas and a beach outfit. ?See? We?re the same, you and me! My name is Cristobal, but you can just call me Cristo. So, were you summoned here as well?? the boy asked enthusiastically. Kang was a little surprised of finding another human being, but stiffly, in few words introduced him and told how he had got here. ?Cool! You?ve found an avatar, too, haven?t you? Mine ? the one you just saw ? is called Khnummon, the warrior of ocean.? The Chinese boy just nodded to this, and instead asked about the large monster he had seen in the horizon. ?Oh, [i]that[/i]! It?s been harassing me for a few days now, claiming that it is the true avatar of ocean! Can you believe it?? ?Not at all?, Kang said dryly. ?Do you have any other information about it? What are its intentions?? ?I don?t know, really... Maybe to just get me wasted. That?s at least what he?s trying to do! I had now other option but to fight it a moment ago. But it?s alright; I like it in my avatar form. Actually, this was only the second time I?ve took it off since I got it. It?s just SO great!? A glimpse of madness lit to the boy?s eyes. ?One should be careful with these things?, Kang warned. ?The spirits behind the avatars are far more powerful than a mere human can handle.? ?Oh, don?t make me laugh! Nothing has happened to me...? ?Yet!? Kang said a bit annoyed. He had seen many of his mates on the streets get addicted to drugs and simply wither away. It was not a matter to be taken lightly. ?Yes, yes. Now, amigo, how shall we kick that ugly, harassing monster?s buttock?? Cristo asked grinning. Cristobal was the son of an official, born and raised in Cuba. His family was economically above the average of his country, but the same strict laws applied to them as well. So, living under dictatorship he had inherited the proud and ambitious attitude of his fellow natives, believing strongly in his country?s leader like the others. He had never had much influence on everything, so when he had received a task from a great, stormy being, giving him unbelievable power, he had fallen. Cristo tried to keep it hidden from his new companion, but crave for might stung his stomach, and he could barely wait until the next time he could become Khnummon. ?Remember, you must be fast enough to pass that monster and reach the island ? just not too fast so I can hang on your back?, Kang advised. ?Right. Can I change now?? Cristo asked, hiding his eagerness miserably. Kang nodded sighing, and Cristo took out his teal D.A.D. and the link-statuette. ?Power of Ocean is my Strength!? the boy shouted, combining the link to the device. Soon the armored creature took his place again. ?Khnummon, the human avatar of Ocean!? Kang hopped on his back, and Khnummon dived to the moonlit sea, starting to swim towards the island on the horizon. EPISODE THIRTEEN: BATTLE UNDER MOON Kang and Khnummon managed to reach the island without being noticed by the monster hiding in the depths of the ocean. But as soon as Kang stepped to the rocky beach, he felt an overwhelming sensation roaming through his mind. [i]?How can this be...??[/i] he thought amazed. It was the same feeling he had had when he had found his avatar link. [i]?Another one??[/i] He started to search the small island with his look. ?What are you doing, amigo?? Khnummon asked. ?Shouldn?t we climb to the ruins and pursue the monster there as planned?? Kang looked to the ruined fortress on the only hill of the island. It was there! He started to run following the small path leading to the hill. Khnummon could do nothing but follow him, moving clumsily in the terrain. But they weren?t fast enough, as soon they heard a mighty roar behind them. The sea monster had detected them! It had the upper body of a monstrous, gilled humanoid, and the rear end of a giant sea serpent. The tail seemed to encircle half of the island. ?HA-HAR! You came back, you pitiful human! I?ve been expecting you, so that I can finish you for good!? ?Tell who you are before you announce death penalties, you overgrown eel!? Kang shouted to it. ?My name is Merdramon, the [i]true[/i] avatar of ocean! I serve a master far more powerful than your lousy Ancients, who abandoned this world when it needed them the most! Now they are trying to replace their absence by sending weak, material life-forms to the Digital World! But my master will be very pleased to hear I?ve slain [i]two[/i] false avatars instead of just one. Let us fight! [i]Trident Of Doom![/i]? A giant trident of pure energy appeared to Merdramon?s hands, and he threw it towards the hill. Kang had almost reached the hill-top ruins, and he dived in them as a big part of the hill collapsed to the water. The strike blew the air from his lungs. Kang lay on the broken pavement trying to take breath. Then he noticed that the moon was shining straight from the broken ceiling. He followed the moonbeam with his look, and saw it pointing to a glittering red statuette lying in the middle of the hall. The boy crawled to it, and examined it. It resembled a ninja holding two shurikens. It must be his human avatar! He stood up, glanced to the doorway at the fighting Merdramon and Khnummon, and put the new link to his blood-red D.A.D. Familiar words spilled from his mouth: ?Power of Moon is my Mentor!? This time the change wasn?t as big as when he had transformed to Arunamon. This time his body grew in height and muscles, and a pitch-black suit covered him thoroughly, leaving only a narrow hole in front of his eyes, enabling him to see. A red- and golden cuirass appeared on him as well, and then he noticed he was holding two shurikens, just like the link figurine. And now he had yet another name. ?Sablemon, the human avatar of Moon!? The dark-suited ninja dashed out of the ruins with great speed, performed an amazing leap from the top of the half-collapsed hill straight on the back of Merdramon. The marine daemon roared, and tried to shake Sablemon off its back. ?Khnummon, now!? Sablemon shouted as Merdramon?s vulnerable chest was wholly exposed. ?[i]Raging Tide![/i]? the avatar of Ocean shouted, and a focused stream of water struck Merdramon to the stomach. ?OUGH!? it exclaimed in pain. Sablemon jumped up, somersaulted in front of the silvery moon, and landed spinning like a tornado, his shurikens slicing the air. ?[i]Shuriken Whirl![/i]? Sablemon announced, and stroke the monstrosity with slashing power. A pale, sea-green light surrounded the daemon, and it divided into a serpent digimon and a broken link-statuette, which sank to the ocean. Everything froze for a moment. Both of the avatars observed the groaning serpent ? much smaller than Merdramon ? waiting for it to attack again. But instead it looked at the two thankfully. ?You... sssaved me!? the digimon called Seadramon hissed. ?Do not worry; you have broken the curssse now. I wasss posssesssed, but now I?m back to my normal, harmlesss ssself!? ?Possessed by whom?? Sablemon asked cautiously. ?The massster of thousssand promisssesss; the massster of the beginning and the end; the massster of perfection!? Then the Seadramon dived back to the depths he belonged. ?That is sure one poetic worm!? Khnummon smirked. But Sablemon listened seriously. Was that the one behind all what was happening in Digital World? The master of perfection? [i]?I have to tell the others...?[/i] he thought, but gave up the idea at the instance. What could they really do? What was so great that he couldn?t face it himself? He had so much power... Sablemon shook his head. All this might was messing up his mind! He had to give up his digital form. When he had returned to his humane self, Kang looked at Khnummon ? who hadn?t given up his form. ?Could you give me lift out of this accursed island?? ?Sure, amigo!? When Khnummon had taken Kang back to the mainland, he turned to the Chinese boy. ?So, I guess this is goodbye, then.? ?What do you mean?? Kang asked surprised. Wasn?t the boy coming with him after all? [i]?Not that I really need anybody?[/i], he explained to himself, but after fighting together he had noticed he was actually enjoying Cristo?s company. ?Well, I kind of thought you?d wanted to be left alone... Since you left the ones you came here with. But hey, this is a small world ? supposedly ? and we might bump on each other again, just like last night. Until then, amigo!? ?Yes. Until then, Khnummon?, Kang said, keeping his emotionless face. The avatar of ocean nodded, and dived back into the sea. Kang stared after him for a while, enjoying the first sunrays of the rising dawn. [/FONT]
  4. Do you mean in the same game? Well, I don't know if you meant the espers you fight in the game before you acquire them (Tritoch, Ifrit, Shiva), but I certainly don't recall any other monsters with same names... If I'm right, somebody else can ask instead of me.
  5. Well, Mina, if you like the names, then you will surely like the way they look as well! (check out attachment!!!) Thanks, Rokas, for doing the scanning! :D Two new chapters included! [font=century gothic] EPISODE NINE: ENTER THE DAEMON The small Patamon bowed the best it could in front of its mistress. "O Princess! I found the Missionaries! They were at Dauka Plateau, talking to that senile cat." "Sagemon..." a soft, drawling voice said thoughtfully. "He didn't fall, like everything else... a though one, indeed. One must think if there is more to it than what meets the eye..." "Princess... My reward?" the Patamon asked hopefully. "Yes, my little servant. You shall be rewarded. [i]Ominous Light![/i]" its mistress conjured. Patamon lost its shape, and instead of the cute flying rodent was a dreadful grinning Vilemon. "That's better now. More [i]demonic[/i] to my opinion. Now, Vilemon, lead them to my tower!" "Yesh, ma'am!" The Vilemon flapped its bat-wings a few time, and flew out of the tower the same way the Patamon had come in. "I'll be here waiting..." the mistress of the tower said to her self. "Are you sure we're equipped for this, Ari?" Eirica asked, uncertain. The boy gave her an encouraging smile. "It's now or never, Eirica, and you know it." "But without Kang..." "Well do just fine, trust me!" Ari replied quickly. "Now, let's see if we've made any progress." He looked at his device, and notified the others, that they had reached the boarder of the darker area. Suddenly, the rocky plateau changed into impending marshlands. The sky was full of almost black clouds, with seemed they could pour rain on the voyagers at any second. The scattered trees were crooked and bare of leaves. The ground was watery and sinking. Far in the horizon, they saw a figure of a high tower made of pure marble - it made a big contrast to the sinister landscape. All in all, it was hardly a place any creature of good nature wanted to live in. "What a disgusting smell!" Rosso exclaimed, covering his nose. "Oh, Tiny, that's only you!" Laissana said with a smirk. Rosso gave him a bored look. Suddenly, the girl didn't seem to be [i]that[/i] interesting. "Something bothers me in this place", Ari said. "This doesn't seem like a right place for someone who hates life. This would suit someone [i]evil[/i] perfectly, but not to any being of inexistence." "What? I totally missed your point!" Rosso complained. "You're saying we came to a wrong place? Dude, if you're looking for villains, [i]this[/i] is definitely the right place!" "I have to say I agree", Eirica said softly. "This is no place any God-fearing being would live in." "Oh please, we're in Digital World!" Laissana shouted frustrated. "There aren't any God-fearing creatures here, except you!" "Well, I'm sorry, Satan's favorite daughter, but I do believe in God, and Him being omnipotent, He affects here also!" "Omni-what?" Rosso said puzzled. "Oh sure, that's why there are so many churches and priests around here! One would think that seeing a place like the Digital World would take away all medieval thoughts, but apparently [i]one[/i] was wrong!" Laissana screamed, her eyes flashing. But Eirica didn't want to come second, so she poked the purple-haired girl. "You narrow-minded witch!" she swore through her teeth. "Ah! You childish airhead!" Laissana replied, and pushed Eirica. Then the two of them were rolling in the mud, tearing each other's hair and clothes, scratching and biting - and bombing each other with more and more offensive words. "Gee, women are really scary!" Rosso said wondering. "I consent with you, brother, but I think we have bigger troubles now." Ari said, pointing at the dark figure approaching them with great speed - and gleaming teeth. Ari was reaching for the digidex he had carried, but noticed it wasn't where it should've been. "I got it!" Rosso grinned, and pointed the apparatus towards the black creep. "Vilemon, a champion-level demonic digimon. It has a nasty way of replicating its self", the female voice said. And as the box spoke, there were suddenly two vicious creatures instead of one. Then there were four, then eight, and in good time, the Chosen children were facing a small army of Vilemons in front of them. At this time, the two battling girls had stopped their "argument", and looked at the mass shocked. "Well, I guess this is our first real battle here!" Rosso said, and lifted his data amplifier high in the air, putting the link statue on the slot in it. "Power of Earth is my Guardian!" Others followed, and then there were three angelic creatures and a beast against the horde of wicked digimons. "Let's play, boys!" Nemesimon giggled, and formed her dazzling stream of power. "[i]Vengeance Blitz![/i]" At least half a dozen of images of Vilemons exploded. "[i]Guardian Spirit![/i]" Wardenmon said, and bound several ugly monsters into one with the power of the green spiritual dragon. But the images just disappeared, with the original one still replicating its self. "[i]Sphere of Destiny![/i]" Somnimon stroke. He somehow knew what his attack would do. It was all about the object of the attack. Those with benevolent intentions, the sphere would heal, but those with malevolent, it would destroy. So a bunch of Vilemons had the same faith as the other images. "We must find the source!" Somnimon shouted to the others. "Minervamon?" The angelic avatar just stood in midair, able to do nothing but to watch the holograms vanishing. Somnimon glided to her. "Minervamon, they're only images." "But one of them is the original one! I can't risk killing it!" "Oh come on!" Wardenmon shouted from the ground. "It attacked [i]us[/i]! It deserves to get beaten up!" "You don't understand! Whole my life... I mean the life of the one inside me, Eirica...whole her life she has fought to prevent killing and making war! If she lacks faith now..." "I have an idea", Somnimon interrupted. "Doesn't a benevolent creature like you have an attack that would make all the fake ones disappear? Then we could find the real one, and capture it for investigations." "I... think so. But it mustn't be killed! Promise me, you all!" "Of course I promise", Somnimon said. "Fine, I can manage without slaying the bugger!" Wardenmon said. Minervamon looked at her rival. Nemesimon laughed at her at first. "You can't be serious!" she said. "I'm [i]dead[/i] serious!" Nemesimon looked astounded, and stared at Minervamon a good while. The she turned her back in frustration. "Oh okay, I promise her holiness not to harm her ugly pet!" "It's settled then", Minervamon said, materializing her mighty sword. She held it high up in the air. Suddenly, the clouds withdrew above her, and a beam of sunlight descended to the sword, making it glow like the sun itself. "[i]Celestial Sunstorm![/i]" Minervamon yelled. The sword bombarded the army of Vilemons with beams of pure light, making them to vanish one after another, until only one remained. It shivered with fear of the mighty avatar digimons. Minervamon felt great sympathy for it. "That miserable creature!" the mistress of the tower shouted, shattering the mirror from which she had observed the battle. "I shall go get them myself, then!" "There is something wrong with that Vilemon", Minervamon noticed. "That is not its true form." "Indeed it isn't", a new voice said. A tall, red skinned figure with metallic wings, a weird golden armor, and flaming hair appeared above the shaking Vilemon. She lifted the creature in her hand, which was strangely mutated, looking completely different from her other hand. Without the strange flaws she would have looked beautiful, but now she looked just grotesque. The Vilemon transformed into a tiny a Patamon in her hands. Then she smashed it in her fist. "Who are you?" Minervamon asked with an enraged tone. "Oh, let me introduce myself! I am the avatar of Sun, Coronamon!" EPISODE TEN: SPIRIT OF FIRE, HEART OF GOLD "What? You can't be! [i]I'm[/i] the avatar of Sun!" Minervamon shouted furiously. The villain sniffed despitefully. "Ha! You are the messenger of a weak spirit, who gave up his powers to a mere [i]human being[/i]. My master is more powerful than all of yours together, for He will rule the world after the Purification, which will destroy all of you miserable remains of the Ancients! [i]I[/i] am the true avatar!" Then she laughed manically. "Feh, a minion!" Wardenmon whispered to Somnimon. "They're all the same. First they're SO big, and finally they get smashed by their master's foot." "Oh, do tell us more of your master's vicious plans, your airheadness!" Nemesimon said sarcastically. "W-what...? Oh, how dare you?" Coronamon gasped. "This is your end, weaklings! [i]Ominous Light[/i]!" The daemonette's attack hit hard on the four avatars. Suddenly they felt their powers diminishing. Then they separated from their guarding spirits, and returned to their humane forms. "How did she do this?" Laissana asked dazzled from the sudden lost of might. Coronamon looked down on them with a smirk. "Do you really think I would have revealed [i]anything[/i] about my master, if I even suspected you would live through this day?" she smirked. "Umm... RUN!" Ari shouted, and they scattered, dashing away from the daemon of Sun. [i]"I pray that at least some of us will survive!"[/i] Eirica thought, glancing back. She noticed that Coronamon had taken interest from her, and was now chasing her. The daemonette would get her easily in a matter of seconds. [i]"Well, maybe I can hold her here till others get out. I shall give my life for you, my God..."[/i] Eirica thought, submitting to her destiny. But then a familiar voice interrupted her self-destructive thoughts. [i]I Do Not Need A Martyr, Human, I Need A Hero! So Pull Yourself Together, And Fight The Spawn![/i] "B-but... I can't!" the girl protested [i]I Did Not Choose You For Nothing, Human! Find Your Inner Strength, And Follow Your Path![/i] Eirica crouched at the lush, still trying to oppose. But then, she saw a light in her thoughts, and the light materialized before her. It was a golden statuette representing an armored head of a horse... another link! She picked up the item, and stood up, with courage and defiance. She saw that Coronamon was just about to strike her to her death, but she was faster. She put the new link to the slot on her D.A.D. "Power of Sun is my Source!" she shouted, and a bright light surrounded her. She felt change again, but this time it was different. Her limbs transformed into hoofed legs of a horse, as well as her body and head. Pieces of armor covered her head, chest and legs, and her hair was suddenly a mane of fire, as well as the tail that she had received. She was now: "Asperimon, the beast avatar of Sun!" Coronamon froze, as she suddenly was faced with a fiery, red horse. "[i]Lightspeed Strike![/i]" Asperimon shouted, and rammed against the daemonette with great power. Coronamon shrieked with pain, but when she recovered, she was really furious. "You fool! No one can defeat ME!" she shouted in a way that so many villains so often did. And, like so many villains, her words were meaningless, for Asperimon galloped high into the air, and came down as a bolt of light. The minion of Nothingness was surrounded by a pale, cold light, and instead of the Princess of the tower there soon was only a miserable-looking bird digimon, bawling next to a broken link. Asperimon transformed back to a girl with an empathetic look on her face. "Oh, are you okay, little one?" she asked. The pink bird looked at her, puzzled. "W-why do you care? I tried to kill you in my lust for power!" "But you wouldn't have tried to do that without that accursed device, would you?" "I guess not... But..." "It is alright now. You're safe, and the horrible power doesn't control you anymore." Eirica gave the digimon a warm smile, because she thought that it was what the bird needed. "Eirica! Are you...What is that?" Ari asked, as he ran towards them. Rosso and Laissana were also returning from their hiding places. "[i]That[/i] is what is left from the daemonette. What's your name?" "I-I'm Biyomon. I really didn't mean to get so carried away, but my master... my [i]former[/i] master, he fooled me! He promised me power and might, but all he did was slaver my mind!" Then the pink bird began to cry miserably. "Eh, excuse me, but what can we find from that tower over there?" Ari asked, for he had guessed that the fiend had come from the monument dominating the area. "Oh, there? Well, there are my spying mirrors, some Bakemon-servants I was given, and..." The little digimon's eyes widened. "And what?" Eirica asked. Biyomon looked at them frightened. "And the Eye of Perfection, a link between the tower and my former master!"[/font]
  6. Teh, I should probably wait a bit, but.. what the heck! Let's throw in three more episodes! :D And Solo, it's nice to have feedback! Next episode (n:r 7) is Ari's special one, so read on... ;) But before that, I'll put a list of the titles of the episodes 1-19, so you can get a picture on what's coming. [FONT=century gothic] EPISODE GUIDE: Prologue: The Seven 1: O Holy Light, Come To Me! 2: Guardian Angel Within 3: At The Path Of Uncertainty 4: Mind Of A Survivor 5: Spawn Of Disorder 6: Wild By Nature 7: He Had A Dream... 8: Together And Apart 9: Enter The Daemon 10: Spirit Of Fire, Heart Of Gold 11: The Tower of Half-Truths 12: Price Of Power 13: Battle Under Moon 14: Behold The Perfection 15: The Whole Story, Please! 16: Trouble With Loyalty 17: Savage Child Of Earth 18: Temptations And Contemplations 19: Good Deeds, Bad Intentions[/FONT] And the story continues... [font=century gothic] EPISODE SEVEN: HE HAD A DREAM... ?Pass me the berries, please?, Laissana asked Eirica. ?I?m not talking to you?, Eirica murmured. ?I didn?t ask you to talk to me, I asked you to pass the berries?, Laissana replied dryly. The girls had acted like this ever since they returned to the camp. Kang had found some eatable berries and roots. Now everybody was enjoying their meal, Eirica and Laissana just decided to do that as far away from each other as possible. ?Oh come on, girls! How long are you going to keep that up?? Ari asked frustrated. ?Ari, my man, that?s useless!? Rosso sighed. ?They?re [i]chicks[/i]! They can go on moping for the rest of their lives! Better leave them be, trust me!? ?Oh, okay then!? Then he had an idea that would lighten the mood at the camp. ?Hey, why don?t we all tell what our lives were before we came here? I, for one, think it would be interesting.? ?Yes, that?s a brilliant idea?, Kang commented dryly. ?Why don?t you go first, [i]buddy[/i]?? Ari blushed. He had wished that someone else would?ve started, but... ?Well, that would be fair, I guess... Okay then, has any of you heard of such land as Finland?? Ari had lived in a middle class house with a middle class family, and he?d attended a middle class school. Nothing big, yet not too small either. To a boy like Ari, that had been something very frustrating. He had always wanted more. Not necessarily wealth or power, but something that would give his life a proper meaning. As a small child, he had absorbed hundreds of comic books, and when the nannies in the kindergarten had asked him what he would like to be when he grew up, he had always replied: ?Superhero!? He had grown up from those days, but the main idea of his dream had lasted: he wanted to do something important, something that would last after he was gone. ?I?m sorry to say this, goldie-locks, but that was utterly [i]boring[/i]!? Laissana said and yawned. ?Where was all the excitement, passion, great emotions?? ?Laissana, I?m [i]fifteen[/i], I?m way too young to have experienced all [i]that[/i]!? Ari opposed. ?Well, we?ll see what we can do about that...? the girl purred, making Eirica?s eyes flash with fury. Ari felt he?d been left between the devil and the deep sea. Suddenly, all those thoughts vanished, as a strange feeling filled him. ?[i]It was about time[/i]!? he thought relieved. He stood up, and watched the others with a smile. ?I got the call. Let?s go find me some avatars!? But it turned out that Ari had been summoned a bit too early, because the forest disappeared to a completely other landscape, before the feeling grew. ?Well, at least we got to continue the journey!? Ari shrugged. The land had changed into a rocky plateau, and beyond it rose snow-tipped mountains. ?Oh no, I?m not climbing there!? Rosso objected. ?Maybe we don?t have to... hopefully?, Ari calmed him. They were crossing the plateau, when suddenly they heard a shriek above them. A huge, black bird was attacking them! They ducked, and Ari brought out the digidex. ?Saberdramon, a champion-level bird digimon?, the digidex told. ?It has sharp talons, which it isn?t afraid to use.? Ari rolled his eyes to the device?s information. Very useful, indeed! Suddenly he felt being lifted in air. The bird monster had made a dive again, and it had caught Ari in its claws. ?He-elp!? he shouted in panic. The digidex slipped from his hands, but fortunately Rosso caught it before it mashed to the rocky ground. Saberdramon was fast, and soon Ari found himself being dragged a mile away from his companions. The bird approached the mountains. Ari supposed it had a nest there, and he really wished digimons couldn?t breed hungry descendants! To his surprise, the bird took him to an empty cliff ? or so it seemed at first glance. But when they landed on it, Ari saw a glowing blue statuette in the middle of the cliff. It was his avatar! He looked back at Saberdramon, who nodded to him. Suddenly, the bird didn?t look so hostile anymore. It was more like... it [i]knew[/i]. That?s why it had snapped Ari instead of anyone else! Then Ari approached the blue link shaped like a winged helmet, and as he took it, he felt a warm glow coming straight from his heart. He had received his D.A.D., a shiny blue one. He was overwhelmed by the emotion he got from gaining these objects. He now had weapons to fight injustice! He had been given a change to be a hero! He whispered his thanks to the powerful being that had guided him, before he had entered the Digital World. The being had seemed to be constructed from thousands of stars, and it was the most beautiful thing Ari had ever seen. At the few nights that had passed from that encounter, the boy had watched the strange, angular stars of the Digital World with admiration. The same admiration filled him now, as he was standing on the windy cliff, cold breezes swaying his locks. Then his curiosity grew too big, and he connected the link to the slot on the amplifier, letting his mouth speak at its own will. ?Power of Stars is my Guide!? And like his companions before him, he, too, went through a transformation. His limbs grew, and his clothing changed. Instead of cotton sweater and trousers, he had a thick cape of white and blue, and a winged helmet. His shoes changed into sandals. Finally, he noticed he was carrying a staff with a winged star on the end. And he had a new name, which he then shouted with joy. ?Somnimon, human avatar of Star!? The echo of his clear voice lingered for a long time. EPISODE EIGHT: TOGETHER AND APART The four Chosen left on the plateau heard the echo of their companion?s shout. All of them sensed that he had found his avatar. Eirica was truly happy for her new friend, for that is what they had become in these two days. ?Should we go to him?? she asked. ?Apparently we don?t have to, Ricky?, Rosso said, peering at the clear blue sky. ?Look, there he comes!? He pointed a dot approaching them with great speed. Somnimon flew over them, as to show up his new form. ?I?m beginning to like that guy more and more?, Laissana purred, receiving a glance of pure disgust from Eirica. Suddenly, all four of them had an urge to change their forms too. They took out their D.A.D.s ? golden, purple, red and green ? and put their avatar-figurines on them, shouting the words discharging the spell. ?Power of Sun is my Source!? ?Power of Chaos is my Ally!? ?Power of Moon is my Mentor!? ?Power of Earth is my Guardian!? Somnimon joined his companions, and for the first time, they all got a strong feeling of togetherness. They were the Chosen of the Supreme beings ruling Digital World, and together they were unstoppable! ?I was hoping you?d find your mutual tone soon?, a voice creaking from its oldness commented. The five monstrous figures turned to face the familiar cat, followed by a rat carrying an oversized book. ?[i]You![/i]? Nemesimon exclaimed, obviously not pleased. ?Yes, it is a pleasure to meet you again, Miss Laissana?, Sagemon replied. ?What a shame you decided to flee from us before we got a chance to explain ourselves.? ?Umm, masta, it was ye who sneaked up to ?er while she was bathing?, Alphamon said quietly. ?I ?ad nutting to do with it, ?onest!? ?Old pervert!? Nemesimon murmured. Somnimon sighed and approached the feline elder. ?It is really good you decided to come to us at this point, master Sagemon. We have no idea what to do next! I mean, how can we fight the Nothingness? It would suck us into oblivion!? ?Yes, that would be the most obvious thing that would happen, I agree, but... but... Eh, Boy, come here with that book of mine!? ?If its yer book, why don?t ye carry it yerself?? the rat murmured by himself, but did as he was told ? as always. Sagemon leaned over the book, flipped the pages few times, and finally found what he was looking for. ?Yes, here it is! You have to go to the source of the holes. Some form of twisted life has caused this instability, and you need to find that someone. But!? He paused, raising his finger in a teaching way. ?But the road there is full of dangers, and you must extend to your limits ? and beyond ? in order to make it! Most importantly, you must stick together no matter what. Have you understood?? ?Yes!? the monsters said in unison. Then Sagemon?s eyes blurred, and he stared at the avatars, who stared back at the old wizard. ?What? What do you mean ?yes?? Don?t say ?yes? if you don?t mean anything by it!? ?Obviously the old geezer has lost it again?, Wardenmon said dryly. ?Eh, ye ?eard what the masta said! So do it!? Alphamon concluded, and started to escort Sagemon away from the group. And suddenly, just like the last time, the pair disappeared magically. High above them a small Patamon observed the meeting. ?Oh boy, this is good! The Princess will love this!? it giggled. Then it returned to its base, where its mistress was waiting for a report. ?Gah! It would have helped much if the senile cat had told us which way to go!? Rosso said frustrated, when they all we?re back to their original forms. ?Maybe we can figure out that by ourselves?, Ari pondered, and took his blue amplifier. The upper right corner of the screen was lightly darker than the rest of it. ?I knew it! That darker area must mean something!? ?Yeah, it could well mean one of those pits of inexistence!? Laissana opposed. ?They are something so inconceivable, that not even I, chosen of the Lord of Chaos, want to go anywhere near them!? The others were a bit surprised. This was the first time the girl had shown any sign of fear towards this weird realm. But it was understandable, since the areas sucked everything in side them, thus threatening the whole concept of life. ?But what if...? Kang said. Everybody looked at him as astounded as before, since the Asian boy rarely opened his mouth. Yet, now he had something important to say. ?What if the blank areas do not destroy everything that they cover? What if we just don?t see behind them? What do we really know about them?? ?Then why don?t you go ahead and find out?? Ari snapped. ?We don?t know [i]anything[/i], so wouldn?t it be best if we wouldn?t take any unnecessary risks?? The blonde boy looked at his almost perfect opposite. They had nothing in common, save their gender. The dark boy drew nearer to Ari, with a threatening look of covered rage in his eyes. ?You hide in your wits, because you really [i]don?t[/i] know anything. You have no clue what to do next in this strange world, and it frightens you, doesn?t it, Ari?? ?Stop it!? Eirica shouted, and tried to go between them. ?No need to bother, redhead. I?m off?, Kang said, giving the Finnish boy a last despiteful glance, and then turning his back, and walking away from them. The air rippled, as his gloomy figure changed scenery. ?Wait... What? Why?? Eirica was puzzled. Ari put his arm around her shoulder. ?That ignorant fool! Didn?t Sagemon just say we must stay together?? Rosso sighed deeply, Laissana smirked to the comedy of the situation, and Eirica just stared at the direction one of them had disappeared. After few moments of silence, they made their leave to the opposite direction than their lone-wolf partner. [/font] ***************** Neh, I couldn't fit episode 9 here, but it's the episode where the Chosen confront their first TRUE enemy, so stay tuned...
  7. offgame: Hey, when did Fuujinmon die?! :confused: Well, my theory is/was that the virus is split between the Trinity, so all of them are immortal until they're brought together and made the virus leave them (After that they can be goodie-goodies ;) ). Would this be okay with everyone? I mean, maybe the queen of skies just... temporarily went kaboom? :bluesweat *turns on DigiMage-voice* So be it!!! :demon: Okay, onwards... ************ After Raijinmon disappeared to the horizon, Haku fell on his knees, and stayed in that position for a long time before his two partners came to him. Platine: "Haku---?" Haku: "Leave me. I want to be alone." Steel: "But---" Haku: "I said LEAVE ME!!!" At that moment a large shadow fell over him. He lifted his head, and saw a familiar, smiling face in front of him. Keio: "Nobody's leaving anybody." Haku: "Keio..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Haku and Keio sat under a twisted tree for hours, talking about everything. Meanwhile their digimon-friends got acquinted as well. Peach: "You just lead his armies without questions, right? How could you?" Platine: "Haku-is-my-master,-and-I-will-obey-him-in-everything-he-says. War-is-not-a-strange-thing-for-digimons,-and-you-know-it,-Persiamon." Steel: "We-did-try-to-ease-Haku-down-at-the-start,-but-soon-he-got-impossible-to-handle,-and-we-just-did-as-he-told-us---the-only-other-option-would-have-been-death." Peach: "I see... But are you sure he is fully cured now?" Platine: "Nobody-can-be-fully-cured-from-being-imprisoned-in-ones-own-body-like-Haku-was---And-he-remembers-every-single-thing!" The Persiamon nodded quietly, and turned her face to the two Masters. Haku: "I... I'm very sorry about the incident at the Fountain... I'm happy that Peach saved you. All this time I wasn't sure if you were dead or alive... I payed such a price for that act.." Keio: "What do you mean?" Haku: "I lost my first partner... Chip..." Keio: "No." Haku: "What?" Keio: "You didn't lose him! Chip is safe in the Fauna Village!"[
  8. Okay, here's a second part. Thought there hasn't been hardly any comments yet, I reckon some people are reading this... Well, the "party" really starts now when I bring in the fifth Chosen, Laissana - my fave! The story is getting wilder from this on, so hold on to your hats! ;) BTW, Rokas, I sent you a letter with pictures of these Chosens and their first avatars. Soon you will get what these characters REALLY look like. ;) [FONT=century gothic] EPISODE FOUR: MIND OF A SURVIVOR Kang had lived his whole life in an orphanage in South Canton. At the age of twelve he had made an escape, and joined a gang of street kids. They had done some minor crimes, such as robbing cashes and selling stolen bicycles. Kang had done those things, because for the first time in his short excuse for a life he had felt that he was given a damn. But few months before he got sucked to this weird dimension, police had done a raid at their hide-out. Kang was out then, so he was the only one who wasn?t caught. All his brothers and sisters had been taken to local prison, which no one escaped from. They all were most likely dead by now. Yet, Kang had survived, stealing his food, sleeping in any dry place he had found, talking to no one. Then came the accursed day when he had broken into an office and found a computer left open. The gang had had a computer in their hide-out, so Kang had some idea how to use it. He had clicked the internet-icon, and here he was with four total strangers from other countries, traveling where his heart took him, trying to save a world he didn?t belong. Why? ?Gah, are we there yet, kung-fu-dude?? Rosso complained. ?It?s obviously getting dark, so why don?t we make a camp and sleep the night?? ?We?re almost there, whiny pants?, Kang replied dryly. ?The feeling is very strong now.? ?Umm, I?m really tired too, Kang. Why don?t you look around while we make a camp here? We?ll be right there if you find something, I promise?, Eirica suggested. Kang stopped and turned around to face his companions. All three of them looked exhausted. They had walked the whole day in a bright sunshine, but that was only normal to a boy raised in the streets of Chinese city. ?Western people!? he sighed rolling his eyes. ?Okay then, I?ll look around, and you can find something to eat before you doze off, alright?? ?Alright. You go on, we?ll be just fine?, Eirica said with a smile. ?[i]Like I cared[/i]?, Kang thought as he was walking towards an oasis that looked interesting. His interest grew as he approached the palm trees. A weak glow filtered through the bushes. The glow reminded him of the Goddess he had confronted. She had been so full of power and strength. The Ultimate Source of Power! She had been so beautiful, made of pure moonlight... For a moment Kang thought he would see her dancing in the middle of the oasis, bathing in pale moonlight. But as he fought his way trough the thick bushes, he found nothing but a small, glittering statue representing a red, horned crescent. He reached for it. Suddenly, he heard a shrill scream. It was Eirica! ?Shoo, you ugly thing!? Ari shouted at the humongous, slimy creature harassing them. He took the device Sagemon had given to him, and pointed at the monster with it. The valve opened, and a picture of the creature appeared at the screen. ?Raremon, a champion-level ghost digimon?, a monotonic female voice from the box said. ?Huh? Did that do any good for us?? Ari screamed at the gadget. ?Raremon?s attacks contain bad smell and icky smile?, the voice continued dryly. Rosso had picked a long stick, and poked the creature with it. Eirica rushed to him. ?No! Don?t hurt it! It will become angrier!? the girl shouted to him. ?Well, why don?t you do your angel stuff and give him a piece of the Word, if you want to handle him!? the boy shouted back. ?[i]Groaah![/i]? Raremon roared, and blew a cloud of stinking gas. ?Yuck!? Rosso gagged. ?Eirica, seriously! Can?t you do anything with your thingies?? ?I-I can?t find them....? she lied nervously. In reality, Eirica had no will to fight, even against this horrible monster. She doubted that Raremon would listen to reason, so she just had to hope someone else found a way to stop the creature from eating them alive. Kang rushed back to the site he had left the others, and saw a big purple pile of slime threatening them. He looked at the linking figurine in his hand. ?I can?t do anything with this! I don?t have the amplifier!? [i]You Have The Power! Trust In It![/i] The Goddess had spoken! At the same instance, Kang felt something warm growing against his chest. He grabbed it, and found out it was a D.A.D similar to Eirica?s, except his was blood red. [I]Red As The Moon Used To Be[/i], the Goddess said in his mind. Then, just like Eirica the other day, Kang new exactly what to do. He lifted the red device high in the air, and put the figurine on the slot, while words came out of his mouth. ?Power of Moon is my Mentor!? He felt power streams changing his form. Suddenly, he stood on all fours, and his skin was covered by silvery fur with golden stripes. He had two big horns, and a mane colored red and purple. He had a long tail which ended in a crescent-shape blade. He also had a new name, which he then roared out loud. ?Arunamon, the beast avatar of Moon!? With a great roar, Arunamon attacked Raremon. ?[i]Moon Sickle Spin![/i]? he shouted, and began to somersault through the air, his bladed tail gleaming nastily at the light of the setting sun. The attack hit Raremon hard, and it howled in pain. It decided that the newcomer was too much for it, and it fled as rapidly as it could. Arunamon felt the mighty power streaming out of him, leaving behind a human boy and two pieces of equipment. ?Kang? That was you?? Eirica asked amazed, though somehow she knew the truth already. Kang didn?t answer, for the memory of the power still shook him. ?[i]I had the whole world![/i]? he thought bitterly. EPISODE FIVE: SPAWN OF DISORDER The four kids far from their homes continued their journey onwards at the dawn ? or at least they meant to. ?We must get moving before the sun gets too high. Rosso, are you listening?? Ari asked annoyed. ?Mphf, not yet! I... need... sleep....? the boy complained. ?You?ve slept more than any of us, dimwit!? Ari shouted at him. ?I took your watch turn, because you were fast asleep, beyond waking up!? ?Forget him, Ari. Let?s go?, Kang said and began walking. ?Oh, don?t be cruel, Kang!? Eirica said, kneeling next to Rosso. ?Oh Rosso! Do you really want to disappoint the Goddess you met by killing yourself?? ?Hey, who said anything about killing?? Rosso asked confused, sitting up. ?Well, you?re obviously trying to kill yourself by lying in the stinging sunshine. If you stay there, you?ll be a toasted brat in a matter of hours?, Eirica said, and gave the boy a warm smile. ?Gee, you really give me the creeps sometimes, Ricky!? the boy said quietly as he stood up and shook the sand from his clothes. ?All ready then?? Ari asked amused. The desert vanished magically, and they found themselves in a bewilderedly growing forest, where there were no sign of burning sun or windless air. They looked at every direction, but there was only deep forest. Strangely, they could hear hundreds of birds singing, but they didn?t see any. ?Where is... everything?? Ari finally said frustrated. ?There are all kinds of sounds and smells, but thus far I?ve seen nothing actually moving!? ?Yes, that is very odd, isn?t it?, a voice from above them said. All four looked up, and saw a big bird resembling a toucan ? in Mickey Mouse pants - sitting on a branch. ?Oh, let me guess?, Ari said to the bird. ?You?re Toucanmon?? ?That is correct. Let [i]me guess[/i]: you?re not a mon at all, right?? ?Whoa, we have a really bright birdie here!? Rosso said smirking. ?Yes, yes, I know?, Toucanmon said, obviously missing the sarcasm. ?But if I were you ? which I luckily am not - I?d get out of here as soon as I could.? ?Why?? Eirica asked. ?Oh, it might have something to do with [i]the hole of emptiness closing in on this forest[/i]! Oh, there comes the Devimon when you mention him!? Toucanmon said dryly and pointed behind the kids with his beak. They turned around, and saw that the area behind the trees had disappeared in emptiness. ?Yikes!? Rosso exclaimed. ?We better do as the birdie says!? ?I [i]totally[/i] agree!? Ari accompanied. Then they ran. Toucanmon waited until the blank area reached the tree he sat on. So many of his neighbors had vanished into that hole, but Toucanmon had no intention to follow them, so he flew away to find a new home. Yet, the bird monster knew that where ever he went, the holes would come there sooner or later. ?A-are we safe yet?? Rosso asked taking breath. ?I think we?re never safe, not until we make those holes disappear?, Kang said gloomily. ?We?!? Rosso asked, not believing his ears. ?Duh! That?s what we?re here for!? Kang said to him annoyed. ?Cut it out!? Eirica shouted. ?This is not the place or the time to fight! We must get our selves as far away from here as possible!? ?She?s right. We have no idea how fast the nothingness moves?, Ari said. ?Let?s just all calm down.? ?Oh, don?t worry, pretty boy. It won?t come here for days?, an unfamiliar, yet attractive voice said. ?Who said that?? Eirica asked nervously. Then a figure materialized from the shadows. ?It?s just [i]moi[/i], dear!? the figure said. It was a female human-shaped monster wearing a tight black dress and a black leather mask. Her skin was green, and she had long purple hair and two black-feathered wings on her back. ?Whoa! Who are you, gorgeous?? Rosso asked, in a way that was very familiar among the men of his country. ?I am Nemesimon, princess of Chaos. I hope I didn?t scare you, little one.? ?Baby, you can scare me anytime!? Rosso answered, clearly enjoying the sight. ?Err, what do you want?? Ari asked cautiously. ?Why, don?t be rude, handsome! I?m here... well, to join you!? ?What?!? all four of them shouted in unison. ?Hey, don?t act so surprised! I?m one of you also!? With those words, Nemesimon was encircled by a purple flash, and then instead of her there was a purple haired human girl standing before them. ?That was my avatar. Wasn?t she astonishing or what?? the girl said, eyes twinkling. Ari leaned towards Eirica to whisper at her ear. ?I think she?s one of ?the others? Sagemon mentioned.? ?Yes, apparently.? ?Well, my name is Laissana...? the girl started. ?Lasagna?? Rosso interrupted. ?[i]Laissana[/i]!? she replied with a scary tone in her voice. ?I can be your closest friend or your worst enemy, it?s all up to you. Well, where are we headed?? ?I don?t think I like her very much?, Eirica whispered back to Ari. EPISODE SIX: WILD BY NATURE ?...He was like so scary at first, but after he convinced me that his intentions were good... well, at least as good as the God of Chaos can have... Anyway, he gave me his powers, sent me here and... here I am!? The four others stared at Laissana quietly. That girl sure knew how to talk! ?So... are you absolutely positively sure that the hole-thingy won?t bother us any time soon?? Ari asked. ?Yes, mister worry-pants! Let?s just relax, find some more ways to withdraw our hidden powers and then we can go kick some inexistent behind!? she said cheerily. All the others except Rosso acted cautiously with the newcomer, but the Italian boy couldn?t help admiring the sassiness of the girl. Though she in her own words came from France, she had certain something that Mediterranean girls had. She was dazzling, spicy and brave ? all Rosso wanted from a girl! Although they had three years between them, Rosso thought it wouldn?t matter in the future. He fell in a dream full of hearts and bikinis, and at the center of it was the miracle named... Laissana! Then something interrupted the fantasy. It wasn?t a voice ? nobody had said a word. It wasn?t anything he could sense. It was more of a... feeling. Could it be...? ?Umm, guys? I think I have it now!? ?Have what, Tiny? Puberty?? Laissana asked, smirking naughtily. ?No! The feeling! Something?s calling me?, he said, and ran to the forest. ?Rosso!? Eirica shouted after him. ?Don?t go there by yourself! Wait!? Then she ran after the boy. Ari glanced at Kang and Laissana, and ran after Eirica. ?Oh, what the heck!? Laissana grinned, stood up and went after the others. Kang decided to stay at the camp to spend some rare quality time by his self. The feeling got stronger. It felt like the spirit he had confronted before he came to the Digital World. ?[i]The Great Mother of Earth[/i]?, he recalled. It was something he had never experienced before: maternal warmth and caring. He had had nothing like that from his own mother. She had always been too busy taking care of ?the business?. It was truly near. The meaning to his life was near! Unfortunately, another being had spotted the glowing item before Rosso. A Tortomon was more than fascinated by the green figurine. In fact, he was so fascinated by it that he decided to take it to his cave. Suddenly, Rosso felt that the object was drawn away. ?Hey, it?s mine, dammit!? he swore by his self and started to run forward. ?Where?d he go?? Ari asked when he reached Eirica. ?I don?t know. He started running, and I lost him.? ?Oh don?t fall into despair, guys! Let?s check his location from my gadget-a-thingy here!? Laissana said, and took out her purple D.A.D. She pushed a button, and several dots appeared on the small screen. ?This is how I found you. Useful plaything, ne?? Ari and Eirica had had no idea it could be used in such a way. ?Why didn?t the damned cat say anything?? Ari asked frustrated. ?Well, we ignored him quite efficiently, don?t you think? Besides, he seemed to have major issues with his memory, too?, Eirica replied. ?Look!? Laissana said, catching their attention. ?I think he?s this dot here. Boy is he fast!? ?Let?s get going then!? Ari said determinedly. Rosso approached a wall of stone. It had several caves in it. But the call came from the largest of them. That fact got Rosso a bit concerned, because he had no idea of the size of the creature that had taken his device. Slowly, he went to the mouth of the cave, and peeked inside. He could hear something breathing evenly. He gathered his courage, and stepped in. Eirica, Ari and Laissana reached the wall just in time to see Rosso running out of a cave in panic. ?Sorrysorrysorry!? he babbled hiding behind a tree, looking at the cave. From the cave stepped a big monster that looked like a turtle with spiked carapace ? and it was furious. Ari took the digidex he had been given, and pointed the monster with it. It loaded its data and read it out loud ? very inconveniently. ?Tortomon, a champion-level reptilian digimon with extremely short temper?, the monotonic voice announced. ?Great!? Laissana said as cheerily as always. ?Well, that turtle just begs to get beaten a little, don?t you think?? ?No!? Eirica opposed. ?He was just woken up! He?ll calm down if we let him be.? ?Well, aren?t you a saint!? Laissana smirked at her as she raised her amplifier, and put her personal figurine representing a winged hand to the slot in the device. ?Power of Chaos is my Ally!? Laissana shouted, and transformed into Nemesimon. ?[i]Vengeance Blitz[/i]!? Nemesimon shouted, and conjured a whip of power, which he slashed at Tortomon. But the monster hid under his rock hard shell, and the dark angel?s attack bounced from it. ?Shucks! A little help could be useful!? she shouted. ?Come on, Eirica!? Ari encouraged the girl shaking in frustration. ?You have the power to make this stop! You wouldn?t want Miss Destroy-them-all over there to kill that Tortomon, would you?? ?I-I guess not... But what if I kill him? Ari, my power was so strong...? ?So are you, Eirica! You can control it! You haven?t even tried!? ?Alright then, I?ll try.? She did the ritual, and shouted: ?Power of Sun is my Source!? Then she was Minervamon again. Rosso was watching his companions fight the awful Tortomon, when he realized that the cave was now empty ? and his destiny lied there! So he sneaked to the cave behind the battling trio ? from which only two were doing the actual fight, and the third tried to make them stop - and found a small moose-horned statue there. He examined the figurine with doubt. ?Gosh, wonder what I?ll become from this?? Then he noticed that a green device had appeared on his hand. And he knew what to do next. ?Power of Earth is my Guardian!? He went trough a transformation, when a pair of moose-antlers grew to his head; his hand changed into hoofs of a green moose, and his legs into paws of a lion; and his head changed into one of moose?s, except it had the teeth of a beast. When the new form was finished, he knew his new name: ?Wardenmon, the beast avatar of Earth!? Then he galloped out from the cave. ?For the last time, STOP THAT!? Minervamon screamed. ?Oh, bug off!? Nemesimon snapped. ?You?re getting really annoying, you know? This is between me and Torto here, so why don?t you go help Babamons across the street?? Tortomon was clearly outnumbered and suffering, and Minervamon?s digital heart ached as she watched Nemesimon torture him. She felt she had left with no options, so she drew his mighty weapon: a golden sword shining like sun. ?Do not make me use this, Nemesimon!? she warned. ?Oh, be careful with your little stinger or you?ll hurt yourself, precious!? Nemesimon said dryly. ?That is enough, ladies!? a new voice said. The female digimons turned to face a monster half moose, half lion. At this point, Tortomon made an escape. ?[i]Tiny[/i]? Is that you?? Nemesimon asked surprised. ?My name is Wardenmon now, and I?m not fooled by your temptations anymore, witch! If you don?t get off each other?s throats...? ?Then what? You?ll moo at us?? Nemesimon mocked, and laughed. Minervamon went berserk, and attacked the black suited angel ? making the sword disappear before it, of course. Wardenmon sighed at his mind, and leashed an attack. ?[i]Guardian Spirit[/i]!? he shouted, and a green ghost tied the female avatars, separating them. At the same time, the spirit made them to give up their powers, and they fell to the ground returning to human-girls again. [/FONT]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Takuya [/i] [B]OOC: I don't like that part about the tablets being destroyed, but I can fix it. By the way, Dantu is adressed as "sir," not "Master" by the Vegetation Digimon. [/B][/QUOTE] Okay, has EVERYTHING I've been saying lately just slipped off your mind? :therock: That's utterly WRONG! I specifically said that one has to ACCEPT others' ideas and carry on from THERE! You have crossed that line WAY too many times, Takuya. Soon NOBODY will be posting to this game, because you keep denying everybody's participation on it. Besides, as I said, we aren't mind-readers here, we cannot predict what's the next move somebody other is planning. Rokas was very right when he said you, Takuya, used those tablets for playing god. Now edit your post, or you will no longer be allowed to participate in this! I'm sorry if I'm sounding rude, but we've had this discussion so many times in the past few weeks, and I'm totally getting annoyed of this -as is apparently everyone else! Takuya, step down from that throne of yours and accept that you cannot control everything. Dantu is just ONE of twelve masters, there's nothing special about him. PLEASE! Whoah, now I've said it... :( This shouldn't be unclear to anybody anymore... On with the game: *********** [color=royalblue]Raijinmon saw Haku in the field, but the virus inside of him told him not to act upon the boy. [i]"YOU HAVE TO DESTROY ALL THE MINOR DIGIMONS FROM OUR WAY. THEN WE CAN HUNT DOWN THE MASTERS PLAGUEING THIS WORLD!"[/i] Raijinmon: [Yes...The enslaved puny digimons... They're more worth dead than alive! TAKE THIS: [i]ELEKUGEL[/i]!] ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two Rabbitmon's escaped from their nest, when Raijinmon's blast hit it. Female Rabbitmon (Rabbitha): "This is horrible! Rabbito, we've lost our home!" Male Rabbitmon (Rabbito): "Don't you worry, Rabbitha, we will find a new one... Master Keio will protect us." Rabbitha: "Do think that DigiMage is behind that monster in the sky?" Rabbito: "It's got to be him. Come on, let's go!" Rabbitha: "Wait, we got to be careful... NO!" Rabbito had moved too hastily, and the second he stepped to the clear field, Raijinmon's attack blasted him to particles. Rabbitha: "My honey-bunny!!! No..." The female Rabbitmon had witnessed so many of her friends dying in the war between the masters, but now that his husband was gone as well, she felt like nothing was left of her digital life. Then she pulled herself together, and decided to find Keio - or die doing it![/color] *************
  10. Sandy

    Aeris - Aerith?

    Aerith is the Japanese form of Aeris. Japanese have different alphabets than the western countries, so the translations vary much. Aeris is used in the translated games, but they're both equally correct. It's like the difference in American English and UK's English: armor-armour, judgment-judgement etc. Though many "purists" are sworn users of "Aerith", this is hardly an issue to be worried about. ;)
  11. Yep, I've finally taked the chance, and I'm posting my Digimon fanfic here for the first time. I personally think this is the best I've done this far, as the characters are unique and there are some deep issues handled in this. Basically the story spurred off from digimon Frontier, but it has become something completely different. "Digimon Avatars" is still unfinished, of course, but I'm already in episode 18. If this gets readers, I might have the inspiration to finish this. But for now, I just want you Digipeeps to enjoy this (though feedback wouldn't harm...), because this is dedicated to you guys! I'll post the story in small portions, so that you don't choke. ;) Enjoy! [center][FONT=century gothic][b][size=3]DIGIMON[/size] AVATARS[/center][/b] PROLOGUE: THE SEVEN [i]The Seven gathered to behold their realm. It was on the verge of destruction. The scenery was broken by occasional blank areas - areas of emptiness. The Seven saw these holes and they perceived them. The Day of Oblivion was coming, and the Seven were helpless. But then, among their subjects, arose a certain one. That certain one was wiser than any of the Seven in their wisdom, and that certain one knew what had to be done. So it was done, and the life of seven beings from entirely other world was changed for good.[/i] EPISODE ONE: O HOLY LIGHT, COME TO ME! Day was turning to night as a figure walked towards home from her first-aid course. She felt her participation was her national duty with things being the way they were in her home area. People were crazy, that was all she could say to defend people?s actions to herself. So much killing, so much terror... for what? ?Eirica! There you are! You?re late. I was beginning to get worried...? ?It?s alright, mother. I?ve come now. Nothing happened?, the girl explained as she stepped in to the warmth of her family?s house. ?Oh, you?re such an angel, my child. Taking those courses, just for the case of emergency... We have truly been blessed?, her mother said with a warm smile, eyes full of pride. ?It?s my duty for Ireland. With these anxieties facing our country, you never know who is going to be the next victim in this never ending battle. Why must people fight, mother?? she asked. ?Oh, my child! You are too good for this world! Oh, how proud would your father be if he still lived.? She thought of her father. Would he really be proud? After all, she wanted to help both catholic [i]and[/i] protestant people, make the war stop. Her father had always hated Protestants, so much that it had killed him. She awoke from her thoughts and climbed upstairs to her room. ?Supper is ready in a minute, Eirica!? her mother shouted after her. ?I?ll be down in a minute. I?ll just check my e-mails.? She opened her computer. It, too, reminded her of her father, for the computer had belonged to him before he died. Eirica had had it, because there was no other use for it. She clicked an icon to form an internet-connection. But in that instant, the screen started to shine a light brighter than sun, and Eirica?s vision was blinded. Few minutes later, her mother came to her room. ?Eirica, supper?s ready now... Eirica?? The light began to faint slowly, and she began to see again. But things weren?t as they ought to be. She wasn?t in her room, but in an endless space of some sort. The hall bathed in warm light. Strange patterns passed her. They looked like some sort of computer code. She herself felt thinner than she should be, sort of... transparent. ?Where am I?? she shouted to the emptiness. No answer, not even echo. But after few seconds of total silence, began a distant drumming sound. It grew louder and louder, until Eirica had to put her hand into her ears. She closed her eyes in panic, and fell to her knees. It was then when she realized that she wasn?t standing on anything. She floated helplessly in the bright light, while something approached her. [i]Open Your Eyes, Human, And See Your Destiny[/i], a voice thundered. It seemed to come from all around her. But she gathered her courage, and lifted her eyelid. She was faced with a creature made of pure light. ?A-are you... God?? [i]God? I Am A God, One Of Seven. My Reign Is Light, But I Cannot Contain It No More. Our World Is In Grave Danger, Human, And We Need Help From Those Who Created Us.[/i] ?This is a misunderstanding! I didn?t create anything... I?m just a simple girl...? [i]You Are My Chosen One, Human. You Must Take Responsibility Of The Actions Of Your Kind, For My Kind Has Done Everything They Can. Now, Open Your Soul, And Let The Light Fill You![/i] Eirica didn?t know how to respond, until the being surrounded her with its light. Suddenly, she knew her task. She was to help others, and share her big heart with them. [i]With Love And Faith For Light, You Will Succeed[/i], the voice said, and then light took over everything again. Once again Eirica awoke. But she knew instantly that she wasn?t in her room, yet she wasn?t with the being of light either. She was lying on a beach. She heard waves crushing to the shore near her, she smelled the salty breeze, and she felt the sand on her hands. She knew she wasn?t alone. She opened her eyes, and sat up. She was faced by three human boys. ?Finally, her majesty decided to wake up!? one of the boys said nosily, turning his cap backwards. ?Cut it out!? a boy with blonde, curly hair snapped. ?Are you okay?? He stepped closer to her and offered his hand to lift her up. She took it shyly. ?My name is Ari. The boy with the loud mouth is called Rosso, and the grumpy one standing over there is Kang. Did one of [i]them[/i] speak to you too?? ?Them...? You mean did God speak with me?? she asked back. ?If that?s what yours introduced it?s self. Mine said it was ?the Preserver of All Knowledge?, and what I heard from that Kang-guy over there, his introduced itself as ?the Ultimate Source of Power?. These guys have really lost their sense of modesty!? Eirica couldn?t help chuckling. But then she thought seriously. ?So there are several of these fantastic beings. Did the one you confronted... do anything to you?? she asked carefully. ?Nothing big. Just gave me its powers, that?s all?, the boy called Ari said sarcastically. Then he gave her an encouraging smile. ?So, Miss Mysterious, have you got a name, or are you here [i]incognito[/i]?? ?I am Eirica. But I?m still very confused. Where exactly are we?? She looked to the sea, which looked awfully clean, like in the pictures of Pacific Ocean she had seen on television. ?You remember the last place you were, before you got dragged here?? the Asian boy Ari had called Kang said, speaking for the first time. Kang looked like he had been taken straight from a kung fu-film ? total opposite to Ari, who looked like an everyday boy from next door. ?Umm... Yes. I was sitting in front of my computer, when it started to... No. You can?t mean...?? ?Yup. Welcome to the Digital World?, the gloomy youngster said. ?Hey folks! Come to check this out! I found a snack bar behind this dune!? the boy called Rosso shouted above them. The three of them followed him to a shaky looking kiosk with a large Hamburger & Soda sign above it. Rosso peeked inside. ?Hope there?s something inside... WHOA! There?s a gigantic hamburger here! I was beginning to get hungry... Eeks!? the rascal somersaulted from the shack, his face all pale. ?What is it?? Ari asked as he ran to the boy. ?I-it moved! The hamburger... MOVED!? Then the snack bar exploded to toothpicks, and when the sand dust settled, the kids were facing a gigantic hamburger with arms, legs, and a furious face. EPISODE TWO: GUARDIAN ANGEL WITHIN ?What is [i]that[/i]?? Rosso screamed, pointing at the monstrous hamburger. ?What are [i]you[/i], if I may ask?? the creature replied. ?You?re certainly not digimon, that I can tell. You must be the ones behind this whole mess! Grr, you won?t leave this place in one particle!? the monster swore. ?Digimon? As in... digital monster?? Ari asked. ?Yes! I?m Burgermon, and I?m RAVING MAD!? Then the monster attacked them without a warning. Rosso stood up quickly, and went to hide behind a plant. But the plant did not like it, and it rose to its feet. ?You dare to touch me in such manner, mister!? a green monster with a pink flower on its head shouted, and slapped Rosso with its leaf-like arm. ?Ari! What are these creatures?? Eirica screamed. ?Apparently they?re some sort of assembly of data... creatures formed of it... oh, I don?t know!? he cried as he ducked Burgermon?s mayonnaise-bomb. [i]The Light Is Within You![/i] Eirica heard the voice of the light being inside her. Then she felt something heating against her chest. She put her hands against it, and felt something form inside them. The heat disappeared, and she looked at what she had received: a golden device, with a small screen, few buttons, and empty slot. Next to the device she had a golden figurine posing a winged sword. ?What are these...?? Then, again, she knew what had to be done. She lifted her hand holding the device. She had the figurine on the other hand. Then she put it on the slot of the device, and suddenly words spilled out from her mouth. ?Power of Sun is my Source!? Then the device began to glow, and its light surrounded Eirica. She felt streams of power going inside of her, and others coming out. She felt her shape shifting: she grew in size, her orange hair got longer, her casual clothes changed to a shining armor, and most peculiarly, she felt a pair of wings growing to her back. She became the messenger of light, and she had a new name, which she cried into open air. ?Minervamon, the human avatar of Sun!? Everybody stopped for a moment to watch the sight. A whole new figure had appeared among them. And it spoke. ?Listen, Burgermon! We have come here to save your kind, not to harm them. We are the intermediaries of the Supreme Forces, the Ancient Digimon. Let us walk in peace, and I promise you that the future will be brighter.? Burgermon, still dazzled from the appereance of the angelic figure, couldn?t do anything but nod, and walk away - backwards. The plant creature, which carried the name of Palmon, ran over a dune, and then, everything was serene again. Minervamon felt her powers diminishing, and with a gleam of light, she was the girl called Eirica again. Ari and Kang ran to her. ?What was that? You just transformed to that angel?? Ari questioned. ?I-I think so... It happened after I got these.? She showed the device and the figurine to the boys. ?When combined, they gave me the power to transform into avatar of the Ancient of Sun. It was something... indescribable.? ?Hmm, wonder if we?re going to get one of those too...? Ari pondered. ?That was [i]awesome[/i], girl!? Rosso shouted with a glee as he ran down the dune where he had hidden. ?Yes, indeed it was?, an old, hoarse voice said behind them. Another digimon had come to them. EPISODE THREE: AT THE PATH OF UNCERTAINTY The newcomer was a small, standing cat with large, white moustache and beard. It wore a green robe, blue slippers and a scarlet cape. But he wasn?t alone. Behind him came a tiny, green creature resembling a rat with a headband. The rat monster carried a way oversized book on his back. Immediately Eirica felt sorry for the little fellow. ?Greetings, children of other realm?, the old cat said. ?Let me introduce myself: I am... am...? He looked at the kids in puzzlement. The green rat sighed. ??E?s Sagemon, and it?s me pleasure to be ?is ?umble servant, Alphamon?, he replied. ?And why are you here, if I may ask?? Ari asked. Alphamon looked at his master from under the book. The old geezer called Sagemon frowned, and the glint of wisdom returned to his deep grey eyes. ?Ah, I beg your pardon! I am really getting old, and my memory isn?t like it used to be. Well, where should we start? Boy, come here with that book.? Alphamon did as commanded, and Sagemon fingered through the pages until he found the right part. ?So, you have come to the Digital Realm, earthlings.? ?Yeah, we have kinda figured out that by ourselves?, Kang snapped. ?Err... right. You were summoned here by the Supreme Ancients...? ?Old news?, Rosso coughed. ?Uh... you have their powers dwelling inside of you...? ?Yes, we know that by now?, Eirica said benevolently. ?Alright then... Let?s see... A-HA! You have the power of transforming to avatars of these digital gods with your personal amplifiers and links...? ?Been there, done that!? Ari interrupted. ?I?m sorry, but what are you aiming at? Your information comes a bit too late, sir.? ?Well, [i]excuse[/i] me for being too old for you young Rapidmons! I was given a [i]mission[/i], and I will damn well do my best to fulfill it!? The furious wizard lifted the big book, and threw it towards the children, missing them by several feet. ?Oh, we?re so sorry, master Sagemon! We didn?t mean to hurt your feelings...? Eirica mediated. The old digimon looked at the girl confused. ?Huh? How did you hurt my feelings? Besides, who the heck are you?? Now it was the children?s turn to look confused. Alphamon hurried back from fetching the book, and gave the kids an excusing look. ??E?s like that offen, that masta o? mine. ?E?s ?ad problems with ?is memory ever since... Err, never mind.? ?Ever since what? Do explain!? Ari demanded. ?Eh, ever since ?e felled into that ?ole. ?E was lucky to survive ? nobody else ?ave.? ?What hole? A rabbit hole?? Rosso asked ?Don?t play smarter than ye look, kiddo!? Alphamon snapped. ?I?m talking about the ?ole of Nuttingness. There?s plenty o? those buggers around nowadays.? ?Hole of Nothingness... Does that mean... that the Digital World is collapsing?? Ari pondered. ?Oh, aren?t we clever, aye?? Alphamon said sarcastically. ?We?re at the verge of doom, lad! That?s why ye?re ?ere!? ?Exactly!? Sagemon shouted suddenly. ?But... there are only four of you. Where are the rest?? ?What rest? We were the only one?s on the beach?, Kang said. ?Very peculiar...? Sagemon muttered. ?Boy, we must find the others. Come!? ?W-wait!? Eirica shouted. ?What are we supposed to do now?? ?See that figurine on your hand? There are many of those scattered around the world. Your hearts will find them. Combine them with the D.A.D. ? Data Amplifier Device ? to use the powers of the Ancients. Oh, and take this as well.? He threw a metallic box to Ari. ?What is this?? the boy asked. ?It?s called a digidex, a log containing information about most of the digital monsters. I reckon it will be very useful. Now, on we go, Boy!? Alphamon lifted the heavy book on his shoulders, and rushed after the old digimon. Suddenly, the two of them vanished. Ari examined the device he had received, and found an info-screen behind a valve. ?Whoa, wasn?t that weird or what?? Rosso said to himself. Then he turned to the others. ?Well, where are we headed now? Anybody have any special tickling in their hearts?? ?Actually, I do?, Kang said, and started to walk away from the ocean. [/FONT] So, here's the three first episodes. Hope you got the main idea... Please comment, suggest, ask... Anything! I will clear things up, if they have been left unclear. I will post the next 3-4 episodes in few days.
  12. offgame: :bluesweat Heh, I'm trying my damnest to keep this rpg up and running, so please just try to get along with each other! I understand that some of you have great ideas, but nobody's a mind-reader; you've got to post that idea asap. or just accept that you missed your chance, if it doesn't fit the story anymore. This is the basis of role-playing, and as long as everybody remembers it, this should go just fine. Besides, this is purely for fun, so don't take this too serious. And Ginny, I'm glad you didn't abandon this game; you still have to console Haku... :naughty: Okay, just kidding! Rokas: I fiddled with the picture, I admit it, but it's good you sent the original one. Thanks! On with the game: **************************** Without thinking Haku rushed to an open field where Raijinmon could surely see him. Haku: "Raijinmon! Stop that!" The mighty digimon turned to face the human. Raijinmon: [Well, well...Isn't it the puny Master of Toasters? What are you going to do? Throw me with a screwdriver? Ahahaar!] Steel and Platine rushed to their Master's side. Steel: "You-think-you-are-funny,-tin-head? Haku,-let-me-digivolve!" Platine: "Not-without-me!" Haku nodded and took out his digivice -which had lost it awesome powers by now. Steel: "Hagurumon evolves to...Mekanorimon!" Platine: "Solarmon evolves to...Guardromon!" Raijinmon: [Ahahaar! [i]Blitz Arm![/i]] The shocking sphere hit the champions hard. The machine digimons fell to the ground, shaking of the electric shock. Haku: "No! You won't get away from this! Me and the other Masters..." Raijin: [Oh? Do you really think those fools will join you after what you did to them?] Haku: "But...It wasn't me!" Raijinmon: [Yes, but do THEY know that? Ahaharr!!] Then the digimon flew away to create havoc somewhere else. The virus wanted Haku suffer as long as possible before it would destroy him. At the field Haku was going to run to his partners. But before that he started thinking. Haku: "Raijinmon's not right... One of them DOES know it wasn't me... Keio."
  13. Hey, jitoya got the eidolon wall-question all wrong! You can see ALL the eidolons on the Eidolon wall! Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, Atomos, Bahamut, Odin, Carbuncle, Fenrir, Phoenix and Madeen. Though I don't remember Ark or Alexander being there... Well, I was just nitpicking...
  14. offgame: People, people, people! This is a role-playing game! One shouldn't be held back by the others! This game should go on with co-operation, not domination and denial of other's ideas! If you want to post something, just DO it! Geez... Let everybody play! *ponders if he should put that line to his siggy* ***** ongame: Haku sat on top of a twisted tree. This was the first time he had stopped to really look at the wonders of the digital world. His two partners were buzzling on the ground, cooking some beans they had found from an abandoned market. The store had really amazed Haku: all the shelves were filled with jars of beans. Platine: "Sir---I-mean-Haku! The-dinner-is-ready!" Haku: "Coming!" The boy flexed himself up from the branch and leaped down - right on Steel. The Hagurumon fell on it's face. Haku: "Oops! Sorry..." Steel: "No-problem---" They were just starting to fill their stomachs when a large shadow covered the sun above them. They looked up, and saw Raijinmon floating in the sky. Raijinmon: [Elekugel!!!] The cannons on the back of the golden digimon launched, and hit the ground with a devastating power. Each bullet left a big hole on the field, making it look like after a meteor-shower. Haku: "That's one of my creations! What have I done...?"
  15. Well, I took the shot and drew the cast of this game. I know I'm good at drawing, but the scanned result didn't look so convincing... :bluesweat Anyways, thousand thanks to my pal Rokas for scanning my drawing, and... here it goes:
  16. Takuya, read my PM - that answers the questions. And to help you guys, here's the attacks of the Trinity: Fuujinmon: Malt Cyclone/Critical Arm Suijinmon: Mugen Cannon/Accel Arm Raijinmon: Elekugel/ Blitz Arm So there!
  17. Sorry, but it takes pretty long for new fantasynovels to reach Finland , not to mention the translation process. It's far from easy to translate English jokes so that Finnish people could understand the fun in them - especially if the joke is connected to certain words. I just listed the ones I've read from the series.
  18. I can answer to your question, Sakura: Temple of The Ancients is on an island near the Fort Condor. It looks like a pyramid of some sort. And are you sure you don't mean the sand-whirlpool in FF9, the one that holds the city of Cleyra? I don't remember any whirlpools in FF7... The only desert there is the one that surrounds Gold Saucer, and you must've been there already, since you are searching for the temple. How come it is so hard to find, people? I found it immediately when I played the game...
  19. offgame: WAIT!!! Takuya, you're going WAY too fast! First of all, I said that Trinity Digimons aren't EVIL, the virus controlling them is! And Zhuqiaomon is an unique digimon, nobody can just digivolve to him! Please ,Takuya, change him to Phoenixmon. Let's make this clear: digimons such as the sovereigns, Milleniummon and ArcaDaemon won't appear in this RPG, simply because they are unique digimons related to certain story. Plus they are way too powerful. Okay? Haku will be licking his wounds for a while now, but I'll be back in a couple of days.
  20. Sorry, Harlequeen ( :p ), but [i]I[/i] consider them fantasy. Sci-fi stands for SCIENCE-fiction, and I'll give you a Nobel-award if you find any science in any book of the Discworld series. (Okay, "Strata" is full of it, but it's more like pre-Discworld, not the actual thing). When I first started to read the books, I thought they were just miscellaneous novels from miscellaneous characters, but now I see that the series forms of different trilogies (four of them are published in Finnish): *Witches-trilogy (Witches Abroad, Equal Rites, Wyrd Sisters) *Guards-trilogy (Men-At-Arms, Guards!Guards!, Feet Of Clay) *Rincewind-trilogy (Color Of Magic, Light Fantastic, Sourcery) *Reaper-trilogy (Hogfather, Mort, Reaper(?)) Also Pyramids has been published, but I haven't read it so I don't know in which category it falls to. Well, here's my two-cents!
  21. About the meaning of M.A.G.E-virus: I haven't figured it out thoroughly, but it stands for something like Mind.Absorbing.Genetic.Enslaver.-virus. But if anybody has a better suggestion, please announce it! And about Trinity digimons: Takuya, you got them mixed up a bit: Fuujinmon controls sky/air, Raijinmon land/rock and Suijinmon sea/water. Note that they weren't evil creations until the virus got them (and left Haku). The threesome isn't solely my character, so if anybody wants to make them blow up something, please feel free. You should expect them to take action some time soon...
  22. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=370415[/img] "Warp Evolution! Biyomon evolves to... Fuujinmon, the Queen of the Skies!" "Warp Evolution! Betamon evolves to... Suijinmon, the Prince of the Seas!" "Warp Evolution! Gotsumon evolves to... Raijinmon, the King of the Lands!" Haku, Steel and Platine watched with amazement as the three mighty machine digimons formed in front of them. Their metal-armors glimmered in the dim light in red, green and golden. Haku lifted his metalgrey digivice once again: Haku: "Now, you're in my command! You shall obey me!" The three monstrous beings shrieked in unison, making Haku put hir hands on his ears. Haku: "Shut up!" The Trinity let out a low growl, and suddenly they all crashed themselves up through the ceiling. Haku: "What? Wait, you! Where are you going!? I'm your master - obey me!!!" Platine: "Master,-we-must-go! The-castle-is-falling-apart!" Haku: "NO!" Haku tried to form a portal, but then he remembered he had disabled them inside the castle. There was no other option than to run. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raijinmon, Fuujinmon and Suijinmon flew up the stormy sky and through the black, thundering clouds, until they reached the strange pure digital sky. Fuujinmon: [Did that human really try to control us?] Suijinmon: [I think so. Pathetic, huh?] Raijinmon: [Cut the crap, you two! This power inside us. We can now revenge to that human and his machina! We three were among the first slaves of that monster, and we must stop this for good!] Fuujinmon: [Yes! That boy had no idea what kind of powers he gave us! And how he would suffer because of them! Hahaa!!!] Suijinmon: [Yeah, hahaa!] Raijinmon: [Oh, let's go, already!] The three gigantic figures descended back to Thunder Plateau~, and to the castle falling apart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Haku's face was unreadable as he ran with his two partners through the maze-like corridors of his castle. Everything had gone wrong now! DigiMage's plan was a failure, just like DigiMage itself. Nothing but a failure... a [i]virus[/i]. The real haku inside felt that the virus was losing it's grip on his anxious soul. The virus that had controled him ever since he opened that e-mail many months ago. That virus found it's way to his soul -how, Haku didn't know- and it used all Haku's hidden emotions and grudges to slowly gain control from his body and mind. The M.A.G.E.-virus... Haku reached the roof that was breaking and twisting. There was no escape. Haku: "This can't be! Why... is...this... happening?!" As the floor under his feet broke, the M.A.G.E.-virus let him go - falling to his death. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Trinity digimons watched the castle fall into ruins. Fuujinmon: [Feh... We were late.] Raijinmon: [At least that menace is dead now. We should go to meet the other humans now...] Suijinmon: [Wait! What is tha[i]AAAARGGGHHHH[/i]!!!] A cloud of mercury-like substance swallowed the three mighty creatures. The M.A.G.E-virus had found a new home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Master---Master---Wake-up,-sir!" Haku opened his eyes. He felt something warm covering his face. He touched it with his shaking hand, and saw that it was blood. Haku: "What..." Two figures floated to his sight. Platine: "It-is-alright-now,-sir. You-are-safe." Steel: "We-saw-that---thing-departing-from-you. Are-you---free-now?" Haku: "Free? Am I... free?" Platine: "I-knew-that-you-were-not-yourself. Somehow-I-knew-that-no-human-could-be-as-heartless-as-you-were. But-everything-is-okay-now,-right?" Haku: "Alright? Yes..."
  23. offgame: I just checked out the reply-list, and I see that all 13 players have posted, but some of them have kinda fallen behind. So I suggest that if N'adou, Kairi and Mina read this, they should post even if they aren't well aware of current situtation, because they don't really have to be - the other characters they meet can easily explain the most essential things to them. This game was designed for 12 masters, so it would be good to actually have all of them around. Now i must continue my part before Takuya undoes my plans again ;) : ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ongame: Steel the Mekanorimon landed on the roof of Haku's fortress. Haku hopped out, and marched inside. Platine and Steel followed his trails. They went all the way to the bottom floor under the castle. There was three cages. Haku: "So, the time has come, my prisoners! Prepare yourself to be overcharged with energy beyond your wildest dreams!" Platine opened the doors of the jails, and Haku controlled the Trinity Code with his digivice. The green orb came out of the pyramid and floated to a jail with a Biyomon inside. The red orb floated to a Betamon, and the golden one to a Gotsumon. Haku: "Ahahaa! The Trinity Project is now finished! Trinity Code, activate!!!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ offgame: sorry, but you'll see the result in my next post. Please, do not make your character come barging in and prevent this from happening, because it would be impossible. Let's say that Haku has raised up the castles protection, and nobody can open a portal inside it now, okay? :D Hehee, just you wait...
  24. Hmm, does anybody else have the feeling that one could just sit back and wait for the apocalypse take over any minute now? :smirk: I certainly do... There's a saying for a situation like this (I'll just translate it directly from Finnish): "The books of the world have gone mad." Well, now I can get back to my daily chores. *walks off*
  25. offgame: Me iz back! :devil: ***************** ongame: Platine: "Hurry-up!" Platine - now back to her Solarmon-form - floated from the woods into a long beach. Steel the Hagurumon followed her fatiguely. Steel: "I-think---I-am-out-of---fuel---" Platine: "Don't-be-such-a-mousewheel! Master-is-near;-the-digivice-is-reacting-more-loudly. He-must-be-on-some-of-those-islands---" The twins floated on the surface of the sea, from island to island, until... Platine: "Observe! There-he-is! Sir!" They rushed to Haku, who was lying unconsious on the sand. Platine put the digivice on his chest, and it began to glow. Suddenly Haku opened his eyes. Haku: "AAH! What...? Platine? [i]Steel[/i]? How did you...?" Steel: "We-found-your-digivice,-sir. We-came-to-save-you." Platine: "We-must-hurry,-sir! The-Strikers-can't-hold-on-much-longer:-the-resistance-is-too-great. Other-masters-have-combined-their-forces---" Haku: "How come I'm not surprised... Well, what are we waiting for? Step closer, and we'll let those bastards see [i]whose[/i] the boss around here! Digiportal, activate!" ~~~~~~~~~~~ Haku and his partners materialized in a small glade in small distance from the Reptilian mountain-base. Haku: "Steel, you must digivolve." Steel: "You-mean---you're-not-mad-anymore,-sir?" Haku: "This is not a time nor the place to get emotional, Steel! Just do it!" Steel: "Yes-sir! [i]Hagurumon digivolves to... Mekanorimon![/i]" Platine: "What-about-me,-sir?" Haku: "I must save digivice's powers. You just hang onto your brother. Let's go!" Haku climbed inside Steel, and Platine attached to his brothers back. Then Steel lifted himself from the ground and flew towards the top of the mountain. A real war was going on below them. Digimons killing each other. Haku's DigiMage side really enjoyed the sight, but something inside the boy wanted to get as far away from there as possible. Though the Alliance was winning, Haku wasn't a least bit concerned. He just needed the Trinity Code from inside the mountain, and everybody would kneel before him... or die! Steel glided through battling Birdramons and Mekanorimons. A well-hidden cave's mouth appeared in front of him, and he went right through. The cave continued as a maze of tunnels, but Haku could find the right way with his digivice. Haku: "Almost there... THERE!" The tunnel ended to a small cave. Mekanorimon stopped and Haku climbed out. At the center of the cave was a floating pyramid of energy. Inside the pyramid was three spheres - a red, a green and a golden one. Haku: "This is it! Now the Trinity Project can be finished, and everybody will get what they deserve! Mother, Father, the doctors, the psychiatrists, those idiotic Masters... [i]Everybody[/i]!" ~~~~~~~~~~ [i]"No!...Can't anybody hear me!?...I'm here, come stop me!"[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~ At the base Ryouka's thoughts were interrupted. Kima walked to him. Kima: "Did you hear it too?" Ryouka: "Yes. It came from inside the mountain. We must contact the others; I think it was Haku!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Haku took the Code-structure, and climbed inside Steel. Haku: "Now, let's head back to Thunder Plateau. Our specimens are waiting already. Ahahaa!!!" Mekanorimon flew out of the cave. This time it was seen. Kima: "Should we follow, Ryouka." Ryouka: "I think we should wait for the others..." Then an Agumon-soldier ran to them. Agumon: "Master, master! The machines are withdrawing their troops! We've won!" Victorious screams echoed from the mountain walls. But Ryouka wasn't sure if they deserved the credit for the victory.
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