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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. Sorry, Tamer Zach, this isn't that kind of RPG. All openings are already filled, and the game has been long for quite a long time, so no chance. Better luck next time! ;)
  2. Yup, we see Terra in the exact similar position in the opening movie of FF6. Terra is the most significant character in the game (others could have been just "anybody"), but Magitek was left quite stranded especially at the latter half of the game, when [spoiler]the world was ruined and Emperor Gestahl had been killed[/spoiler]. As for the most impressive logo, I'd have to say FF10. You all see Yuna in it, but why do I see also Tidus on the flame-part of the logo? Or at least his head... I NEVER got FF9's logo before this, but now I feel enlightened -thanks to Gin! :D All the logo's are above average in the game-industry, so none of them really bothers me.
  3. I just can't believe how spread this type of thinking is! I've heard from the news that several restaurants took all their French wines out of the menu a month ago, and when they interviewed the customers they were all: "Oh, I like French wines, but I think it's better this way". That isn't just stupid or ridiculous, that's... [i]weird[/i]! How do they think that if they don't drink French wines, France will ultimately have to bend to US goverment's will? Okay, THIS you can quote on, if you oppose. ;)
  4. Well, if you just look at the signatures of the other users, you just might notice that most of them has more thatn four lines, so I think that answers to your question... ;) Heh, sorry, didn't mean to sound so nasty... I'm a nice guy... deep down inside... somewhere...
  5. [u]Gameplay-wise[/u], Kefka was a lowly [i]imp[/i] compared to Safer Sephiroth. I just finished playing ff6, and here's how my final battle went: None of my characters were over 60 in level, and most of them were below 40. I put the characters in a REALLY strange order, mostly because I had no idea what the list meant - I lived in the hope that I would get to CHOOSE the final four for the final battle, but no... So, after the three "warm-up" battles I lost Relm, Strago and Setzer. I had Terra and Locke from the beginning, and for the final battle they were joined by Gau and Umaro (my worst characters! :bluesweat ) I thought that now I was doomed, and would had to start the battle from the beginning. But to my surprise, a few Ultima's from Terra, and Kefka went down like a rock! :eek: So how's that for a good match?! :grumble: As for Safer Sephiroth... well, let's just say I still have nightmares. :nervous: But [u]story-wise[/u]... Kefka was frigging SCARY!!! "Bweh-heh-heh-heh-hee!" *runs away and hides* ... *comes out from the hide* Okay, Sephiroth was no "Aeris" neither, but a lunatic dictator against l'homme-fatal... Well, Sephiroth was too much a "dramaqueen" for me. As for the rest of the bunch: I never passed FF8, so I don't know how *biatch* Ultimecia was, but Edea was GREAT! Seifer... nah! In FF9, Kuja [i]looked[/i] awesome, but he has kinda the same problem as Sephie; so what if your childhood was bad, that doesn't justify massacres! Beatrix wasn't as [i]evil[/i] as the possessed Edea, but *insert honey-sweet voice* I'd battle her any day... :smooch: *end honey-sweet voice* Well, I haven't played the rest of the games, but Seymour looks dashing, so I bet he makes a good villain as well. Lets just see what the future games bring us...
  6. Well, this whole mess has been ridiculous from the beginning. You get on your nose if you support war, you get on your nose if you oppose it... And if you want to stay impartial, your get on your nose for not wanting to participate! As for the ACTUAL issue of this thread, I think that those restaurantists (is that even a word?) are being VERY immature and acting like biggots. Some nation wants to keep the peace in the world, and you bash them saying they're "against freedom"? I'm not impartial like my country's (Finland) goverment, so all my sympathy belongs to the European nations who want to restore peace! ...And now this thread turns to incredible flamefight with no real solutions, so please don't quote my post, because this is only my opinion and nothing can really change it. Sara is talking about really important issue, so please don't let my opinions make you burst into flames! (Of course I can always leave my opinions unsaid, but... Nah! :p )
  7. Two times with your own characters (in Imperial Base and in the final battle), and once with general Leo (in Thamasa) . So three times in total. Am I right? Heh, I just played FF6 through so everything from the game is fresh in my mind. [b]Q: In ff8, which GF possess abilities to increase and decrease level temporarily?[/b]
  8. Offgame: Curse you, Ben! :mad: You shall not spoil my plans... Oh! Whoops... I'm getting too deep into my role! :blush: **************' ongame: Haku: "What the...?" Haku looked around and saw that he was in a small island in the middle of ocean. But he wasn't alone. Haku: "You! What did you do?" Puppetmon: "I told you; you cannot destroy this world - I will make sure of that!) Haku: "You think your that powerful, huh? Well, taste this... Huh?" It wasn't there. Haku reached for his superloaded digivice, but it wasn't there! Haku: "No..." Puppetmon: "I knew you gained your powers from that device, so I threw it away. You will stay here and think of what you've done. I will come back for you - after few years! Gah, suffer, tyrant!" Haku: "No, wait!" Puppetmon teleported away with a flash of light. The master of Mechanical digimons was left alone in a deserted island. He was now a castaway... *********** Platine the Guardromon witnessed her master's disappearance. This was a major hitback for her plans. But then she saw a gleam of light reflecting from a shiny, falling object. Could it be... She rushed through the marching army, through the thick bushes, until... CRASH! Platine had hit something, and as she slowly opened her mechanic eyes, she saw a very familiar Hagurumon in front of her. Platine: "Steel?! What-are-you-doing-here?" Steel: "Relax,-sister. I-was-hiding-like-you-told-me,-but-then-I-saw-Master-disappearing-with -that-Puppetmon..." Platine: "Did-you-see-it-falling?" Steel: "See-what?" Platine: "Master's-digivice,-you-Macintosh-you!" Steel: "Uh,-no---" Platine: "Wait! There-it-is!" And truly, a silver glimpse cam out from a bundle of grass nearby. Platine rushed for it, and lifted it. Platine: "Now-we-must-find-Master-before-everything-is-ruined!" Steel: "But-what-about-the-army?" Platine: "They-have-received-their-orders. We-have-plenty-of-time---" ********** offgame: Now don't ANYBODY touch my characters! I got them JUST where I want them, okay? *threatening growl* Play with your own toys... :p
  9. It's Lix.... Okay, I looked that from a netsite! :rolleyes: Haven't played the game, so I had to... Well, my turn anyway! Q: Name the three Statues keeping the balance in FF6.
  10. An Agumon-guard was resting his eyes on the beautiful multicolored sunrise. It was wonders like these that made the Digital World such an amazing place to live in. Suddenly the Agumon noticed a small dot approaching from the horizon, then another. Soon there was a whole swarm of dark objects flying rapidly towards the mountain. A moment of hesitation and unbelief, then... Agumon: "ALARM!!! Machina approaching from the east!!! WAKE UP!!!" ******** Haku was sitting - quite uncomfortably - inside a Mekanorimon, and he lead the fifty similar digimons to the Reptilian Base. Platine was in her Guardromon form and was leading hundred Guardromons, ten Andromons and a group of Giromons and MetalMamemons through the thick forest below the Mekanorimon fleet. These digimons were the most trained individuals in Haku's army, and he had spared them for this moment. Months had been used for gathering and training them. Haku: "Finally... The time has come!"
  11. Okay, a lot more info has been released about FFx-2 since I last posted to this thread. Hmm, where to begin... [u]Release date:[/u] 13.3., the release date of this game in Japan, is really close now, but I read that the US release would be targetted to November this year! ( yes,good for you Americans... :rolleyes: ) [u]Gameplay:[/u] The job-system is called "Result Plate". A whole bunch of new jobs (and cool outfits) are revealed: Black Mage, Samurai, Dark Gunner (aka. Blue Mage), Popstar, and the latest, Trainer. Others are Fighter, Fencer, Bard and Gambler - and much more is probably coming. [img]http://www.gameforms.com/games/ps2/ffx-2/media/media32/blackmage.jpg[/img][img]http://www.gameforms.com/games/ps2/ffx-2/media/media32/dgunner.jpg[/img][img]http://www.gameforms.com/games/ps2/ffx-2/media/media32/samurai.jpg[/img] Okay, here we see Black Mage-Rikku, Dark Gunner-Yuna and Samurai-Paine. [u]New characters:[/u] Many of the FFX sidecharacters are said to make an appearance in the sequel as well, such as Cid, Isaaru, Maroda, Shelinda and Dona. [img]http://www.gameforms.com/games/ps2/ffx-2/media/media33/ff3.jpg[/img][img]http://www.gameforms.com/games/ps2/ffx-2/media/media33/ff4.jpg[/img][img]http://www.gameforms.com/games/ps2/ffx-2/media/media33/ff5.jpg[/img] These are Balalai, Nooj and Gippl, leaders of different organizations. To what I've learned, Balalai is the leader of Al-Bhedian Machina Faction, Nooj is the leader of Youth Alliance and Gippl the head of Nex Yevon. Apparently Kamome-group (Yuna's and Rikku's) is trying to suffle between these three. And here's my favorite: Ren/Lenne!!!:love: She's GOURGEUS!!! Oh, who she is? She's the most famous singer in all Spira, and in some part of the game, she does a duet with Yuna. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=366583[/img] Okay, here's all I can fit in here (though I have dozen other pics, but they're simply too big...). As the Japanese release date comes, I'm sure I can *spoil* you some more, so until then...
  12. Platine the Solarmon had almost a short circuit when her Master appeared to the control-room out of nowhere. Platine: "Sir! What-took-you-so-long? What----?" Haku: "Everything went perfectly! I got what I left for." Platine: "But---Where-is-Chip?" Haku: "A price had to be payed..." ~~~~~~~~~~ [i]"No! Chip... I will break through from this shell, and revenge... Oh Chip... my first partner... and my first friend..."[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~ Haku: "How did the assault go?" Platine: "Five-Andromons-returned. Two-of-them-very-seriously-injured." Haku: "And-your-brother?" Platine: "Steel-is---missing." Haku: "Well, he got what he deserved. But now, its time for Phase Two in Trinity Project! We will head to the base of the Alliance, and get that Code! Then I can return to the other world with my Weapons and make them [i]all[/i] suffer!!! What are you waiting for? Get the Strikers ready!" Platine: "Yes-sir!"
  13. offgame: Chaosdramon is a fairly new digi, but I managed to find a picture of him. *see attachment* ************ The smoke cleared slowly. Haku's heart was beating intesively. His digimon had done this! He was the Master of a monster with powers to destroy entire cities! But when he looked around, Chaosdramon was nowhere to be seen. Haku: "C-Chip? ...So, a price has been payed." But the price was nothing compared to the power he had gained. Haku opened his hand which was still holding the digivice, and it dripped with hidden energy. Haku: "Now the Masters will truly face the talents of DigiMage! I shall make the world pay!" But first he had to get out of this place. He looked at his digivice, and all the possibilitied opened to him. Haku: "Digiportal, ACTIVATE!" The boosted digivice did what he commanded, and a door of light opened in front of him. Haku: "To Thunder Plateau!" One step, and the boy was gone. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Chip the Choromon woke up in a warm place. He felt human-arms tightening around him. But these arms weren't like his Master's... These were soft, tender - benevolent. He heard voices around him. "Look, Keio, he's waking up!" "Are you alright, little one?" Chip: "Ch-chuu?" Keio: "You are safe now. Kyu and Dantu brought us to safety after the explosion. There was too much power in you - you weren't ready for that. But now you're alright, Chip." Chip: "Chuu..." Dantu: "Keio, we must go now. I think I have a way to stop that psycho." The girl nodded, and Chip was carried to the village of the animal digimons. ************ *EDIT*: I posted at the same time with Takuya, but there's no conflict in the texts.
  14. The digital source of light was setting, making the desert cooler. A small figure wandered slowly on the seemingly neverending sand. Haku lifted his silver digivice to locate his whereabouts. Haku: "Not much longer, Chip... We're almost there... With the aid from the Digital Fountain I can force those idiotic Masters to retreat from the mountain! The Code will be mine, and then I can start the ultimate vengeance, THE TRINITY PROJE[i]AAAAH!!![/i]" The ground under Haku suddenly opened, and sucked him and the tiny Choromon into a dark pit. Haku felt like the falling was never going to end. He only saw the small circle of sky above him getting smaller as he fell. Then suddenly multicolored light encircled him, and he lost consciousness. ~~~~~~~~ Haku: "What...?Where...? OH!" The first thing the boy saw as he gained consicousness was the huge fountain of rainbows. Haku: "It's... the Digital Fountain! One of this worlds lifesources! Now my plans can be surely fulfilled!" He stood up (Chip climbed to his shoulder in the very instance), and walked to the edge of the fountain. He took out his digivice, and was just about to dip it into the streaming light, when... "Stop, stranger!" Haku turned quickly, and saw that he was faced with a Nefertimon. Nefertimon: "What is your purpose, human? You ought to know that this fountain is holy, and no creature shall have contact with it! I am the guardian of this well, and I command you: step away from that fountain!" Haku: "You pathetic digimon! You cannot stop me! I am the DigiMage, ruler of all Digital World!" Nefertimon: "Only in your sick mind, human! No organic being can never match the powers of digimons!" Haku: "We'll just see about that..." A pure stream of energy shot out from Haku's glove. It hit Nefertimon hard, and she was forced to back down. Nefertimon: "Who...who are you?" Haku: "I already told you! You cannot stop me!" Quickly Haku turned to the fountain and dipped the digivice to the light. The machine started to glow an eerie light and Haku felt power rushing to the every part of his body. "Haku!" Another voice! But this time Haku recognized the speaker. Haku: "Keio? What are you...? You followed me!" Keio: "I was worried..." Haku: "The hell you were! You just wanted me to show you the way to this Digital Fountain! You greedy b..." Keio: "Haku! That is not true, and you know it! Deep down inside, you know that I'm here to help you! To cure you from that madness that controls your body and mind. But it hasn't caught your soul yet. You must fight, Haku! [i]Fight![/i]" Haku: "NO!!! You will be my first test with this mighty weapon, [i]your highness[/i]!" A powerful light left the digivice and rushed towards the dazzled Keio. But Peach the Salamon jumped between her Master and the stream. Peach: "HYPERBOOST DIGIVOLUTION! Salamon warp-evolves to... Magnadramon!" Haku: "No! The wrong one..." Pure digital light was lethal to humans, but digimons it temporarily warped to the final level - an effect Haku had had no idea of. DigiMage had planned to use the light only to destroy the other Masters out of his way. Keio: "What? P-Peach?" Peach (the Magnadramon): "Such power... I can barely control myself!" Haku: "This is all wrong!" Then Haku had an idea. He grabbed Chip and threw him over the edge to the fountain. Nefertimon: "What have you done, you fool!!!" Haku: "Let's see if your petty Magnadramon is any mach to my digimon. Chip, come to me!" The fountain crumbled and splashed, as a huge, red machine/dragon digimon appeared. Keio lifted her blue digivice to scan the monstrosity. Keio: "Chaosdramon?" Haku pointed at the pink Magnadramon floating in the heights of the gigantic pit. Haku: "Chaosdramon, [i]attack[/i]!" ~~~~~~~~~~ At the mouth of the abyss, Dantu and Kyukimon peered to the dephts. Rays of light shot out, and strange voices echoed to the surface. Kyukimon: "Whatever's happening down there, I'm going in! Princess is there!" ************* offgame: Hope I'm wasn't too controlling... I just had a spur of inspiration.
  15. Mina: Renamon is an animal, so nope! ;) Kabu: Sorry, but there is no chance you can join this rpg! These games aren't any playgrounds for breaking havoc! If you want to cause havoc, buy a GTA-game! :rolleyes:
  16. offgame: Umm, [u]Takuya[/u]... Keio just arrived to the Digital World, so how can you know who she is already? You aren't almighty! So, please cut that "I know everything"-attitude down a bit, okay? :smirk: (nothing personal, just wanted to avoid any "god-playing". Otherwise I am grateful for your dedication to this game, so keep going! :D ) And this is for [u]Kairi[/u] (whose PM-box is full): Basically, "dark digimons" are the ghost- and devil-types, such as Bakemon, DemiDevimon, Impmon, Beelzemon Soulmon, Devimon, Devidramon, Myotismon, Phelesmon, Mephistomon, Galfmon, Boogeymon, LadyDevimon, Phantomon, Lilithmon, Witchmon, Ghoulmon, Vilemon, PetitMamon, Mummymon, Pharaohmon, Daemon...this isn't all, but you got the idea, right? Just remember that "dark" doesn't necessarily mean "pure evil", just a bit... nasty. :naughty: Now, back to the game: ********** ~~~~~~~~~~ [b]"GET RID OF THAT PESKY DOG, OR THIS VILLAGE WILL SUFFER!"[/b] [i]"But... how can I..."[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~ยจ Peach the Salamon approached Haku carefully, sensing both good and evil in him. The small digimon's senses were all mixed up. She sniffed the boy's shoe. A kick, and Peach flew across the floor. At the same instant one of Kyuukimon's blade-arms pushed Haku's thin neck. Keio: "No! Kyu, don't!" Then the girl turned her incredulous gaze to the boy. His face was blank, completely emotionless. Keio: "Why? Why did you do that? She just wanted to be friends... Kyu, let him go. I'm sure this boy will find his own way out of this village." Kyu: "Yes, princess" Kyuukimon released the boy, who grabbed Choromon from the floor and then left the small palace. The sun was setting as the village was left behind the boy. Haku: "Now we can return to the more important issues, Chip. That weak soul almost came through this time. I must be more careful, or my vendetta will fail. My digivice shows that the Datafountain isn't too far away. We can walk this time. But I swear, if I ever get my eyes on that Gigadramon again..." *********** Back at the Thunder Plains, a lonely digimon worked on the control center. Platine: "You-mindless-toaster! What-do-you-mean-they-did-not-obey-you? Steel,-answer-me!" Steel: It-is-useless,-sister-unit. Andromons-have-gone-berserk--- Mission-is-failed,-the-alliance-will-crush-them! I-am-returning---" Platine: "You-think-Master-would-like-that? You-are-not-welcome-here-now. You-must-hide-until-I-get-a-chance-to-speak-with-Master,-clear?" Steel: "Yes,-sister-unit---" Platine: "Good. Now-get-the-hell-out-of-there!"
  17. Yes, Mina, you were first, so you're in (I REALLY sorry Ben, but read my PM... :( ). And Kabu... Didn't understand nothing! :nope: But this game is already full, AND running, so please find some other game, okay? (And practice your typing - there are such things as "dots" and "commas" ;) )
  18. No biggy, Ginger! You write when you feel up to it. I was just worried if you still visited here... But I'll continue with Haku, then: ********* Haku decided he should keep his mouth shut for a while (mostly because the pink digimon looked so fierce), so he followed the girl and her guardian to the village. The village was full of animals - some cute and cuddly, others just plain teeth and claws. Keio: "My new friends here told me that I was a Master. You must be a Master too, then?2 Haku: "Well, actually... Yes, yes I am." The girl leaned to pet Haku's Choromon. Keio: "Aren't you cute, or what?" Haku: "This is Chip. A Choromon." Haku felt his face blushing. The girl made him feel things he had never before felt. Keio: "Oh, you've given him a nickname! Should I give a cute nickname to you too, Kyu?" Kyuukimon: "I don't think that would be appropriate, princess. Kyu is enough." Keio: "Heh, what ever you say, [i]Kyutie[/i]!" A princess? Apparently this girl was more than what outside showed. She was obviously dominating these digimons... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]"Help!... Save me!... I'm right here!"[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The girl turned swiftly to Haku, with an astonished look on her face. Keio: "What did you say?" Haku: "Me? Nothing! I didn't hear anything!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]"Don't listen to him!... I'm right here... All you have to do is..."[/i] [b]"I'M WARNING YOU! SHUT UP, OR SHE WILL SUFFER! YOU WILL NOT BE SAVED! YOU CAUSED THIS TO YOURSELF, AND IT'S TOO LATE TO BACK UP NOW! THEY MUST BE PUNISHED! WASN'T THAT WHAT YOU WANTED ALL ALONG, [i]HAKU[/i]?"[/b] [i]"..."[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  19. offgame: Takuya, I've already ANSWERED to the question - SEVERAL times! If you read my very first post in the recruitment-thread PROPERLY, you can see that I've wrote: "We are going mostly by the appereance, because some of the card-definitions are odd". So there. And Blanko, of course I've read every post! This is my RPG! And as for Ginny, I REALLY hope she hasn't made one of her disappereances again! And if Mina or Ben read this, I hope they both would contact me, because now they're BOTH going to be the master of Magical Digimons... Oey... *head-ache* Well, let the game continue!
  20. Oh, but, but... Mina is the Master of Magical digimons! Sorry Ben... Please read my PM! Besides, you don't have to start with a rookie, you can have SEVERAL digimons! This part has been left a bit unclear to some people...
  21. Okay, if I got the meaning of this thread correctly, we are supposed to ponder the "mysteries" or theories of the FF-games, right? Well, I've been thinking about the whole basic plotline of FF7: I just don't get it! I mean, [spoiler]Cloud is supposed to be Sephiroth's minion, but suddenly he isn't - a guy named Zack is! By coincidence, Zack is an ex of Aeris, girl that Cloud meets by accident, and who poses such a threat (why?) to Sephiroth that he has to slay her! I got that Jenova was a result of some experiments of Shinra and Hojo, right? And Sephiroth was Jenova's and Hojo's son, but... how? And why? Then there's Vincent Valentine, an ex-worker of Hojo: he worked with Sephiroth and Cloud/Zack (still don't know which one it was!), but what happened to him then? He just fell into a coffin and became a Dracula-wannabe? Aeris's mother was an ancient, wasn't she? And the father was somekind of professor (forgot the name), but why did she pose such a threat to Sephiroth? Surely he wasn't just allergic to her flowers?![/spoiler] So if people could clear the dephts of this game to me, so that I can sleep my nights in peace. Please? Oh, and of course some spirited discussion is always fun! :D
  22. Actually, Bremma answered the question (I was just goofing off), but why not: Q: Name the three potions (and who you get them from) of the "transform regent Cid back"-mission in FFIX.
  23. Umm, I just want to ask this (kind of a silly question): You (Syk, Elite, James) said that double- or more posts are ABSOLUTELY forbidden, then what about for example the Fanfic- and RPG-sections? If one has a story over the limit of one post, is it allowed to continue the story in second (or third) post? I've seen this happen, I've even done this myself once, and nobody has said anything about it, but what is the "official" comment on this?
  24. Do I get a bonus if I tell the name of Terra's mother? Well, probably not, but I'll tell it anyway: MADONNA! WHEE-O!!!*jumps off with a bonus* :D
  25. offgame: Okay, I have some things to settle here: [u]Darncoolguy:[/u] write properly! Nobody says "plz"! This is one of the basic rules of rp'ing - people are supposed to be able to understand what you're saying! [u]Kairi:[/u] please, don't use that color of font anymore! And you CANNOT have a BlackAgumon or a Growlmon - they are reptilians! Not nearly all virus's are your digimon - just ghosts, devils, and other night-related digimons. Is this clear? Please EDIT your post. Otherwise I love the input you all have given to this game. We will have one more Master to our players soon: Mina Karusala is going to play the Master of Magical Digimons (wizards, puppets, pixies, clowns). Well, these were my issues, I'll continue the game a bit: *********** ongame: Steel the Hagurumon was feeling really nervous - well, more like threatened, because machines don't have nerves - leading the platoon of Andromons to the Reptilian stronghold. The ultimate-digimons payed as much attention to him as to the mushrooms they passed. Steel had a hard time keeping with the pace of the gigantic androids, so he was relieved when he saw the weird-shaped mountain rising behind the trees. Steel: "There-it-is,-men! Split-into---" But the Andromons had already acted, and they scattered to the landscape, leaving their unwanted leader floating to the pathway. Steel: "Well,-this-is-going-well---" *********
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