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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. offgame: Boy, some of you have whole armies behind you... ;) I didn't think I had an army, but because you wrote so, I guess I have then! :bluesweat But PLEASE, no MEGAS at this point, okay? And only few ultimates per Master at the time, OKAY? Concentrate more on the characters than creating your very own army, please, people! ************** ongame: Ten energychains held the gigantic Gigadramon. It remembered dimly what it was like to fly in the sky of Digital World. But Haku had imprisoned - or rather, enslaved - it, and it had no other option but to obey the human. Haku: "You do know what to do here while I'm gone, don't you, Platine?" Platine: "Yes-sir! The-Reptilians-and-the-Birds-must-be-kept-busy. I-will-send-the-Andromon-platoon-to-the-Reptilian-base." Haku: "Excellent! Put Steel in command of them - that ought to teach that wheel-head what it means to OBEY! Sayonara!" Platine: "May-the-Digital-Winds-speed-your-way,-sir!" Haku jumped on top of the Gigadramon (along with his Choromon), and unleashed it. The mechanic dragon spurted from the hole in the roof. It wriggled among the bolts darting from the eternal dark clouds above the plateau. Haku: "To the Desert of Invalid Action! The secret in there should wipe those meddling Masters from the face of this world- my world! Ahahaa!!!" Platine the Solarmon watched from a window as her Master disappeard to the stormy sky. She was now in control - and that pleased her! ~~~~~~~ [i]Release me!... This madness has been on too long... How can I ever make things right again... Nobody will believe that it's not really me doing all these horrible things... Nobody will believe that the blue-caped psycho isn't really Haku, the Master of Machine Digimons!... It's just his body... The minds trapped... The mind is right here...[/i] ~~~~~~~~ Gigadramon flew into the bright sunshine. Thunder Plateau and the mountains were left behind, and the huge Desert of Invalid Action opened before it. The human riding on its back had no idea how it lusted for freedom. Now it had been given a chance... Haku noticed a colony on the border of the Desert. He lifted up his digivice and scanned the target. Haku: "Interesting... The village of Animal Digimons. They seem unorganized, so they shouldn't be a threat... Hey, there is a human lifeform down there! Gigadramon, land! I command you!" The black android-dragon landed on the ground a small distance from the village, raising a gust of sand. Haku hopped down, Chip the Choromon sitting on his shoulder. Haku: "Let's see what our new friend looks like..." The boy had been reported of five other Masters living in the Digital World, but he assumed that there was plenty of more. And the human in that village was one of the new ones. Haku: "This is my world, and I need to know about any illegal immigrant that enter here! The DigiMage's crown shall not be... What? NO!" Haku turned around to see the free Gigadramon taking off from the ground and flying away. He realized he was now all alone in the middle of nowhere. He hadn't thought before acting - he had made a mistake! Haku: "No! How could this happen... [i]to me[/i]?! Come back, you son of a lizard and a microwave-oven! Don't you dare leaving me here!!!" ???: "What is the matter, boy?" Haku turned around again to face the amazed girl standing behind him. A giant pink canine monster stood next to her, staring suspiciously at Haku. Keio: "Hi! My name is Keio! It's nice to have visitors! I've been all alone with these Digimons for a while now."
  2. You're correct! Neh, a FFX-question... Dunno... Damn, I had an excellent question to this thread, but I've forgot what it was! :bluesweat In my granny's words, I'm going to be a professor because of my absent-mindness... :rolleyes:
  3. The exhausted Hagurumon approached his master's floating throne, followed by his sister's disapproving glare. Haku: "Steel, you're back. What did you bring me?" Steel: "The-mission-was-a-failure,-sir" Haku: "What? WHAT?! Don't tell me..." Steel: "I-could-not-pass-the-guards,-sir. The-Reptilian-base-is-too-well-guarded." Haku: "They are posing the biggest threat to my plans! Those fools... Why can't they understand that I'm not trying to destroy THEM? I just need that accursed Code that is hidden to their turf! You, Steel... Go punish yourself!" Steel: "Yes-sir!" Haku leaned back on his throne, constantly petting the mettalic skin of his Choromon. Haku: "Platine, come here." Platine: "Yes-sir?" Haku: "Time for plan B. We will have to do this the hard way, then. Prepair the vessel - we're heading towards the Desert of Invalid Action!"
  4. Lunatic Pandora? Or was Pandora the huge pyramid-spaceship...
  5. Okay, I have one: Q: Which FF6 enemy (monster) made a comeback in FF7, this time on the players side? HINT: [spoiler]The name changed a bit on the translated version of FF7.[/spoiler]
  6. offgame: Takuya, Blanko's right: you can't just know where DigiMage dwelles, and for the gameplay, it isn't very clever either... Why don't you just concentrate on your own character in the beginning, okay? And Gotenks, your welcome to join us. This is the final player list: [color=silver]Sage- Haku (Mechanic)[/color] [color=orange]Solo- Ryouka (Reptile)[/color] [color=blue]Ginny- Keio (Animal)[/color] [color=teal]Darncoolguy- Ojji (Marine)[/color] Kairi- Kima (Dark) [color=yellow]N'adou- Nadoka (Mythical)[/color] [color=red]Blanko- Furora (Bird)[/color] [color=purple]Rokas- Yuji (Insectoid)[/color] [color=green]Takuya- Dantu (Vegetation)[/color] [color=gold]Gotenks- Yami (Warrior)[/color] [color=brown]Circeus- Kensuke (Elemental)[/color] There's still one place to fill ([color=deeppink]Master of Magical Digimons[/color]), but Ben is apparently considering to join, so I'll wait for his reply. Let us continue the game: ****** Haku stared the boy who appeared out of nowhere furiously. Haku: "How DARE you! I am the DigiMage, and I'm above your kind! You're just a mere human, while I hold the powers of this world in these very hands!" Dantu: "Listen, I know you're just one of us..." Haku: "SHUT UP! Platine, come here!" Platine: "At-your-service-sir!" The humble Solarmon seemed to materialize from the shadows. Haku lifted his silvery Digivice [offgame: you all have digivices with own colors - you can check your color from the list above], and a ray of digital light shooted out of it, surrounding the digimon. Platine: "Solarmon digivolves to... Guardromon!" Haku: "Now, bug off, or Platine will have to show your way THROUGH the door!" Dantu: "Alright, but don't expect that I won't be back!" Haku: "I dare you..." The boy vanished to a pilar of light, leaving the caped boy staring at the wall of his metallic fortress. Slowly he moved to one of the few windows of the structure to gaze at the Thunder Plateau. Bolt of lightning bombed the plateau. Haku had thought that this place was unreachable by the other Masters, but apparently he had been wrong. Haku: "Cursed..."
  7. Game is on now. For any additional info, check out the recruitment thread. The rules are those of any rpg. Let's roll! ***** "Platine!!!" The humble Solarmon floated from the shadows as she heard her master's summon. "You-called-sir?" "Yes. Where's that no-good brother of yours? He was supposed to be back here to report me on the issue with the Reptilians." "I-will-contact-him-sir." "You'd better..." Haku turned to watch the screens. They showed videos from every corner of the Digital World. "This is it, Chip", he whispered to the Choromon he was petting in his arms. "This is my chance to show all of them! My pitiful parents, who never loved me for real! All the doctors and psychics... All of them will face the wrath of the DigiMage!!!" Haku turned on his heels so that the electric-blue cape swayed dramatically. [i]DigiMage... That's not me... This is wrong... I need to get out of this shell! HELP!!![/i] ~~~~~ The voiceless call echoed trough the Digital World. None of the dgital monsters populating the world could hear it. But there weren't just digimons in the Digital World at the time...
  8. Boy, you sure have been busy! :bluesweat Okay, the game will start today, but first I want to answer all the questions: [u]Takuya:[/u] you need to change your name to a more Japanese-sounding! How about Datsu? [u]Kairi:[/u] you're cool now. Kima is a good name. [u]Ben:[/u] of course you can join us, just choose one of the remaining Masters, and make up a character (you can PM it to me). [u]Ginny:[/u] then to you... Heh, I wasn't expecting anything like this, but I'm grateful you did this! Clears up stuff, really. I'll just define the ones that were unclear. [QUOTE] [u][b]To be Defined:[/b][/u] Bokomon=animal, Keramon=insectoid, Neemon=animal; Kurisarimon=insectoid; Rinkmon=warrior, Peacockmon=bird, Rapidmon=warrior; Armormon=machine, Infermon=insectoid, Kumbhiramon=animal, Kyukimon=animal, Locomon=machine, Majiramon=mythical, Mephistomon=dark, Anubismon=mythical, Armageddamon=dark, BKImperialdramon=what is this?, Cannondramon=reptile, Diaboromon=dark, GrandLocomon=machine, Imperialdramon=too complicated, don't use him! Phoenix/Houhoumon=bird, Piedmon=magical; Apocalymon/Apokarimon=dark; [/QUOTE] All fresh- and in-training forms are defined by what they evolve to. Hybrids shouldn't be used, because they aren't REAL individual digimons. Okay, this should be it, I'm off to start the game! PS. If anybody wants to join as a Master of either Magical, Elemental or Warrior digimons, just PM me, and you're in!
  9. Answer to [u]Ginny's[/u] question: I'd prefer going by the looks, since some of the classifications in the cards are kinda... odd. Exceptions are Mythical and Magical classes: *Mythical includes angels, legendary monsters (such as Pegasumon, Gryphomon, Unimon - so don't include these to Animals) and most dragons (less mythical dragons such as Airdramon and Veedramon are a part of Reptilian class). *Magical includes wizards, puppets, pixies and such digimons as Gargoylemon and Digitamamon. Did this answer your question? [u]Kairi[/u], please change your name to a more Japanese-sounding one. You're free to use the list I made, or even pick a name from an anime show (except Digimon itself). Okay, players thus far: (player - rolename - digimongroup - gender - age) Sage - Haku - Mechanic - male - 12 Solo - Ryouka - Reptilian - male - 16 Ginny - Keio - Animal - female - 15 Darncoolguy - Ojji - Marine - male - 16 Kairi - ? ("Chris") - Dark - female - 16 Na'dou - Nadoka - Mythical - female - 14 Blanko - Furora (Flora?) - Bird - female -15 rokas - Yuji - Insectoid - male - 10 This is good: we have 8 players, four from both genders. There's still room for 4 people. [u]About the game:[/u] This will start as soon as possible, so no worry with that. Here's how the partnership works: each characters will have a couple of nearest Digimons, who will travel with him/her (though not necessarily during the whole time). The amount of these nearest partners can grow or diminish during the game, and new ones can replace the lost ones. However, at the beginning, nobody should have a "closest" digimonpartner whose level is above champion! All characters have a Digivice they can use to TEMPORARILY level-up the digimons, however, the digimons can grow on their own to a PERMANENT upper level (like Gatomon in the show). There's no need to list your first digimonpartners in here, but you can begin to pounder on them (remember that ficcimons are prohibited - just for the fact that there's so much unused digimons that already exist, so use them!). Oh, almost forgot: you can NAME your nearest digimons with nicknames to separate them from the masses! Just to give you an idea what I mean, I'll tell Haku's starting posse: Chip the Choromon, Steel the Hagurumon and it's twinsister Platine the Solarmon. Here's all, see you soon! And make questions if anything is left unclear!
  10. Most of the kids have access to the Digital World at the beginning, though not necessarily all. But your sign-up was EXACTLY the type I was looking for, Solo! :D Now we'll just have to wait for other digipeeps to notice this...
  11. Okay, here's the deal: this game was a flop, I admit it. There's no point to continue this, if people aren't really interested. Anyhow, this has taught me something of making a messageboard-rpg, and I appreciate everyone who have written to this thread. But now the game is REALLY over. I'm officially SHUTTING it. As it reads in my signature, see you in some other RPG! (I'm definately not quitting roleplaying because of this ;) ) Game closed! *puts a mental lock to the thread*
  12. Okay, I'm not sure if this is going to work (mostly because my RPG's haven't really started out well...), but since there is a current lack of Digimon-related RPGs, I decided to give a chance to this idea I've had for AGES. This is the chance to play a bit more deep Digimon-game than usually. The current name of this game is: [U]Digimon Masters[/U] (very original, don't you think... :rolleyes: ) This is a story of 12 (can be less) Japanese kids who are the protectors of the Digital world. I've thought that the world would be the one in the first two seasons, but it really doesn't matter, because the partnership-system is completely different. In this game, the kids (referred as "Masters") each have their own type of Digimons they protect. This means that the characters are chosen from the list below (the color is the same in the characters Digivice): [color=orange]1.Master of Reptilian Digimons (eg. Agumon, Pteramon)[/color] [color=blue]2.M. of Animal Digimons (eg. Gatomon, Drimogemon)[/color] [color=teal]3.M. of Marine Digimons (eg. Dolphmon, Syakomon)[/color] [color=red]4.M. of Bird Digimons (eg. Penmon, Saberdramon)[/color] [color=purple]5.M. of Insectoid Digimons (eg. Kunemon, Roachmon)[/color] [color=green]6.M. of Vegetation Digimons (eg. Tanemon, Woodmon)[/color] [color=silver]7.M. of Machine Digimons (eg. Choromon, Mekanorimon)[/color] 8.M. of Dark Digimons (eg. DemiDevimon, Soulmon) [color=yellow]9.M. of Mythical Digimons (eg. Angemon, Unimon)[/color] [color=deeppink]10.M. of Magical Digimons (eg. Monzaemon, Bucchiemon)[/color] [color=brown]11.M. of Elemental Digimons (eg. Meramon, Rockmon)[/color] [color=gold]12.M. of Warrior Digimons (eg. Ninjamon, Knightmon)[/color] (These should cover up all the digimons) Two things about partnership: a)Masters have no actual partners, its more like every digimon in their respective type are his or hers partners. Thus, s/he can help any digimon of the type digivolve (of course to a certain limit). b)No fictional digimons (!!!), and preferrably digimons that HAVEN'T been in a major part in the show. Hope everybody got what I mean... About the characters: You have to be one from the list above, so only 12 people at tops can join (though things can always be discussed...). Here's the catch: I want the characters to be AS UNIQUE AS POSSIBLE. Avoid clichés and stereotypes (especially ones from the show), think about a character you will NEVER see in the show. Got it? And, as the characters are Japanese, it would be best if everybody had a Japanese-sounding name (it doesn't have to mean anything). These names are merely to HELP you (you can use them or choose your own, whatever suits your character best): GIRLS: Akane/Takane, Keio/Kyo, Aki, Rani/Lani, Kaori, Mizumi, Mayu... BOYS: Youkai, Ryoga, Ryudo, Datsu, Osamu, Yuji, Yakka, Mikesu, Lee, Saido, Yami... Just to give you guys an example I'll add my character: [u]Master of Machine Digimons[/u] [u]name:[/u] Haku [first name is enough] [u]gender:[/u] male [u]age:[/u] 12 [age can vary from 6 to 16] [u]appereance:[/u] a sickly boy suffering from genetic mutation, albinism. This makes his skin pale, hair pure with (with a few silvery lines) and eyes red. His body is slim and small, with weak bones. He waers a simple black&white shirt and grey trousers. [u]bio:[/u] Haku has always been suffering from various ilnesses, thus living a half-life inside his parents' mansion. He comes from a wealthy family, so he has always gotten everything he wants - except a normal life. Haku spends most of his days in front of the computer playing games, chatting with strangers, pretending to be normal and healthy. But when he gets an anonymous e-mail his life is completely changed. He finds himself in a completely new dimension, the Digital World. Here Haku is allmighty, and this messes his head big time... Nothing more is necessary. Every character lives in Tokyo (naturally). I'll reveal some storyline if this gets enough support. Note that you will gain your partners as the game processes, you can't choose them at this point. So, let's give this game a change. In case you need to ask anything, please use this thread, and I will be sure to answer you! [i]Join the Masters in order to save the Digital World - once again![/i]
  13. Sandy

    new ff games

    Tasis meant Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Buuuuddy. ;) Whole new game for GBA.
  14. Sandy

    new ff games

    Heh, just remember that FFXI is some kind of an interactive internet-game, so nothing like the previous games. FFX-2 will probably be released in the US either at the end of this year or next spring. This is at least what I've heard...
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i] [B] "Well, I've heard about a whole city that was sunken into ocean by the wrath of gods, and all of it's people were turned into mermen, legs turning into fins... So there"... that's some pretty impressive "fiddling"... [/B][/QUOTE] I was referring to MYSELF as well! You made your own translations, I made mine... We're all fiddling! :D I hope you don't take this personally. I know I'm a tolerant person and I truly honor your conviction. Like I said, if one REALLY believes in whatever s/he believes, s/he can't be COMPLETELY wrong... Well, what do you know, this thread turned into a religious debate! Why I'm not surprised... ;)
  16. Okay, you made me do this...:smirk: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i] a) Someone has tried to disprove the Bible using science, properly, to write a book about it, but ended up writing a book about God and science.[/quote] I think I know who you're referring to (though I can't remember the name), but there is also hundreds of books which HAVE succeeded to critizise religion in a very believable way (Copernicus, Darwin, Marx...) [quote]b) The effects of prayer have been scientifically studied (again, trying to disprove it) and prayer was found to double the chances of recovery for patients. (I'll give details when I look again- these are off the top of my head)[/quote] Well, this is similar to the fact that if you have enough life-will (or hope), you'll have more chances on recovery. Nobody's denying that. But wether you do it by praying or just struggling, I think the results are the same (depending on the seriousness of the disease, of course). [quote]c) Someone attempted to disprove the validity of the Acts of the Apostles, by Luke (one of the major new testament books), by actually visiting parts of Asia minor where the Apostles were, and instead he concluded that Luke was "not only accurate but one of the greatest of historians"[/quote] Yeah right! A man who wrote about five years in another man's life is one of the greatest historians in the world. As if! Yes, it has been prooved that there was a Jesus who lived in Israel (or Palestine), but that's because he's mentioned by other historians besides the ones in Bible. But this only proves the obvious: that the Bible is based on true events in some level. [quote]d) Some astronomical data didn't make anysense until they accounted for the fact that God apparently held time still or reversed it, twice, in the old testament[/quote] I don't even understand this point entirely, but if you're trying to prove that the miracles in Old Testament have been proven right in science, then somebody has fooled you HARD. The stuff in OT is MYTHICAL, and even most of the theologists consider that the events are only symbolical. [quote]1- I've seen a guy with a painful knee problem healed instantly[/quote] How can you tell he wasn't faking it? You can't! Lot of those "healing sessions" are based solely on the charismatic leader of the sect, who is making his followers to believe everything he says. [quote]2- I've seen 7 non-believers form a faith -not a religion, a [i]faith[/i] in Jesus in one night (they were the only non-believers there) [/quote] I repeat: they must have had a serious problem in what they believe in. If they were true non-believers, they would've stuck to it. I'm not saying that they made the wrong decision, but I'm just analyzing what made them do that decision. [quote]3- When I prayed about whether I should quit uni or not, the answer came the next day in this form: My mum bought a CD that wouldn't play in church the night before, to hear the second track. The third track was called "the scientist" (I study science). The music for "the scientist" was an identical chord pattern, and in the same key, as one of my songs (not a widely used chord pattern like some). In the back of the CD booklet it said "The scientist is Dan (my name is Dan). I see no chance for coincedences there. (it was also a Coldplay CD, who are a Christian group).[/quote] Well... a sign, a coincidence... this can be translated into whatever form, depending on the point of view. [quote]4- I've heard of a devout Christian village in Africa where they actually believe that the Devil sometimes takes people away from life early, and they pray for them to be brought back to life... and it actually happens.[/quote] Well, I've heard about a whole city that was sunken into ocean by the wrath of gods, and all of it's people were turned into mermen, legs turning into fins... So there. This is just a counter-strike to prove that these aren't NECESSARILY facts. I'm just saying that you can fiddle with words as much as you like, and still you can't find the ultimate truth behind them - there's always somebody who looks at them in a whole new way. I admit that this kind of bashing is really silly and is leading nowhere, but... Deus Ex craved for this! :naughty:
  17. Deus Ex, you must realize that the things you've listed are just opinions, a way to see what happened, you can't expect us atheists or members of other religions to instantly buy what you said... Though I doubt that was your intention, anyway... :blush: But anyway, I've been reading my religion schoolbooks (I studied religion because I was still part of the Lutheran Church before last summer) for the Matriculation Examination (the test you take in Finland when you leave Senior Secundary School... well, long story), and the main idea in them is that believers and non-believers can never reach concensus in this matter. Some people can change opinions, yes, but that only shows the opinions hadn't been very strong. So, what I'm saying is that there is no use trying to convince others that what YOU believe is right. People believe in various stuff, and I personally despise people who FORCE their believes to others. So what if you believe they're going to hell? You can never know for sure! The keys to this discussion is tolerance and acceptance. If you really believe in what ever you believe in, you should be happy with that, and not worry about everybody elses' believings - I'm pretty sure they know what they're doing. I personally am sure of my believes, and I respect EVERY person who are too, whatever the belief might be. Pounder on this: "Nobody likes hypocracy!"
  18. Oh, it was AWFUL!!! I didn't see it coming! :bawl: (I hadn't spoiled myself at the Internet at the time) And during the whole rest of the game I waited for her to come back, but... she didn't. :( It was rather disturbing as she had all these limit breaks and weapons I couldn't use after the... incident. Well, to my opinion, it would have been much better if her death had just been temporary or something... Well, I'm 100% sure that IF they make a sequel for FF7, Aeris WILL make a comeback! (We did see her spirit(?) at the ending scene of the game, didn't we?)
  19. Umm, novice? Newbie? Something like that... Heh, that pilot-guy was pretty funny... "Are you ready to lift up? Umm, o-okay..." :p
  20. [color=red]At the evening Xeed got his first mission as a Purifier. He and two other young monks gathered to cardinal Dogu's office. Dogu: "You might have already heard about the Ragtime Mouse-colony that arrived to Solomon City few days ago. Well, we all know what the Vision said about those filthy monster. Blake?" Blake: "In his Vision Saint Jahva learned that all monsters, from Behemots to Cactuars, from Flans to Moombas, from Ragtime Mice to Moogles are unholy and unnatural. Humans must build equipments to get rid of these menaces plagueing Asqar." Dogu: "Very good. Ragtime Mice are weak to ice, so you must take BlizTech-weapons. Here's the authorization to the arsenal. You take it, Mennah. You are the leader of this mission. And Xeed, as this is your first, I suggest you will follow the example of Mennah and Blake here. Agreed?" Xeed: Yes, your Holiness. Dogu: Splendid! Now, off you go! At the corridor the two other monks bursted to brag. Mennah: Yeah, this is so great! We will kick some major monster butt! Blake: Right on, brother! Hey Saggath, isn't this awesome? Xeed: Oh, sure. Xeed couldn't do anything but to go with the flow. Now he was really regretting that he didn't leave to his master Strago.[/color] *** [color=royalblue]Solomon City, the nest of thousand joys and thousand sins. This city never slept, and even the citizens themselves wondered why their emiress or the pope didn't put a stop to all this. Only one person knew the answer to this: the mayor of the city, Duke Solomon. The overweight creep watched the insane life of his city from his hilltop manor. Duke: "Just look at this, my son! All this will be yours one day! All what I've built!" Dyce (son of Duke): "Sure, Pops. What ever you say." Duke: "What's the matter? Everything you've gained in your life has come from this city. Without my effort you'd be one of those streetkids running down there." The bluehaired youngster retreated from his father's office. Without his father, there wouldn't even be those streetkids! This was all wrong! But a mere son of a mayor couldn't do anything to a situation that was in the most powerful hands of the world. At the aisle Dyce ran into a tall, dark figure. Jaco Bronx: "Watch it, kid! I need to see your old man." Dyce: "He's in his office, Jaco." It had been the same from since Dyce could remember: all kinds of thiefs and gangsters running in and out from the Solomon Manor. This had to stop![/color]
  21. O-okay... I just thought that nobody was interested to post in this, since it got way down to the second page of this section... But of course I'm more than happy to continue with this thing, if only people will post. Dark_A: your PM was very mixed up... I think you wrote the codes incorectly, so all I got was a picture of the Brothers-Guardians, and something like: "I need these pictures", so I really didn't know what was your point... Well, lets wait a little longer then, maybe this will work after all...
  22. Heh, this reminds me of what a "caller to radio" in Grand Theft Auto 3 -game said to the "radio host" Lazlo: "Guns don't kill people; death kills people! That's a medical fact!" I can see similar thinking in this thread, and all I can do is shake my head incredulously: kids talking about how great it is to shoot! It's a sick, sad world...
  23. :( Okay, I kinda guessed this... Well, this game was apparently a flop, which is a huge pitty because of the effort I put into this... Well, maybe I will have better luck next time... Apparently the game is over before it started... See you. *walks away depressed*
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] Most "straight" males aren't interested in gay male relationships because they don't find them appealing. [/B][/QUOTE] How do you know that? I've read somewhere that most men (if they could reply anonymously) have had homo- or bi-sexual fantasies. And also, many men in their youth have masturbated with their male friends (or this is at least what I've heard :blush: ). What is the ultimate truth, is still a secret, and I think it will be that forever. There hardly is such time when everybody could express their sexuality freely - world is such a bad place! Of course, some awfully religious peep will think the opposite, but we all have our opinions and so on...
  25. Okay, I'm getting a bit anxious if people will play this after all... :( But I'll continue with Xeed anyway: [COLOR=red]When the vesper was over, Xeed was returning to his closet-like room. But on the way, he was stopped by a young novice saying that cardinal Dogu would like to meet with him. Xeed went pale. He feared that cardinal - the head of Purifiers - now knew that Xeed was with an enemy of the Church - an apprentice even. Cardinal Dogu was truly a man to be feared: he was ruthless, even cruel, and some say he's more zealous than the pope himself! And there was also the fact that Xeed was his nephew. "Come in, son", a deep voice said as the young monk knocked on the heavy oak-door. Xeed stepped in to the well-lit office of his uncle. "I have been watching you, son, and I have to say that everything I've seen..." Xeed felt his stomach getting hard as a rock. He felt he couldn't breath anymore. "...has been very pleasing. Thus, I've talked with the merciful pope, and we have agreed that you will join the Purifiers." Xeed's eyes widened in terror. This was even worse than eviction from the Church! The Purifiers consisted of the worst biggots and purists in the whole Technotheistic institution. They lived to haunt misfortuned members of minorities and other religions. Xeed was not going to join them! He gathered himself. "Excuse me, Father, but don't I have anything to say about this?" "Well, not really. Your first mission will start tomorrow." [/COLOR]
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