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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. Oh, let's just ALL ignore my question, feh! :therock: C'mon Break, you don't have to be such a purist; this is for FUN, we're not playing "Who want's to be a millionaire?"! And I see that other people are asking questions before they can answer as well... Question was: Which water-summon came before Leviathan in the series? It's not THAT hard to answer! Now this is no fun anymore...:(
  2. Actually, Nyaromon DID appear on the show -three times. First in season one when Gatomon told her story (how she ended up in Myotismon's castle and so on...), second time in zero-two when Kari had her some sort of dream where she met a young girl with Nyaromon as a partner, and the third time in Frontier's Digimon School episode (I've only seen the baby-pic of that episode, but she's in it). But i don't know how good an idea was to restart this thing, Neffie; the previous thread was moved to the Adventure arena (and there it still is), and though it didn't succeed in there, I kinda think the mods won't allow this sort of "non-relevant" threads here... Partypoopers! :rolleyes: Okay, let's not start this whole war we had in the summer again. I won't comment on this anymore... [color=darkblue][b][size=1]I have to move it to the Adventure Arena, it's the rules. Hopefully it will do better over there than the last one, good luck.. -Shy[/size][/b][/color]
  3. Five Crimsonetes come back to the Tribal Council Area. Rabid grins mysteriously, Karina is nervous and shaking like a jello, Athena and Geroshi are whispering with each other, and Franky looks sinister with his arsenal. Sage: *walks from the shadows* [B]So, two of you will have to face the Wheel Of Misfortune today. I'll read the votes. As I said, everybody, save Rabid, got two votes before Rabid casted hers, so no use reading them. I'll just announce the LOSERS. They are: FRANKY and KARINA.[/B] Karina: OH NO!!!:bawl: Franky: GRAAH!!! :mad: *tries to launch his suicide-armory, but is stunned by a frying pan thrown by Candy* Candy: Bullseye!;) Karina steps to The Wheel and takes a spin. The arrow stops at: "Walk Home" Karina: WHAT? Does this mean.. I'm free to go? I'll survive? REALLY? Sage:[B]Well, that depends on you, because "walk home" means you have to literally WALK HOME. Goodbye! [/B] :smirk: ************** Karina wakes to a burning sunshine. Karina: W-where am I..? She looks around and sees nothing but... SAND. She notices a piece of paper on the ground. It says: [I]In case you were wondering, you're now in the middle of the worlds biggest sandbox: the Sahara. Have a pleasant walk home! ~Sage[/I] Karina: NOOOO!!!!:bawl: *************** Sage's servant-robots drag the unconscious Franky to the wheel. Candy spins it for him. The arrow points the slot that says: "Rest in PIECES" The mad chainsaw-murderer of Texas jumps from the shadows. Chainsaw-murderer: You called? Ach, here is my next customer, aye? *starts his saw* [The happening from this point you can imagine yourselves] Sage: [B]Rabid, Geroshi, Athena, you three have make it to the freakiest contest of this game. Stay tuned![/B]
  4. A: Don't know what you mean by "Sephiroth Clones"... Vincent? Jenova? Aeris's ex? Dunno... Q: Who was the summon-monster of water before Leviathan? [size=1][color=crimson]You cannot ask a question when you haven't even answered the previous one. -[b]Break[/b][/size][/color]
  5. Que...? Oh, I SEE! So Ginny, you're afraid that if there's [spoiler]Auron's daughter[/spoiler] there must be [spoiler]someone who MADE her with Auron[/spoiler]... Tehehee... :smirk:
  6. Well, it seems clear now that Ken will win, because he's got ten votes lead to QA... It's almost impossible to beat. Just need Flash to announce it.
  7. Hey, there has been a few silly rumours about MY country (Finland) going on in the world. In the mid of 20th century (like 1950 or so), when exchange studency started, people in such countries as USA and UK asked the Finnish exchange students and tourists stuff like: "Do you have a pet-icebear?" or "Isn't it cold living in igloos?". This is true, my teachers told this stuff! Yes, this is a northern country, but not THAT north! It's like Canada, same kind of seasons and weather. But funny, though...:D
  8. Sandy

    Tamers: v2

    Let's face it: this story has died, or at least its in coma... Even i can't think of anything to continue it! How can Metamormon be destroyed? By whom? Who all are there? And Devamon: what will it look like (personal problem...)? Everybody's just SO scattered: I have no idea how to bring them back! Just too many problems... Plus I've got no will to write now! :rolleyes: So, is anybody willing to work with this anymore? I will probably gain back my will to write if some body shows interest too... Are we pulling the plug out, or will we give Tamers 2 another chance?:(
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuruBlu [/i] [B]Does her sword kinda look like Auron's or is that just me? [/B][/QUOTE] THIS IS PLAINLY A RUMOUR (So don't freak out if you peek under the spoiler-grids): Somewhere they suggested that Pain/Pine (name isn't translated fully yet) MIGHT be [spoiler]Auron's daughter.[/spoiler]
  10. I had some strange experiences in the crater, and I want to share! :D NOTE: some final boss-[u]spoilers[/u] might be included! First time I played the game, I got stuck with the final boss ([spoiler]Safer Sephiroth[/spoiler]?), because I had no such things as Knights of The Round or Omnislash. But before the [spoiler]angel-Sephiroth there's the "mutant-Sephiroth"[/spoiler], and at the first time, I got only one party to fight him, but when I replayed the game later (and passed it) I got TWO parties (or was it three?). It was a bit of a shock, and I wasn't prepaired, so I had only Cloud, Tifa and Cid in high levels, and I had to throw weak Barret, Yuffie and Red against him too... Luckily I didn't need them, but it was strange anyhow... How can one game just change like that? And I doupt anybody can pass the ultimate boss without Omnislash or Knights! And didn't you need the Omnislash to [spoiler]finally kill Sephiroth with Cloud[/spoiler]? [size=1][color=crimson]Added the spoiler tag to your post. Please add it next time. -[b]Break[/b][/size][/color]
  11. Sage: *appears to Franky and slashes him with his paralyzing whip* [b]Quiddit, you freako! :mad: That's no way to survive in this game!!![/b] Franky: Uuuhhh... Yessir... *faints* **************** [offgame: after four votes EVERYBODY has two votes (except D_M). So, Digital_Monster, it's your call: your votes will decide who two will join you for the final competition. Exciting, ne?]
  12. Sage: [b]Now, let the judges do their work - which is to judge, naturally! How shall it be?[/b] (Scale is 1 to 10) [u]Geroshi (bottles: 21/24)[/u] C.D.: Oh, it was loud, oui? And pinque! ;) I give 8. L.P.: Me not like old hags. Me give 5. D.H: Me neither. 2 Total: 21+8+5+2=36 Geroshi: Aw nuts... [u]Franky (21/24)[/u] C.D: Dat man is 'ideous! Too loud! I give 3! L.P.: Very macho... Me give 9. D.H.: Yup! Man must support his own gender: 10! Total: 21+3+9+10=43 Franky: Thanks, mates! :D Rabid: *loads her weapon* Chauvinists... :therock: [u]Rabid (23/24 + three judges)[/u] C.D.: SHOCKING!!! How dared she... *gets an evil eye from Rabid* Uh, its 10, then... L.P.: Oh Mama Maria! I thank you for letting me see her! 10! D.H.: Err... :nervous: *wets pants* 10... Total: 23+10+10+10(+3 kills)= 53 (+ three assassin-of-the-year badges) Rabid: Gotcha! [u]Athena (23/24)[/u] C.D.: Wo's she? Didn't see 'er! Well, I guess I give 'er... 7 L.P.: Total stranger... 6 D.H.: Well, she's pretty, at least. 9 Total: 23+7+6+9=45 Athena *changes to Daisy*: Hey, Darr? Wanna go skinnydipping? Darren: Why sure!!! Err, after this, okay? Daisy: I'll be waiting... :smooch: Candy: HEY! He's mine! :mad: *starts a catfight with Daisy* [u]Karina (18/24)[/u] C.D.: Absolutely DIVA! Very exciting: 10 L.P.: Magnificent! FIIGAAROO!!! 10! D.H.: Hey, you're EVEN better looking: 10 Total: 18+10+10+10=48 Daisy&Candy: No! Darren your MINE!!! Karina: Sorry, girlfriends. I guess I beat you both... ;) Darren: You're place or mine? Daisy&Candy: NOOO... Rabid: *glances at Sage* May I? Sage: [b]Well, let that be your prize for winning, so go ahead![/b] Rabid takes her sniper and finishes the three judges. Karina&Daisy&Candy: OH NO! DARREN!!! :bawl: Rabid: My day has been saved... :smirk: Sage: [b]So, Rabid has won the Operano Soprano competition, and thus is out of the two voted out at the Tribal Council, which starts... NOW![/b] At the Tribal Council scene: Sage: [b]Each of you five have TWO votes, and the two who have got most votes when everybody has voted will get to spin the WHEEL. And as Rabid won the immunity-idol, she CANNOT be voted out now. After this vote, only three will remain, and then it is time for the ULTIMATE CONTEST between the three. All clear? Let's vote![/b]
  13. Actually, it is only POSITIVE that square has decided to do a FF-game with (almost?) all characters being female. Just look at the earlier games: three has been an absolute maximum per game of females, no matter how many other playable characters there are (think FFVI: 14 characters, three females).
  14. [offgame: OOPS, sorry, D_M!!! Its RABID, I know! I just have hard time remembering it when I write raPidly, teh! :D [size=1]Please, don't be mad... :nervous: [/size] ] Sage: :flaming: [B]WHATTAHELL!!! Rabid, you massacred the judges! That's highly INAPPROPRIATE! Luckily I have done a little necromancy in my youth, so that ought to fix it...[/b] Sage casts a necromancy spell to Celine, Pavarotti and Darren Hayes. Celine: Uh, mon dieu, w-wat 'appened? Pavarotti: Ah, I have seen the Holy Virgin Maria The Mother Of God!!! *faints* Darren: *confused* Sage: [b] Now, let's continue. Karina, you're last.[/b]
  15. Yes, I agree with you, Harlequin, about the medi-eval thing - science-fantasy is good in it's own way, but doesn't beat the "classical" monsters, might and magic! ;) By the way, I don't think that they are that "classical" in fantasy anymore: now it's all about a boy who is brought up in a small farm/village, then gets to know he's the frigging heir of the world or in best cases the saviour of the prophecies, and off he goes with a wise wizard, a stubborn (red-haired) princess, a way too honourable knight and other as stereotypical characters as those. This kind of actin you can read from: Eddings's Belgariad, Jordan's Wheel of Time, Williams's Memory, Sorrow&Thorn, Hobb's Seer Trilogy and numerous others. I don't know how popular those books are in your countries, but in Finland they are all at the top of the fantasy. My kind of fantasy is more what Tolkien, Weis&Hickman, Salvatore and many less known ones represent, plus the not-so-classical fantasy, such as Pratchett and Gaiman give us.
  16. Loudspeakers: Sage:*shoos Candy* [B]Go to heck, you irritating imp!!![/b]*notices the microphone's on*[b] Ermh... BWAHAHAA! It's me again! Time for your second last trial, Survivors! To the Central Point, we gather![/B] Franky, Rapid, Karina, Geroshi and Athena appear to the big square in the middle of the Survivor City. Sage: [B]So, five of you are left... The last voting showed that the tribal lines have been broken, so you are truly individuals now. As I said, this is the second last competition of this game, so that means TWO of you will leave after this competition. So, let's start [u]THE OPERANO SOPRANO![/u] Each of you will step to this stage...[/B]*a performing stage rises from the ground* [B]...and perform an opera-aerie! Your task is to break as many of these twenty-four crystal-bottles...[/B] *assistant-robots carry bottles to the edge of the stage* [B]...with you VOICE as you can! So the higher you sing, the most probable your victory is![/B] :toothy: Karina: YES! This SOOOO me! :D Franky: Hmm... Haven't sang in soprano before... wonder if it works... Rapid: Maybe if we CUT some particles off, you might do it... :devil: Franky: UHH! :eek: [SIZE=1]Perhaps we could skip that part... Okay?[/SIZE] Sage: [B]However, we have a special JURY here to judge your performancexs, so breaking the largest amount of bottles isn't the only way to win. The jury is: CELINE DION LUCIANO PAVAROTTI and DARREN HAYES![/B] Celine: What is this place? Let me OUT!!! Luciano: Mamma mia! *faints* Darren: Why am I here? I'm no opera-singer! Candy: It's your EXTREMELY attractive high screaming that got you here, boy! :love: Oh, and maybe I had something to do with it, too... :smooch: Sage:[B]The jury will give their votes after everybody has performed, and the winner is announced. Let the singing contest begin!!![/B] *********** [So, each one has only one post to give what they have to give to this contest - but editing is possible!!! Remember, you can break as many of the twenty-four crystalbottles, but it doesn't automatically determine your winning. I'll see how this contest has progressed in MONDAY, so post soon, and post well! ;) And as I mentioned, two will have to go after this contest, I will tell the voting-rules later. Okay? Okay! :toothy: ]
  17. Good luck, Queen A.! You got my vote - now that Ginny's not on anymore... I have to say I admire the contestants for being so patient, as the "big brother" was kind of...well, apparently not interested to do this properly (I mean all the rushing, group evictions, long breaks...) But anyways, it has been amusing! PS. My Survivor: Freakshow -RPG is also on its last meters. I'll post the final vote-thread in few weeks. Go check it out!
  18. It doesn't have to be a whole new forum! :rolleyes: You can just start a thread about it at the Lounge - that's a lot more simpler! This is the same issue as in various other threads at this section, such as the one about Harry Potter, so it has the same principles: that kind of section would be extremely small, and in time, it would probably die because everything ahs already been said about Japan. This is just my opinion, but I THINK James will agree with me.
  19. January, guys! This will start in January, so you'll have to wait for that! :D But if anybody has any suggestions about what they would like to see in a good Final Fantasy-rpg, just post in this thread, or PM me! All suggestions will be thought through.
  20. The Crimsonata-tribe sat quietly as Sage started to count the votes. Sage: [b]This is it, guys. One of you will have to go now. I'll count the votes. 1st vote: Rapid 2nd vote: Athena 3rd vote: Karina 4th vote: Yami 5th vote: Rapid and... . . 6th vote: Yami So, we have a tie! Let us solve this thing with ARM-WRESTLING![/b] Rapid: Yesh! My fave! :demon: Yami: Oh blooper! :rolleyes: The two girls started arm-wrestling. As soon as Rapid grabbed Yami's hand, she knocked it to the table. Rapid: Told ya! Yami: NO! This can't BE!!! Sage: [B]Oh, yes it can! Yami, the tribe - and Rapid's arm-wrestling skills - have spoken: you're out! Now, let's spin the WHEEL OF MISFORTUNE![/B] Yami spins the horrid wheel, and the arrow stops at: "Frankenstein's Monster's Bride" Franky: Neat! Here's the key to my flat. I wouldn't mind if you did a little cleaning up before I come home with the victory. Yami: :eek: NO WAY!!! Not in MY unlifetime! *grabs a stick from the ground and pierces her heart with it, leaving just a pile of ashes* Franky: Shucks! There goes yet another bride-candidate... Oh well, new ones will come! :D Sage: [B]All clear. Crimsonata, you may head back to your Tower. And Candy, clean those vampire remains, will you? [/B] Candy: Oh, this is beginning to become a true punishment... :rolleyes: *************** [offgame: sorry it took so long. Well, I'll start a new contest TOMORROW. Oh, and this one will have a twist in it too, so just you wait...]
  21. Harlequin: Raymond E. Feist at the age of FIVE?! Gah, I'm reading the fourth part of Serpentwar Saga now, and I think it's too mature for me, and I'm EIGHTEEN! Well, some are freaks, others geeks! :rolleyes: (It's a sagism ;) ) I remember starting LOTR in the third grade (at the age of nine/ten), but it was too much for me then. Now I've read it twice (I know, some of you have read it cazillion times, but I think two times is a good achievement for me.) My true interest in fantasy started in seventh grade, actually in Finnish class, which is weird because the books one has to read in those classes are BOOORING! The book was the first part of the Belgariad by David Eddings. (Oh, the nostalgy!) Nowadays I don't give much appreciation to the named author, but his style fit well to a thirteen-year old schoolboy. Vegeta Rocker, you mentioned about fantasybooks being a way for you to escape the real world - well, they were the same with me, too! I have a mentally ill alcoholic as a mother, so... Luckily I don't have anything to do with her nowadays, and I'm purely pleased about that. Well, that's my story with the fantasybooks. I have the second part of Weis's Darksword-series in my bagpack right now, and it's the 161st fantasy book I've read, so I think I can really call myself a fantasyluver. ;)
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by EMU [/i] [B]:flaming: I was happilly playing my FF7 game I recently copied from a friend (on PC) when it told me that I had performed an illegal operation.[/b][/quote] Well, you sure have! ;) Why don't you try buying the REAL version of the game, it might actually WORK then? :smirk: Copied games are all trash...!:rolleyes:
  23. [offgame: starlight, Darkmoon, I need your VOTES! Remember, you can vote for anybody except Franky, for he won the immunity. I'll reveal that this vote will be VERY interesting, and VERY even...]
  24. I heard from the news that in Great Britain they are trying to legislate that the word "homosexual" would be added to a some kind of list of offensive words, for it has been said to be offensive to... well, homosexuals. This is very confusing to me. Well, we all know how some big insults of today have been perfectly normal in the past, like the words "negro", "gypsie" and such. But should "homosexual" be added to this list? My opinion is that "homosexual" is by no means an insulting word -it just describes the sexuality a person has, very similar to heterosexual, both coming from latin. I don't like separating people under titles, bu8t let's face it: there has to be SOME words we can use to say someone "fancies his/her own gender", or has darker skin, or is from different race. Yes, it would be IDEAL if we'd just stop defining each other by appereances, but hey, this is not an ideal world! So, the reason I wanted to send this thread is to ask you if YOU have had to face any circumstances when some word you have used to describe a person has offended anyone. And also what do you think about the situation in GB? Am I totally wrong and "homosexual" really IS an offensive word. And yet more, has "being politically correct" gone too far? I expect some good conversation, so please keep this civil!:D (and mods, PLEASE don't close this before the discussion has been started, or else you'd be forbiddin discussion about such an important matter as this!)
  25. [offgame: the task was to collect the three rings AND get out of the maze, so Franky hasn't crossed any lines -yet. But I've now made the decision, and I'll make it short, because I'm quite in a hurry...] Franky climbed out from the mirky tunnels, and saw that nobody else was there yet. Franky: What? DID I WIN? DID I? I WON!!! WHOHOO! Candy: Congrats! :D *hands Franky the immunity-neclace -made out of rat-skulls* Sage: [b]Yes, Franky, you're our first individual winner. You cannot be voted of in the next Tribal Council, so indeed, congratulations. You are eager to see your prize, aren't you? Well, here it is: YOU GET TO SPEND SOME QUALITY TIME WITH YOUR GOOD FRIENDS... . . . KITTY, SLIMEEL AND MINOTAUR! :laugh: A five-star hotel has been set for you guys! Enjoy! :demon:[/b] Franky: GAH! :eek: NOOOOO!!!:bawl: Crimsonetes *who have appeared a bit earlier*: :smirk: Got what you deserved, fart-bag! Sage: [b]But before you go, we have the Sixth Tribal Council! Off we go, everyone![/b] *********************** [You know the deal: you can vote for anybody exept Franky now. Consider, negociate, etc. This vote might solve many things about the future of this game, if you get what I mean...]
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