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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. Sandy


    It's crappy if one doesn't know how to USE it. :smirk: Well, it was difficult to me too, so I guess I shouldn't go smirking around much... :rolleyes:
  2. Umm, Medra... if you don't want people to post in this thread, wouldn't it be more effective to, I don't know... CLOSE it? :smirk:
  3. Actually, I think Gaia is used only in FF9, though I'm not sure... but I don't remember any mentions about it in any of the other games. So, I guess you [i]were[/i] dreaming, Break. ;) SAGE'S INFO-PUNCH: If somebody didn't know, Gaia is actually "earth" in ancient Greek, and Terra is latin for the same thing.
  4. OOPS! Misunderstanding...:bluesweat: Zanarkand, Zidane thought you were looking for a ff-based site, but in fact the discussion was about how should Zanarkand name HIS site... Oey, people should read each others posts more carefully before answering...:blush:
  5. Hey, I'm neither either! (funny words, teh!) I, too, celebrated my 18th birthday last summer, so according to the Finnish laws, I get to vote on next spring's parliamental elections. We have three main parties as well: social-democrats (right), center party and the conservatist ("bourgeois lefties" :P). The center has been in the opposition since forever, but now it seems it will rise as the BIGGEST party, past social-democrats, which my whole family is supporting. I, personally, don't support any of the three, but the green-party, which is the fourth biggest party. Then there are the communists, christian-democrats and Finland's Swedes party (the biggest minority in my country -that's why we are bi-lingual!), but practically nothing else in the current parliament. Let's just see how things work next spring... But basically this kind of diversity in political parties is only a good thing. It gives space, and you don't have to choose only between two. But each country will go with their own customs, I guess...
  6. Armadee, I don't think you can attach files to your PMs... besides, you can open a completely new e-mail box in an entirely free sites, such as Yahoo etc. It's not like you have to begin to USE it - just send the pics, that's all! ;)
  7. Polygon Tower's loudspeakers: [B]Crimsonata... Rise and Shine... NOW! How would you like a little "jogging" in this LOVELY morning? Well, how would you like if we add a few MONSTERS to speed you up? :demon: Survivors... Come To Me! :blulaugh:[/B] The six "crimsonetes" are dragged from their beds, and they appear in the chilly breeze on the roof of a gigantic warehousebuilding. Sage and Candy are waiting for them. Sage: [B]Welcome, dearies! This is your first competition as INDIVIDUALS. The name of the game is:[u]Monster Maze, Ring Race![/u] So, each of you will enter this building, each from a different hole in this roof. The building is constructed as a HUGE maze, and there are THREE monsters roaming around it. They are: Kitty - You all remember my favorite kitten?:smirk: Minotaur - a giant with a head of an ox - note the sharp horns!:devil: Slimeel - a combination of a snail and an eelworm, VERY nasty and VERY ugly!:drunk: They are all extremely hungry, and extremely MAD!:mad: So, what I want you to do, is to gather THREE rings hanging from the collars of the three monsters to a staff Candy will give you all. You'll each have different colors: Rabid -[COLOR=red]red[/COLOR] Franky -[COLOR=green]green[/COLOR] Karina -[COLOR=yellow]yellow[/COLOR] Geroshi -[COLOR=purple]purple[/COLOR] Yami -[COLOR=darkblue]blue[/COLOR] Athena -[COLOR=orange]orange[/COLOR] Make sure that the color of the rings you gather matches the color of your staff. The winner is the first one who makes it back up here with three correctly colored rings hanging from her -or his- staff. The winner will receive the immunity-crown and a special prize, and she -or he- cannot be voted out at the Tribal Council. All rules clear? Survivors, GO![/b] ******************* [Remember, you can't win unless you post! ;) ]
  8. Sandy


    I didn't use any special tricks against Adel... well, perhaps that was the reason I had to fight the combat a few times before passing it...:bluesweat: But she wasn't particularly hard to me. :huh:
  9. I think I found it on the first train the party traveled with, in the wagon they had the first Laguna-dream. But I think one can buy it later from some shop...
  10. I think the hardest thing in FF8 was gaining the items to get the new weapons and the junction-system, which got me to the verge of nervous breakdown. All too complicated for me...:( Me hate complicated...:mad: That's why I gave up in Ultimecia's Castle - I got there WAY too early. :rolleyes: So, G/S/B, a tip for you if you may: fight a lot, and fight HARD! That's the only way to get your characters' levels up, and get them the best weapons.;)
  11. OH, OH! :eek: You're WONDERFUL, Gin! I knew I could count on you!:D What you see on Ginny's attachment is one of the supposed characters of the upcoming game. MESSAGE TO MY ASSISTANTS: Please contact me as soon as possible via PM or e-mail. I REALLY want this thing to get rolling on, PLEASE!!!
  12. Sage: [b]CANDY! You excuse for a toothfairy! Come back here! You are my ASSISTANT, not a member of the tribe anymore... thanks that accursed wheel... You shall only appear to them in the contests, Tribal Council and such! Meanwhile, Crimsonata, you better get prepared for the upcoming competition. It will be quite important, because if the old alliances still exist, it might settle the faith of quite many of you "crimsonetes". Four more will have to go before the FINAL COUNCIL. MwahahaaoCOUGHCOUGH...[/b]
  13. Yes, thanks, Dark_A, but still people may send their ideas to this post, and we will discuss about them when this thing gets rolling. *still waits for his assistants to give their ideas* A little idea I can reveal to you: there's PROBABLY going to be some real FF-characters in a specific place during the game, but I'm not sure, since I haven't introduced this idea to my assistants. Oh, and I also made MY FIRST banner, which is about this project, and I will include it to my siggy.
  14. Sage: [b]This is it, guys! Two of you is going to get evicted in a most cruel way... The rest of you will merge as one tribe, and move to a NEW HOME! To the Tribal Council Area we go![/b] All eight appear around a bondfire. On the other side stands Sage, holding two vases full of VOTES. Sage: [B]I will tell the votes now. As MOST of you remember, this was a CROSS-VOTE, so Indigoths voted for LimeTime, and vise versa. So, on this indigo-colored vase, we have the votes of the Indigoths. Let's see... 1st vote: Kevin 2nd vote: Geroshi 3rd vote: Kevin 4th vote . . . KEVIN. Yes, you're out, but hold still for a moment, while I get you a pal to go with you. This limegreen vase holds the votes of the LimeTime-tribe. Let's count! 1st vote: Candy 2nd vote: Kevin (a little extra gift for you from your tribe-member ;) ) 3rd vote: Candy 4th vote . . . CANDY. So, Kevin and Candy, step forward. You two will NOT get in to the merged tribe. Instead...[/B] *drumrolls* [B]You guys remember the device that summoned my pet Kitty to gorge Ryan? :smirk: Let me re-introduce: The Wheel Of Misfortune!!! This hellmachine will be joining you in EVERY tribal council, starting from this. As you remember, the options are between the scale of DETRIMENTAL to ETERNAL TORMENT. So, Kevin, you shall take the first spin.[/B] Kevin: D-do I have to? :nervous: Sage: [B]Uh-huh![/B] :devil: Kevin:*spins* Sage:[B]Oh! It's the Infernal Succubus![/B] A flaming female demon appears from a blaze of fire. Geroshi: Look, she's naked! Nudist party! Karina: Not NOW! Succubus:[COLOR=orangered]Come here, mon cher![/COLOR] :flaming: Kevin: :eek: Oh OUI MAMAN! VIVE LE SURVIVEUR! :love: The succubus embrases the excited Kevin, and they both vanish in a firestorm. Sage: [B]Candee, your turn![/B]:demon: Candy spins the horrid wheel of sparkling lights and hypnotic colors. Sage: [B]So, you're destiny is... BECOME SAGE'S ASSISTANT??? What?! Who put THAT option there?!?![/B] Candy: :laugh: WHEE! The Wheel has spoken! It's word is the TRUTH! *gives the others The Finger* Ahaa! Who's the queen, who's the best? :p Sage: [B]Oh shut up and go to the staff-lounge...[/B] :rolleyes: *groans* Candy: Whipee! Yay...!*goes* Sage: *turns to the others* [B]So, despite the unexpected AND unwanted events, the game will continue now. Rabid, Franky, Yami, Geroshi, Karina and Athena, you are now ONE TRIBE called... [color=crimson]CRIMSONATA[/color], and your color is [crimson]. So, follow me to your NEW lodging place![/B] The posse vanishes and reappears in front of a huge skyscraper. Sage: [B]Let me introduce: The Polygon Tower -your new home! It's an ultramodern, highly intelligent and RAVING MAD tower, that will entomb you forever if you're not careful enough. The rooms in it constantly change, the walls move, the doors lead to nothing, the floors may open suddenly, and no-one knows how many levels, corners or windows it has. So, enjoy, and try to SURVIVE, my survivors! MWAHAHAA!!![/B] :devil: *disappears* Karina: *looks at the main doors of The Polygon Tower* Umm, so... Who's first? :bluesweat:
  15. [offgame: calumon_luver, Rain, you need to post your votes QUICKLY. All of the Indigoths have already voted, but I still need one of them to be kicked out... And those of you who haven't posted a "cameraman-post", do it with haste, because you MIGHT lose your chance to do it. Thanks for now!]
  16. Or actually, it ends [URL=http://www.fffin.com/ff10-2/kuvat.php]here (click this!)[/URL] It's a Finnish site, but don't let the language bother you -you'll still see the dozens of screenshots, pictures and stuff on that page. ;) This site has nothing to do with me, it isn't commercial, I just wanted you guys to see this, so I THINK I'm not breaking any rules... Besides, this is your chance to see the new clothes of Yuna and Rikku, in case you haven't already. Also, the three weird figures next to the "big" Rikku-picture, I think they are the baddies (of course I might be totally wrong :huh: ) Anyways, check out the female between the two oddities -her clothes would make even Lulu blush!:blush: Hope you like the pics, do check back to the site, as it releases new pics quite often. Thanks!:D [color=indigo]*sigh* ...There's already a thread about FFX-2. There has been for quite some time now... So why do people keep making new ones about it?! I mean, there've been about five threads about FFX-2 since the original one that Semjaza made about it and FF: Crystal Chronicle. Bah... *merges this with Semjaza's thread* - Desbreko[/color] EDIT: Well, excuse me, Desbreko, but if the thread says "FF: Crystal Chronicles" on the headline, how am I able to know it's REALLY about FFX-2?! :therock: I haven't read every thread here, and I DIDN'T see a specific thread about FFX-2 on the first page, so according to the rules, I've done nothing wrong. ;) PS. The FFfin-site is all messed up now, but you can still see the pics. ~Sage~ [color=indigo]Because it also says "FFX: Another Lord" in the title. :rolleyes: And Semjaza, I can change the title if you want me to. If so, what do you want it to be changed to? - Desbreko[/color]
  17. Is it YOU, nuchlear??? But didn't you have an user name BEFORE Nuchlear? So, S@bretooth would be your fourth name?:therock: Oy, some one's got a hobby...
  18. OH OH! I forgot Gold Saucer from FFVII! Especially the videoclips outside of it... WHOAAA...!! But then, almost every videoclip in the whole FF-series are amazing... Makes one just ask "how do they do that?!" AJeh: Of course, IIFA-tree! Gosh, I'm totally demented...:rolleyes: After all, I've lived a whole eighteen years...:smirk:
  19. My assistants are: Lalaith Ril, Mitch and ColorDeaf (and Ginny, if she accepts), and I'm sure we will discuss about the charcter-bio issue a lot in the near future. But at this point I am almost certain I'll keep the existent characters, because like in every FF-game, they are so tightly connected to the story, and this is going to be quite big a project, so I don't want dozens of "wannabe-clouds" roaming around the game. But if the demand is high, I (or we) WILL make more playable characters. Thanks for your interest!:D
  20. Oh no!:eek: No, Ginnie! Why have people voted for Ginger!:bawl: You can't evict my fave!!! Okay, these kind of threads just traumatize me...*sob* Well, this is just a game, after all. *repeats in his mind: "this is just a game, this is just a game..."* Anyways, I voted for NeoCactuar because of several reasons: a) he hasn't posted for quite a while, b) he was nominated previously, and c) well, he's no FUN!
  21. Wow! :eek: That was one big battle of the titans! OUCH! This thread should be removed to the sparring section, or better even, the EVENT ARENA! "Behold the Mighty Battle Between The Admin and A Newbie!" Teh, these are the threads that make coming to this board TRULY worthwhile...:D James, I hope you'd use the word "childish" more rarely, because we all know Mnemo isn't being childish at all... a BRAT, yes, but not childish! ;) You both make excellent points, but at the same time, neither of you are REALLY debating, because one of the most important part of debate is to REALLY listen what the other one has to say, not just... well, [i]flaming[/i] -in a very sophisticated way, of course, but still, it's flaming. ;) But all in all, I respect both of your opinions; I, for one, could NEVER use English language as efficienlty as you two!:D AS FOR THE TOPIC: Like Mnemo said, I [I]do[/i] give a damn about the post accounts, but if there's any better suggestions (such as the karma-thingie) I'm all ears.:D (Like my word would REALLY mean anything...:rolleyes: )
  22. [Yes, it's here!:whoops: Here's the deal: the merging of the two tribes, [COLOR=indigo]Indigoth[/COLOR] and [COLOR=limegreen]LimeTime[/COLOR] will happen at the END of this week. BUT only six people can form that new tribe, so TWO has to go. One from Indigoth, one from LimeTime will be banished before the merge. This time, however, there will be no weekly competition, or even tribal councils, because the tribes will "cross-vote"! Meaning that LimeTime members will vote one of the Indigoths off, and Indigoths will do the same to one of the Limeys. Nasty, aye? Here's the list of people still in the game: Indigoth: Rabid (Digital_Monster) Candy (Faris) Franky (G/S/B master) Yami (Darkmoon) LimeTime: Geroshi (calumon_luver) Athena (Rain) Karina (starlight) Kevin (Circéus) So, the question is, who from the now-competing tribe you DON't want to see in the merged tribe? Who irritates you the most? You do you feel is a threat to your victory? Who is going to be outplayed?:smirk: Don't hesitate to consult with your current tribe-members through PM's, because one person will leave most surely if all of the votes are against her/him. You have four to five days time to post me your personal vote about who will leave. So, I'm expecting eight posts to my PM-box by the end of the week. Thank you! PS. Don't forget to post to this thread your feelings about this game! (Check out my previous post!)]
  23. Umm, I don't know about the character-creation... The characters I've created are SO intesily connected to the history... Maybe if their PERSONALITY stays undecided, and their "bio" would stay, because of the reason mentioned above. I'll think about it, but don't turn down the characters until you've got the whole idea. Umm, I have many volunteers, I see. Obviously, I can't take you ALL, because "too many cooks spoil the soup" etc. As I said earlier, I have a lot of info, and I need to get it into rpg-form, like the weapons: I have the names, but I have no idea how a specific weapon will affect when equipped. Opponents are also a big question. I have few main villains figured out already, but for the rest of the monsters... Maybe I should take the coolest from each game. The world is figuring itself out, and I will make the map soon. But still there's lots of work to do... Ugh, who will I choose? :bluesweat: I'll e-mail the people that have caught my interest, send them the materials and we'll see what will come of it... Thank you for paying attention, and I hope to see you all when the RPG is finally released. This thread will of course stay open, and people are more than welcome to say their opinions here, ask anything, suggest etc.
  24. I'm thinking about starting a Final Fantasy-roleplaygame here on this very board. I'm not talking about "i'm Cloud, you're Sephirot -let's fight"-stuff. This is something... BIG. Thus far I have created 20 pages of info about this project called "Final Fantasy: Utopia". Originally it was just a freaky idea of mine (I get those a lot), but now I think it has grown so big that I would like to share it with this community in the form of RPG. But the problem is that I'm kind of frightened to start this thing ALL by myself, because I really want this thing to work, and not end up with just a few posts, like so many other RPG's... So I'm asking one or two people to join me on organizing this, giving ideas, making suggestions etc... [u]About the "FF-U" itself:[/u] There's twelve main characters (thus far) with own backgrounds, special skills, two weapon-types per each chara (actually, two characters always share a weapon, eg one has sword+rod, other sword+dirk), and their pictures here on my desk. Theres also 21 summoning Guardians (from which only one is my own creation) which are tied to the plot, and the use of magic; unfinished item-list; completely new world (don't know what to call it yet, but it has at least three emirets called Carthenia, Arcania and Mertonia); lots of supporting characters; and yes, the beginning situation. As you see, it has many features of the real FF-games in it (eg summoning monsters, weapon-names, magics, Cid, Biggs&Wedge...), combined from all of the games between FFIV and FFX-2. But it has also a lot of my own thingies. All the basic-stuff are thought of, just need to get deeper into this project. So, I'm searching a person who is willing to help me make a glorious FF-rpg to this forum. NOTE: this is not about recruiting players yet. I'd like that person/persons to know a big deal about the game-series, some experience in RPG's here, and MAYBE someone who can draw attention, like "oh, this is one of *enter name here*:s rpg's! I'd better check it out", but this is by no means obligatory. I think if we make enough fuss about this, people will join.;) So, if you're interested, write in this thread or PM me, and I'll post the stuff I've made by e-mail, and we can get this thing started... This is going to be SO great!:excited: PS.NOTES: *Remember, I'll except two or even three persons with me in this project, if they are TRULY interested. *And this RPG is meant for everybody to PLAY, not minding if s/he has played the games or not, so this must be made easy to understand. *And the person/s who will help me, will have whatever role they want, if they want it. *little pribing...* *OH, and if you have ANY questions, or this stays unclear to you, DO NOT hesitate to ask. This thread is for that, also. *sits back to eagerly wait answers* [color=indigo]This belongs in the Adventure Arena forum, since it has to do with an RPG. *moves thread* - Desbreko[/color]
  25. Sage:*speaking from the loud-speakers* [B]Sorry to interrupt your little tribal war -which is satisfyingly amusing, btw- but when you're done, I'd wish you ALL would tell a little something to the "camera". Some feelings, prophecies about who's going to win (if it's not you), who's next to leave, do you miss mommy etc. Be creative, my little munchkins, because the MERGE is getting nearer, and after that, you will compete as individuals, and you're ALL ALONE, surrounded by intimidating, hostile and violent co-competitors... Are you frightened yet? :smirk: Or shall invite KITTY to play with you? :demon: You do remember Kitty, the huge cat that tore Ryan into pieces? :naughty: Okay, I'll let you continue your strife, but please, save some lives for ME to take too, please? :toothy: [/B]
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