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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. So, we all know each FF-game this far has its own little world full of amazing places, but of these places, which have touched you the most with it's architecture/landscape/monuments? Me wanna know!:D My choices are. FFVII: Definately Wutai. The oriental buildings, pagoda, and the humongous statue on the side of the mountain... Just amazing! FFVIII: Maybe the Gardens, especially Balamb. When it transformed into a vehicle, I was all excited! FFIX: So many beautiful places... Okay, the Huge Tree on the northern continent (damn, I've forgotten all names...) was awesome, but when Zidane&co first arrived to Lindblum... That was a sight! I mean, all the details and the architecture... Made me wanna cry like a baby!:bawl: Okay, not really...:bluesweat: Well, here's my two cents. But how about you?:whoops:
  2. Just remember that its under CONSIDERING. I read somewhere (...?) that the producers are going to see how FFX-2 will work and THEN decide if they should make another sequel. Yeah, maybe a sequel from FFVII WOULD be cool, but definately with a WHOLE new cast of characters. But FFVII-style plot combined with modern graphics... *sigh of amazement*
  3. Yami was piling the marshmellows with great pace, but Seth consentrated more on tasting each pillow. Yami: HEY!!! You DORK! You aren't supposed to eat them! Seth: *mouth full off marshmellow* Mhuh? Yami: ARGH!! You're SO off at the next Council!:flaming: Athena/Daisy and Karina are eating the pile on the other side. Karina: Hey! Let's munch this, and their tower will fall! Daisy: YEAH! Umm, can I strip then?:naughty: Karina: :rolleyes: Let's just do this, okay? They eat up a marshmellow, and the Indigoth tower started to shake, then lean, and finally it fell. Yami: NOOO!!! You $#%§!£#¤&!!!:mad: Seth, we still have time, so... Seth? Sage appears above the fallen Indigoth Tower. He uses his telekinetic powers, and lifts a limp figure under the pillows. Sage: [B]Well, he looks pretty much dead. Choked on those delicacies. Well, it can't be helped.[/B] Athena & Karina: Yipes! Yami: WHAT?! Damn!*smiles secretly* ***** The contest is broken off, and all survivors gather to the Central Point. Sage: [B]Due to the misfortunate death of one of the Indigoths, "Babel Down" is now over. I announce LimeTime as the winner, for their tower lasted longer. Enjoy your prize![/B] :smirk: *hands them all big bags of... MARSHMELLOWS! Limeys: :drunk:URPP!:sick: Sage:*turns to the Indigoths* [B]The Tribal Council is off now. You're free to go to your lodging places. Two more will have to go, but the merge will occur sooner than you expect, so get prepared. Goodbye for now.[/B] :demon: ***** The Indigoth-girls are heading back to the hotel. Candy: Umm, well... Nobody even liked him that much.. Yami: Yeah, a retarted freak.. "I'm a superhero!" Blah! Rapid: Sucker... Oh, did you see the look on the Limeys' faces when they got their "amazing prizes"? Candy: Yeah!:laugh: Yami: Oh, it was ALMOST as fun as Seth's death!:laugh: Candy & Rapid: Huh?:eek: Yami: Hey! I'm a vampire, remember?:therock: Franky awaits for them at the hotel. Franky: Hey, what happened? Yami: Just you wait until I tell you...:excited: ************************* [Arikel PM'd me that he doesn't want to be on this contest anymore, so I decided to get rid off him... a nasty way, yes, but this is a nasty game.:naughty: There's going to be a big TWIST on this game at the beginning of next week, so stick with me...]
  4. Don't get me wrong, the longevity of the FF-games is one of the best features in them, but still, they shouldn't last ON and ON! Even if they would make sequels, which would continue the story, it would not be good. How'd you think the games would sell if after each game it would say: "To be continued in FFXX-3!"? :smirk: The plot has to END somewhere, otherwise it won't have any point in it. Of course, I doubt they will ever make game sthat last forever, but just in theory...
  5. The night fell over the Survivor City, and while the Indigoths were shutting down the lights, the still-cheery Limeys were trying to create some. Kevin: Oh this is so LIME.. err, lame! Now that the vibes are gone, I REALLY curse you all not choosing the electricity. It's FREEZING here! Geroshi: Oh yeah?:therock: Well, maybe you won't have to LINGER here very long...:therock: Kevin: Eh, never mind...:blush: Geroshi: That's what I thought as well...:smirk: The speakers go on: [B]My precious Tribal Doopeys, come to me![/B] LimeTime and Indigoths appear on the Central point. There's two huge piles of human-sized marhsmallow-pillows on their right. The host descends from the heavens levitating. Sage:[B]Welcome! It's time for your FOURTH contest: Babel Down! As the name inquiers, it has a lot to do with TOWERS. And yes, the marshmallows have ALSO quite a lot to do with it.;) Yes, your task is to build a tower from the cotton-soft marshmallow-pillows! The Tribe whose tower is higher after three hours, will WIN. Of course, to make things harder, both tribes will be separated in two groups: the Builders, and the Eaters. The builders will use their tribes OWN stack to build a tower, and the eaters will sabotage the other tribe by eating their gigantic marshmallows.:toothy: Throwing up is recommended.;) Because Indigoths STILL have one member's advantage, one of them has to stay out of this contest, and the "randomly selected" one is FRANKY. So, the LimeTime builders are: Kevin&Geroshi; their eaters: Karina&Athena. The Indigoth builders are: Yami&Seth, the eaters: Rapid&Candy. The PRIZE will be awesome, but let it remain as a secret. The losers will, of course, have to face the tribal council.:demon: Let the game begin!!![/B] Both Tribes' builders run to their own colored marshmallow-piles, and the eaters to their enemy-tribes' piles. ***** [Remember, the marshmallows are HUGE, as big as chairs. So begin gorging!;)]
  6. Kerpymon Virus? Tehee, it's fun that this is back! :D It got pretty much forgotten when they moved it here. Well, sometimes bringing back ANCIENT topics is actually a good thing...
  7. I'm not sure if I mean the same thing, but Errtu's crystal is an EEEVIL thing. It comes more important in future books, when it get's in Jarlaxle's posession...
  8. I don't think any of the worlds at least in 7-9 are worth re-visiting, because they have them pretty much covered. Let's take them one in a time (*includes ending SPOILERS if you haven't played the game yet!*) FFVII: Okay, Sephirot was defeated and the holy-magic spreaded through the world. Yet, Aeris lies dead in that freaking pond. :mad: I don't think they can do much about Cloud and Tifa, either. Cloud is a brat, and doesn't deserve Tifa. Tifa can hook up with... I don't know, Red?:smirk: Shinra's are all defeated as well, and it's aaall about rebuilding. Wouldn't want to go back there. FFVIII: Well, actually, I haven't played this game throughoutly, so the very ending lies hidden to me. ANYWAYS, the world is all mixed up, there's a freaking NATION hidden in Centra that nobody knows of. The characters I loved -mostly because of the appereances- but they aren't really recyclable, EXCEPT Sylphie and Irvine! They COULD wander around, but in some other world, and it's not really good to stick characters from one world to adventure around another. FFIX: Yes, Garnet is da queen, and all is well in the kingdom. So? :therock: Zidane&co will fetch her, saying "Why don't we go merrily roam around Gaia, irritate some hiding villains and stuff?"? I don't think so. This world is pretty much covered. So, I don't know about FFX-2, will it work or not, but a sequel from the three I'VE played will most probably be a flop... although the thought of Sylphie and Irvine began to tickle me...;)
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i] [B] Really? I had heard that the Icewind Dale and the Black Elf were the best of the Forgotten Realms! [/B][/QUOTE] Err, you must've misread me... I said AFTER Icewind dale and Black elf leave the author be, because the "Drows legacy"-series and that on are FAR from as good as the first two trilogies. ALTHOUGH if you're a true fantasylover, you should read every book from every fantasy-author you can get your hands into.;)
  10. Sage:[b]Will you make up your mind already? Geroshi?[/b]:therock: *gives an icy stare to the LimeTime Tribe* Geroshi: I'd like to see... what's in the box!?! Sage: *rolls eyes in frustration* [b]GAH! Alrighty then, I've had it with you! The BOX you will get![/b] Sage opens the secret box, which is full of... GOOD VIBES!:love: Kevin: I sure hate this prize, but yet, I feel so [I]damn[/I] good... Athena: Yeah! I'd go with the food anytime, but somehow, I can't help... giggling! *giggles manicly* Karina:*sings* I feel good -dadu dadu dadu dah- I fee-el good -dadu dadu dadu dah- so good -uh- so good -yeah- I got YOU!:D Geroshi: Whee!!! Whopee!!!:excited: Luv and Piiz! :p
  11. Yeah, I would tear my eyes off I I would have to be hooked on a game that would NEVER end! EVEN if it would be FF. I think it's enough that they do a new part to the series once every few years. I, for one, wouldn't want to watch eg Cloud jumping on every game (annoying little brat...), or any of the other characters, although with the leading females you'd think it was the same person every time: Tifa, Rinoa, Garnet, Yuna... they all look the same, act the same and have the same freaking ability to HEAL! Where are the Xena-type leading ladies?:mad: Okay, 'nuff said...:rolleyes:
  12. Sage looked at the Indigoth-tribe dryly. Sage:[B]Five of you have voted.[I]Seth[/I] hasn't, but he seems to have disappeared from the face of the ground...[/b] *looks at Seth, who's staring in front of him with empty eyes* [B]But I'll read the votes now, anyway. 1st vote: Seth 2nd vote: Benjo 3rd vote: Seth 4th vote: Benjo . . . 5th vote: BENJO. Since Seth couldn't have voted for his self, it wouldn've matter anyway. Benjo, the tribe has spoken. It's time for you to leave. [/B] Benjo leaves the Council-area and disappears into the shadows cursing like a pirateprincess in distress. Sage: [B]Well, at least he didn't have to face The Wheel Of Unfortune...:smirk: Unlike some OTHER person will, if he doesn't post soon...[/B]*gives the retarted Seth an evil look* [B]Indigoths, you can now return to the Haunted Hotel to do your daily whatever-you-do-daily-stuff. See you.. SOONER than you want to![/B]:demon: ***** The other Sage is still waiting for the Limeys to decide on their award. Kevin: We'll take the electricity&water... Athena: NO! The food! I WANT food!!!:mad: Karina: Umm...I dunno... yet... Geroshi:*runs with the hyperactive elephants -naked* Whee! Let us join the NATURE, my gigantic friends! Whee!!!:D Sage: [B]Oh just DECIDE will you?![/B]:therock: ***** [Just stick with me, guys! In no time, the tribes will merge, and I NEED your dedication, please! Don't leave on me!!!:bawl: Okay, as soon as SOME mysteriously disappeared person are off this game, the REAL excitement can start, so you wouldn't want to miss that, would you? Alright, this is just a plead for you to stick with this game and end it with dignity. [u]Situation check:[/u] The evicted ones: Igor (Iggy) Ryan (DarkOrderKnight) Benjo (GotenksSSJ343) So far we have all the girls with us while all three of the evicted ones are guys (that would NEVER happen in the real Survivor, so I'd say we are more feministic here ;) ). Also, UNDER the threat of eviction is Seth (Arikel)IF he doesn't post soon, so if that would happen, both tribes would have three girls and one guy in their team. [U]The future:[/U] After the next contest, which starts next wednesday, the game will have a little TWIST in it, before the tribes merge. So now is an EXCELLENT moment to check your back, make some allies, and plot around as much as you could. You can do it via PM, or in this very thread (like Benjo and Franky), because it doesn't matter much, because this is just an RPG, and has nothing to do with the real persons behind the roles. Okay, enough said. Stick with me, and outplay, outwit, outlast, and you'll be [B]The Freakiest Survivor![/B] ]
  13. Yay! Fantasy books!:D Me likey! Eh, yes, FR-series... You better leave R.A.Salvatore after you've read the Icewind dale and Black Elf, because I tell you, from that on, it's going to SUCK! Instead, read Elaine Cunningham's Daughter of Drow-series and Swords and Songs-series -SHE's good. No, BRILLIANT! But about the whole concept of Forgotten Realms... What's so "forgotten" about them? The series don't have such an unifying element as the Dragonlance-series, thus it's more scattered as a series. Each book/trilogy/series in it is more of a story of it's own, and has nothing in common with the others except "Forgotten Realms"-logo on the cover, and some places. But I must admit, it's fantasy at it's purest, so I guess anybody who likes fantasy will not regret reading the books -at least MOST of the books (I repeat, R.A.Salvatore's later production REEKS!)*groan*
  14. I don't need any "pop-up"-windows, because every time I come to these pages, I just look at the bottom of the "home"-page, and there I can see if any new PM's have arrived.
  15. But this IS anime&games forum! And you can discuss about Harry Potter for example in the game-section, the lounge, the music/movie/tv-section... there's no point in dedicating a WHOLE section for it! I think you're just exaggerating the need of such a section. This forum already gives opportunities to discuss over almost anything, so no point complaining about nothing...:smirk:
  16. Yes, there has been a certain "I'm right, you're all wrong"-types messing around in digimon-section. And some unnecessary threads, but that's only normal. But we shouldn't let things slip TOO far...
  17. :blush: Uh, well, I have to say that the graphics were ONE of the main reasons I got into the series in the first place - I'm a sucker for japanese style! My fave game of the lot is FF9, because of it's "fairy-tale"-look, it's longevity, the humor, the playability, and of course the characters and the eidolons (I really ADORE all the summoning monsters in the series). And it wasn't too hard either (I suffer from serious traumas from trying to beat Safer Sephirot for hours :( ). I'm also interested in FFX because of it's "carribean"-scenery, but since I can't afford to have it, I can't really say... If we turn the question around, I'd have to say that my LEAST favorite game of the three I've played (7-9) is the eight part. I LOVED the characters in it, and the gardens were cool too, but that was about it. It was WAY too hard, it's weapon-upgrading system sucked, and the junction-system was too complex for my taste. And the amount of secrets I HADN'T found before I gave up playing it...:rolleyes: Well, somebody have different opinions, but this is mine. :D
  18. Indigoths are having troubles with their elephant: Candy: Look, you stupid giant! Sugar! Here! Oh come on, I KNOW how elephants love sugar! Geez, you're a real 'individual', aren't you?:therock: Benjo: Maybe I should try the blowing up again...? :naughty: Indigoths: NO!!!:mad: LimeTime-tribe's elephant wasn't that persistent about sweet, though Karina: Umm...Kevin? Don't you think he's had enough of that sugar? Kevin:*junking balls of once-melted sugar to the elephants mouth* Hey, do you want to win or not?:therock: Karina: Whatever...:rolleyes: Kevin:*runs out of sugar* There, that should do it. Come here, boy! Let's play! Here boy, here! The elephant swings back and forth, obviously in a high sugar-drunk. Then he spots Kevin, who is holding his hand wide open, and trying to lure him forward. Then the elephant suddenly thinks of himself as an unicorn in a blooming field, and starts to dash towards Kevin in enjoyment. Kevin: Yipes!:eek: *** At the goal-line, Sage awaits for the elephant to reach him and cut the goal-ribbon. The LimeTiem-girls run at the elephants side, sure of their victory. The Indigoth-elephant suddenly sees Rabid and Seth entering the football field with hands full of *stolen* groceries. Candy: Yay! He's moving!:laugh: Yami: Yeah, on the WRONG direction, you pitiful pixie! Oh we're SO meeting at the Tribal Council!:mad: Rabid and Seth flee in panic as a humongous male-elephant starts chasing them. *** The LimeTime-elephant has finally reached the goal, and looks disturbingly pleased -actually so pleased he decides to give everybody a nice warm shower... from the rear end. :p Sage: [B]Congrats, LimeTime! Your day has finally come! You won the Elephant Melee, and you shall be given the opportunity to choose between the three awards: you can either have electricity&water, two weeks supply of food, OR the content of this SECRET CHEST. What shall it be?[/B] *** At the same time, Sage appears in the middle of the depressed Indigoths. Benjo: Huh?! What...? How..?*points at the Sage talking to the LimeTime-tribe* Sage: [B]It's better that you don't ask. Let's just say theres an astral level involved.[/B] ;) Candy: You betrayed us! You gave us the ONLY elephant in the ENTIRE world who doesn't like sugar! Not fair! Sage:[B]Who said this was supposed to be fair? BESIDES, I'm not the one robbing other peoples camps![/B] :smirk: Candy: Well, umm...:blush: Sage: [B]Your winning spree ended here, Indigoth. We will move to your first TRIBAL COUNCIL![/B] *** At the Tribal Council place: Sage:[B]This is your first time here, so I'll read your rig... eh, tell the rules. Each of you will have one vote to evict one of your tribal pals, and the decision is final. Person who gets evicted will have to leave this city at once, with no leaving-parties, hugging-circles, or any kind of schmushie ceremonies what-so-ever. Understood? Now, your votes please.[/B] ******************************************* [Okay, so now EVERYBODY get's to send me a Private Message! Isn't this great or what?:D LimeTime, you will send me a message saying which award YOU would like your tribe to choose. Indigoths, you message me your vote on who is leaving: is it Candy, Rabid, Benjo, Seth, Franky or Yami? Is this clear? If ANY questions come to your mind, don't hesitate to include them in your vote. I'll probably post the results either in Sunday or Monday, so PLEASE be quick, or you'll miss your chances to effect the game.]
  19. I believe you, guys! This is the kind of info I REALLY needed, because it's very hard to find these kind of comments anywhere on the net - all the fansites are all about character statistics, attacks, hints blah blah blah, but it hardly serves a person who doesn't OWN the game yet. So many thanks!:D Maybe I'll come back to this section after I played the game and share my opinions...
  20. Sandy

    Tamers: v2

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mina Karusala [/i] [B]Quick Question: Where are Zilla and Yoshi? What can they become that can fly atleast a little? [/B][/QUOTE] The two DarkTyrannomons were left behind in a cave near the Village. As for the digivolution, I would suggest (Black)MetalGreymon, or MetalTyrannomon, though I don't know if the latter can fly... We have WAY enough Gigadramons in this story: Tally's Devidramon's ultimate, the Gigadramons in Machinedramon's city, and I think there has been others as well.
  21. :laugh: Hahahaa!!! :laugh: Charles... Oy, that's funny!:D "Beware all nations, I will counquer you all under my ears!" :laugh: Erhm Bent, you WERE joking, I hope.
  22. Erhm, actually Finland was on Germany's side, until it betrayed us, so WE did not ask USA to participate in ANYTHING in WW2, according to MY knowledge. Though I'm not sure about that because we DID receive economical help from USA, but I DO know we were the only country to pay it back in it's entity. Geez, I should've stay awake on the history classes more often...:rolleyes: And I'm sick of arguing about things that have so much emotional stess on them... YES, I STARTED this USA-discussion, but now I'm also going to stop it. We are digging the past too much, while we should look to the future. People can continue on the REAL topic if they wish. Boy, political topics SURE are hard!
  23. I humbly approach you with this humble thread... Okay, seriously, I NEED your advice on something: [U]Should I buy Final Fantasy VI (6)?[/U] I've been surfing sites, but I haven't really found decend reviews on it. And I would like to hear your opinion to it. The deal is that I don't own PS2, so Final Fantasy X is out of question. So, because my FF-addiction has shown some renewing symptoms, I was concidering to buy FF VI to PSone. It has just been released here in Finland, yet it's very cheap. The problem is that I don't want to be disappointed, because I've played the games from VII-IX. I KNOW it will not have as good graphics or effects, but what about the plot? Playability? Longevity? Complexity? Please give me answers, because I know you have them!:bawl:
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B]Honestly America doesn't truly have to confront the UN.[/b][/quote] Oh YES you have! Don't you think a single country can act both the Police AND the King! [quote][b]Americans blood thristy? We're humans yes and every human is blood thirsty but saying our country just wants to start war for the hell of it is a bunch of bull! If we were just looking for war don't you think we would've bombed his *** by now? Not to mentions North Korea, China, or Russia.[/b][/quote] Well, now you have an excuse. If you've just sent your nukes, you'd have the rest of the world in your neck. [quote][b]If we dont' act then we'd be the ones at fault. Ya'all need to get off your butts and help! Just because you're scared this'll be WW3 doesn't mean you need to stop! IF we wait it'll only get worse![/b][/quote] War is NOT an answer! Call it an opinion, but that's how I see the world. Hostility will only bring more hostility, and soon we are all in one worldwide vicious circle of vengeance.:therock: [quote][b]Sorry if I came off as a bit hostile I'm just tired of hearing America being yelled at for being the "Police Man." Yet when we lay off a bit and let someone else take the role, noone does. HUmans can't live without helping eachother out. When noone else steps up to help others why is it wrong that AMerica does?! [/B][/QUOTE] YOU are the ones who took the Police-role, YOU can only blaim YOURSELF. And I think U.S is quite happy about it's position in "peacekeeping":smirk:
  25. Sandy

    Tamers: v2

    This is SUCH a weird coincidence! I posted my previous post on school at the evening, and at NIGHT, when I went on the net at HOME, searching for new digi's, THEN I found out about Lilithmon! I couldn't edit my post then (because it was too late), so I'm going to edit it now. If I had known about Lilithmon earlier, I WOULD have used it, honest! Okay, about RedShinduramon, he just DIED, and he wasn't a Deva. Anyhow, propably the spirits of the Deva-Shinduramon and Indramon will come at the time of the merge of Devamon. I've been figuring out what he could look like, but it will have to wait for a while, because three other Devas are still elsewhere. I'll continue now: *************************** Agent Noriyaga threw his headphones against the panel in frustration. "Damn it!" Galacticmon had proven weaker than he thought. The command had come from the president of Hypnos to begin the action for bringing down the Digital World. [I]It has gone too far[/I], he had said. [I]It is time, Noriyaga.[/i] Of course, the opinion of the original MonsterMakers had not been consulted, but the threats were growing too big. Galacticmon was the solution. It must absorb the data of the Digital World in order to purify it. There were some kids roaming there, but sometimes people have to make sacrifices in order to keep the fragile balance of things. The data-monsters were becoming too big, too dangerous. It could not been helped. These were the reasons agent Noriyaga had told himself. This is how he accepted the murder of several innocent children, trying to fight for the both worlds. Yet, deep down inside... he couldn't help feeling awfully guilty. In fact, now that Operation Galacticmon had suffered a backdown, he was a little happy, because now the children had some time... "Noriyaga?! What is the meaning of this?" The president had dashed into the control room. Noriyaga explained. "What? You imbecil! How could you... Gah, you're just the same as that idiot Yamaki! i want the Operation functioning in twenty-four hours!" "But, sir..." "This is an order! The Digital World MUST COME DOWN!" ****************************** Vajramon woke up, and realized he was floating in mid air. Below him was an ocean, with only few small islands in sight. "Hey? when did I learn to fly?" Suddenly he remembered. His brothers! They had been so near! But... where were they now? Then he remembered another thing: the explosion! It had killed all those digimon, who had come to his aid. Supposedly his fellow-Devas had also been killed by it. And he remembered yet another thing: the Spore! He took out the Millenia-Spore from his armor. He had a task, and that task was to find Milleniummon, and plant the spore on him! and if he failed to do so, somebody other would take his place. Yes... "Yo, bro! There you are!" Vajramon tried to turn around with difficulties, but finally he managed to see the huge black dragon approaching him, carrying the dog, the rat, the sheep, the monkey and the tiger he knew so well. "What took you so long!"he shouted back. "I was beginning to think you stopped at Burgermon's! Did you at least bring me some fries?"
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